Y'all really need a preorder system your site can't handle the demand. Could you tell us when the ps4 copies sold out?
The public tracking system was broken, our inventory still showed PS4 copies. People who kept trying were able to get a copy.
Pre-orders are a logistical nightmare and have been touched on too many times now. What Vic does, works well for Vic. The same can't be applied to everyone.
We brought up a subscription or early access program, but the majority rejected it and felt like it we were putting a gun to their head. So we are still looking at other options.
We didn't take the site down or try to fix it because it's Shopify, we can't really edit everything about Shopify, like if there is a weird error. We also didn't take it down because the majority of people ordering didn't have any problems.
We also don't want to retroactively go back on our word about the limits put in place for the first batch. It's over and done. The best we can do is cancel orders that were excessive or cheated the system. The second batch hasn't gone up yet so we can put whatever limits we want on it.
Everything is a chance to learn and improve upon. We have been extremely good about communicating with our fans. A lot of other sites and companies wouldn't be this transparent. We are trying to be the best there is and fair to everyone.