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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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the ability to report players feels like it feeds into the toxicity of the gaem
Not able to vent with a suggestion box of sorts would help the toxicity just as much.

It's better to let kids go and report to Riot for unskilled player after a game thinking it'll do much instead of whining all day on all chat.


p3rhaps an organix solution fostered by the community wuld emerge, but itz hard to say with reporting and tribunal being this ever present facet of the game

but im in elo heaven what do i know

u ever think about how there are so many league players that there is definitely someone who pooped their pants while playing?


maybe riot shud automatically delete chat msgs that have the word 'report' in them, without lettting the player know

we will lose the ability to talk about our school reports tho


jus knowing her kit and playing smart
doge the webz don under or overestimate her burst or spyder dps, keel spiderlings is not so bad when you cant get at her
at top pick sumthing that can punish her cooldowns and win trades, also be aware that she can be playing like the most scared cat but she can help her jungler np when the jungler comes to kill you
at jungle dodge web, shes prtty strong and can dual you early

but i suck at elise

oh also I dont mean to portray myself as someone who has much faith in the community
like I played a normal by myself for the first time in months the other day, and I was banning the uge grabby dudes but someone on my team was like cmon man you dont ban those in normals u have to let the supports play those if they want for fun and everyone was like yeaaah
it made so much sense, I was feeling good and in elo heaven

but then I'll play one of those plat v silver things which has such a nice idea behind it but have become str8 up "yo lets shit on them for even thinking they can come at us"
maybe that's a mainly reddit population though


jus knowing her kit and playing smart
doge the webz don under or overestimate her burst or spyder dps, keel spiderlings is not so bad when you cant get at her
at top pick sumthing that can punish her cooldowns and win trades, also be aware that she can be playing like the most scared cat but she can help her jungler np when the jungler comes to kill you
at jungle dodge web, shes prtty strong and can dual you early

but i suck at elise

oh also I dont mean to portray myself as someone who has much faith in the community
like I played a normal by myself for the first time in months the other day, and I was banning the uge grabby dudes but someone on my team was like cmon man you dont ban those in normals u have to let the supports play those if they want for fun and everyone was like yeaaah
it made so much sense, I was feeling good and in elo heaven

but then I'll play one of those plat v silver things which has such a nice idea behind it but have become str8 up "yo lets shit on them for even thinking they can come at us"
maybe that's a mainly reddit population though
brian u haf u hav faith in humanity or els ther is nuthn to figt for

i goe intu evry geam espeecting aamzung human beans


yeah me too stay based
but i dont really have any real reason to think that the random suckas in league of legends who are pooping their pants have a bearing on how i think of humanz
like cnn.com is much more representative of writhing worm humanities


nm league iz great
"ok guys, remember, this is to be instructional. Don't just stomp them without telling them what to fix"


Wow, that Korean challenger drama is something. Can't the games just be nullified because they were organized throws?

And the fishy stuff with challenger in other regions too. I'd probably be pissed if I was aiming for challenger...

Good thing I still haven't reached 30.


if this thread becomes a jumble of letters and numbers and unrelated pictures and links instead of fuk my team life will be prtty good
then u enter mumble where everyone is talking with monocles and sippin dat earl grey
Now that the rewards are out, what are the best counters for lane/jungle Elise?
For top Elise? Only Kennen and Yorick when it comes to typical picks for that lane, but the latter tends to set himself for failure with a self-handicap purchase like Tear. Kennen can trade well with ranged attacks - which is why an oddball choice like Quinn could also work, but not without its share of risks - whereas every other melee is at a disadvantage if the Elise is somewhat experienced. They usually belong in one of two categories: either a) it's very likely for you to get dominated on even without help from her jungler, OR b) you happen to be one of her few 'even' match-ups where she still has a slight edge on you. That's your best case scenario.

Ferga already covered jungle Elise's weakness, and picking a jungler that scales better late game shouldn't be too difficult if she falls into the trap of running with the 'Ancient Golem + Locket + more tankiness' build.


i probably wouldn't think of kennen as a counter to elise

oh but i guess you are talking about ppl who do ok against her woops

i wouldn't count out certain melees for dealing with her though, but you're right that if the elise knows what she's doing it's a pain in the ass


Had a pretty interesting game a short while ago. Some player I randomly bump into in a game suggests forming a team with all global damage ults. The result:


It was pretty hilarious.


It's like whenever I jungle, no lanes can win by themselves. Counter jungling is just not do-able anymore for me if I want to win.

I can make the enemy 2-3 levels behind me but it's just not enough. Meh.
i probably wouldn't think of kennen as a counter to elise

oh but i guess you are talking about ppl who do ok against her woops
Yeah, he's more of an annoyance rather than a straight-up counter. She has to walk in his range if she wants to poke and he has more follow-up within that zone. One good gank from her jungler and she can simply apply brute force on Kennen, though.

Yorick potentially forces her to adapt her build to something far from optimal and maxing W over Q to make the most out of that lane. I say potentially, because Tear vastly negates any advantage he could create by himself. Other melee champions winning against Elise largely depends on her screwing up one way or the other; be it through bad general positioning, overextending when your jungler is approaching or misjudging the trades in damage / missing her stun in the even-ish match-ups.

