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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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Yi is not a samurai.
Aatrox, Yorick, Jayce, Varus

best designed
moderately original


First time I seriously tried to jungle (the only role I don't know very well). Took Shyvana and ended the game 1-2-24. Nearly all of my ganks were successful, and I always backed off and let my laners get the last hit on a kill to help snowball. I used my judgement, and in nearly every gank decided that the laner could kill it if I backed off. If I didn't think otherwise I'd have kept at it and gotten the kill myself. Enemy team was all silver with a bronze I., not that it matters that much.

Teammates said I did really well, that all my pathing was perfect and that I helped them snowball every lane. Even got my midlane Kha'Zix his first pentakill.


Old Trundle was a lot more original than New Trundle though.

You mean a mess of a creature who bases his abilities on junk? It certainly is more original. Worse, too. And disgusting.

Give me characters that clearly and blatantly resemble these champions. They're nothing really special, but compared with things like Rammus, Gangplank or Olaf they're the apex of originality.

U just mad because Jinx is not as good of a design as you thought it was. That's k

if you think it's so shitty and unoriginal, stop playing then. It's pretty easy.
But honestly, maybe your negativity could be understood if you resembled a person who knew what the fuck thy were talking about half the time.
Like you could not possibly be more wrong about the Lucian stuff, but whatever.

It's getting to the point where I can tolerate soda cop's posts about champions more than yours.

I keep playing because the game is good. Has nothing to do with designs or artstyle. Considering I've been playing this game since Poppy was released, I think I know what I'm talking about.

"Lucian stuff" as of the design is clearly based on Blade or the Q ability being awkwardly executed for the sake of difference/balance? Doesn't matter actually, both of them are right.
Give me characters that clearly and blatantly resemble these champions. They're nothing really special, but compared with things like Rammus, Gangplank or Olaf they're the apex of originality.

U just mad because Jinx is not as good of a design as you thought it was. That's k
Aatrox is a super generic demon man/Diablo. Thresh is evil Ghost Rider. Varus is your run of the mill Dark Elf. Yorick? Creepy grave digger trope. Jayce? Steampunk Superman.

I could go on and on and on. I'm not hating on their designs, but listing them as some pinnacle of design among champions while trying to hate on others is hilarious.

And by the way, I never thought Jinx was original nor do I care or want her to be.
Why don't have you have an xbox?
Can't play Path of Exile on an Xbox.
go finish the PoE tutorial already


EUW have gotten their revenge by bombing the NA servers
Can confirm. Two friends and I smurfed our way to level 3 at 180 ping just to play one damn normal on Friday night. >.< (Have to be level 3 to play normals now, 5 for ARAM.)
I'm level 27 fool.

And I died last night... Boss fight with only 10% life to go...

I sneeze and look away for 2 seconds to blow my nose and I get swarmed by those ranged plant summons and get hit twice by the boss. Dead before I could even get my fingers back on the keyboard. :\
That feel. :( Vaal is a pain. Don't worry though, Boken makes everything obvious.


Everything is moe to me
Aatrox is a super generic demon man/Diablo. Thresh is evil Ghost Rider. Varus is your run of the mill Dark Elf. Yorick? Creepy grave digger trope. Jayce? Steampunk Superman.
how is varus elf-like at all? because he uses a bow?
and you're just describing what yorick and jayce are. you could do that to dismiss anything.
how is varus elf-like at all? because he uses a bow?
and you're just describing what yorick and jayce are. you could do that to dismiss anything.
White hair, gray skin, broody looking, dark archer. All he's missing is the pointy ears.

And I'm not dismissing anything, but they're clearly fantasy tropes you see everywhere, that's the whole point of the Legends thing isn't it? Nothing wrong with them, but they're not original, hell most of the champions aren't.


Everything is moe to me
White hair, gray skin, broody looking, dark archer. All he's missing is the pointy ears.
and if he had dark hair, dark blue skin and duel weilded shortswords, you could still call him a dark elf because its a category open enough to fit anything remotely goth-y if you tried hard enough.


Aatrox is a super generic demon man/Diablo. Thresh is evil Ghost Rider. Varus is your run of the mill Dark Elf. Yorick? Creepy grave digger trope. Jayce? Steampunk Superman.

I could go on and on and on. I'm not hating on their designs, but listing them as some pinnacle of design among champions while trying to hate on others is hilarious.

I said they're nothing really special, that's hardly "listing them as some pinnacle of design".

Aatrox can be generic but has a good design, Thresh-Ghost Rider is reaching, Varus looks like your usual dark elf, I'll give you that, but again he's well designed. Yorick looks nothing like the creepy grave skinny digger I have in mind, he looks cool, and Jayce-Steampunk Superman is just what. He's more Iron Man if anything.

Oh I forgot to add Urgot to the list. He's one of the best champions they've come up with and the best part is he's not a big boobs girl or a cool edgy badass warrior. No wonder he's the least played, says a lot of the community's taste/age.
You mean a mess of a creature who bases his abilities on junk? It certainly is more original. Worse, too. And disgusting.

