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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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Fishbones is lighter than he looks. Pow-Pow needs to go on a diet though.

I bet I won't be critiquing comic-style splash art with a magnifying glass and relative to real life. You can believe that shit. Maybe we should start critiquing the likelihood of a real life Renekton. Upright walking gators with Klingon combat weapons. Also Vi, Jinx and Riven look kinda scrawny to be swingin dem big weapons. IDUNNO GUYS. SEEMS KINDA SKETCH TO ME.

Hey, my entire point was her foot looks weird.
Au contraire! I bet they love comics because they love over-analyzing pointless, meaningless plots and fantasy lands.

Almost in tears at this one. Hells, what a funny exchange this has been.

LoL-related: played some Korean GP and beasted my lane against Xin Zhao, lost anyway because the new guy we were teaching had lag on top of everything else, and mid fed a bit. No bother though, not a bad way to get back into the game after a few days off.

Other: Path of Exile is really fun. I just lost an hour and a half. Bit the bullet and did the Steam install, worth it because there are indeed sweet features as mentioned above. Pretty nice. Must remember to remove the other one now. Playing a duelist and just maxing that attack speed and dual wield. No research or anything, just twitting about with the first thing that looked cool. Definitely gonna keep my attention for a while.

boken pls

i have so many games already




Fishbones is lighter than he looks. Pow-Pow needs to go on a diet though.

Hey, my entire point was her foot looks weird.
the foot isnt a huge deal its actually accurate for an extreme bowling pose

see exhibit 1:
problem is... WHY IS SHE BOWLING??

Almost in tears at this one. Hells, what a funny exchange this has been.

LoL-related: played some Korean GP and beasted my lane against Xin Zhao, lost anyway because the new guy we were teaching had lag on top of everything else, and mid fed a bit. No bother though, not a bad way to get back into the game after a few days off.

Other: Path of Exile is really fun. I just lost an hour and a half. Bit the bullet and did the Steam install, worth it because there are indeed sweet features as mentioned above. Pretty nice. Must remember to remove the other one now. Playing a duelist and just maxing that attack speed and dual wield. No research or anything, just twitting about with the first thing that looked cool. Definitely gonna keep my attention for a while.

boken pls

i have so many games already


i need to educate my moba brothers on videogaming

discovered PoE has australian servers. going to play it so hard. screw blizzard and their shitty SEA only servers.


I'll promise to never speak of this again if you just keep that grinning skeleton the fuck away from me.

Look at him. He wants to devour my soul.

I don't even have one.


id post a zoomed in picture to show you that he definitely does have a top row of teeth, but scy might pass out at his computer


cos somebody forgot to post this too:

Hello, this is Misaya from Team WE. S4 testing in Los Angeles concluded just a few days ago, so today I'm here to share some of the changes.

Firstly, I think these S4 changes will make the game more competitive and interesting.
In the S4 preseason tournaments, there will be much fewer level 1 fights. Minions spawn at 1:00 and jungle camps spawn at 1:30 (on the test client now, but subject to changes). The appearance of Trinkets (3 abilities: a 60s ward, clairvoyance, and a small stealth detection) will let level 1 fights be less feasible. Level 1 fights will be very rare in future ranked and tournament games. Another thing to note is that the gold from First Blood before 4 minutes is also reduced to 240. Who would sacrifice lane experience for so little gold in a level 1 fight?

The changes to the vision system and the positions of bushes will let skirmishes happen more often. Whoever can best utilize the new Trinkets (a 7th item slot dedicated to vision items) will directly decide your vision control and come out ahead in skirmishes. How to use Trinkets should be the first thing to learn; they are definitely the most important items in this version of the game.

Big changes to the assist system and support role will let the support have more carrying power. In this version, supports can get gold from various sources (masteries, assists, towers, new items, and the gold ADs obtain). In the testing, I found out that gold from assists are just way too much. During testing, Madlife would always have a lot of items. One time, when he was supporting me, he had Philosopher's Stone, Ruby Sightstone, and potions before 8 minutes. We won that match easily. If support and AD can win bot lane, the support can definitely carry. I believe many different supports will appear in future tournaments :)

The changes to jungle involve a new jungle camp and itemization changes. I've got to say that right now, the gold increase from jungle items is too much, especially Wriggles Lantern (giving an additional 40% gold of jungle creeps in testing). Several other items also give pretty good gold. The increase to assist gold will let the jungler, who is already roaming all game, get more gold. The new jungle camp is definitely a blessing in the preseason. It gives decent experience and gold, and isn't hard to take down. It also gives balance to the map, letting every quarter of the map have 3 jungle camps, making jungle diversity richer.

The S4 changes are definitely interesting, and we had a lot of fun in testing. Support is no longer negligible, and the changes to masteries also let AP become more interesting. Although support and junglers are becoming stronger, the damage of AP and AD will also increase due to masteries changes. This version of the game will need the AP to be more active in roaming in tandem with the jungler, since there are more resources to contest on the map. How to help the jungle and other lanes get more jungle resources and tower gold will the main objective of the new season.

