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London riots spreading through UK

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Meus Renaissance said:

chunk3rvd said:
Liverpool is in absolute chaos. I've been reading the fire calls as they come into the system for the last hour and it's just insane. Stuff going off everywhere!

Kids near to mine have smashed in a post office with a jcb

Heard the guy who did that was arrested earlier on. Also heard about a fire in Walton in an abandoned pub, probably arson. There's something going on back on Smithdown Road in Toxteth too, but it hardly constitutes a riot on the scale we've seen elsewhere so far.


My friend wrote this on Facebook. I'll paste it here. I think he's spot on, personally.

I'm probably going to get a lot of flak for this, but these riots do little to surprise me. They are merely the violent and inevitable conclusion of the 'me first' shallow individualism and materialism that is the celebrated status quo of this country. The sum total of a generation taught, with ever increasing ferocity, that they are each precious little ‘snowflakes’ who owe nothing to society or history and that if they merely ‘apply themselves’ and show a little ‘entrepreneurial spirit’ they can each become celebrated millionaires. Of a generation taught to think that everyone’s in it for themselves and that if they don’t get a move on they won’t get their slice of the pie. Of a generation taught that there is no such thing as luck, or sentiment, or society, or country, or class. That life is just a game – there are winners and losers and nothing else. Of a generation taught to just ‘live in the moment’. Because nothing happens after you die – so you might as well indulge every impulse your reptilian mind can muster.

Because who gives a fuck right?

You’ve got to look out for number one – because no one else is going to.

Well now the little ‘snowflakes’ have taken to the streets. They’re ‘living in the moment’ and most certainly ‘winning’. They’ve acted like good entrepreneurs – where we saw tragedy in the small but heated protests that initiated this whole mess – they saw opportunity. An opportunity which they’ve ceased efficiently and comprehensively.


A good chunk of them will probably be arrested. They’ve hurt a lot of people and done incredible damage to both themselves and those around them for a short term gain that will no doubt evaporate in the morning air. But if you don’t believe in a tomorrow then that looming specter does little to bother you.

And hell – if you ‘apply yourself’ – maybe you’ll get away with it.

If they were able to look past their impoverished attire and blood stained hands the crooked politicians, bankers and businessmen who hold dominion over this land would no doubt see kindred spirits in these thugs and thuggish children. A crude, less presentable version, of the ‘greed is good’ mantra which has elevated our leaders to power and forms the core of our economic and social philosophy.

Last night I saw a little bit of a twitter debate going on between different parties about whether the correct term for these hooded waifs was ‘looters’, ‘rioters’ or ‘protesters’.

I’m going to cheekily suggest ‘consumers’ as an accurate title.


Happy Shoppers Stimulating The Economy Of Catchment Area No. 625

When looking at the footage of these apolitical, amoral youths foraging through burnt out convenience stores for luxury goods – hefting TV’s into shopping trolleys as the country literally, and metaphorically, burns around them – I find it difficult to consider any title more appropriate.

Happy shopping everyone.
Can hear a helicopter circling overhead (nr brent cross), but nothing online, please be precautionary.

Edit: Read in a bit more, doesn't appear to be too serious but no info on whats going on there.
radioheadrule83 said:
This touchy feely, sociological naval gazing is the reason we have these problems. We look at criminals and go out of our way to see victims and sad stories. These kids are cycling around in £60 hoodies, £100 trainers and organising their mayhem with £200 smartphones. Later tonight they'll go home to their playstations. They deflect all criticism and any encouragement to reflect on what they do because bleeding heart hippies keep dreaming up these hard-life narratives to excuse and exhonorate them. They have first world problems. Their parents generation and the generation before them had it much worse, they didn't live in this wonderful technological age of plenty, they lived through deeper, harder recessions and wars and national disasters and they never resorted to this scale of anarchism.

Don't give them the benefit and comfort of your liberally minded defenses. They ARE just scum, and rejection and isolation on a social level is exactly what they need and deserve!

