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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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Oh, shit.

My mood really impacts my performance in league. I was so sad about getting those 2 Poppy's skins that I played really bad today, and I was thinking about playing some ranked, lol.

(When I say bad, I mean, really, really bad. Like 50 cs with 0/3 at 10 minutes. I got a headache and was even more depressed than before).

Edit: Did Riot improve the FPS of the game with the patch? I'm getting 102-110 FPS now... I used to have a solid 60 fps


"we have realised that giving people 975rp skins for 520rp means that we are losing money, and so we have disabled gifting"


Saw on reddit that someone asked if it's a equal chance for every skin and a riot person said yep, it's all equal.

They probably changed the RNG for the chances now.
Went 1-1 in ranked today for a gain of 3 LP. I'm being matched against silver players which makes sense being in Bronze 1, can't help but feel like I'm making progress and will get out of this soon.

First game, I had called mid and everyone had their position, then the guy that was adc picked J4 to jungle with, so we had him and Lee sin. That meant Lee Sin had to go mid against Zed (which was fine) and I had to adc with Varus. I played poorly but that Jarvan... he said it was his first game and I wasnt surprised. Flashing out of his ult for no reason instead of pressing R again, e->q combo going short of the enemy instead of past them for the knock up...

Second game, I go J4 jungle, which is becoming my most common pick. They had a Silver 4 Khazix, and I knew he would try to take my red. So I take blue, head to red, then he shows up and I just leave and wait by Golems, then E->Q in on top of him just as he finished it for the first blood and a free leash :p. I went on to start 4-0 and snowball mid and bot, and our team went on to win easily. Our "Sivir main" (who had 2 games in ranked with Sivir total despite being silver with over 500 wins :p) played really well and we crushed them. Our team comp? Sona, Jarvan, Kennen, Wukong.... team fights were a joke. Best game I've played out of the jungle.


seriously how do you carry from support. I need help.

I don't even understand. my lane goes 13/2, i buy oracles, clear wards and people just dive and suicide all day instead of using map control to their advantage


seriously how do you carry from support. I need help.

I don't even understand. my lane goes 13/2, i buy oracles, clear wards and people just dive and suicide all day instead of using map control to their advantage
As if you haven't had that for any other role :S.


As if you haven't had that for any other role :S.

I can farm and 1v1 solo farmers as a jungler/top laner (don't play anything else out of that) :\

i feel like once you clear every ward on the map and ward every entrance to the jungle, you just kinda wait for your team.

I'm not saying that's not useful, it's probably the most useful thing anyone can do in the game but what do you do after that to get into a better winning position?


I can farm and 1v1 solo farmers as a jungler/top laner (don't play anything else out of that) :\

i feel like once you clear every ward on the map and ward every entrance to the jungle, you just kinda wait for your team.

I'm not saying that's not useful, it's probably the most useful thing anyone can do in the game but what do you do after that to get into a better winning position?

You can get some farm of your own prolly if there are any spare minions around or stay with another person so 1v1s won't happen.


"the evolution of Vi's ass"

seriously how do you carry from support. I need help.

I don't even understand. my lane goes 13/2, i buy oracles, clear wards and people just dive and suicide all day instead of using map control to their advantage

You have to hold their hand. You have to tell the jungler that dragon is pinked and that you should be taking it instead of pushing the second tier bot tower, because for some reason people always think that's a good idea. You have to ping well-warded lanes for the ADC to farm in, and ping them away from poorly-warded lanes they shouldn't be farming in. You have to ping enemies whenever wards spot them, because your allies probably aren't paying attention to any parts of the map that aren't very close to them.

You basically have to go full shot-caller/babysitter. Being able to win your lane (because despite what anyone will tell you, it's almost always the support who wins bot lane for the team, not the carry) also makes a huge difference.


Nope no-one listened. We had baron but 2 people went bot and died when I was spamming pings at the enemy running through our jungle to kill them. They just kept pushing.

Watching people play is too eye gouging

I'm going back to jungle to only watch the minimap and steal farm, tyvm
Why did I do mystery gift.

I got Reverse Annie and Dreadknight Garen. I basically never play either champion. What a waste of $10.

Should've just straight up bought the Diana skin I wanted.


372 Q stacks at 20minutes in a real game on Nasus

I dare someone to beat that

(also did it against a guy who was abusing me in the previous game. Revenge is sweet)


My two gifts were Samurai Yi for a guy that hates Yi and Frostfire Annie to a guy that mainly plays supports. I've got Tribal Ryze and Piltover Customs Blitz.

