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Leader of Oregon occupation Ammon Bundy, at least 8 others arrested

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8. Looking up records on the computers. Records of people and their ss#
9. And using those records to find the employees home and intimate them
I strongly suspect there will be more charges. The initial felony warrant was used to arrest them, once prosecutors work their magic there will likely be many more.

From a piece in today's LA Times
One local BLM employee said Jon Ritzheimer, an anti-Muslim activist involved in the occupation, and another man accosted her in a grocery store for wearing a BLM shirt.

“When she turned around, the second individual shouted, ‘You're BLM, you're BLM,' at her,” FBI Agent Katherine Armstrong wrote in the affidavit.

“That person further stated to [the BLM employee] that they know what car she drives and would follow her home. He also stated he was going to burn [her] house down.”

Activists began targeting her, the employee said. A vehicle matching one she saw Ritzheimer and the other man driving began to appear parked in front of her home and in front of her workplace, she said.

A week later, a white truck with a Confederate flag sticker in the rear window tailgated her and flashed its lights, the affidavit says.
I strongly suspect there will be more charges. The initial felony warrant was used to arrest them, once prosecutors work their magic there will likely be many more.

From a piece in today's LA Times

Sadly shit like this happens to alot of government employees. I used to manage a small parks system in NC. We purchased an old farm via immenent domain that the gentleman was trying to sell to Walmart (Walmart was not interested). He received above market rate for the land and was allowed to live on the land rent and tax free until his death. He erected a giant "Town of _______ steals WW2 veteran's farm" sign along the roadway that remained there until he passed away the week before I started working there.

My first week on the job someone called me, accused me of killing a veteran for my own greed. He then stated that he was going to set a fire inside my office and shoot me when I evacuates the building.

Not a week went by that some nutjob didn't call me and say something awful to me about the matter. Apparently the story got circulated on anti-government blogs that encouraged readers to take direct action to stop us from doing something that had already happened years before.

It is not just right wing nuts either. We had a massive problem with Canada geese in one of our parks. Over 300 in a 20 acre park. People started feeding them so they refused to leave no matter what we tried. We applied for, and received permission from the federal government to put down the flock. People went apeshit. One woman followed me home and threatened me. Another person put my name photo address and mobile number on flyers and put them all over town. At some point someone keyed my car as well.



I'm more concerned about it sending the message that if you want to protest something you should be armed to the teeth if you want decent treatment. The last thing any country needs is all political disagreements to turn into militarized zones.

definitely. i was trying to get at that in my post but aparently failed somehow.

if you bring guns to your illegal occupation you should be dealt with more rapidly than anyone else, not the other way around.


Here's some mighty fine schadenfreude:


This is video footage of Pete Santelli (a right-wing radio host and one of the instigators of this whole shitfest) unexpectedly getting arrested by the Feds.

it's weird that he keeps repeating stuff about all the women and children. if you're worried about women and children, why bring your families to an armed insurrection, you fucking morons?
Eye witness account of shooting from another occupant of vehicle:


McConnell’s account conflicts with statements made by Victoria Sharp, who said she was the 18-year-old in the car with Finicum. In a 12-minute audio clip uploaded to YouTube, Sharp said Payne was trying to get herand Cox out of the car when police took their first shot.

“He put his hands out the window, he was trying to talk with them,” Sharp said of Payne. “He said, ‘We have women in the car, at least let the women get out.’ And he stuck his head out and they shot at him, but they missed him, or he ducked just in time.”

The shot showed that the occupiers that authorities “meant business,” Sharp said, but it also led Finicum to speed off, yelling that he was going to go “talk to the sheriff.”

“He drove and we all got down on the floorboards and they just started firing at us, shooting at us a bunch of times,” Sharp said.

Then Finicum rammed his truck into the snowbank at the roadblock.

“He got out of the car and he had his hands in the air and he was like, ‘Just shoot me then. Is this what you want? Just shoot me.’

“And they did,” she said. “They shot him dead.”

Where's the video.
You seem pretty sympathetic to these guys.

New news, that's it.

They are fools. That doesn't mean that the police handled the situation well.

That story doesn't make much sense. If authorities were willing to just shoot why haven't they gone in?

Because it wasn't a planned shooting. The fact that LE has not made a definitive statement on the events as they unfolded is suspect though. Given the circumstances, there has to be both ample video or physical evidence which goes beyond the two accounts we've hear so far.


Did you not read the source?

You're the one who quoted that source specifically from the article. I'm just pointing out the extreme likelihood that it's new bullshit.

New news, that's it.

They are fools. That doesn't mean that the police handled the situation well.