Old Trundle was one of my favorite champs. Especially his W voice effect. The way he moved was so unique and unsettling, too. Now he just hops around like some roided out freak with this annoying, naisly bellow voice and spouts some of the worst dialog in the entire game.

Breaks my damn heart because most of the remakes are quite good.


Lately all of my ranked games have been stomps one way or the other, and my blind pick games are closer battles. It used to be the exact opposite.....



I liked original Trundle, but the new one is much better. I don't tend to like the kind of characters appropiate for the next adjective, but he's fucking badass. His ingame model is sexy too in all of his skins. It's one of the best if not the best rework imo, just fantastic stuff.

New Sejuani and Lissandra are boss too. Howling Abyss is the best map. Freljord patch did so much right. I like to praise good work too.

Well urgot does have boobs

But he's not a girl. Or is he?
Hmmm, Polygon tweeted about the final viewership numbers but provided no source. Anyone got anything? Nothing showing on the League website.


8.5 million peak viewers? Wow. I imagine they did the right decision by placing it during a time Europeans couldn't really watch.


I think Draven is among the best designed champions. He's also super original, who would ever think of a fire dancer wielding spinning axes for combat? He's got originality, good design and personality. Draven does it all.

if you think it's so shitty and unoriginal, stop playing then. It's pretty easy.

But honestly, maybe your negativity could be understood if you resembled a person who knew what the fuck thy were talking about half the time.

Like you could not possibly be more wrong about the Lucian stuff, but whatever.

It's getting to the point where I can tolerate soda cop's posts about champions more than yours.
That hostility.
Is there really some kind of tone down on LP/MMR movement right now? I still get +25.


Is that viewership concurrent? Someone should start a thread.


Over 32 million fans watched SK Telecom T1 earn the Summoner's Cup in front of a sold-out Staples Center. At peak, more than 8.5 million fans were watching at the same time. To put those numbers in context, the Season 2 World Championship was watched by 8.2 million fans, with 1.1 million watching at the same time. In short, we're beyond humbled by your passion for and commitment to League of Legends.



Is there really some kind of tone down on LP/MMR movement right now? I still get +25.


Is that viewership concurrent? Someone should start a thread.


I still seem to be gaining/losing the same. Up 25, down 15. They said it was MMR not LP though so the behind the scenes number might be the one that's slowed.


I'm definitely making progress in games where I'm the shot caller. Just had a game as mid Ziggs vs Ahri; I was able to deny her CS quite a bit, caused her to back several times, and was able to roam top and bot with successful ganks. My kills were super low because I focused on trying to snowball those lanes by getting the enemy super low and letting the laner take the kill (at one point let a Jinx get a double kill on the ADC and sup by ulting in, using my E, and then stunning them with my satchel and leaving).

Despite this, my team didn't know what to do with their advantage. J4 didn't know how to deal toplane against Renekton, and our jungler wasn't making the right ganks in the right lanes at the right times. It actually felt like I was jungling more than her with the ganks I was handing out. All during this, I was still able to get Ahri's mid tower and defend mine until the enemy started to group and push.

Enemy team took first baron, we pushed them back. "We don't have the damage to teamfight!" they said. I looked down and said "Yes, yes we do." On my command, we ventured out after a successful base defense and took baron. Unfortunately our lanes were pushed too close to do anything but back, buy, and defend again (mid inhib was down). It was at this point that my team started doing super stupid shit, like chase out a super low Renekton while the rest of his team pushed another inhib down. I must have told them 10 times to stop chasing when we're under siege, but newp. When the support noticed I was throwing wards over our walls, she started to do it too. This allowed me to nuke their team as they crawled around and deter them quite a bit.

Unfortunately, my team had ants in their pants and still liked to roam out into the jungle despite us being down inhibs, which inevitably led them to being caught out. Half the time they would listen to me and my commands and we would make serious progress (baron, a near ace, etc), but we'd never be able to capitalize because once we did make a successful play they would stop listening to me. No Elise, you don't need to go get your blue when we have two inhibs down and they're all over our jungle. Jinx I know you need farm and our bot lane is pushed out to where their turret used to be but we have two other lanes pushed to our base so pls pls pls CS there.

Oh well. I got personally thanked for my performance by ADC and support, guess I'll have to take that as a victory. Out damaged everyone in the game, out CSed everyone except Renekton (barely), and outganked our own jungler.

Overall I didn't feel bad about losing this one, as it showed me that I have improved a lot in many aspects in the game. Midlane is now my best lane over top, my map awareness is fucking stellar, I have a really good feel for when I can roam, and I know I can make the right call 90%~ of the time.
I think Draven is among the best designed champions. He's also super original, who would ever think of a fire dancer wielding spinning axes for combat? He's got originality, good design and personality. Draven does it

That hostility.

wait, out of all of Nev's posts in this thread, I'm the hostile one?



total biscuit gonna total biscuit

He's just saying he doesn't believe the viewer numbers were that high.

He has a point that it would be nice to see these numbers be substantiated in any way, be more transparent, have actual stats come with them etc. but then he just goes and calls anyone who disagrees with him a moron so he's really not worth paying attention to.


