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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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NA LCS Summer Promotion

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Team Dignitas vs Team Fusion

Winterfox vs TDK

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It's fun when the enemy Riven goes full toxic. She started to afk and troll after we won two team fights in a row without recalling, surviving with less than 200 hp.

Our Lee and Kog were great, Lee pulled off some crazy shit this game. Naut is still easy mode bot lane too.


Tried Naut support for the first time yesterday. Our Ashe quit after she died 4 times just walking into them autoing a couple times and trying to run away. He's definitely fun and we actually almost won 4v5. The range on his Q is pretty long and I don't think enemies are really anticipating it hitting them so fast. It's pretty crazy how much E is up with full cdr too.
Trick ruined that champion. Everyone try to play "his style" of Udyr rather then figure out what works for them.

Trick got me into playing Udyr. After my first two wipes I decided to try my own build. Going Trailblazer with devourer and then just building tanky. My play style is very much about clearing my creeps, taking the enemy jungler creeps and ganking when I am near by and opportunity arises. So for me devourer fits my style. I then go boots of swiftness and Righteous Glory and depending on the situation Trinity Force, Spectral Cloak or Glacial Shroud.

Started winning a lot more of my games after that. That build lets my go very tanky, whilst dealing great late game dmg. When I vs other Udyr's I find them rushing dmg items. What I don't understand is that by level 4 you are doing all the dmg you need to clear the jungle with ease, so why rush more dmg. Besides you are one of the most easily kited champs in the game. You need to build items to counter that. Hell if it's really bad I will rush thornmail after boots and laugh at them. The other down side to this dmg is a) not taking advantage of the increased passive regen from turtle. b) My cd is going to be less. I can usually outrun more champs by spamming bear, I can get quicker stacks on my passive and I'm calling either phoenix or tiger much more often. You can't beat that dmg is a fair one on one.

In other news! Is alistar still a good upp?


Tried Naut support for the first time yesterday. Our Ashe quit after she died 4 times just walking into them autoing a couple times and trying to run away. He's definitely fun and we actually almost won 4v5. The range on his Q is pretty long and I don't think enemies are really anticipating it hitting them so fast. It's pretty crazy how much E is up with full cdr too.

Yeah, the Q range and hitbox is huge, and he brings so much damage for the cc he has. Naut has Leona-like cc with more damage unless her passive gets procced really well.


Yeah, the Q range and hitbox is huge, and he brings so much damage for the cc he has. Naut has Leona-like cc with more damage unless her passive gets procced really well.

I found myself in situations with him that are similar to when I'm Leona. If you can find a non-tanky person near low health, then you can pretty much finish them off yourself.


I found myself in situations with him that are similar to when I'm Leona. If you can find a non-tanky person near low health, then you can pretty much finish them off yourself.

Indeed. The best part is that he has even more damage than Leona for such duel situations.


Won an ARAM match as Morgana. Man out Ali kept messing stuff up, I'd set up stuns and enemies would be in turret range to be killed but he would push them away with headbutt!
Doens't help that our smartass yasu built Ruunan's hurricane =_= Get Phantom Dancer you Bronze dimwits.

Still after getting Rabadon I didn't die and just walked around throwing Qs and Es, as the game was ending, I managed to kill fiddle at their base just as their nexus went kablooey.


Yeah, I find that he has enough cc that Ignite is more useful than Exhaust most of the time. The kill potential rises a lot at least.

dont run exhaust on naut

almost every assassin in the game gets shut down hard by him

take ignite and shit on your lane.

Yea definitely. I'm so used to playing like I just want to keep my teammates alive, instead of I want to keep my teammates alive and kill everyone else.


is Vel'Koz support still a thing? I need a support champion that is fun to play, Lulu and Leona ain't really my thing I want to go pew pew on the enemy team


OT Hard Carry
is Vel'Koz support still a thing? I need a support champion that is fun to play, Lulu and Leona ain't really my thing I want to go pew pew on the enemy team

Just played a game with Vel support and won so yes.

Do make sure you're buying all the proper support items, they're easy to tell because they build from pink wards. The 1600g pink wards.


And hyperbole world takes over reality once again!
Actually, you're right, I worded that wrong.

Players who play Vel'Koz support are likely complete garbage.

I would recommend Zyra, she has everything Vel'Koz doesn't in a damage support.


how about brand support?

probably not great but i'm guessing you're not looking for the most competitive champion ever


just read lyte mention that there's a system in place that tracks if you're causing lots of champ select dodges, and penalizes you for repeatedly doing it

pretty cool, didn't know that existed

i think rito should make a promo site similar to the new champion pages/dj sona thing that has all the details for all these systems. i'm guessing they in part want to keep them a bit secret so that people don't try to abuse them, but could at least just inform people, try to combat the general feeling of impotence that i've seen a lot since they took down the tribunal

As long as you rush Liandry's.

dunno really how you build him and he's not janna so i wouldn't blind pick him in ranked, but may be fun?

missing that one stun in the laning phase would probably result in a lot of bitching
well i mean, it's not like people are really forgiving and accepting anyways :p

just thinking of a fun mage-y support to play

i'm actually enjoying lulu a ton lately, running her with non-scaling mid runes, you might want to try lulu. she's more tradish but you know, still fun
What happened to Yasuo that people avoid him like a plague?

