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League of Legends |OT5| Premade Bot

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Everything is moe to me
how do you evne type that character
I have no idea.

i wanted to just be 'panda' so i googled a list of special characters until i found one that works. [unfortunately it also breaks elophant]

now if i want to type my name i just copy and paste from lolking.

edit: angrytediz, why does your varus have clarity with a soraka support. >_>

edit2: omg the teemo baron steal


the three brush solution makes bot lane harder to gank.
it also makes ranged supports weaker because you get less space control + less auto attack harass room from being in your bush.

Let's assume you're correct- again, what happens to the potential bot solo laner/top duo in the event of a lane swap? Going by what you're saying it seems like Riot is intent on killing 2v1.

the new status bar is a little plain i agree. i dunno if flat+squares aka windows 7 style works in leeg, but it definitely does stand out! (prob their objective)

Bigger problem for me is that the old status bar looked good with the rest of the HUD.

On a side note, for a test I tried building the new Spirit of the Spectral Wraith on Maokai and - holy shit - I may be in love. An issue I've had with Maokai was that his mana limitations meant that leveling E was out of the question even though it was an interesting choice in terms of skill order for jungle maokai. Level Q for better CC and sustained damage, or level E for burst in ganks? But it just wasn't feasible. Now, with spectral wraith, 460+1.0(40)= 500 damage on E, 500*0.05=25 mana returned per monster hit. Wraiths, wolves, and the buff camps now return almost all of E's mana cost. Mana regen over that few second takes care of the rest. Mana issues for leveling E are gone. I'm not saying it's the best thing ever, itemizing tank after getting spectral wraith is not as easy as getting Ancient Golem. But at least now if I get a pair of early kills, I can itemize into more of a damage carry as Maokai, which is really nice.


There is a special place in hell for master yi players

like at least you can cc trynd yi just goes invisible then lol nope cant be slowed


Let's assume you're correct- again, what happens to the potential bot solo laner/top duo in the event of a lane swap? Going by what you're saying it seems like Riot is intent on killing 2v1.

Bigger problem for me is that the old status bar looked good with the rest of the HUD.
assuming im correct about 3 bush sucking for ranged -

if the standard is once again 112 lanes, then the team that forces the lane swap will have their duo top - and because of the 3 bush, they will be less effective in zoning out the top laner (lol not rly)

im not sure the solution to 2v1s can be found in brush design tbh. the best you can get is having no brush - that way ranged harass = push lane and eat minionz. Even then, with certain lanes they will just push you away from minions and then harass you. They already nerfed dorans blade for ranged, and if melee continue to suffer in 2v1's i wouldnt be surprised if they offer a little melee triage in the form of bonus reduction of ranged attacks for melee on dorans shield.

the biggest problem of 2v1s also lie with the fact that junglers come and 3v1 the lane - this is somewhat remedied in outer turrets being more gold efficient with less people + jungle farm being worth more.

RE: HUD - yeah i think they should slightly metallisize the outlines of the statusbars to match the rest of the HUD


On a side note, for a test I tried building the new Spirit of the Spectral Wraith on Maokai and - holy shit - I may be in love. An issue I've had with Maokai was that his mana limitations meant that leveling E was out of the question even though it was an interesting choice in terms of skill order for jungle maokai. Level Q for better CC and sustained damage, or level E for burst in ganks? But it just wasn't feasible. Now, with spectral wraith, 460+1.0(40)= 500 damage on E, 500*0.05=25 mana returned per monster hit. Wraiths, wolves, and the buff camps now return almost all of E's mana cost. Mana regen over that few second takes care of the rest. Mana issues for leveling E are gone. I'm not saying it's the best thing ever, itemizing tank after getting spectral wraith is not as easy as getting Ancient Golem. But at least now if I get a pair of early kills, I can itemize into more of a damage carry as Maokai, which is really nice.
What's the item stats specifically? I also miss Maokai and this makes me happy to read.
I have no idea.

i wanted to just be 'panda' so i googled a list of special characters until i found one that works. [unfortunately it also breaks elophant]

now if i want to type my name i just copy and paste from lolking.

edit: angrytediz, why does your varus have clarity with a soraka support. >_>

edit2: omg the teemo baron steal
because varus didnt change masteries/runes and spell

plus when teemo stole the baron, all my team blamed it on me.
Do we have a list of GAFfers who play on PBE? We should make a list so we can run some custom games to test stuff.

boken pls make a google docs list


What's the item stats specifically? I also miss Maokai and this makes me happy to read.