Had an ARAM as Blitz; don't think anyone on either team had actually seen a Blitz grab someone before. My team acted like I was performing miracles every time I grabbed a champ and kept going 'wow blitz' and calling me mvp and such. Enemy team also started congratulating me on my grabs as I pretty much landed every single one. I am not Best Blitz NA or anything, but I had a really good game. Enemy team started using their minions as shields but I started grabbing people through small gaps between minions. I was definitely in the zone.

It was funny at one point the enemy sivir was raging in all chat complaining how her teammates won't stop getting grabbed. So since I was sitting in the bush near her I lined up and grabbed her and my teammates went in for the kill. The rest of her team laughed in all chat about it and she said something like; LOL, fair enough, this Blitz is good, sorry all.' It ended up being a really funny moment for everyone. :p

End of game enemy team was like 'gg blitz' and I ended up getting honor from everyone on both teams which was a first. Stats screen people were talking about it's time to practice Blitz or time to buy Blitz, haha. It was a really fun match and everyone made me feel like a hero even tho I only got like 2 kills myself.


Over 32 million fans watched SK Telecom T1 earn the Summoner's Cup in front of a sold-out Staples Center. At peak, more than 8.5 million fans were watching at the same time. To put those numbers in context, the Season 2 World Championship was watched by 8.2 million fans, with 1.1 million watching at the same time.



i mean like
that is the kind of scenario i imagine when I think about a tv show about ppl who play league
they are doing kinda bad, their boss is being kind of mean to them at work and they spilled coffee on their shirt
they are sitting at the desk and their eyes kinda glaze over
and they daydream about the best blitz aram
then they wake up and slowly look at their inbox in proportion to their outbox (I don't know if such a thing is real I saw it on like looney tunes or something)

but the dream is you, you are the real living dream


i mean like
that is the kind of scenario i imagine when I think about a tv show about ppl who play league
they are doing kinda bad, their boss is being kind of mean to them at work and they spilled coffee on their shirt
they are sitting at the desk and their eyes kinda glaze over
and they daydream about the best blitz aram
then they wake up and slowly look at their inbox in proportion to their outbox (I don't know if such a thing is real I saw it on like looney tunes or something)

but the dream is you, you are the real living dream

Are you high 24/7?


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
The most impressive thing about TotalBiscuit is that he is constantly upset and hostile on social media to just about everyone every single day for literally years. He probably tweets hundreds of times a day. He has almost 90,000 tweets, and huge amounts of them are him angrily responding to people.


The most impressive thing about TotalBiscuit is that he is constantly upset and hostile on social media to just about everyone every single day for literally years. He probably tweets hundreds of times a day. He has almost 90,000 tweets, and huge amounts of them are him angrily responding to people.

I don't understand why he's so trolly and aggressive on his twitter. In most of his videos he has a more level headed approach to things.


I don't understand why he's so trolly and aggressive on his twitter. In most of his videos he has a more level headed approach to things.

Because he takes time to plan out his videos. Twitter is literally a tap away. Twitter is most likely his true feelings on things, with his videos being more approachable because he can craft them.


So of my two losses playing ranked yesterday, one was from a player disconnecting at level 3 and the other was from getting out objectived. The team spent a LOT of time roaming trying to get kills on guys like renekton (where it would be 3+ people trying to kill him) and didn't get a single tower. I secured 2 dragons but it wasn't enough. Obviously the global gold is a big impact as well as the map control from forcing the opponents closer and closer to their base. Our team started to get a little momentum back but regularly failed to follow up any kills with a real objective. So became a loss. No surprise there.

Then the next two games I was jungle and support respectively and I focused on getting the objectives and directing traffic so to speak. Then in both games after establishing a nice lead and getting multiple dragons and every tier 1 tower I hit a wall. I hit this wall every time I play. Where do you go next? I didn't really know. Nor did my team apparently. In fact, I think it's easy to say that gold and lower rarely know how to transition the game into that later game and close out games properly.

I know even challenger teams have this issue - how to close out a game. But strictly from solo queue perspective, what should the team be doing next? Logically I would think you'd start grouping and trying to get Tier2 towers. Maybe split pushing while having 2-3 men gank exposed lanes?

Usually what happens is the team just goes back to farming and often gets picked off 1v1. Or the opponents opt to start grouping and push down our tier 1 towers. Sometimes it works out and my team can keep its lead (maybe because it's a BIG lead or because the opponents get frustrated and keep doing stupid things) but in a game where it's close, this vital transition point for a winning team is the place where you can easily lose.

So in this scenario:

All opponent T1 towers down, just secured dragon, all your lanes are pushed toward enemy T2. What do you do? Group and try for a T2? Sometimes it's really tough to organize a solo queue team. Also sometimes we may be ahead but have a worse teamfighting team so we'd lose a siege. Or they have good waveclear and can hold off a siege with just a couple members while others farm and catch up or push down our towers.

What I usually try to do at this point if I'm support or jungle is start pushing vision into the enemy jungle. Prevent my laners from getting picked off if possible and allow the team to pick off their stragglers. But honestly it's a coin flip if my team can keep the pressure up and I'm often wondering exactly what the team as a whole should be doing next.

Any thoughts?
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