The 'lolno' group (varying in severity): Aatrox, Akali, Cho, Darius, Fiora, Gangplank, Garen, Jarvan, Jax, Jayce, Lee Sin, Malphite, Olaf, Pantheon, Poppy, Rengar, Rumble, Shen, Shyvanna, Singed, Tryndamere, Udyr, Vladimir, Volibear, Warwick, Wukong, Xin Zhao, Zac.
The 'maybe' group: Irelia, Renekton, Riven. The end.

Susan and Trundle were left out because they act as a late game gamble. Their initial lane presence against her will be pitiful, but they can bank it all on reaching their item goal. After Spirit Visage + item of choice (BoRK for Trundle) their sustain will be too overwhelming for Elise to push back, so after the mid game period those two are able to heavily pressure top lane whilst having superior scaling for teamfights at that point in time. That is if for some reason she did not get involved elsewhere after a big lead, or was unsuccesful in doing so.

I think that about covers it without going into the nitty-gritty. Sleep time now.


Man that first zombie you kill in PoE kind of rips that guy's head off in a very neat cut. That's some teeth-cutlery skill right there.

I audibly said; 'Woah' when I saw the skill tree.


Quick question from someone who's never played LOL... is there any kind of plot progression or character interaction in the game outside of battles? I saw the Jinx trailer and really want to see more of her, but I'm not into RTS gameplay


Man that first zombie you kill in PoE kind of rips that guy's head off in a very neat cut. That's some teeth-cutlery skill right there.

I audibly said; 'Woah' when I saw the skill tree.

yo ur gonna suk at da start if u don research a lill

and dats no skill tree think of em as a passiv tree cos thats wut it rly is

add me @ linissa tnx

n play nemesis its da bess

and OMG australian servers. GGG #1

tbh i thjought i accidentally klickd da PoE thred 4 a sec

Quick question from someone who's never played LOL... is there any kind of plot progression or character interaction in the game outside of battles? I saw the Jinx trailer and really want to see more of her, but I'm not into RTS gameplay
i just watch the video over and over

ppl create their own narratives of the game as they play like master storytellers they control the characters growth from little fledgeling into a ruthless killer who destroys the world and the stories of others who try to stop them

what i mean is that nah its a pure game in the sense that theres no plot, just gameplay after gameplay and the storyline is your own. or #esports.

you should give it a shot though, preferably in the company of others. its not "pure" rts gameplay - though what youre refering to is probably is point and click gameplay - to that end, i guess you wont like it.

have you played diablo3? if you're okay with that kind of gameplay, lol is somewhat close to that.


Maybe I should type like this.

fuk dat

there used to be these lore updates where some guy in high school would make a zine about things going on around the league world
but that was scrapped because it was completely stupid
The story, for a while, has basically been fighting game status, where you have people who are ostensible "rivals" who come from "places". Like in street fighter m. bison is from thailand and crossing his arms and standing on ppl's heads and in league lucian is pissed because his wife's soul is in ghost rider's lantern.
so it's been pretty good

I don't know if they have anything planned though, in the past they sort of regularly changed the "political" landscape of the league world and had events (like there was a war between ionia and noxus and some people streamed a match and then they made the ionian boots), but the lore was so fucking bad that everyone in the department died and the lore stopped.


yo ur gonna suk at da start if u don research a lill

and dats no skill tree think of em as a passiv tree cos thats wut it rly is

add me @ linissa tnx

n play nemesis its da bess

and OMG australian servers. GGG #1

tbh i thjought i accidentally klickd da PoE thred 4 a sec

Yeah I started a nemesis witch (why no wizard? I never play females).

Damn.... I like going into these games with no research. I like audibly saying 'wow'...

Looks like you can't respec easily too.


Yeah I started a nemesis witch (why no wizard? I never play females).

Damn.... I like going into these games with no research. I like audibly saying 'wow'...

Looks like you can't respec easily too.

You respec by fighting piety without lightning or fire resistance.

Rex gimme your username and character name so I can add you to friend list.

when I played a couple of months ago almost everyone had to go heavy into health

Health got nerf, join us!


Yeah I started a nemesis witch (why no wizard? I never play females).

Damn.... I like going into these games with no research. I like audibly saying 'wow'...

Looks like you can't respec easily too.

ur already ded

but thats ok
even kiunch don mind dying but mebe he is used to that from playin lol


Quick question from someone who's never played LOL... is there any kind of plot progression or character interaction in the game outside of battles? I saw the Jinx trailer and really want to see more of her, but I'm not into RTS gameplay
Not really, all of the story elements serve as backdrop for the game. Sometimes you get some cool character interaction in-game (Nasus/Renekton ) but that's about it really.


Its like getting gold so U can buy trinity force on Corki. But instead of buying trinity force outright, you roll a random item.

Dat feeling when you finally get trinity.

O and making builds is fun too I guess

So complexiry
Very passive tree


with corki I can valkyrie over people's dead bodies
watching kiunch get mobbed and die while he shrieks on mumble sounds pretty good though
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