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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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A shame that you guys didn't want this like a month ago or so when time was more available :( I'd have been down to try and help for 3s.

On that note, Challenger 3s Season 4 lets gooo


Lost two promos for Diamond. Dropped to 0 LP after a bad streak. Went from getting 30 LP per win to 5-6 LP when I climed back to the 50 LP mark. Got to 80 LP yesterday, lost a game, lost 5 LP (as much as a win), and I surrendered.

Having a lot of fun in BF4 to really mind, though. Platinum 1 is ok I guess (I was silver S2).


Lost two promos for Diamond. Dropped to 0 LP after a bad streak. Went from getting 30 LP per win to 5-6 LP when I climed back to the 50 LP mark. Got to 80 LP yesterday, lost a game, lost 5 LP (as much as a win), and I surrendered.

Having a lot of fun in BF4 to really mind, though. Platinum 1 is ok I guess (I was silver S2).

How did you climb so fast?

I can't even get out of fucking bronze. It's infuriating.
Are you NA?

OCE. And unfortunately I couldn't make it out in time :(

Happy with my finish though. I was gaining 5-8 LP for a win and losing 4-5 for each loss. I seemed to always be getting matched with newbies with fresh MMR, despite having 600+ games on my record. One Lissandra was playing his 10th game in ranked and had no idea how to last hit.


How did you climb so fast?

I can't even get out of fucking bronze. It's infuriating.

Well, it took me the entire season to climb from Silver 5 to Plat 1. Not fast at all. Duo a lot and learned a lot from it. If I hadn't transferred to another server for a couple of months, I think I would've made it to Diamond for sure.


welp, got my Gold solo queue back and Diamond 3s. Guess that's okay for how few ranked games I played this season.


ugh I was challenger but I keep getting boxed out by people spamming games now
riot really needs to fix this im glad we have a reddit thread for it


I died to those crab things in the first cave. Haven't played since.

I'm level 30 and died to the Vaal Oversoul with it on 20% HP. I had a portal but I used it and died again almost straightaway (Oversoul was then on 1% HP). So bad at this game. Just ragequit after that 'cos it was late. But I will defeat that thing tonight. Never gonna get out of S5 anyway.

Huh. Maybe when I get demoted in the reset, I'll actually find Bronze playable compared to S5...
Holy shit you guys are scrubs

Oh wait... Wrong game.

Get more hp
And get 2 lightning resistance rings for vaal

If all else fails, play with a friend.


Riven so op I bet she has a huge winrate

Wtf Riot can't you see huge winrate? She has abilities that deal damage and mini cc. That's disgusting


Holy shit you guys are scrubs

Oh wait... Wrong game.

Get more hp
And get 2 lightning resistance rings for vaal

If all else fails, play with a friend.

I didn't know that I couldn't stand there and kill 20 of them without having a problem.


Treat it like lol early game
Would you face tank 20 minions?

yeah because im pro

I think i'll try it out again. I still have the beta client installed from months ago. Will it automatically update, or do I need to dl it from their site again?


It'll update AND take a long time

There's a new league intro video floating around with zero map remake. I swear if U dun remake at least parts of the map imma be real disappointed riot


did anyone get the ps4 for the hd league remake
u can cast spells w/ ur wiimote and shop with the vita and watch a stream on twitch n use the kinect to pause the game
and take selfies and have virtual reality sex with your computer


I tried playing Riven against Garen. It was kinda painful. I only died once but I was not able to do the pro stuff and outtrade him. He got 280 armor or something with thornmail and cape of suns and other items, and he started two dorans blades.

I started one dorans blade but maybe armor and 5 potions would have been better. I'm not sure.

I tried ultimate combo power from that cool youtube video, but I think I would typically do the EW stuff anyway, so I'm not totally sure I'm getting all the differences. I also tried the AOE tiamat evolution item thing and it worked pretty well on minions.

I ended up finally passing him in farm after he was beating me in farm, and though he took the top tower, I only died once and ended up with fewer deaths than him, and the same kills and assists if I recall correctly. But, his team ended up with a super powerful scary tank and my team ended up with a scared squishy Riven. I always fear building tank items on Riven is a recipe for disaster and you've got to be damage-y and hope you can time the 2 second shield to use the AD scaling properly.

We fortunately won since I think the Garen did not go back to heal and tried to save the second mid tower, resulting in all of the other towers and the nexus going down. =D


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant

Amazing lmao



it is the visible component of the report function
but it is hard to measure the invisible component of people getting banned or those people who alter their behavior because they can be reported

i like to believe the net effect is less toxicity


the ability to report players feels like it feeds into the toxicity of the gaem

hehe yuh
also this idea that you are contributing to a solution by complaining to ur superiors and ignoring the problem in front of you, tho sometimes ignoring someone is the healthiest thing for all involved
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