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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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Ugh I'm getting sick of this. Last 5-6 ish games I've either been Shyvana top and crushed my lane, got fed, or been forced into Leona support. Both ways I feel like I have hardly any impact on the game.

If I get fed as a top laner (lets say I'm 2-0, with a 30+ cs advantage) what should I be doing to help my team? So far I usually get the first tower and can force their Jungler to come and camp me, but when my team doesn't know how to take advantage of that I'm basically unable to help us win. I take it Shyvana isn't exactly the best champion to gank mid with, but I tend to have a similar problem if I play Jax top or Renekton top: I'll win lane but then be unable to really help my team if they're behind.

theres nothing scarier mid lane than getting ganked than a fed renekton/jax from top lane. tanky, cc and damage. oh god.

i think it shows youre doing something wrong with your ganks. go via their jungle, dont be afraid to dive, etc. anything to put incredible pressure.

you're a top laner, youre naturally a little bulky, and even if you dont kill them with the dive, you will push them out of lane -> take that tower yo
Thanks for that guys. I might try building tankier more often to help me dive.

Last game I just played as Renekton top which I picked as a counter to Teemo. Not sure if he's a good counter but I did ok, we were on an island top for the first 20 minutes of the game though. It was a very eventful 0-1-0 for the teemo and 0-0-1 for me, from one gank. The rest of my team was doing very well though, with a fed Varus who did really well bot lane. Then came the part where we had to end. Varus was very scared of the other teams Vayne (and fair enough) because he knew she would be strong late. But he was so scared that it only caused him to start throwing by getting caught trying to split push or trying to end while the rest of us were on an open inhib.

Took us 51 minutes but we got there. In the end I mapped out what we had to do, and everyone actually agreed to listen to my plan after we failed listening to Varus the last 3 times (listening and teamwork in solo queue? no way) and we finally ended it.

What did it was that my team had me who built 100% tanky and Xin who was bruiser I assume (never checked his build) while the other team had a top Teemo, jungle Diana, and mid Nidalee. Their only real tank was a support Voli. I had to build so much MR though, had a Spirit Vis, Banshees, Mercs, and then Randuins+Mallet+Giants Belt. Only then Nid spears stopped hurting.
Thanks for that guys. I might try building tankier more often to help me dive.

Last game I just played as Renekton top which I picked as a counter to Teemo. Not sure if he's a good counter but I did ok, we were on an island top for the first 20 minutes of the game though. It was a very eventful 0-1-0 for the teemo and 0-0-1 for me, from one gank. The rest of my team was doing very well though, with a fed Varus who did really well bot lane. Then came the part where we had to end. Varus was very scared of the other teams Vayne (and fair enough) because he knew she would be strong late. But he was so scared that it only caused him to start throwing by getting caught trying to split push or trying to end while the rest of us were on an open inhib.

Took us 51 minutes but we got there. In the end I mapped out what we had to do, and everyone actually agreed to listen to my plan after we failed listening to Varus the last 3 times (listening and teamwork in solo queue? no way) and we finally ended it.

What did it was that my team had me who built 100% tanky and Xin who was bruiser I assume (never checked his build) while the other team had a top Teemo, jungle Diana, and mid Nidalee. Their only real tank was a support Voli. I had to build so much MR though, had a Spirit Vis, Banshees, Mercs, and then Randuins+Mallet+Giants Belt. Only then Nid spears stopped hurting.
Never buy Merc Treads solely for the magic resist though; worst MR gains in the game. Especially with tenacity-affected CC not existing here. If you really needed even more MR after Banshee's and Spirit Visage, then Hexdrinker -> Maw would've been more logical.

Otherwise, that sounds like way too much health.

Sometimes the situation you described (in your previous post) with top lane is just the way it is. You can win your lane, push towers, lure the enemy jungler and what have you, but if everyone else still isn't maximizing the advantages that creates (with or without pinging) then it'll continue to be an uphill battle no matter how far you get ahead. Only gets worse with someone like Renekton thanks to his middling late game presence.
Never buy Merc Treads solely for the magic resist though; worst MR gains in the game. Especially with tenacity-affected CC not existing here. If you really needed even more MR after Banshee's and Spirit Visage, then Hexdrinker -> Maw would've been more logical.

Otherwise, that sounds like way too much health.

