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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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Thank you. I started with the frozen bird---starts with an A? Only played two games but stuck with that champion for both. I love characters with strong area spells/abilities.

Anivia. If you like strong aoe abilities:

Easy(er) to play:




More difficult (don't feel intimidated by any means):


Tbh I'd just try Annie, she's really strong and does a lot of aoe damage with a stun. Try experiment. Assassins are pretty strong right now and are a lot of fun. I really like Zed.
Annie is probably best for beginner mage-types. It takes some practice to get the best out of Anivia, especially since her walls can harm your teammates.

Brand is a mage who can either slowly burn multiple targets or downright nuke them. His spells have special interaction depending on the order you cast them.


I couldn't stand nasus because combined with dorans shield and ls quints he could just spam laugh and completely ignore damage. I'm interested in seeing how he is now.

He'll be exactly the same for me due to my playstyle. Bait people to hit you at level 1, lose more than half the cs at level 1-2 but stay in range for exp. This will make them push the wave into your turret then you free farm forever.

Only dumbasses try to farm effectively at level 1. It's just suicide.

This champion is fair and balanced.

Looks like they had a fail jungler who got abused and couldn't punish you for picking Syndra, which is pretty much your optimal Syndra experience.

Less optimal: getting shit all over constantly by a hard-ganking/diving early jungler, losing your tower, and not being able to hover more than two inches out of your base. For some reason the tide is turning against ganking junglers in the meta (again), though, so I expect to see a lot more Syndra.


Junior Member
The learning curve is flat and Annie is easier than Anivia. I hope you are Diamond level to back this up *cough*

That said, if you like Anivia, stick with her. If you can combo her spells she does a lot of damage and she is a very safe farming monster.
Oh yeah, farm is very important, ~18 farm equals one kill in terms of gold. As Anivia, you'll want 2-3 big items, then your damage becomes scary.

Have fun with the Cryophoenix :)
These are all things I have thought to myself but when you type them into a web page it makes me sadface. It's like, now that it's on a web forum it's real, man.
Maybe Riot will surprise us since Team Builder is actually a game changer to remedy (at least partially if nothing else) a large portion of solo queue's horrible flaws... But they've also said that replays were coming "soon" back during Season 2, which I'd like to think is also be a similarly high priority project. I hope I'm wrong with their designers taking their sweet time.

Thank you. I started with the frozen bird---starts with an A? Only played two games but stuck with that champion for both. I love characters with strong area spells/abilities.
It's important to stick to champions you enjoy the most; it's still a videogame (d'uh) by the end of the day, and if you're not having fun then what's the point?

Feel free to ask for advice which champions would be suitable picks (in terms of your own personal tastes) for you to diversify with, after you've gotten more hands-on time with the game. League has a large roster at this point, and so by definition it'll take months for anyone new to the game to have met every champion often enough to get an impression of their abilities (never mind memorizing them).
Maybe Riot will surprise us since Team Builder is actually a game changer to remedy (at least partially if nothing else) a large portion of solo queue's horrible flaws... But they've also said that replays were coming "soon" back during Season 2, which I'd like to think is also be a similarly high priority project. I hope I'm wrong with their designers taking their sweet time.

Call it tin-foil hat conspiracy, but I feel that the reason they haven't added proper replay viewing or easy tournament spectating from within the client is because the exposure they get from people going to third-party venues to watch streams and VODs is more valuable than what they would get from keeping those things in-house.

You go on Twitch any given night and League of Legends has ten times the viewership of any other game. How much of that audience gets funneled off into in-game spectating or just waiting to watch VODs if they're available and (as they naturally would be) of better objective quality? Do you want to sacrifice the exposure of being the most talked-about and sought-after quantity on those services for the sake of user convenience?

Now, obviously that's not the thing you want to tell people, so you just say something about technical hurdles and "coming soon" to quiet the angry voices while maintaining a beneficial status quo. That's my thinking, anyway.
The issue with replays is having a server-side thing for it. LoLReplay is it's own thing, now imagine the League servers - EUW in particular - having to deal with replays on top of games.


Team Builder is quite possibly the best thing Riot has introduced to the genre. Love trying out new metas and positions with everyone on my team agreeing on the unconventional picks.
Call it tin-foil hat conspiracy, but I feel that the reason they haven't added proper replay viewing or easy tournament spectating from within the client is because the exposure they get from people going to third-party venues to watch streams and VODs is more valuable than what they would get from keeping those things in-house.