During testing, we found that every game proceeded very quickly. The gold increase from first tier turrets (the killer of the first tier turret will get 250 gold + 75 gold to everyone), will let the game develop faster. On the whole, the game rhythm will develop from active early game fights: towers, dragon, and buffs will all become extremely important objectives to contest. The Sightstone will also let the winning side get more chances to attack, while the defending side will also have some ability to strike back.

The changes to Baron buff (the buff holding side will receive a buff similar to Mobility boots and a percentage increase to tower damage). So with the buff, the speed of taking down towers is like...I think a TF with Lich Bane and Deathcap can take down an inhibitor turret in 2 blue cards? Baron buff no longer gives any fighting power, so the defending side has to actively attack, or else the towers go down way too fast.

After testing, I am truly looking forward to the preseason. This will definitely be a very fun version. We'vce been playing the S3 version for a very long time. Even though S3 is an excellent version, I am still eager for the new version, because the changes are very interesting and attractive. Nobody knows which champions and what strategies will become mainstream in the preseason tournaments.

Are you guys excited for the new season? Let's await the Preseason together!

sounds like ADC and top laners are biggest losers

mostly top laners.


TFW i main top :'(

at least you dont have anybody to steal that precious 250g tower last hit from you.


Dota 6.79: Killing Observer Wards now grants a 50 gold bounty
"What is this, League of Legends?"

LoL S4: "Outer tower (possibly all towers) gold distribution changed to killer 250 allies 75 each"
"What is this, Dota?"

2020: new game announced, Defense of the Legends.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
"Increases bonus armor by 6% against enemies with below 50% HP."
This seems dumb...are you sure these are legit?


"I don't think so these were fan made a while ago. Here's the link to them on reddit, made up over 5 months ago. :p

they arent even using the new graphics that have been on PBE


"Increases bonus armor by 6% against enemies with below 50% HP."
This seems dumb...are you sure these are legit?

"I don't think so these were fan made a while ago. Here's the link to them on reddit, made up over 5 months ago. :p

they arent even using the new graphics that have been on PBE

Yeah, that's why I said "leaked". Some of those just seem so ridiculously broken it couldn't be real.


Got like 8k IP, would like to buy a new champion but sir boken said I should save it up for preseason stuff.

Aatrox has been on my radar though...

why boken, whyyyyy.


You listen to boko?

I would like to dump my IP to worthless preseason runes and such if they do release them.

dude im a knight

but srsly

why get a champion now when in 2-3 weeks with preseason he becomes crap!

aatrox should be ok though if the jungle seems as farm heavy as it does.

i give you my blessing, squire mothman91
oh shit, thank you for your blessing, sire bokenpls.
Our team just carried the hell out of a garbage MF. Who the hell flashes with 50% health to ult 2 fullhealth enemies and 3 MIAs? With a BoRK and Shiv? She doesn't even TRY to kite. Just stands still in every teamfight. She then keeps whining in allchat his teammates suck but the enemy team kept saying she's the only one who sucked.

I've seen waaaay more Silvers play better.


I think it's kind of sad how much groupthink there is in LoL, once ppl start using certain champs a lot they suddenly become OP, jinx for example, certainly strong, but not OP. Or people always needing to ban thresh or blitz or something, although they certainly are a little annoying to play against. Personally, I don't think blitz is very good at all though.

It's funny because ppl always used to complain about jungle yi, but after that period when he suddenly became "OP," people just shrug now.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I think it's kind of sad how much groupthink there is in LoL, once ppl start using certain champs a lot they suddenly become OP, jinx for example, certainly strong, but not OP. Or people always needing to ban thresh or blitz or something, although they certainly are a little annoying to play against. Personally, I don't think blitz is very good at all though.
jinx is probably op.

people ban thresh and blitz because they change the dynamic of the game, are kill lanes, or can turn games around even when behind.
It's funny because ppl always used to complain about jungle yi, but after that period when he suddenly became "OP," people just shrug now.
yi was op as heck on rework. impossible to deal with because he would alpha strike to become untargetable, auto once or twice for a kill, then keep rolling the combo. he got a major nerf that didn't give instant resets so he died again.
Jinx is OP though. What other ADC has strong attack enhancers on top of strong utility? She has a decent amount of poke with Zap and Fishbones. Her ult numbers are strong but not really problematic.

Some nerfs were warranted. I like Nasus but I thought cutting Wither's ASPD debuff was a great nerf. It actually gave the withered enemy an option to fight instead of no option. The nerf to Darius ult's cooldown reset mechanic was also a great nerf; it still lets him execute a penta, but it doesn't mean his ult is always up when you go back to lane.

Nerfs to Ahri and Fizz? Eh. Ahri was pretty much fine. I'm just not fond of Riot pretty much shoehorning her into assassin, since the nerfs revolved around her usage of DFG.



