Can't wait for someone to spin this into such a twisted way as to argue something like "See! Police shootings aren't racially motivated!"Oh this shit is going to get surreal.
Can't wait for someone to spin this into such a twisted way as to argue something like "See! Police shootings aren't racially motivated!"Oh this shit is going to get surreal.
Apparently, Nevada State Representative Michele Fiore has identified the killed militant as LaVoy Finicum aka "Dude Sitting Under the Tarp With Gun"
Extremely irresponsible tweet from Fiore. Is she TRYING to make matters worse?
Great that an elected representative waited for the facts before creating a dangerous shitstorm. Haven't googled yet so I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt before crying tea party.
Apparently, Nevada State Representative Michele Fiore has identified the killed militant as LaVoy Finicum aka "Dude Sitting Under the Tarp With Gun"
Great that an elected representative waited for the facts before creating a dangerous shitstorm. Haven't googled yet so I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt before crying tea party.
Edit. Googled. Gun nutcase.
Check out her homepage.
Maybe we can get Webster's to make it (Terrorism) the word of 2016"...through use of force, intimidation, or threats"
Sounds like terrorism to me.
Seeing one death reported unfortunately.
It won't.Unfortunate someone died but I hope this brings this to a close
Apparently, Nevada State Representative Michele Fiore has identified the killed militant as LaVoy Finicum aka "Dude Sitting Under the Tarp With Gun"
Unfortunate someone died but I hope this brings this to a close
Apparently, Nevada State Representative Michele Fiore has identified the killed militant as LaVoy Finicum aka "Dude Sitting Under the Tarp With Gun"
How do they know his hands were up? Maybe he was running away, then stopped, turned around, and charged like a demon.
I have absolutely no confidence with our law enforcement after this. Should never have come to this.
I am at a total loss of words. So many comedic opportunities have presented themselves...
As bizarre as it sounds, having someone die is probably exactly what they wanted. This will just become a rallying cry for all the fucking nut jobs out there and it'll just get worse.
The Feds done goofed, IMO.
Buckle up. Time for the real loons to come out now
He was no angel
Please do tell us what you'd have done
Well, like any normal persons who were on federal land I probably would've rounded them up on day 1. The feds let this escalate and validated their demands. Now, there is absolutely no control on the narrative on either side and this has now become the United States citizens v. The Federal Government.Please do tell us what you'd have done
If Amon Bundy was black, he would be dead by now.
Look at pieces of shit like Fiore who defend armed terrorists while fanning flames for more violence.
On November 21, 2015, on her weekly AM radio program on KDWN, Fiore explained why she had not signed a Nevada Assembly Republican caucus letter that called for a review of federal safeguards before Nevada would resettle Syrian refugees. She said, "We didn't know anything about the letter, nor did we get invited to be on the letter." She went on, "He's like, 'The Syrian refugees.' I'm like, 'What, are you kidding me? I'm about to fly to Paris and shoot 'em in the head myself.' I mean, I am not OK with Syrian refugees. Im not OK with terrorists. Im OK with putting them down, blacking them out. Just put a piece of brass in their ocular cavity and end their miserable life. Im good with that."[18][19][20][21]
Wouldn't be the first time.
Place should have been locked down from day one. These guys have had free reign over the town for a month to come and go as they please. They were allowed to get supplies, and destroy public property.
Unfortunate that he was with a group that pulled firearms on LEOs. I'm still waiting to find out where Ritzheimer is.
It won't.
This death is more likely to intensify this than anything else
The pictures of her on her twitter are gold.
Every other one has her posing with a gun.
It's the weirdest shit I've seen in my life. This gun stuff is a fucking RELIGION to these people.
The pictures of her on her twitter are gold.
Every other one has her posing with a gun.
It's the weirdest shit I've seen in my life. This gun stuff is a fucking RELIGION to these people.
Thier peaceful people who threaten to live out some Tupac lyrics/that if they tried to get them they'd die trying. I doubt they did anything to make them fire putting their hands up.Given that the Feds have been so careful about avoiding violence in this situation to this point i find it hard to believe that they would've shot dude with his hands up. Also, these people are constantly packing.
Say it.
There's NO REASON this should have been allowed to escalate the way it did.
This should never have gotten to a shootout. Four days out there without food, water, and heat and they would have came out on their own.
This entire situation reeks of incompetence.
Say it.
There's NO REASON this should have been allowed to escalate the way it did.
This should never have gotten to a shootout. Four days out there without food, water, and heat and they would have came out on their own.
This entire situation reeks of incompetence.
Say it.
There's NO REASON this should have been allowed to escalate the way it did.
This should never have gotten to a shootout. Four days out there without food, water, and heat and they would have came out on their own.
This entire situation reeks of incompetence.
This happened during a traffic stop, so there may be dashcam footage?
Wait, I thought they were at the building they were occupying? Did they abandon it?
Someone doesn't know the history of these things in the US.
The FEDs wisely give these dolts enough rope to hang themselves with.