Sometimes the situation you described (in your previous post) with top lane is just the way it is. You can win your lane, push towers, lure the enemy jungler and what have you, but if everyone else still isn't maximizing the advantages that creates (with or without pinging) then it'll continue to be an uphill battle no matter how far you get ahead. Only gets worse with someone like Renekton thanks to his middling late game presence.

Nothing wrong with getting Merc Treads there. Tabi certainly wouldn't have been any better.

If anything your issue there was the Mallet. It's not a very cost efficient item and it just doesn't really suit Renekton who has a gap closer/double gap closer and a stun. You generally want it on champs who auto a lot and don't have any real built-in cc.

A hexdrinker into an eventual Maw would have been better in that circumstance, since it's just better damage and more efficient EHP.

If you had went your build and swapped out your mallet for a hexdrinker/maw and your last giant's belt for maybe a Hydra you would still have been tanky and done a lot of damage.
Nothing wrong with getting Merc Treads there. Tabi certainly wouldn't have been any better.

If anything your issue there was the Mallet. It's not a very cost efficient item and it just doesn't really suit Renekton who has a gap closer/double gap closer and a stun. You generally want it on champs who auto a lot and don't have any real built-in cc.

A hexdrinker into an eventual Maw would have been better in that circumstance, since it's just better damage and more efficient EHP.

If you had went your build and swapped out your mallet for a hexdrinker/maw and your last giant's belt for maybe a Hydra you would still have been tanky and done a lot of damage.

Right. I tend to get carried away when I'm focused on stacking against one type of resist. Had a game earlier as jungle Shy when the other team was all ad so I just went Spirit of the Ancient Golem->Thornmail->Sunfire and was building randuins I think before the game ended. How much is usually too much? It was to the point where the enemy aatrox's autos were basically scratching me and I could tank their entire team for 10 or so seconds.


Had no idea Kayle and Eve worked so well together. Just played an ARAM as Eve; the Kayle on my team kept ulting me so I could rush in and cause mass hysteria. Usually hate Eve in ARAM but this was so much fun. Just dive towers with impunity and spam everything; and when I was done just run away to safety. Without a healer on the enemy team that strategy was just devastating, they were never able to enter team fights with full health or full crew. Whole match lasted under 15 min. because they couldn't push. I would keep diving in and drive them all back while my team was free to take towers. When we were taking the inhibitor and I dived in again, the whole enemy team was so scared they just rushed to their fountain and stayed there, haha.

Don't think I want to play another ARAM match as Eve without a Kayle also on my team.
Nothing wrong with getting Merc Treads there. Tabi certainly wouldn't have been any better.

If anything your issue there was the Mallet. It's not a very cost efficient item and it just doesn't really suit Renekton who has a gap closer/double gap closer and a stun. You generally want it on champs who auto a lot and don't have any real built-in cc.

A hexdrinker into an eventual Maw would have been better in that circumstance, since it's just better damage and more efficient EHP.

If you had went your build and swapped out your mallet for a hexdrinker/maw and your last giant's belt for maybe a Hydra you would still have been tanky and done a lot of damage.
Indeed, Merc Treads isn't the biggest flaw in this instance, but he already had enough MR and health (or had that build in mind) to deal with any source of magic damage but max range Nidalee spears, but the damage on those is stupid for everyone anyways. Considering the enemy ADC (Vayne) also didn't have a frequent source of hard (but tenacity-affected) CC, Tabi simply would've been more bang for his buck knowing that his main goal was getting the most tankiness for his money. Paying 475g for +5 MR and a status effect that only really mattered for Vayne's Condemn if near a wall vs 375g for +10 armor and blocking 10% auto-attack damage is also just objectively inferior here, if we were to focus on semantics about strictly defensive statistics.


Had no idea Kayle and Eve worked so well together. Just played an ARAM as Eve; the Kayle on my team kept ulting me so I could rush in and cause mass hysteria. Usually hate Eve in ARAM but this was so much fun. Just dive towers with impunity and spam everything; and when I was done just run away to safety. Without a healer on the enemy team that strategy was just devastating, they were never able to enter team fights with full health or full crew. Whole match lasted under 15 min. because they couldn't push. I would keep diving in and drive them all back while my team was free to take towers. When we were taking the inhibitor and I dived in again, the whole enemy team was so scared they just rushed to their fountain and stayed there, haha.

Don't think I want to play another ARAM match as Eve without a Kayle also on my team.

