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King of Fighters XIV Roster Discussion thread. Leaked roster in first post


Gotta say this is starting to look quite a bit better.
Character and stage geometry is fine, texture work and the 'flat' lighting could still use some polish. (Andy and Robert look goofy as hell tho)

But its the gameplay that has me most excited, that side of things is lookin' real sharp imo. Reminds me of a mix of XIII and '98.

Problem is there's no way I'm gonna be able to convince my local fighting game buddies to give this game a real shot.


wow. i only saw the obvious stuff, this is amazing. i hope they do something similar for xiv.

I'd count on it, actually.

If anything, the thing I hope most for is that maybe at least 10-20% characters who have the work put into the them for 3D models may be the ones who could possibly be considered for DLC later, since the model work would at least be done.
Yep, needs to be bigger

Lol, reminds me what one of the character designers for Art of Fighting said about King:

Our original model for King was the actress Grace Jones from the 007 film. We made her white, then made her look kind of half-Japanese. She had those super high cheekbones, and her hair was closely cropped. But we felt that she wasn’t sexy enough after all, so we gradually started making her more girl-ish, until we achieved her present form. I think we should have given her a slightly bigger butt, though.


Would be a great pick up. It has the tag system and there are many characters you won't get to play anywhere else any time soon (Oswald, Momoko, Shion, Gai Tendou, Gato, B. Jenet etc.).

came in today, time to see how it runs in PCSX2

edit, runs great, still playing with scanlines though




came in today, time to see how it runs in PCSX2

edit, runs great, still playing with scanlines though


Scanlines ruins it imo, XI's backgrounds and UI are high res enough to not require scanline to look good, that and scanlines illusion fail when you have objects with different resolutions on screen at the same time. On characters sprites, since the scanline filter is running at a higher res than the sprites, it's doing nothing to hide their pixelation and only muddy the pixel art.


It doesn't help that the scanline option in PCSX2 is not good. I'm spoiled by how amazing the CRT filters are in retroarch. These look like the same thing you see in the Capcom ports from last gen (Marvel, Darkstalkers) and they don't compare.


Sorry to steal your thunder SAB-CA but here's the screen shot of the day:


came in today, time to see how it runs in PCSX2

edit, runs great, still playing with scanlines though

Good stuff.

So how badass is Oswald, eh?

Hopefully SNK ports XI and NGBC to steam some day.



this is the only game in recent memory that has been appealing to me gameplay wise, but has completely turned me off due to its poor visuals.

Is there something wrong with me? I think it's because when it was sprite based, I always thought the game was quite beautiful.



this is the only game in recent memory that has been appealing to me gameplay wise, but has completely turned me off due to its poor visuals.

Is there something wrong with me? I think it's because when it was sprite based, I always thought the game was quite beautiful.

Well the gemaply looks traditional KoF, really to me it's the cast and the fact that it's KoF; SNK making its combeack.



this is the only game in recent memory that has been appealing to me gameplay wise, but has completely turned me off due to its poor visuals.

Is there something wrong with me? I think it's because when it was sprite based, I always thought the game was quite beautiful.

If what you loved most about the series were the 2D sprites then your disappointment isn't really surprising.

If you love the KOF gameplay and characters in general though then I'm sure you'll be able to look past the switch to 3D soon enough.

The game will also most likely look a decent bit better than it does now. It has already improved a ton in just a few months,


If what you loved most about the series were the 2D sprites then your disappointment isn't really surprising.

If you love the KOF gameplay and characters in general though then I'm sure you'll be able to look past the switch to 3D soon enough.

The game will also most likely look a decent bit better than it does now. It has already improved a ton in just a few months,

graphics be damned!
While we're talking about SNKP's crazy underappreciated quality, Why not look at all the Cameo Characters in KoF XIII?

The only ones I think I missed are Galford (I don't know how), and I could rarely identify Lin. But looking at them ZOOMED IN like this, it's great to see how beautifully detailed they are.

No kidding. I missed a lot of those! Wow!

came in today, time to see how it runs in PCSX2

edit, runs great, still playing with scanlines though



The last time I tried XI (or any other 2D PS2 KoF game) in PCSX2 was that the 2D stages were fine but the 3D stages would be glitchy and wonky.


Wow, the energy effects on those specials and supers are coming along quite nicely. Wasn't there an old animator from the Fatal Fury and Art of Fighting days handling these sorts of things?

Yeah, they said that he also did the effects on MOTW iirc.

They also mentioned that he was working on the Raging Storm effect recently...


Sketchbook Picasso
came in today, time to see how it runs in PCSX2

edit, runs great, still playing with scanlines though
I don't know if this matters on an Emulator, but if I remember right, KoF XI is one of few PS2 games that actually has the ability to run in a "Progressive Scan" mode, which made it look rather sharp on HDTVs at the time. It's a bit of a frankengame as far as graphic assets (sprites drawn by different generations of artist, really higher res UI and portraits compared to other parts, background characters drawn at entirely different resolutions to everything else, and an un-refined mix of 2D and 3D background elements, along with console-exclusive stages that were designed in different ways than the arcade originals), but it still can feel pretty smooth running once you get past all that.