Because it wasn't a planned shooting. The fact that LE has not made a definitive statement on the events as they unfolded is suspect though. Given the circumstances, there has to be both ample video or physical evidence which goes beyond the two accounts we've hear so far.

And you sound like someone who wants to teach creationism in science class because both sides are equally valid and we should "teach the controversy".
Some of the militia morons brought their wives and kids to the refuge early on.

Sounds like cult behavior to me.

I also like how all of a sudden Ammon doesn't have a gun, and then asks everyone to just let it all go away.

Fucking coward. All of a sudden when you don't have your goddamn gun it's not worth standing your ground is it? How about you grow some fucking balls like many, MANY other protesters and leave the weapons at home.

Piece of shit.
That's not true...the article references the other first hand account we have.

Not a first hand account - McConnell was not present at the scene. His account is second hand:
The rest of McConnell’s account relies on what he said he heard from Payne and Cox.

And you sound like someone who wants to teach creationism in science class because both sides are equally valid and we should "teach the controversy".


He was traveling with them.

In the first car which was stopped.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
That story makes no sense.

If they were going to outright kill a guy like that, there were plenty of other opportunities to do so with greater effect.

But damn, martyrdom sure is fun.
That story makes no sense.

If they were going to outright kill a guy like that, there were plenty of other opportunities to do so with greater effect.

But damn, martyrdom sure is fun.

In all likelihood, Finicum made some move which could easily be interpreted as threatening and was shot dead.


Again, McConnell admits that he was not an eyewitness to the shooting. And since there is video, let's see it. While most of the crazies won't believe it, it would dispel a lot of mistrust.


Yes - however, it's also the only first hand account we have right now.
It's not, and it's the second differing account given by the 18-yr old Victoria Sharp. She claims that 120 shots were fired, while the FBI has confirmed that three were fired.
Victoria Sharp is one of 10 children of Odalis Sharp, whose family performs religious and patriotic music. Odalis Sharp took seven of her children to Oregon last weekend to perform for the armed occupiers at the refuge. The family, of Auburn, Kan., appeared on a video taken Saturday at the wildlife refuge.

“We’re here to sing for the Lord,” Odalis Sharp told the occupiers. “This is a very worthwhile cause, and we just hope to make a difference and we hope to just be able to bless the hearts of the people through the songs.”
From PINAC -
There apparently is also a police dash cam video that shows Finicum not only charged at the cops, but also went for his gun, prompting them to shoot him dead.
I could not give a damn about these guys but I do find it funny that we hear so much on gaf about police need to show restraint, less lethal tactics etc.

In here we get a lot of shoulder shrugging and what not.
I could not give a damn about these guys but I do find it funny that we hear so much in here about police need to show restraint, less lethal tactics etc.

In here we get a lot of shoulder shrugging and what not.

It's hard for the police to avoid a fight when the other side is actively looking for one.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I could not give a damn about these guys but I do find it funny that we hear so much on gaf about police need to show restraint, less lethal tactics etc.

In here we get a lot of shoulder shrugging and what not.

I think it's the fact that the police "victims" in question were heavily armed and repeatedly said they would KILL any LEOs that tried to stop them. Not to mention that the guy who was killed also repeatedly said he would rather be killed than rot in a prison cell.

It's been nearly a month, but for some reason this little distinction seems to be elusive to most people.


Sounds like cult behavior to me.

I also like how all of a sudden Ammon doesn't have a gun, and then asks everyone to just let it all go away.

Fucking coward. All of a sudden when you don't have your goddamn gun it's not worth standing your ground is it? How about you grow some fucking balls like many, MANY other protesters and leave the weapons at home.

Piece of shit.

I think more to the point it's no longer about him, so go home. These guys get of in the ego trip and convince themselves they're George Fucking Washington


In the world of conservatives, police are always in the right against minorities. Always.

Against right wing extremists, though, they're jack booted government thugs.
I could not give a damn about these guys but I do find it funny that we hear so much on gaf about police need to show restraint, less lethal tactics etc.

In here we get a lot of shoulder shrugging and what not.

They showed a lot of restraint up until this point I would say, allowing these guys to remain as long as they did, travel freely etc

If reports that he charged while drawing his weapon are true then perhaps the police were correct in taking action.

It would have been better if he wasn't killed imo

I hope they release the video (if one exists)


Oh, you've caught a ban. nvm


I think the fact that the police "victims" in question were heavily armed and repeatedly said they would KILL any LEOs that tried to stop them. Not to mention that the guy who was killed also repeatedly said he would rather be killed than rot in a prison cell.

It's been nearly a month, but for some reason this little distinction seems to be elusive to most people.

Maybe Kurtsloane didn't know what the actual situation was and just wanted to feel important by making a point.
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