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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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I see a few people play shyvana now. Did she get buffed or something?

People are finding ways to make her work, like using the OG strat of pushing top hard and counterjungling, or building pure tank while pushing softer lane matchups out over and over.

Plus, Hyrda is insane on her.


What's the button to cancel chat when you're typing? I'm sick of typing and then trying to use an ability and having to send, "lets take drQQQQEQQEEEEQQQQEEEEE"

nvm its escape
ain't nothing wrong with Rumble

Rumble's okay. A little bit 'old meta', but without J4, Orianna, Gragas, or really anything that has proper synergy with the Equalizer? Not even a Sona in Game #2, for pete's sake. MaRin's Rumble play is excellent, but no yordle is an island. Give the guy some freaking back-up. There were several fights where his ultimate literally did absolutely nothing because the enemy team (Ezreal, Shyvana, Fizz, Lee Sin) all had too much mobility for Equalizer to do anything meaningful without a wombo-combo.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
pre-season has made ranked a joke, people just dont care and when you call them on it they say "Its pre-season who cares"? Well since they are only resetting elo nor mmr I care, I care because im in a game doing my best to carry and people refuse to group, refuse to ward and when the game is slightly in the other teams favour they afk.

People say this community is bad and at times like this I cant help but agree.
Rumble's okay. A little bit 'old meta', but without J4, Orianna, Gragas, or really anything that has proper synergy with the Equalizer? Not even a Sona in Game #2, for pete's sake. MaRin's Rumble play is excellent, but no yordle is an island. Give the guy some freaking back-up. There were several fights where his ultimate literally did absolutely nothing because the enemy team (Ezreal, Shyvana, Fizz, Lee Sin) all had too much mobility for Equalizer to do anything meaningful without a wombo-combo.

He's still good but not REALLY good like he was. Removing the initial damage from his ult changed him quite a bit.
He's still good but not REALLY good like he was. Removing the initial damage from his ult changed him quite a bit.

Yeah. You can still use the Equalizer by itself without a combo if the enemy team doesn't have "instant" mobility to get out of it, and if you're able to farm an early Rylai's, but those are pretty big "ifs", especially with the 2v1 lane-swap being so common in tournament play.

I think the Rumble could have worked if they took something more like a Jarvan or even a Sejuani in the jungle. Nunu's really terrible for keeping people in the Equalizer, because by the time he's gotten into position to drop Absolute Zero it's probably too late - and with their team composition (so many pseudo-flashes) Absolute Zero doesn't really make it any harder to get out of Equalizer, anyway, it just means you get to dodge two ults instead of one for the cost of an Arcane Shift/Safeguard.

He actually worked reasonably well with the Sona, though it's hard to say how much of that was just Blaze with the JV-level dive fails. I understand what they were trying to do with that strategy, but the first time they fumbled it they should have realized that MaRin and co. have trained to the point where they aren't just "solo queue heroes" anymore, and they weren't going to catch them out just by doing things you don't see in solo queue.


No. It's a live environment that the player can't avoid.
I love anarchy though
pre-season has made ranked a joke, people just dont care and when you call them on it they say "Its pre-season who cares"? Well since they are only resetting elo nor mmr I care, I care because im in a game doing my best to carry and people refuse to group, refuse to ward and when the game is slightly in the other teams favour they afk.

People say this community is bad and at times like this I cant help but agree.
Those people are just dumb. The reset is a soft reset, so what you do during prrseason does matter. And they are resetting mmr and elo
Different strokes, I guess. I think we're at the point now where we've got enough champions that they can afford to make ones like Jinx that a few people really like even if most people find them unappealing. More monsters, maybe.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
They release champions less often than ever now so they arguably have less wiggle room to mess them up.