These continue to be great, thanks for finding and posting them :) I find a bit of facial hair suave, so I think Robert looks great this way. Tung having an upgraded Chinese-style shirt makes a lot of sense, and it thematically feels like something his old designs would have eventually come to. Glad they didn't go nuts and give him unfitting leathers, heh.

Sorry to steal your thunder SAB-CA but here's the screen shot of the day:


Never a problem, sometimes even I sleep in, lol.

Must once again state I'm happy to see Tung's Shou Ha back. The weak version is normally a blast right by him, but the stronger variant should have a mighty spirit body arm that stretches further out...

Here's also 2 more shots from SNKPlaymoreBR (updated version from Frionel) that don't seem to be from anywhere else I've seen:



Looks like someone's been playing some rounds...


this is the only game in recent memory that has been appealing to me gameplay wise, but has completely turned me off due to its poor visuals.

Is there something wrong with me? I think it's because when it was sprite based, I always thought the game was quite beautiful.

The negative quality of the visuals are over-exaggerated in your mind, probably due to Trailer 1 looking horribly pre-development.

The graphics are coming along, and they'll hopefully allow a lot of things that have been missing over the past few years of KoF. Such as unique Intros and poses, larger movesets when needed, more move variations, a much larger starting roster, and an easier time upgrading the next iterations without having to re-invent the wheel each time they do it.

Sure I'm a huge fan of SNKP's spritework... but I'm also a fan of their greater creativity as well. If a graphic shift can bring me so many gameplay and expressive upgrades along with it, it's much easier to bare the change.

Unlike something like 2k1 or 2k3, where the graphics got weird, and the gameplay seriously suffered.
No kidding. I missed a lot of those! Wow!

And there's even more in the Esaka stage that came with Classic Kyo (Haoumaru in a corner, Shingo and Yuki on a buiding, the crossdressing guy that's been chasing after Joe in a few KoF game endings, etc).

You can't see all that here (Especially Haomaru), but place is too detailed laden not to have some pictures go along with it (though this could be the smartphone variant, since it feels more compact).


I don't know yet, I only played MotW team so far!

Nice, love those characters.

Here's also 2 more shots from SNKPlaymoreBR that don't seem to be from anywhere else I've seen:

Looks like someone's been playing some rounds...

SRK's AT_Ryo_Sakazaki posted higher quality shots:

Robert's clothing looking more detailed than before? Is that a stallion on his belt buckle?

Hopefully that's from a newer build that they plan to use for a certain tournament...

Also, from the same source, there's apparently a new official KOF Facebook page, dat Garou/Last Blade art:

Anyone who doesn't believe the leaked roster at this point has to be blind.

Plus there's no way that other staple characters like Ryo, Yuri, Joe Higashi, Goro Daimon, Sie Kensou, Mai, Kim, & Athena won't make the cut.

The Light

Anyone who doesn't believe the leaked roster at this point has to be blind.

Plus there's no way that other staple characters like Ryo, Yuri, Joe Higashi, Goro Daimon, Sie Kensou, Mai, & Athena won't make the cut.

Yea those will definitely be in. Never thought we would see the designs of the new characters being introduced until a trailer.


Looks fake as fuck especiAlly looking at alice's portriat
Hell the portriats dont all match what with some looking cgi and others looking 2d


It's obviously not the CSS, but it lines up with the super leak, AND a lot of that art and recycled CGI is probably placeholdery as fuck.


That should be Antonov.

I think that the upcoming korean event should confirm whatever that leak is fake or not since Im sure that they will showcase all the team of kim


Sketchbook Picasso
"Kim's Master's Wife" looks like an awesome Chizuru-a-like in concept. Her hubby looks cool, Kinda like a KoF take on BrayBrue's Azrael?
Yuri looks pretty plain, the folks who hate her XIII look should be happy.
Vice and Mature's Collars are consistent with what we've heard so far about them.
Ramon's outfit looks grey.
New South Town guy DOES look like a Butler, I can deal with that.
Villans guy looks nuts.
I get no reading on Tung's teammates, ha. Pillow Child could be "a less annoying BAO", and I'd be cool with it, so no issues.
South American team just moved the Michiko Malandro-a-like I wanted to there rather than the Prisoner team. I can deal! I like the other 2 as well.
The Official team looks nice, really looking forward to how they'll work out.
Boss looks like Alt colors for Duke from Maximum Impact.

It's freaky this is all shown on the grid deisgn from KoF XIII.

I'm taking this all with a bucket of Salt at the moment, but I can't say I'd have issues with what we've seen here. It's a great cast full of a bit of near everything. No disappointments at this stage at all.


Assuming that is the master's wife i am really disappointed that it is not a woman who looks to be in her 50s
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