oh fuck i can't type
15% scaling CDR runes
between that, 5% from masteries and morellos, i'm capped early. total glass cannon but it's a lot of fun
oh yea that's like what everyone's doing now lol
It would be cool if they gave her some new mechanics yeah
One thing that could be interesting is giving her an interaction between her ult and other abilities. Like for example turn W into a sort of reflecting wind wall but if you ult through it you get a spread laser sort of like URF Lux
yeah, i think there's mostly a need to move around numbers and maybe add a few new mechanics/effects so that she feels a bit more modern
like, i feel like lux really needs waveclear right now. waveclear is the one thing every mage has and she shouldn't need mejais to clear casters with my main nuke, specially considering it's on such a high cooldown
like lux is viable in the way malzahar is viable, she's an easy to play, simple champion, but she's not really "competitive" and that's a shame, her kit has a lot of awesome highs with the snipes and combos and kiting, and she's still a very punisheable champion (and rightly so)
edit: so essentially, nerf stuff so u can buff her e, so scaling, mana cost and/or cooldown. the need for her to clear waves with her ult is not really interesting, at least not in the current landscape of the game in which even assassins can instaclear waves (lebonk, zed, ekko) with no problem. in viktor world, azir world, xerath world, kogmaw world, there's just no reason for her to be have weird waveclear. a revert on her base movement speed would also be nice so she can roam better, but that's kind of complicated since it's good balance that she's bad at running away, so not sure...
i'm unsure what to nerf, but probably duration of her shield if not double procc'd, scaling on her q, scaling on her passive.