Different strokes, I guess. I think we're at the point now where we've got enough champions that they can afford to make ones like Jinx that a few people really like even if most people find them unappealing. More monsters, maybe.
I think Jinx is the case where many people really like even if some people find them unappealing
Different strokes, I guess. I think we're at the point now where we've got enough champions that they can afford to make ones like Jinx that a few people really like even if most people find them unappealing. More monsters, maybe.

what? jinx is probably one of the most beloved champs in a long while. well it helps she was pretty powerful bit i still see her in almost every game.
Well, I like her, but I'm trying not to project myself onto the community at large. Maybe there's a seething hatred of her out there! I don't know, I heard someone say she's a Tiny Tina rip-off, I guess? (Which is really dumb, because I'm pretty sure she has the same voice actress as the Mechromancer and everything, and besides, she's obviously got more Harley Quinn in her design.)


Well, I like her, but I'm trying not to project myself onto the community at large. Maybe there's a seething hatred of her out there! I don't know, I heard someone say she's a Tiny Tina rip-off, I guess? (Which is really dumb, because I'm pretty sure she has the same voice actress as the Mechromancer and everything, and besides, she's obviously got more Harley Quinn in her design.)
seems tank girl to me


so gud



Dat 30cs adc at 20minutes. Not even handing this guy a first blood at level 2 from a good chain could win us the lane.

Leblanc support though. I started soloing and killing the trist at level 5-6 while my cait struggled to cs at the tower. Went 3/0 in lane until the farmed nasus started to kill me in 2 Qs :(

Maybe it'll be viable as a kill lane support in s4?



Dat 30cs adc at 20minutes. Not even handing this guy a first blood at level 2 from a good chain could win us the lane.

Leblanc support though. I started soloing and killing the trist at level 5-6 while my cait struggled to cs at the tower. Went 3/0 in lane until the farmed nasus started to kill me in 2 Qs :(

Maybe it'll be viable as a kill lane support in s4?

id believe it

elise comes first though


id believe it

elise comes first though

Elise was a popular support choice for a while. I don't think she was ever nerfed? Just fell out of popularity.

I think thresh came out to change bot lane's need for better engagers or something.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Elise was a popular support choice for a while. I don't think she was ever nerfed? Just fell out of popularity.
maybe you just slept through the patch notes. they get pretty boring sometimes.
Elise was a popular support choice for a while. I don't think she was ever nerfed? Just fell out of popularity.
They nerfed the hell out of her. Q range, Rappel range and leniency, resistances in spider form, spiderling health, Spirit Visage pretty much removed top Elise from the game, etc.

If Jungle Elise weren't good she would have been Olaf'd.
so you're the reason that jinx music video has so many views.
Wanna joooooooin meeeee come and plaaaaaaay



Dat 30cs adc at 20minutes. Not even handing this guy a first blood at level 2 from a good chain could win us the lane.

Leblanc support though. I started soloing and killing the trist at level 5-6 while my cait struggled to cs at the tower. Went 3/0 in lane until the farmed nasus started to kill me in 2 Qs :(

Maybe it'll be viable as a kill lane support in s4?

We had a LeBlanc support with teleport the other day. She didnt answer in champ select, so I ended up going Karma mid with support runes and masteries. They got a few kills bot, and our mundo camped my lane, so it all ended up working out.
They nerfed the hell out of her. Q range, Rappel range and leniency, resistances in spider form, spiderling health, Spirit Visage pretty much removed top Elise from the game, etc.

If Jungle Elise weren't good she would have been Olaf'd.

Oh yeah, she was hit many times since release. It's funny because a lot of people thought she wasn't any good when she first came out.
Oh yeah, she was hit many times since release. It's funny because a lot of people thought she wasn't any good when she first came out.

i bought her day 1 and returned her almost immediately since i thought she was dogpile and i lost a good amount of games in a row :/

yeah same thing with Zed but i afaik he got a huge buff with S3.
Elise used to be played top commonly and even mid before she ended up support due to nerfs, and ultimately in the jungle. Her pre-nerf state was actually pretty bonkers, just most people really sucked at playing her on launch for some reason. I really couldn't guess why, she's a very easy champion to learn.

