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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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Oh well, we couldnt get the IP bonus, we got a 4 lose streak and call it a day

EDIT: Top Page Sona pic



Party bonus.
Wow, is that the jackpot amount? I still haven't seen anyone get more than 5.

Also about the Bard animation, I watched it and it's kind of funny and sad:
Bard just plays the "escape into space" horn and leaves everyone dying.


I have an unranked player on my team...in ranked.

So he fed, and so did our support, that didn't even buy one support item. Useless trash.

WTF, RIOT?! Why do I have a level 26 player on my team in ranked?!

Just like that, all the LP I was (slowly) building is gone after a game with a rage quitter, a game with a LEVEL TWENTY-SIX TEAMMATE, and a game where I'm the only person on the team that built QSS against a Zed. I need to get out of silver. This is unhealthy for my brain.


I have an unranked player on my team...in ranked.

So he fed, and so did our support, that didn't even buy one support item. Useless trash.

WTF, RIOT?! Why do I have a level 26 player on my team in ranked?!
I don't think it's possible for them to play ranked unless they are level 30. They can be unranked doing placement matches at level 30, however. Can you link the profile on lolking?


Wow, is that the jackpot amount? I still haven't seen anyone get more than 5.

Also about the Bard animation, I watched it and it's kind of funny and sad:
Bard just plays the "escape into space" horn and leaves everyone dying.

I'm guessing there's a follow up
which might reveal a new champ, maybe Ao Shin? lIKE Bard wnet on to summon him?


Both op.gg and Lolking said level 26. Either way, he and his duo partner were the worst people to play with. Toxic and terrible at the game.


Both op.gg and Lolking said level 26. Either way, he and his duo partner were the worst people to play with. Toxic and terrible at the game.
Maybe the databases hadn't updated in a while or something. This is what it says now: http://abload.de/img/profilebyk4t.png

So that's why they could do placement matches. Maybe they just got to level 30. Their duo partner is bronze IV so it would make sense that they are not very good.


are some teamcomps just doomed to loose in an even situation ?

we were rammus, nasus, annie, ezreal, morg vs zed,leblanc,graves,leona,vi

we couldnt win a single teamfight. didnt help that our bot lane fed graves who was 13-7 by the time ez was 2-9. never seen a more useless adc

edit: also im somehow still at 100lp even though i lost a game


Faker playing Viktor, now solo queue will be filled with them.

Viktor's secret overloaded kit has finally been uncovered!
I think I'll go try tanky AD Fizz in an actual match. I hope he starts much better there, because it takes quite a while to get him going in ARAM. Like, I need 2-3 core items built to be relevant. I felt so useless in the beginning. In the end, the damage output was just absurd. I kept getting doubles and triples while remaining very healthy. Our Nidalee was nailing a really good amount of spears but I still beat her damage.

I'm sure if their Trist built properly, we would have lost.



Ult + skirmishers smite + W + botrk + devourers = mega auto attack damage from Fizz. It's hilarious dueling other junglers who have no idea what the heck is happening to them.


Well I was also referring to his tough ganks until you hit 6. Either way I was trying to compare his top and jungle and I prefer him top. But someone always needs to be proved wrong because of video games

I prefer him top too, although I love those post 6 lane ganks thanks to his ult, just running right down the lane.

And I'm not trying to prove you wrong or put you on the spot or anything, really. When someone says jungler X is bad or has a rough so-and-so I'll always chime in if I think that's incorrect because the player might be doing something wrong.

Just for a relevant example, I was spectating a plat level player a few weeks ago who was playing jungle Hecarim and he was matched vs. a jungle Sion who was max'ing E in the jungle like you would in top lane and he was having an awful go at it until around level 6. Just figured you might be in the same situation because of what you originally posted. It's perfectly rational for players who play champs in lane to use the same skill orders in the jungle, but that often doesn't work. Probably didn't come across that way, but I just wanted to see if you might be doing something that was holding you back.

Costy said:
Faker stop... they've had enough...

Some day Faker will play Heimerdinger...and we will all know sheer terror in solo queue.


interesting that apparently the sides winrates seem to have gotten pretty close: http://www.leagueofgraphs.com/rankings/win-stats

ppl on reddit are saying something about the matchmaking but outside of that troll matchmaking code pastebin i can't remember there's been any real proof that the system put the better players on the red side

also the stats below still show that snowballing is a very real thing in case anyone thought otherwise lol


I should just learn to mute idiots. When some obnoxious shit starts to flame the whole team I lose any will to even try to win anymore, mostly because I don't want that asshole to win. I rarely even remember the option to mute exists because I never do it.


I should just learn to mute idiots. When some obnoxious shit starts to flame the whole team I lose any will to even try to win anymore, mostly because I don't want that asshole to win. I rarely even remember the option to mute exists because I never do it.

Yeah. It makes the world a happier place. Had a real tough match last night and our suicidal support Morgana asked if Fizz jungle was played in the LCS today. I just politely told her I had good success as Fizz jungle. She then lolking'd me in the middle of the match and started to complain that I built the same core items every match. I then muted her.

We put up a good fight from there. Just need to ignore them. It's really the healthiest approach.


I'm fine with people acting toxic as long as they're right.
That oppressive atmosphere where you know some asshole is judging your every move (instead of focusing on the game anymore) ready to start shouting how worthless you are the second they think you did something wrong really fucking sucks. I play LoL to have fun and those matches are anything but.
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