Because he's useless before 2 items, and which means he either snowballs or get snowball on.

Yasuo rushes Shiv and you know the two component of Shiv is Avarice blade + Zeal. Let say you have Zed vs Yasuo. Right on the first back you're either getting Cutlass vs Zeal or Cutlass vs Avarice blade. Or Leblanc/Ahri etc you get most likely Fiendish Codex vs Zeal/Avarice.

If the Yasuo survive that part get his Shiv then split his way into Bork/IE then the other team probably fucked. However during that weak part of Yas game if he gets snowballed on then the team with Yas is fucked.

He's either a cancer to your team other team. There's no way around it.
After getting demoted to Silver V, I took a break from rank. I played two games today and lost them both. I made so many mistakes the first one. I was Gnar against Hecarim. I was harassing him from levels 1-5 pretty well, but then I got greedy and bounced under his turret. Even worse, I panicked and accidentally teleported during our fight. He was one hit away from dying. When I came back to lane I immediately died again because I thought I could fight him, but I had no rage built up to survive his damage. My teammates were losing terribly as well, so I wasn't going to be carried out of the hole I dug myself into. I ended up doing the most damage, so that's something. But man, what a disappointing game.

The second game I did a bit better as Braum, and we actually had a chance at winning. I was probably a little too aggressive in this game. Bot lane didn't do terribly, and our Jinx was getting kills. I should have tried harder to protect her. I didn't play team fights that well in that respect.

I don't feel too bad about losing. I learned a good bit from the losses today, but I hope I win soon.




After getting demoted to Silver V, I took a break from rank. I played two games today and lost them both. I made so many mistakes the first one. I was Gnar against Hecarim. I was harassing him from levels 1-5 pretty well, but then I got greedy and bounced under his turret. Even worse, I panicked and accidentally teleported during our fight. He was one hit away from dying. When I came back to lane I immediately died again because I thought I could fight him, but I had no rage built up to survive his damage. My teammates were losing terribly as well, so I wasn't going to be carried out of the hole I dug myself into. I ended up doing the most damage, so that's something. But man, what a disappointing game.

The second game I did a bit better as Braum, and we actually had a chance at winning. I was probably a little too aggressive in this game. Bot lane didn't do terribly, and our Jinx was getting kills. I should have tried harder to protect her. I didn't play team fights that well in that respect.

I don't feel too bad about losing. I learned a good bit from the losses today, but I hope I win soon.
haha that's kinda funny

if you're a bit afraid of losing try playing a safer champion than gnar, someone like maokai or sion or something

like to play more aggressive champions you need to be pretty smart and while you work on getting smart about the game you can just play champions that aren't as demanding while you figure it out

Deluxe edition!
there was also a wukong but i couldn't quite see him


What happened to Yasuo that people avoid him like a plague?

I still play him consistently. He's such a fun champion and if you can play him right you can easily change a game with him. 1 good knockup on their backline and you most likely win the teamfight.
haha that's kinda funny

if you're a bit afraid of losing try playing a safer champion than gnar, someone like maokai or sion or something

like to play more aggressive champions you need to be pretty smart and while you work on getting smart about the game you can just play champions that aren't as demanding while you figure it out

Sion and Maokai don't really interest me. I kinda want to try out Hecarim, but he's pretty expensive. Thanks for the advice, though, I might try them out if they're ever free.

I just had a depressing normal game. I know it's silly to be a little down about it, but two people in our team kept disconnecting every minute or so, and one never connected at all. The other team took advantage of this really hard with their whole team camping in bushes waiting for us and roaming all over our jungle. I mean, it's just a game, I should be depressed about it. We all win and take advantage where we can. But that just sucked.


Sion and Maokai don't really interest me. I kinda want to try out Hecarim, but he's pretty expensive. Thanks for the advice, though, I might try them out if they're ever free.

I just had a depressing normal game. I know it's silly to be a little down about it, but two people in our team kept disconnecting every minute or so, and one never connected at all. The other team took advantage of this really hard with their whole team camping in bushes waiting for us and roaming all over our jungle. I mean, it's just a game, I should be depressed about it. We all win and take advantage where we can. But that just sucked.

i feel like basically it's easier to be safe than aggressive, it takes less work and it's more reliable, which is why whenever i have to play a lane i don't like i just pick something simple that can be useful in spite of myself. i wouldn't play riven top, for instance, but i like playing like malphite or something

that kind of thing
If you're playing normals I suggest pick the most unsafest thing there is. Learn as much as you can because there really is nothing to lose. Learn what you can get away with and what you can't.
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