You go on Twitch any given night and League of Legends has ten times the viewership of any other game. How much of that audience gets funneled off into in-game spectating or just waiting to watch VODs if they're available and (as they naturally would be) of better objective quality? Do you want to sacrifice the exposure of being the most talked-about and sought-after quantity on those services for the sake of user convenience?

Now, obviously that's not the thing you want to tell people, so you just say something about technical hurdles and "coming soon" to quiet the angry voices while maintaining a beneficial status quo. That's my thinking, anyway.
Could be a reason, but I'm more inclined to believe that this is not a major concern for Riot. I think the reason why they're taking so long with replays is... When they first mentioned it, Season 3 was already approaching and they still had to deliver on Spectator Mode in itself, so that would require sweeping changes. Then they put far more emphasis and resources on e-sports with LCS et cetera, so now they're back at "wait until after Season 4 because changes". And then there's also the factor of big client changes being found through datamining, with stat tracking / the post-game lobby in particular, and who knows how much of that will carry over to the game (never mind us not knowing the scope of this). Historically lacking ample foresight, in essence.

Their biggest concern with replays as someone else already pointed out -has- to the strain it'll cause on servers though, since they want them to be available server-side as well. On PBE right now you can open up your match history and replays of your past 10 games should be available - I say should since sometimes it bugs out and not load - both for yourself and for every other person's public profile. That has to require a ton of preparations for Live servers, especially one as plagued as EUW recently.

That said, I'm not convinced that League replays (in their current state) would be damaging to Shitch.tv streams as the appeal behind both is different. As much as I'd like less viewership on that piece of shit website, you tune in on streams for the personalities / commentary and not so much for exhaustive play-by-play detailing (exceptions notwithstanding), which you're more likely to find on YouTube or during tournaments. It will also appeal to those who are looking for individual improvement, since they could finally pinpoint what went wrong in a specific match and move from there. Streams in comparison are just general pointers in comparison, and rarely 'personal' in that sense.

However, I'd argue it would be in Riot's best interest (financially) to go as far as DOTA 2 does with replays when it comes to functionality, if logistically feasible given their size. More specifically: the ability to host audio tracks and for commentators / tournaments to create some monetization out of that among other things. Is it fantastic for them to have so much exposure on Shitch.tv? Yes. Would it be even better if they could control some of that money flow through their own service and (ideally speaking) have it run more efficiently than that crap third-party website? Yes. DOTA 2's more broad feature set also hasn't hurt their following on stream-dedicated websites (especially with tournaments), so as a business I'd like to have a piece of their pie if it was a realistic thing to pull off.

I dunno, I'm rambling. Just want mah replayz damn it.


Nah I'm pretty sure the reason replays are delayed are because euw is running above capacity already. Extra server load will kill the entire Europe cluster, and releasing replays for all the regions but euw would be terrible PR
Am I making this up or has Riot ever mentioned targeted cc being a problem?

I played Zed against an Annie mid last game and easily won lane but still lost the match, but I can't help but feel Annie mid is so simple mechanically it's almost unfair at some low elos. Literally her entire combo is just charging up her stun, then q->r->w or some combination of. Compare her to Syndra who also does amazing burst, but at least Syndra requires skill shots to get off her stun and almost all of her damage. I have a similar problem with fiddlesticks fear.

It does seem like Riot's new champions don't seem to have this problem, with the vast majority of them being higher skill champions with plenty of skill shots to get the most out of them. Good players can account for what these champs do, but at low elos everyone just gets wrecked most of the time because it's very hard to counter play.


Nah I'm pretty sure the reason replays are delayed are because euw is running above capacity already. Extra server load will kill the entire Europe cluster, and releasing replays for all the regions but euw would be terrible PR

Yeah, this is certainly possible. euw is so overcrowded.


Nah I'm pretty sure the reason replays are delayed are because euw is running above capacity already. Extra server load will kill the entire Europe cluster, and releasing replays for all the regions but euw would be terrible PR

Yeah, they've actually said it's been delayed because of server capacity. Still doesn't explain why it was disabled on PBE.


Junior Member
Am I making this up or has Riot ever mentioned targeted cc being a problem?

I played Zed against an Annie mid last game and easily won lane but still lost the match, but I can't help but feel Annie mid is so simple mechanically it's almost unfair at some low elos. Literally her entire combo is just charging up her stun, then q->r->w or some combination of. Compare her to Syndra who also does amazing burst, but at least Syndra requires skill shots to get off her stun and almost all of her damage. I have a similar problem with fiddlesticks fear.