Eve is unfortunately under-appreciated in ARAM. I've seen plenty of people reroll her immediately. I think I've only lost 1 or 2 games with her out of ~20.


Just started playing again after 8 months. Got matched with what looked like AFK bots in an ARAM. Are those a thing?


3rd day in a row that EU-W went offline... you'd think after MONTHS they'd figure that shit out. Nope, it only gets worse.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Eve is unfortunately under-appreciated in ARAM. I've seen plenty of people reroll her immediately. I think I've only lost 1 or 2 games with her out of ~20.
Teach me how to Eve

I'm utterly lost every time I pick her


Tele top actually sounds like both a good and bad way to learn the lane. Like you can only go so far knowing how to beat your own lane, esp at top, you have to learn how to beat the map. Top is kind of a sneaky place in the beginning, you should be aware of what both junglerz are doing and werk with that, and try to shape the momentum of the game as best you can. I mean ppl have no real reason to be up there for a portion of the game
probably a simple ex. Is putting pressure up there so ur team can take drogon

Game iz prtty changed when you run tele tho, but you do put a different kind of pressure down when you have it. Try not to lose ur tower tho, or gimmick a kill at bot but lose out in objectives

Oh if your team is failing to respond when you bring their team top, push your lane out (safely) and just group and go aggressive, you're ahead and their top is farming. Like the rule here is usually to go to your team if they aren't moving their butts, fuk a ad who thinks they need to farm their zeal or some shit


I like running tele top. I've been using Garen and Jayce the most lately, and I use ignite on Jayce, but tele on Garen. Tele lets me push my lane, then go gank/push mid. The second the fight ends and we take the tower, i'll tele back top with the already pushing wave to hopefully take their second tower. If my opponent top doesnt come mid to help stop us, I can always just tele back up there to kill him.
Wow after the first week of OGN champions winter Nid, Annie, Olaf, Elise, and Lucian all have 100% pick/ban rates.

It's worth noting that one of those picks is heavily reliant on teamplay (Nidalee), and another benefits from it enormously (Lucian), and of course Annie is always far less impressive as a support if you don't have at least "duo bot" level coordination. Not saying they aren't great picks in general (especially Lucian), but be wary of solo queue players bearing KeSPA gifts.

The Olaf pick/ban is the most interesting one to me. There was a lot of trash-talk about his major rebalance, but he's strong enough he's being run top/jungle agnostic, which is usually a sign of impending nerfs if Zac, Elise, and Aatrox are anything to go by historically. Particularly, I can't see how he couldn't get nerfed going into Season 4 considering how well Jungle Olaf could stand to benefit from the jungle changes.


That change they made to Lucian...the fact that your Q locks is kinda stupid. In terms of being a skill there's really nothing unique about it. I don't understand why they didn't just reduce the range and make it a skillshot.
It was mostly for late-game team fights. To use it in lane you still generally want to target off a minion (because otherwise you're not getting anywhere near enough range on it, due to the on-target range being much shorter than the through-target range), but in team fights you can actually use it on close targets, now.

The only problem is that it makes him a little too strong in all-in trades, which makes those Lucian/Thresh, Lucian/Annie, and Lucian/Leona lanes hurt like a sunnavabitch.


What a night to decide to start playing ranked again. Had one good game, the rest have been ugly. Leaver in one (level 3 Yi jungle.. afk'd after dying 3 times in the first 5 min. Asked him if he wanted support or jungle. Didn't respond. Guess he didn't know how to play jungle), massive lanes losing everywhere in another. Onto my third where someone's already calling the team noobs.

sigh. I should have dodged and played some normals.

edit: oh yeah.. facing a diamond jax. Yep. sigh


It was mostly for late-game team fights. To use it in lane you still generally want to target off a minion (because otherwise you're not getting anywhere near enough range on it, due to the on-target range being much shorter than the through-target range), but in team fights you can actually use it on close targets, now.

The only problem is that it makes him a little too strong in all-in trades, which makes those Lucian/Thresh, Lucian/Annie, and Lucian/Leona lanes hurt like a sunnavabitch.
With the targeting change it's a better version of MF's q in almost every way. I think that's bad design.

Yeah, I know hers procs on hit effects and is a little easier to land behind the minion line, but the damage difference is insane.


With the targeting change it's a better version of MF's q in almost every way. I think that's bad design.

Yeah, I know hers procs on hit effects and is a little easier to land behind the minion line, but the damage difference is insane.

yea but her ult is actually good


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