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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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Susan is perfectly manageable early on.

Do expect Riot to hit his passive soon enough, given their general anti-sustain stance (whilst refusing to give good itemization options to combat it) and them having lowered sources of lifesteal in the past.


as I said, the easiest thing to do is to just accept that nasus makes the lane PvE and out scale him. his spike is really late, and is absolutely terrible early. perhaps mind control your jungler to gank for you too. stop trying to trade with him, youre pushing the wave to his tower! he cant get ganked!

LOLKING agrees with me. he has terrible winrates vs jax and tryndamere.
as I said, the easiest thing to do is to just accept that nasus makes the lane PvE and out scale him. his spike is really late, and is absolutely terrible early. perhaps mind control your jungler to gank for you too. stop trying to trade with him, youre pushing the wave to his tower! he cant get ganked!

LOLKING agrees with me. he has terrible winrates vs jax and tryndamere.
It's either that or pummel him hard enough early for you to be able to leave him be top for a little while (your first tower be damned) in order to create opportunities / objective plays elsewhere. If not possible, return the favor with tower pressure. Or happen to have chosen a champion that's really good at kiting come teamfights. Dirty / proxy farming like most Renektons inexplicably tend to do in the match-up is the worst thing you can do, however.

Susan shouldn't really have problems manhandling Tryndamere though; he's one of the best picks against him if you know what the barbarian is all about.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
LOLKING agrees with me. he has terrible winrates vs jax and tryndamere.
pretty sick counters.


for the record tryndamere has one of the highest winrates in the game. nasus is only behind picks like elise and nidalee, but tbh lolking is bad at tracking 1v1 matchups because it doesn't differentiate between lanes/roles properly.


Susan shouldn't really have problems manhandling Tryndamere though; he's one of the best picks against him if you know what the barbarian is all about.

what do you mean?
tryndamere farms much faster, turns on earlier in the game and can actually beat susan in trades with lucky crits, W debuff and spin away if he gets withered.

its the same concept as jax really, who does it even better because he can double hit on demand. farms faster, turns on earlier, and AA+W trades eventually going into ult proc + W trades just make it hell for susan.


Why am I losing more (-4) than I win(+2) now that I am 95lp when I've been winning more(+5-6) than I lose(-4) ever since I got into plat 1.

From my understanding, the system believed I was at a higher mmr than my previous positions up until I got to 95lp? Then even after I win 4 more than I've lost after 95lp, it still believes i'm not worthy of the promos.

That makes little to no sense.


pretty sick counters.


for the record tryndamere has one of the highest winrates in the game. nasus is only behind picks like elise and nidalee, but tbh lolking is bad at tracking 1v1 matchups because it doesn't differentiate between lanes/roles properly.

hows hearthstone

i dont even know why nasus is so popular. hes so boring to play
what do you mean?
tryndamere farms much faster, turns on earlier in the game and can actually beat susan in trades with lucky crits, W debuff and spin away if he gets withered.

its the same concept as jax really, who does it even better because he can double hit on demand. farms faster, turns on earlier, and AA+W trades eventually going into ult proc + W trades just make it hell for susan.
Does Tryndamere have a better early game? Undoubtedly.

Except Susan shouldn't really give a shit about that. If he's looking to pick a fight with Tryndamere or if he's allowing random cheap shots with his Fury-based crits, then he's quite frankly doing it wrong. Susan's perfectly content on indefinitely lazying about in top lane not getting killed by Tryndamere, rushing tankiness items (read: Frozen Heart above all else) and being able to fight back if Tryn does commit to one from mid-game onwards. Only to never lose that ability thanks to his stack mechanic. Run away from a bad brawl? Unless you're spinning over a wall, Susan's gonna getcha. Proxy farming? Too bad, Susan no care with his lifesteal and that's an advantageous trade for the dog anyways. Roaming or teamfighting? As a non-fed Tryndamere who couldn't push top tower down against a laner who's bound to pick Teleport too? Good luck with that.