It does seem like Riot's new champions don't seem to have this problem, with the vast majority of them being higher skill champions with plenty of skill shots to get the most out of them. Good players can account for what these champs do, but at low elos everyone just gets wrecked most of the time because it's very hard to counter play.
Annie in her "Tibbers!!" stunbear combo is a special case. General single CC is not the problem but rather team CC lategame. Amumu can singlehandedly decide a game if your team has followup AoE just by hitting bandage toss->ult.

Oh yeah, Zed vs Annie, I can see how this is hard. You basically need to harass her down with your shadow and shurikens, an all-in is likely deadly post 6 thanks to tibbers. Fiddle fear is strong but unless you are ganked you can really outdamage him.

Also, as Zed, get a Quicksilver sash, the Mercurial scimitar upgrade is great. I bind the active item slot to a side mousekey and can instantly get out from any cc by that. Though vs Annie that could be too slow anyway. Burstmaster :p


Am I making this up or has Riot ever mentioned targeted cc being a problem?

I played Zed against an Annie mid last game and easily won lane but still lost the match, but I can't help but feel Annie mid is so simple mechanically it's almost unfair at some low elos. Literally her entire combo is just charging up her stun, then q->r->w or some combination of. Compare her to Syndra who also does amazing burst, but at least Syndra requires skill shots to get off her stun and almost all of her damage. I have a similar problem with fiddlesticks fear.

It does seem like Riot's new champions don't seem to have this problem, with the vast majority of them being higher skill champions with plenty of skill shots to get the most out of them. Good players can account for what these champs do, but at low elos everyone just gets wrecked most of the time because it's very hard to counter play.

You're almost there, keep your eyes open.

That's why Smite should become THE moba and why it has all my support. Targeted spells, not only CC, are cancer and especially after playing that game you cannot see them as anything other than a joke and a dumbed down piece of shit for unskilled players.

Annie is the worst offender, literally faceroll on the keyboard. Veigar is fucking disgusting too, hover your mouse over the target and press all the buttons. Luckily it seems they're getting away from that kind of highly toxic kit usually inherent to old champions like these two or Ryze with the newer champions. Unfortunately there are exceptions like 3y-o brain Fizz/Diana.

You know the worst part about this? Non-trashplayer skillcap champions like Cassiopeia, Ziggs, Syndra, Karma, Lissandra or Xerath don't give enough reward for being minimally challenging to play well. You have to be consistently good with them to perform well, and even if you do, the reward is not higher than what you get by keyboard-punching with scum like Ryze, Kassadin or Annie.

Riot needs to get things straight if they don't want to be ridiculized and overtaken by Dota 2. Further, I mean. Not that Dota 2 isn't a joke compared to Smite too anyways.


Nev, you've gone from funny to obnoxious. Your posts are always shitting on the game with almost nothing positive to say. Ever. Riot doesn't read this thread. You just sound like a bitter child who complains about not liking chicken nuggets even though you ordered them.

Go post in the Smite thread. Go post in the Dota thread.

Just don't post here.
Nev, you've gone from funny to obnoxious. Your posts are always shitting on the game with almost nothing positive to say. Ever. Riot doesn't read this thread. You just sound like a bitter child who complains about not liking chicken nuggets even though you ordered them.

Go post in the Smite thread. Go post in the Dota thread.

Just don't post here.

That's what you get for encouraging him

Thankfully someone pointed me towards the ignore button. Such a serene thread now...


As much as I dislike your style of posting, Nev, youre right. Point and click cc that lasts three seconds is extremely toxic. I'm fine with point and click stuff as long as its an ult (diana, lissandra, zed) but when Annie gets that much pressure on demand with 100% success rate, it becomes stupid.

Also why diss diana? At least she has to hit a skillshot. You should be bitching about akali.
As much as I dislike your style of posting, Nev, youre right. Point and click cc that lasts three seconds is extremely toxic. I'm fine with point and click stuff as long as its an ult (diana, lissandra, zed) but when Annie gets that much pressure on demand with 100% success rate, it becomes stupid.

Also why diss diana? At least she has to hit a skillshot. You should be bitching about akali.

Because Annie is extremely short ranged. She has to put herself within the danger zone to do most of her stuff.

A lot of this discussion is taking into account strengths and not the counter play those champions have in other areas.

Lissandra also has very short range on her cc spells and is in general pretty squishy. For her point and click cc she generally has to choose between trying to eliminate someone and leaving herself open to be deleted or saving herself and pretty much losing a full rotation of spell casting while she ults herself.