Varus takes a little while to get going in 3v3, but once he gets his shit? ggwp. That ult wins every team fight.

The wild Dream Visions uses build Runaans!

Newt withdraws calm conversation.
Newt send out League GAF.

"Go get em League GAF, your enemy is weak"

League GAF is building rage!

Sorry, I just like to hate on Runaan's :p.


Problem with jinx is that she has no escapes, too easily dived. Ahri was a bit too strong when she was 100 to 0ing tanks and stuff, all that mobility, on top of the ability to burst down even tanks, was a little too much.


Quas isn't very impressive in this game vs. GGU.

Curse getting dominated. Man they suck now.

Jax gonna get hit with the nerfsticks next.


Yeah after watching the hbo league spot, I feel really sorry for ggLA too. Two friends putting 60k on the line, looking incredibly hopeful to get into the LCS and then Curse take their star laner.

They were way better with quas, and he was too.

I dunno if they had a contract with him, (doubt it since they only had 60k overhead) which means that Curse could just flat out poach him with their deeper pockets without making any "player purchases" from ggLA.

So ggLA didn't profit at all, lose a player and probably their lcs hopes and all their money. Poor guys.

This is probably why we don't see any independent gaming companies anymore?


Yeah after watching the hbo league spot, I feel really sorry for ggLA too. Two friends putting 60k on the line, looking incredibly hopeful to get into the LCS and then Curse take their star laner.

They were way better with quas, and he was too.

I dunno if they had a contract with him, (doubt it since they only had 60k overhead) which means that Curse could just flat out poach him with their deeper pockets without making any "player purchases" from ggLA.

So ggLA didn't profit at all, lose a player and probably their lcs hopes and all their money. Poor guys.

This is probably why we don't see any independent gaming companies anymore?

What decides if they get in or not? Are they boned already?


What decides if they get in or not? Are they boned already?

they are out of the 1st promo qualifiers (placed 3rd in groups) - along with Quantic (lol).

Next promo qualifiers starts again Nov16 - for 2 more spots. this is their last chance.

1st Promo Qualifier bracket:
Team VEX v CoG gaming
Napkins in Disguise v CRS Academy
- winners secure spots in the S4 Qualifiers

TBD and CoL have already got their spots for S4 Qualifiers


they are out of the 1st promo qualifiers (placed 3rd in groups) - along with Quantic (lol).

Next promo qualifiers starts again Nov16 - for 2 more spots. this is their last chance.

1st Promo Qualifier bracket:
Team VEX v CoG gaming
Napkins in Disguise v CRS Academy
- winners secure spots in the S4 Qualifiers

TBD and CoL have already got their spots for S4 Qualifiers

Go Curse Academy Go!!!!
You guys ever get heavy lag spiking?

For the majority of the evening, I have these spikes up to like 800ms, then they fall back down to the 80ms range. It was almost once a minute, and in-game it meant I couldn't control my champ at all. If I was stationary, I'd just be stuck standing there for 2-4 seconds. If I was moving, they may just keep on moving.

It's just infuriating and I've noticed it come and go over the last month. It doesn't happen in any other game.


You guys ever get heavy lag spiking?

For the majority of the evening, I have these spikes up to like 800ms, then they fall back down to the 80ms range. It was almost once a minute, and in-game it meant I couldn't control my champ at all. If I was stationary, I'd just be stuck standing there for 2-4 seconds. If I was moving, they may just keep on moving.

It's just infuriating and I've noticed it come and go over the last month. It doesn't happen in any other game.

Yeah, yesterday was terrible for lags, at least in euw. Some days the lag spikes happen all day/all evening, most days it's nothing at all. When there are heavy lag spikes, most people in the game should get them.
Yeah, yesterday was terrible for lags, at least in euw. Some days the lag spikes happen all day/all evening, most days it's nothing at all. When there are heavy lag spikes, most people in the game should get them.

I see. I couldn't really tell if anyone else was having problems consistently, but a couple random people did mention lag in a few of the games.

It just fucking sucks when you walk right into the middle of the enemy team and can't do anything to stop the champ. Or trying to E Q combo with Jayce and not getting anything coming out.

I lost a few ranked matches just like that. Pretty disappointing.


I see. I couldn't really tell if anyone else was having problems consistently, but a couple random people did mention lag in a few of the games.

It just fucking sucks when you walk right into the middle of the enemy team and can't do anything to stop the champ. Or trying to E Q combo with Jayce and not getting anything coming out.

I lost a few ranked matches just like that. Pretty disappointing.

Oh, did you not get loss forgiven for the ranked games? Usually when there's server-wide heavy lags ranked queues are disabled/ loss forgiven is given to losers of ongoing ranked games. This means the winners only get something like +9 LP as well.

But yeah, it sucks when there's lag, especially if there is no loss forgiven. The safest way to handle ranked games is usually to take a break or to go play non-ranked for a while once you experience heavy lag. If the lag is gone in normals it should be gone in ranked as well.
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