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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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I imagine that they're going to tone back the slow from her AP at some point.


In around ~20 minutes, I could get reasonably around half of that while still being pretty much a support build.
let janna have her 70% single target slow at 20 mins
god u ppl

Outer turrets now grant 100 global gold per player and 150 gold split among the players who kill the turret

riot pls, just hire me already.
"Man, I wish I still had access to PBE now that they locked existing accounts recently. I really want to try Trundle in the new jungle. Let's try it out just in cas-"

*log-in authorized*

Me playing as Draven

Vs Old Zed

"Shit guys, protect me from Zed, he's going in. I have barrier and GA, hopefully I can survive."

Vs New Zed

"So where do you think you're going Zed? Fight me, I dare you."
If you're mid Elise against Zed (already a very advantageous match-up), you now have enough time to go make a cup of tea before you have to press her E to negate his ult damage spike.


not enough sproink.
So you want her to die if she stops moving, like the Pokémon?

I don't play Karma though ;_;

...maybe she'll be awesome in S4...
She's already been damn good for a while now, and is more annoying that old Nunu top for several melee top laners.

AOE damage + team buffs. Doesn't seem like the worst thing to have for team fights.
I feel Sivir's ult may be a tad lackluster in terms of additional team utility. A good Enchanted E from Karma (especially a solo laner) is more immediate potency with more frequency, but I'm not sure what else they could have her ult offer to her teammates (if it's even necessary).

No more improved summoners yesssss

I hated those masteries
+10 gold for 'improved' Smite was the biggest noob trap in the entire mastery tree, and it's been in the game for 4 years.

Not playing Maokai again until they buff him or make the S4 jungle not as hard for him.

Love playing Maokai, but it's so rough right now.
Mid I Am Oak. Especially with Jarvan IV / Elise / Vi
/ Trundle
and similar high-aggression junglers being popular.

Sakura kind of sucks, but Sun Goddess is her best.

Anyways they're meh skins compared to the other two of course, but he was incredibly lucky if true.

They should recolor the particles so I feel like using anything other than Traditional/Sun Goddess. I mean at least Sun Goddess should have different particles for being 975. Like golden or something. Pinkish particles for Sakura would've been cool too, but it's 520 so you can't really expect much. 975 though it should definitely have particles.
Sun Goddess Karma is needlessly white-washed (with bigger boobs) and the colors of her outfit are drab. I'd be okay with it if they fixed those issues.

Do agree on how Riot should look into giving her particles a different color dependant on her skin of choice.

Finally a new nasus skin. God damn. Been waiting for a long ass time.
But he already got so many!

the buff it deserved

Needs to be buffed to "Removed from every single game mode".



Game Systems Stuff-http://community.pbe.leagueoflegends.com/c/gameplay/1aaAQQz5-game-flow-changes-on-the-pbe-10312013

A lot of these changes seem like they are designed to slow down snowball with inbuilt “comeback” mechanics in dragon, assist bonuses and minions. It also sounds like there will be more total gold compared to s3 (faster games?)
  • Player Bounties are worth 40% at the start of the game and scale to 100% starting at 2 minutes, ending at 4 minutes.
  • The “assist pot” now scales from 50% of the bounty @ 20 mins to 80% of the bounty at 35 minutes.
  • ”assist bonus” – if you have 2 more assists than kills, you get 30g per assist. Extra assists above this grant an extra 15g to a cap of 60g.
  • farming too much will reduce your death streak by 1.
  • All jungle camps scale with average champion level now. The camps will have more hp/damage and gold with higher levels and give bonus exp to lower leveled champions.
  • Dragon now levels as the game goes on, starting @ level 6 going to 15. The dragon grants more gold as he levels, and gives bonus experience to champions that are lower than his level.
  • Inhibitor respawn is 4 minutes now. Inhibitors no longer buff other lanes, but now the lane with the destroyed inhibitor has even stronger minions.
  • Experience from minions no longer scale with game time. (note – experience to next level has been lowered across the board – I assume that this is in response to this change)
  • jungle items all have a farming component to them now