Annie's spell cast ranges are shorter than her auto attack range, they're shorter than a lot of mage spell ranges. For her to do her thing she has to put herself in danger.

Fiddle fear is dumb and should be nuked from orbit. Taric stun is also arguably really stupid, although it has a travel time and doesn't last as long.

Point and click abilities aren't inherently toxic, as champions usually have other trade offs to compensate. You have to take that stuff into account.


Really, the only point and click cc that's kind of broken is Fiddle's. He should just get some utility scaling and maybe have the base fear lowered.
Well, it wasn't as bad as expected.

Laning phase was dead even. We were doing OK with teamfights but our Nidalee got an Oracle so late into the game, and it was after I asked. We were too behind with the push. I threw the last teamfight since I got caught by Riven. Their Trist kept getting metric freaking tons of attack speed. I wasn't exactly getting assassinated and Elise/Nunu weren't problems so I was building towards a Randuin.

I don't care what other people say. Shiv rush is as very legit.


Well, it wasn't as bad as expected.

Laning phase was dead even. We were doing OK with teamfights but our Nidalee got an Oracle so late into the game, and it was after I asked. We were too behind with the push. I threw the last teamfight since I got caught by Riven. Their Trist kept getting metric freaking tons of attack speed. I wasn't exactly getting assassinated and Elise/Nunu weren't problems so I was building towards a Randuin.

I don't care what other people say. Shiv rush is as very legit.
2 nid supports in one game. Disgusting.


Fiddle fear is, I think, the only really obnoxious point-and-click CC. Annie's is really short range and isn't on a static cooldown. Taric's is kinda dumb, but it's Taric, so whatever. I think a shield toss stun would make sense on him, make it like Sivir's Q except it stops at the first target, to or from.

But mang Fiddle fear is stupid.

Edit: Oh, I'm basically a parrot to Phillip.
Only reason Fiddle's fear is manageable is that the rest of his kit is eh.

Annie's stun is telegraphed, you always know when her passive is or will be up thanks to the buff stacks.


Well, it wasn't as bad as expected.

Laning phase was dead even. We were doing OK with teamfights but our Nidalee got an Oracle so late into the game, and it was after I asked. We were too behind with the push. I threw the last teamfight since I got caught by Riven. Their Trist kept getting metric freaking tons of attack speed. I wasn't exactly getting assassinated and Elise/Nunu weren't problems so I was building towards a Randuin.

I don't care what other people say. Shiv rush is as very legit.

Trist shiv rush is really catching some momentum in higher elos. I've seen WildTurtle and Chaox do it a bunch. It seems very effective. They do it instead of a botrk rush.
Fiddle fear is, I think, the only really obnoxious point-and-click CC. Annie's is really short range and isn't on a static cooldown. Taric's is kinda dumb, but it's Taric, so whatever. I think a shield toss stun would make sense on him, make it like Sivir's Q except it stops at the first target, to or from.

But mang Fiddle fear is stupid.

Edit: Oh, I'm basically a parrot to Phillip.

you're a smart person then :p

Only reason Fiddle's fear is manageable is that the rest of his kit is eh.

Annie's stun is telegraphed, you always know when her passive is or will be up thanks to the buff stacks.

Crowstorm does obscene amounts of damage. A good Fiddle is complete terror and will take the game over. I feel like he's too strong right now.

Agreed on Annie, yes.
Trist shiv rush is really catching some momentum in higher elos. I've seen WildTurtle and Chaox do it a bunch. It seems very effective. They do it instead of a botrk rush.
It really hurts especially if it crits. In one of my early deaths, Shiv accounted for 300 damage. Seems like it'd be nice on AD comps because the enemy won't really build MR.

Would spell/blade weaving work on Draven's q/Kayle's e? Probably not, because that would be so broken.
RiotPony said that it works with any spell that procs spellvamp, so no to Draven Q and yes to Kayle E.


It really hurts especially if it crits. In one of my early deaths, Shiv accounted for 300 damage. Seems like it'd be nice on AD comps because the enemy won't really build MR.

RiotPony said that it works with any spell that procs spellvamp, so no to Draven Q and yes to Kayle E.
Good, good. I'm satisfied with my executioner mastery on Draven anyways :p.


Junior Member
What?? New masteries are fun, and this time, I won't read any guide.

I understand good enough what I want and can finally experiment a bit, especially since S4 mastery trees seem much more clearcut.
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