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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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if only ori's story ended like that

she'd be such a beautiful champion ;_;


I guess I had just been lucky most of this season. Every ranked game today has had people just bitching and complaining all game. Then someone can't take it and will just stop playing instead of just muting the asshole.


Played with the new udyr skin last night, it's great. However I forgot how ugly his animations are since I've gotten so used to the ultimate skin. The tiger attack in particular is really rough compared to the ultimate. They should probably revamp some of that but that's probably way down on this list of priorities so whatever


When's the Rex Volibear guide coming out?

What am I going to write?

Part 1: Runes/Masteries

Part 2:

Do your buff then look at map. Kill out of position stuff. Do scuttle. Ward enemy buff and kill them. Run away if you can't.

Win if you good.

Part 3:

Donations please.

But seriously. There are 3 jungle routes I take with Voli. If I'm quick enough to deduce which route will win me the game after finishing my first buff, I usually snowball for a win.

I taught one guy the 3 routes and he realised how broken voli was. I don't want anyone else to know. It's my super secret strat.

Welp, everybody's already abusing the broken champs in urf.

Now I remember why I stopped playing it last year

I like to burn myself out of these game modes in the first day. It becomes a shit fest after people just play it like a normal game mode.


Urf is actually really good at practising skill shots.

I got a tonne of practice at blitz hooks and twisted fate's side cards.

But now, its not even possible. Too many zeds, hecarims, ezreals and fizzes going around.


I find those custom play modes a good way to accustom yourself to new champions. Sadly even at level 20+ people expect you to be proficient at the champion you are playing.
The custom game modes gives you a little leeway to experiment.
Had a good ranked match, but our Sejuani jungle had *no* map awareness at all. She would always be on the other side of the map when dragon came up and kept complaining that dragon isn't needed to win matches.

We still won, but she gloated about carrying the team.
My ADC then said that I hardcarried as Leo <3



Had a good ranked match where we won, but our Sejuani jungle had *no* map awareness at all. She would always be on the other side of the map when dragon came up and kept complaining that dragon isn't needed to win matches.

We still won, but she gloated about carrying the team.
My ADC then said that I hardcarried as Leo <3



I really wish Riot had some way to identify the tons of bot / booster accounts recently. The friend request spam is getting a bit much.

Maybe they could detect if a ton of friend requests are made at one time? Note that these four are within the same minute.



I get at least 5 a day.

I hate having to actually check the names after my games to see if someone from my previous game added me.
my opgg mmr calculator is screwed up

It hasn't changed at all in my last 5 games

It tells me half the time that my MMR is too low, then I'll refresh and it will say that it's too high. If I check again it will say that it's average for my league.

tl;dr it's very inaccurate.


I got the 99lp promotion block...

+18-20lp for 4 games straight then suddenly +14....

Edit: Ok after my last game, my mmr just sky rocketed by 200 points. Opgg so accurate

Deleted member 77995

Unconfirmed Member
Urf is amazing for learning new ap champs.
gonna spam some azir to get a jump on his learning curve.

my only question on urf is where are all these toxic mofo's coming from? I hardly see any of them in normal or ranked but damn, people are so BM in urf.


I just lost a promo because my adc was busy crying because I didnt gank his lane. Straight up typed up:

"I dont want this zac to win. He didn't gank my lane"

Even though I got 6 kills for the team during laning phase and 2 dragons before 15minutes. Vayne even got a kill from one of my river stunts early on.

We lost with baron and 5 dragons because this guy refused to group and would straight up suicide tumble into irelia and fizz.

Asked him to group so we can actually protect him so he can get kills. Guy tells me to fuck off.

Bloody lost although we had all of their towers and inhibs..................

The guy single handedly finished the game by trying to 1v1 irelia while everyone else was trying to keep up with his movement speed.

Deleted member 77995

Unconfirmed Member
What I've tried so far in URF

Yasuo - uber fail on my part due to Q only being reduced through attack speed and E still limiting dash to the same target over 7 seconds. Worst game of all that I played

AP Rammus - Permanent taunt and ball knockup. No one is getting away from you unless they bring QSS

AP Cait - Fun, but permanently trapping people with her snare never worked out. Need moar CDR.

AP Jax - Worked pretty well. Stomped an AD Malz in lane using this but lost the game due to his tower pushing.

Azir - Thankfully he gets the CDR applied to his W as well. Dashing around is super fun

Bard - Land a Q against a wall and it's a permastun. Even went on a killing spree. Magical journeys EVERYWHERE. Got some pretty nice ults off for my team as well but I still got blamed for the loss. QQ

Karthus - Ulting every 40 seconds is pretty silly. Keep E on forever and wear out your Q key.

Hecarim - Broken but I'm awful at him. Should stay banned.

Sona - Should be permabanned. Nothing more to say

AP Tryn - Fun and silly but can be kited. Overrated

AP Panth - 1 Second stun on a 2 second CD. Strong but generally needs some followup, otherwise can be outplayed too easily.

Garen - Permanent silence. Can't run away from him, can't fight him. Stupidly awesome. My favorite match so far.

Cass - Not as strong as I thought it would be. Her ultimate animation is too long and too obvious, her E is already Urfed in normals and poison needs time to deal all its damage... time that other champs can use to just burst you. Wouldn't recommend unless you already play Cass.

Darius - Get ahead, stay ahead and kill everyone. Q on a 1 sec cooldown. Pull them in, hit a slow and they have no chance.

I'd encourage everyone to use this mode to just go ham and make the craziest flash + ultimate plays you can think of and to use this to practice champs you wouldn't normally dedicate the time to learn. Urf is a severely underrated learning tool.
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