You lose some you win some.
Tryndamere got a VU? They could have at least updated his skill icons...

These came to be well before they established a dedicated VU team, mind you.

On a general note, they did update the font for the damage numbers, right? I really like how easy it is to read them now as the numbers bounce off of things.
Gold font and sound, damage fonts, level up sound + particles, (summoner spell) Revive particles and potion particles are among the small details that have been altered this patch, yes.
My two gifts were Samurai Yi for a guy that hates Yi and Frostfire Annie to a guy that mainly plays supports. I've got Tribal Ryze and Piltover Customs Blitz.

You lose some you win some.

Annie's good support for the next few weeks, at least! I've actually seen some people picking her back up in mid lane now that the assassins aren't quite as terrifying, too. (I still don't recommend it unless they show a jungler who has garbage early ganks, but still.)
Annie is gonna be OP as shit entering the preseason. As soon as she starts getting extra gold while supporting, get ready for getting blown up.

Also J4 got fuuuuuuuuuuuucked. Landing his EQ combo got super hard.



These came to be well before they established a dedicated VU team, mind you.

Gold font and sound, damage fonts, level up sound + particles, (summoner spell) Revive particles and potion particles are among the small details that have been altered this patch, yes.

Annie is gonna be OP as shit entering the preseason. As soon as she starts getting extra gold while supporting, get ready for getting blown up.

Also J4 got fuuuuuuuuuuuucked. Landing his EQ combo got super hard.
He is still fine but for the less experienced people playing him they got hit hard!


Annie's good support for the next few weeks, at least! I've actually seen some people picking her back up in mid lane now that the assassins aren't quite as terrifying, too. (I still don't recommend it unless they show a jungler who has garbage early ganks, but still.)
That's what we talked about yesterday - that with current meta and future changes Annie would be a great support and it's time he tried and learned to play her. Normally he plays, really well, standard supports like Sona or Nami.

And Annie mid is still great, she's my go-to mid pick. I love out-assasin Assasins with pure damage.
That's what we talked about yesterday - that with current meta and future changes Annie would be a great support and it's time he tried and learned to play her. Normally he plays, really well, standard supports like Sona or Nami.

And Annie mid is still great, she's my go-to mid pick. I love out-assasin Assasins with pure damage.

Yeah, she's lacking in escapes, but depending on the jungler it's not actually that big of a deal. If they show a jungler that either has crap ganks (Nasus), doesn't gank until six, or can be body-blocked by Tibbers to make their gank ineffective, she's a great pick. You just have to have balls of steel to pick her into a Vi, Jarvan, or Aatrox jungle, because they can punish you so hard with early ganks it isn't even funny.


Been waiting with bated breath for Lollipoppy... kind of upset that the store showed her old splash art, but in game it's the new (shitty) one. The fact that people would be forced to the horrific, nightmare inducing Lollipoppy splash art is the entire reason I bought it anyway. I feel kind of duped.

In other news, I was gifted Super Hero Teemo, meaning I have almost every Teemo skin available.
Been waiting with bated breath for Lollipoppy... kind of upset that the store showed her old splash art, but in game it's the new (shitty) one. The fact that people would be forced to the horrific, nightmare inducing Lollipoppy splash art is the entire reason I bought it anyway. I feel kind of duped.
That's getting fixed next patch.


How's jinx post nerf?

I managed to play Officer Vi last night. I like the skin. Too bad the game sucked. I was the lone solo player with a premade group of 4. They were obviously on comms cause there was no communication at all in game. The most mystifying was the surrender right in the middle of the game after 2 of them got caught out. Sure it sucked, but the game was still well in our control. We had 6 towers to their 2 and I got all the dragons (literally me. I solo'd 3 out of 4). They were up like 2 kills globally. It wasn't in bad shape at all.

I said "seriously?". And the only communication I got the entire game was right there - "stfu Vi".


I hate normals. Didn't play ranked because my net has been funky lately and wanted to try a few games with my new cable modem.


Everything is moe to me
blitz: let me and ezreal 2v1 mid!
me: okay, i guess.
*10 minutes later*
blitz: 0/6, ezreal 1/3


in hindsight, i should have suspected something when he said he'd counter blitz with support shen if the other team picked him. back to 0lp.
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