  • Turrets have been adjusted to make outer turrets more “selfish”, while inner turrets become more team orientated
  • Outer turrets: 100g global, 150g between destroyers. Inner turrets: 125g global, 100g between destroyers. Inhib towers: 175g global.
  • Outer turrets no longer give 30 EXP, Inhibitor turret exp increased by 30.
  • Turrets have 15 hp5
  • Change to turret damage vs minions – learn to last hit again!
Shortened most curved bushes – avoiding awkward situations where vision is still nullified by brush + terrain and weakening choke points at jungle entrances. All changes are mirrored on other side except for the top lane brush (split into 3) – does not feature on bottom lane.
Summoner spell rebalancing: http://community.pbe.leagueoflegend...summoner-spells-masteries-on-the-pbe-10312013
  • Ignite scales with gametime now (no more snowball summoner)
  • ghost gives a huge initial speed boost (1s)
  • heal is a single target spell now
  • cleanse has a small knockback on it
  • TP cd gets reduced to 180s if you use on a building
Changes to hard supports: http://community.pbe.leagueoflegends.com/c/gameplay/fs3jrmYy-new-support-changes-on-the-pbe-10312013
Mostly just reduced AP scaling in general + AP scaling to some utilities (slows, speed boosts, bonus damage etc)

Vision Changes: http://community.pbe.leagueoflegends.com/c/gameplay/4e873pBu-new-vision-changes-on-the-pbe-10312013
  • Only 3 wards and 1 vision ward out at once per player
  • trinkets are free, upgrade automatically at level 9 and can be upgraded with gold further.
  • removed oracles.
Jungle Changes: http://community.pbe.leagueoflegends.com/c/gameplay/abvPJyL3-jungle-changes-on-the-pbe-10312013
  • Blue buff got nerfed to 10% CDR.
  • Jungle items reworked to all have farm related components.
Why are they hurting taric more....
Dazzle cd:

14/13/12/11/10 Seconds to 18/17/16/15/14 Seconds

Because if they're going to make supports into full-fledged champions, then the ones with on-click stuns and other bullshittery are bound to get taken out behind the woodshed just like Sion and company ultimately had to be. I'd rather they just changed Dazzle's mechanics, but I'll take it as an interim measure.


I enjoy Brand so much.

HP Shredding is so fun. I've killed several people off screen due to passive + liandry's.

Laned against new Heimer. He surprised me with rocket burst @ 6 ... but that was the only time he killed me.


boken said:
All changes are mirrored on other side except for the top lane brush (split into 3) – does not feature on bottom lane.

....why. Please tell me this is some weird decision meant to enforce duo bot. How that could be I don't know, but I can't see any other reason because the bot bushes definitely have the same problem.

Dreams said:
Oh damn. Got a link? I'd like that...like today. Tonight.



....why. Please tell me this is some weird decision meant to enforce duo bot. How that could be I don't know, but I can't see any other reason because the bot bushes definitely have the same problem.

i dont think they removed it for the invisble ward reason.

i believe its to make ranged duders less strong top lane + makes lane ganks less terrifying.

are they ever going to give taric visual remake? he needs it the most.
He's officially on their to-do list, and they've been messing around with his animations a patch ago. More spring in his step (read: walking animation) and removing the shield bash (blasphemy) for another hammer punt.


i dont think they removed it for the invisble ward reason.

i believe its to make ranged duders less strong top lane + makes lane ganks less terrifying.

While that definitely helps, the top and bot lane bushes did (do?) have the hidden ward problem. Besides, who is the three bush solution not also great for bot lane? Now there's a sort of "neutral" bush the supports could fight over.

Also, I don't see how that helps top laners in the event of a lane swap - the bot solo lane will have the same issues.

Tried stuff out in the PBE. Definitely not a fan of the new champion status bar. Looks so plain.


While that definitely helps, the top and bot lane bushes did (do?) have the hidden ward problem. Besides, who is the three bush solution not also great for bot lane? Now there's a sort of "neutral" bush the supports could fight over.

Also, I don't see how that helps top laners in the event of a lane swap - the bot solo lane will have the same issues.

Tried stuff out in the PBE. Definitely not a fan of the new champion status bar. Looks so plain.
the three brush solution makes bot lane harder to gank.
it also makes ranged supports weaker because you get less space control + less auto attack harass room from being in your bush.

the new status bar is a little plain i agree. i dunno if flat+squares aka windows 7 style works in leeg, but it definitely does stand out! (prob their objective)
i'm ı Panda ı, if thats who you're looking for.
how do you evne type that character
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