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LGBTQIA+ | OT7 | ~First comes love, then comes marriage~

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irresponsible vagina leak
I think I have a thing for thick eyebrows

Yeah, I will probably do that. That seems pretty interesting. Such a short time frame. I cried like in the first 10 minutes when he reunites with the mother. Ugh. And I barely even was introduced to the characters by then.

That when I thought it might have been, that part always makes me cry.
Reunions between characters after years always get to me. I will let you know if I continue watching after the first season. Thx again for the recommendation hun.

I'm desperately trying to get as many people watching this show as possible :p There haven't been many takers to be honest. I look forward to seeing your impressions!
Sigh. Wish I had more confidence or whatever. I was at a RaceTrack (gas station) earlier and went inside. Talked to a really cute guy who worked there. I mentioned I was going to get some air in my tires because I was going on a trip and the light came on while driving. I left the store and pulled my car to the air thing and I noticed he was walking put toward me. He had this little machine thing in his hand and said it will let me get air for free. I said that was really nice of him and then he started to actually put air in my tires for me. I told him he didn't have to do that but he went around to all 4 tires and checked them for me. We talked about where we were from and where I was going for my trip. After we checked all the tires, we kind of just stood there for a few seconds and then he said he guess he should be going back to work but was getting off soon. I thanked him again and said it was great meeting him then left. Bah. Not 100% sure if he was gay or just being extra nice but... Wish I had done something more. Never quite sure how to go about it when I don't know his sexuality.
Sigh. Wish I had more confidence or whatever. I was at a RaceTrack (gas station) earlier and went inside. Talked to a really cute guy who worked there. I mentioned I was going to get some air in my tires because I was going on a trip and the light came on while driving. I left the store and pulled my car to the air thing and I noticed he was walking put toward me. He had this little machine thing in his hand and said it will let me get air for free. I said that was really nice of him and then he started to actually put air in my tires for me. I told him he didn't have to do that but he went around to all 4 tires and checked them for me. We talked about where we were from and where I was going for my trip. After we checked all the tires, we kind of just stood there for a few seconds and then he said he guess he should be going back to work but was getting off soon. I thanked him again and said it was great meeting him then left. Bah. Not 100% sure if he was gay or just being extra nice but... Wish I had done something more. Never quite sure how to go about it when I don't know his sexuality.

I guess he should have filled it up. Your gas tank I mean. Maybe check your dipstick.


PWR BTTM - 1994

Anyone here familiar with these folks? Came across them a few days ago and am really into their sound. Queer punk band from Boston (now in NYC). Awesome stuff, one of the better queer acts to come out in recent years, in my opinion.


Eurgh. I've been growing out my hair a little bit and I thought it looked quite good. Then I had a shave and now I look like I'm 13.
A couple of nights ago I started talking to a cute guy on grindr, we chatted a lot, mostly about games, he told me he liked me, I suggested exchanging numbers so we could keep talking, talked a lot yesterday during the day, mostly just being silly about random stuff. Woke up to find he blocked me.

A couple of nights ago I started talking to a cute guy on grindr, we chatted a lot, mostly about games, he told me he liked me, I suggested exchanging numbers so we could keep talking, talked a lot yesterday during the day, mostly just being silly about random stuff. Woke up to find he blocked me.


Nintenbots, man. :-/


A couple of nights ago I started talking to a cute guy on grindr, we chatted a lot, mostly about games, he told me he liked me, I suggested exchanging numbers so we could keep talking, talked a lot yesterday during the day, mostly just being silly about random stuff. Woke up to find he blocked me.


sorry, dude.
you told him you liked DmC better than Devil May Cry, didn't you?
I'm so livid right now.

I signed up for this stupid library workshop at school that one of my classes required. I set time aside from work for this nonsense, walked 20 minutes in 94-degree weather, under the scorching noon sun to get to it. It was set to start at 12:30, and I arrived exactly at 12:32 freaking drenched.

Door was locked, saying "due to high attendance" they basically do not let anyone in after the set time the workshop starts. High attendance? Wtf kind of spectacular bullshit is that of a reason? I understand I arrived late, but I had to sign up for this (as in secure a spot.) I get that they need a cut-off point, but they can't even grant a 5 minute grace-period? Really? Actual, real classes with units and credits attached to them provide students leniency, and this shill of an operation pushed onto students can't be freaking bothered to do so? The instructor saw me through the door window, and just carried on with her lecture. I can't believe how un-accommodating she was. If this was offered in any other environment outside of academia, they would have been rightfully torn apart for providing such incompetent service, with zero regard to their patrons.

If they really have a high attendance problem, either stop having real classes mandate attending this garbage, or try and run the process in a reasonable manner that shows at least some minimal form of regards to the students.

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