Tryndamere's whole shtick is outscaling his enemy if they go for a "nothing but tankiness late game wet noodle" strategy through Renekton, Malphite or Shen (just a few examples) while relentlessly pressuring top lane because those very picks are unable to do anything to stop him once he reaches his item goal. Nor can they quickly push back lanes thanks to their misguided plan. Said players generally misjudging his early damage also plays a huge part in his snowballing and if that happens, he can walk up to anyone who's looking to put a stop on his antics and kill them outright 1 v 1. Susan has none of those flaws; he could freeze the lane for however long he pleases, can react elsewhere on the map with Teleport (good ward coverage helps too), has Frozen Heart + Wither (and Ninja Tabi + Doran's Shield for overkill), removes a pushed lane out of the picture with Spirit Fire if he's in a hurry and can still dish out the pain with a farmed-up Q.

The only way I can see a Tryndamere walk all over a Susan, is if he lacks common sense. Like using Teleport to exclusively get back in lane on top of wasting his own time by rushing shitty items like Sunfire Cape or Triforce. The latter is a fantastic item in itself, but dowright terrible to rush in this particular scenario.

(Lane Udyr also consistently beats Tryndamere in a straight-up 1 vs 1 if both are left unattended, by the way.)


How does Nasus beat Riven? She stomps Nasus in a straight brawl early on, and punishes him whenever he farms his Q. Doesn't give a diddly squat against Wither either.

You position yourself with the wave at level 1. She will most likely Q to harrass and push the wave into your turret.

All you have to do it not be an idiot and die at level 1-2 then you get free farm on turret while riven tries to farm and avoid jungle ganks.

And I don't know why you would want to brawl riven early on. Makes no sense.

And wither does mean something. Once you wither, you can easily juke the Qs.


I finally found someone who is worse jungler than me. I did not know this is possible and he mains jungler in plat 1 too.

Sorry Rex :(


Who are people calling Susan? Is this an injoke?

Also, I keep seeing a little swoooooshy effect around mid lane champions. I can't figure out what causes it. Any ideas? It might happen every minute or two, and does not seem to coincide with gaining a level or anything. Maybe with killing minions, but not every minion.


Won over 20 games and only lost 9 in the past 5 days. Still not enough for me to get to promo from 73 points. Crumbled to the pressure. Shouldn't have started trying. Shit is making me insane. I feel my blood pressure rising when people troll pick in the lobby.

I might have to quit this for another month to get my sanity back. Maybe I should go back to casually playing guild wars.


Won over 20 games and only lost 9 in the past 5 days. Still not enough for me to get to promo from 73 points. Crumbled to the pressure. Shouldn't have started trying. Shit is making me insane. I feel my blood pressure rising when people troll pick in the lobby.

I might have to quit this for another month to get my sanity back. Maybe I should go back to casually playing guild wars.

join me on PoE bro

besides, seasons almost over. then its pre-season muck around times


join me on PoE bro

besides, seasons almost over. then its pre-season muck around times

Free to play and it's only pay for cosmetics? I'm sold.

Anyone play natural selection 2? I'm completely lost in that game. Spent half a hour advancing to the alien hive then a single onos just raped our noobie team in 5minutes :(


Free to play and it's only pay for cosmetics? I'm sold.

Anyone play natural selection 2? I'm completely lost in that game. Spent half a hour advancing to the alien hive then a single onos just raped our noobie team in 5minutes :(
Nemesis (hardcore) is more fun than domination(softcore) totally.

Does NS2 have matchmaking? There's no point to play it if there isn't.
The game is best with complete teams or at the very least, evenly skilled players. A bad CO can fuck everybody over and a single amazing player can win entire games. Sounds bad.

Don't you have exams?


Nemesis (hardcore) is more fun than domination(softcore) totally.

Does NS2 have matchmaking? There's no point to play it if there isn't.
The game is best with complete teams or at the very least, evenly skilled players. A bad CO can fuck everybody over and a single amazing player can win entire games. Sounds bad.

Don't you have exams?

Teach me how to stop dying in Nemesis boken. I can never reach your level.
Silver 5....

This is so much worse than bronze 1, I don't have the words.

I get counterpicked by Kayle as a Zed mid. I tell jungle Tryn I will need ganks early because Kayle counters me. I tell him that Kayle has started without a ward. Kayle is overextended the entire time pre 6. He just tells me no bad luck.

Then he wonders why Kayle wins mid and I can't roam with the wave perpetually pushed to my turret.


Nemesis (hardcore) is more fun than domination(softcore) totally.