What boken posted, but to save you some time, I think the stats are the same except for the new passives: 1.) Gain hp and mana equal to 5% of spell damage dealt to monsters and 2.) gain 30gp for champion kills/assists, and epic monster kills (baron, drag) and 10g for large monsters (big monster at each camp).

It's the 5% mana return that really made ranking E work. On top of that, Ancient golem now only provides 350HP, so I don't think it's such a clear cut choice as before. I doubt it'll be the preferred build, but the option is also nice and I can imagine going with an AP bruiser build (Wraith, Zhonyas, Abyssal) is at least doable if you happen to get fed an early few kills.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
he's sad that renekton is one of the few top laners who can stop the bullshit that is nasus.
Not sure how I feel about new Wriggles.

I played a custom with Yi. After 300cs (65/35 ratio in favor of monsters) it gave me an extra 1000 gold. This includes bonus dragon gold. Problem is that its stats for actual combat is pretty bad for a 1800g item (20aspd, 20 armor). It didn't help much that lifesteal became life on hit.


Season 4 changes is mostly for supports. Some for junglers and rest is into anti snowball

The trinkets are game changers for everybody though


How can you guys ask for a taric VU. He is perfect.

I don't mind his voice at all, but as for his visuals he seems more likely to stab you with his polygons before he even gets to swing his hammer. And I'm not even used to complaining about graphix n stuff.

Now that Sivir is done Taric is the only one left who I've been hoping for an upgrade to.



130000 players started playing ranked in the past month just to try to get dat gold


Got the Hired Gun skin as a mystery gift last night...not sure what to think of it. I suppose it gives me an incentive to finally learn Lucian.
What are their summoner names tho?

GAF - Summoner
bjaelke - bjaelke
Wolf Akela - Wolf Akela
drawcab - drawcaBPBE
PROGRAM_IX - NinthProgram (I don't play much though, lag isn't worth it unless I'm on for something specific. So invite me to customs! :D)

Got the Hired Gun skin as a mystery gift last night...not sure what to think of it. I suppose it gives me an incentive to finally learn Lucian.
I'm a fan. As I said at the time, the Borderlands-ish aesthetic is quite cool. And dat recall.
So instead of nerfing Kass we actually buff him, that way he becomes a 100% permaban in ranked, removing him from the game and effectively nerfing his use.

So meta, Rito


What are they doing to elder lizard? They buff the burn slightly, but nerf the AD AGAIN. At least the spirit of the ancient golem nerf makes the other options a LITTLE more attractive.
What are they doing to elder lizard? They buff the burn slightly, but nerf the AD AGAIN. At least the spirit of the ancient golem nerf makes the other options a LITTLE more attractive.
Slightly? Isn't it like double the burn at level 1?

Though the burn only works on physical damage now. RIP in peace burn-train Doge.


Taric looks like a beast. At least my malphite all armor runepage will find a new home.

Slightly? Isn't it like double the burn at level 1?

Though the burn only works on physical damage now. RIP in peace burn-train Doge.

edit: It's basically shifting the 10 AD to the burn. Well you lose 1 net damage per hit at level 1. And only allowing the burn on physical trying to clear cut the 3 jungle items into AD carry, AP carry or Support/tanky types of junglers.


There is a special place in hell for master yi players

like at least you can cc trynd yi just goes invisible then lol nope cant be slowed


Can't be slowed.
Can't be slowed.
Can't be slowed.
Can't be slowed.
Can't be slowed.
Can't be slowed.
Can't be slowed.
Got the Hired Gun skin as a mystery gift last night...not sure what to think of it. I suppose it gives me an incentive to finally learn Lucian.

I'm really liking him, though not the Korean (Triforce) build. I'm vacillating between modified Legolas and a BT -> Statik Shiv core, depending on whether the added wave-clear is needed for siege scenarios. Either way, he handles Cait extremely well, which is what I seem to need most in lane lately.
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