Edit: Vlad's not great right now, but he's still viable - just in way, way fewer match-ups than he used to be. You really have to be careful about taking him into a Shyvana, Renekton, Olaf, or other early lane bully up top. I haven't actually seen him played mid in a long time, though I'd be a bit leery of it with so many people hopping on the Mid Riven Train as a surprise pick. I never liked him mid, anyway, since you really want to build him as more of a 'tankmage' (Spectral Wraith, Zhonya's, and then HP/AP items like Rylai's) than a Deathcap nuker.
Vlad is ok top, problem is having to lane against any bruiser that can rush Visage and pretend you don't exist.

Mid lane only if you want something to deal with Zed and Kayle is not avaiable for whatever reason. Otherwise I'd stay away from mid with him.
The weird thing about Elise is that her power level was already stupid high the day she launched, just no one really knew how to build or play her effectively... Which is par of the course with most new champion releases. The only buffs she received after a week or two weren't huge by any stretch of the imagination (though faster speed and vision upon hit made her stun more practical), but it was still mostly the players that were her main weakness until she was figured out. I mean: for the first month everyone (including pro players) were building her awkwardly like 'bruiser AD with Triforce and Sunfire Cape' or 'full squishy AP while maxing W first' until someone stumbled on the "hey wait a minute, this one still hurts with mainly tankiness and magic penetration" approach.

Then she didn't get nerfed for a while due to lacking popularity, and after a few extra weeks people suddenly put her everywhere once she clicked with the general public. Even as a support (which I never liked) it was solely due to potency of her Q harrass, which fortunately was abandoned after 25 less range and a marginal damage decrease in her human form.

Zed and Kha'zix were in a similar position originally too. High damage potential that no one utilized well for a little while, some confusion with regards to their builds or ideal roles, very minor individual buffs and then all of a sudden... With Kha'zix it was even worse; the community finally (albeit slowly) started figuring out how obscene his evolved W damage was (in conjunction with the wave clear) partially as a result of Season 3 experimentation, which Riot coincidentally ended up buffing significantly around roughly the same time.

They nerfed the hell out of her. Q range, Rappel range and leniency, resistances in spider form, spiderling health, Spirit Visage pretty much removed top Elise from the game, etc.

If Jungle Elise weren't good she would have been Olaf'd.
Oh yeah, she was hit many times since release. It's funny because a lot of people thought she wasn't any good when she first came out.
She wasn't. It took a few buffs and the S3 changes before she started doing work just like Zed and Kha Zix who were also subpar on release.
Her rappel range reduction is only really bothersome for those scenario's where you would still land on someone who fled over a wall after their flash / escape skill if you already clicked on them prior to it happening (by a splitsecond) and her human Q nerfs were minimal. Less range didn't have much of an effect vs a melee lane and neither did lowering the base numbers on it, since they upped spider Q's damage as compensation. Removing the resistances from her spider form was deserved since you never had to worry about losing trades back in the day, never mind her spiderlings previously acting like a durable on-demand shield.

Despite all the hits, she's still really good at laning. Just can't really bully a heavy-sustain Spirit Visage-rushing lane if the enemy can still hit back hard after a while, but that's more of a problem with edge cases like Susan in general rather than the spider that can still mercilessly ruin the early phase of melee's. While also being a nightmare for mid assassins like Zed and Fizz. Which... in the end is as far away from "being Olaf'd" as it can possibly get.

jinx is really really really unattractive character design

whoo thats off my chest now
Behold, king and queen ugly!

I wish they never made it in the game. Repulsive. And I like to think Riot made Jinx intentionally... weird from a visual perspective, unlike the above two.

Also, never forget some of their earlier concepts:

- - -
Elise, Vi 1, Vi 2 and OG Lux respectively.
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