Does NS2 have matchmaking? There's no point to play it if there isn't.
The game is best with complete teams or at the very least, evenly skilled players. A bad CO can fuck everybody over and a single amazing player can win entire games. Sounds bad.

Don't you have exams?

Yeah no matchmaking. Games tend to be pretty one sided from what i've played. Got some skilled players stomping in the noobie servers. Can't really blame them since there aren't many filled up servers

we should play rax

I'll go join your games whenever I see you playing it
Our 16/4 Gold V Yi decides to just go AFK after a teamfight because he doesn't want us to get gold and now I have to deal with their super fed Vi and Wukong on my own as Jinx.


I never want to play in high Silver ever again.
How does Nasus beat Riven? She stomps Nasus in a straight brawl early on, and punishes him whenever he farms his Q. Doesn't give a diddly squat against Wither either.

Because unless you kill him early and get ahead, he'll just sustain farm by his turret, build pure armor, and be able to outdamage you by mid game.

Such bullshit that he can be unmovable in lane, build pure defense, AND do more damage than you.
You need to fuck Nasus up before he can get 100-ish stacks and his first defensive item.

Once he does that your jungler is gonna have to camp because he will out trade you and eventually just out damage you in 1v1 situations.


Because unless you kill him early and get ahead, he'll just sustain farm by his turret, build pure armor, and be able to outdamage you by mid game.

Such bullshit that he can be unmovable in lane, build pure defense, AND do more damage than you.

This is basically what I do in bronze and I have yet to lose my lane. By 35 minutes I usually have 500 Q, Frozen Heart, Trinity, and Spirit Visage... Even without many champ kills. And I'm usually so strong that I just stop my opponent from farming at around 20.

Of course I still usually lose because their entire team focuses me at that point and my team just runs away. I guess I'm just not good enough to carry.
Because unless you kill him early and get ahead, he'll just sustain farm by his turret, build pure armor, and be able to outdamage you by mid game.

Such bullshit that he can be unmovable in lane, build pure defense, AND do more damage than you.
Unless you're called Nunu, Warwick or Yorick, you're gonna get a free pass on Riot's anti-sustain policy.
join me on PoE bro

besides, seasons almost over. then its pre-season muck around times

I'm level 30 and died to the Vaal Oversoul with it on 20% HP. I had a portal but I used it and died again almost straightaway (Oversoul was then on 1% HP). So bad at this game. Just ragequit after that 'cos it was late. But I will defeat that thing tonight. Never gonna get out of S5 anyway.

Silver 5....

This is so much worse than bronze 1, I don't have the words.

I get counterpicked by Kayle as a Zed mid. I tell jungle Tryn I will need ganks early because Kayle counters me. I tell him that Kayle has started without a ward. Kayle is overextended the entire time pre 6. He just tells me no bad luck.

Then he wonders why Kayle wins mid and I can't roam with the wave perpetually pushed to my turret.

Huh. Maybe when I get demoted in the reset, I'll actually find Bronze playable compared to S5...


I haven't bothered with Nemesis on PoE. Standard Domination is fine for me. Once you hit merciless the penalties are very stiff anyways. Hours lost on death.

I like playing action RPGs with my friends and there's nothing worse than being 15-20 hours into a character, grouping with your buds and oops, someone dies. No more playing with that friend.

There's enough problems with the de-sync and some of the mechanics of the game that I don't chance it. We quite enjoy playing Domination. My current character is lvl 51 and has died twice. Once to a massive desync. The other cause I didn't know what Dominus did and stood in the blood rain on the other side of the map lol.

I'd be happy to play with any of you guys. PoE is my "take a break from LoL" game or what I play when I have less than an hour to play.

My username is garath I think.
Good lord, what did I do to get 15 awful ARAM matchups in a row? Massive massive losing streak. I should go back to SR.

edit: That one time I finally get new Sivir, someone dodges. Goddamnit.
How does Nasus beat Riven? She stomps Nasus in a straight brawl early on, and punishes him whenever he farms his Q. Doesn't give a diddly squat against Wither either.
You position yourself with the wave at level 1. She will most likely Q to harrass and push the wave into your turret.

All you have to do it not be an idiot and die at level 1-2 then you get free farm on turret while riven tries to farm and avoid jungle ganks.

And I don't know why you would want to brawl riven early on. Makes no sense.

And wither does mean something. Once you wither, you can easily juke the Qs.

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