How is rejection and isolation going to make the situation better? I can understand the anger, but I am pretty sure doing that is only going to make the problem worse and lead such a situation to arise again.
chunk3rvd said:
Hey dude! Bet your glad your not here now with all this going off. Hope things stay sane down your way
Hi dude! What's the latest there?
This was never in any danger of reaching Bath, but Bristol had it quite a bit last night. Do you know where that jcb thing has happened? And have you heard anything about that shooting on wango ln last night?


radioheadrule83 said:
This touchy feely, sociological naval gazing is the reason we have these problems. We look at criminals and go out of our way to see victims and sad stories. These kids are cycling around in £60 hoodies, £100 trainers and organising their mayhem with £200 smartphones. Later tonight they'll go home to their playstations. They deflect all criticism and any encouragement to reflect on what they do because bleeding heart hippies keep dreaming up these hard-life narratives to excuse and exhonorate them. They have first world problems. Their parents generation and the generation before them had it much worse, they didn't live in this wonderful technological age of plenty, they lived through deeper, harder recessions and wars and national disasters and they never resorted to this scale of anarchism.

Don't give them the benefit and comfort of your liberally minded defenses. They ARE just scum, and rejection and isolation on a social level is exactly what they need and deserve!
I believe this kind of behaviour can be almost entirely attributed to human psychology. There are very few innately bad people; when people behave like assholes they're is almost asways a reason, even if it isn't immediately obvious. How many of them do you think have single parents? How many passed their GCSE's? Lots of interesting dicussion on sky right now


Omikaru said:
My friend wrote this on Facebook. I'll paste it here. I think he's spot on, personally.

I couldn't agree more, this is what society has become, a me first morally bankrupt shell of what humanity is supposed to be. Good luck the world ;)
neutralgamer02 said:
How is rejection and isolation going to make the situation better? I can understand the anger, but I am pretty sure doing that is only going to make the problem worse and lead such a situation to arise again.

No, they need to be made to work in a fucking labour camp until the know the meaning of hard work.


neutralgamer02 said:
Well, of course now, but why did nobody give a shit about them before? Were you referring to them as scum before this happened? Again, I am trying to figure out why this happened.
Then you'll be here a while. There is no why.

It's been said a few times already but these kids just don't care about anyone. They drop out of school as soon as they can (and most likely never even attended it to begin with), the first place they visit is the dole office. They are lazy, self entitled twats who revel in causing other people misery. They blame everyone else for the problems they have while making zero effort to actually deal with it themselves, like a small number of other people in their situation. They expect the government to give them free handouts while giving absolutely nothing back. They think the system exists to serve them and only them. They need to be sterilized.

We give them everything they need to get out of the situation they are in, but they just throw it back in our face and burn down our houses. Fuck them.


Gold Member
zomgbbqftw said:
No, they need to be made to work in a fucking labour camp until the know the meaning of hard work.
I understand there will be plenty of cleanup work that needs to be done in the coming weeks.
neutralgamer02 said:
How is rejection and isolation going to make the situation better? I can understand the anger, but I am pretty sure doing that is only going to make the problem worse and lead such a situation to arise again.
They don't WANT help from society, it's fucking given to them on a silver platter, a right to education, free housing, job seekers allowance etc etc they simply refuse to integrate into society because they are selfish pricks and would rather leech off of the government and continue to be a shit stain on our collective underpants
zomgbbqftw said:
No, they need to be made to work in a fucking labour camp until the know the meaning of hard work.

That's what it is. They don't know what it feels like to be deprived.
Half my school, which was in Wood Green, a top 10 shit hole, didn't want to get taught. They did not give a shit about an education, yet there it was, given to them for free. Most people fight for an education in any other country. If they had worked hard, they would have a job.

Fuck them.
AngryMoth said:
I believe this kind of behaviour can be almost entirely attributed to human psychology. There are very few innately bad people; when people behave like assholes they're is almost asways a reason, even if it isn't immediately obvious. How many of them do you think have single parents? How many passed their GCSE's? Lots of interesting dicussion on sky right now

The single parent thing is a issue, but im more interested in talking about things like failed GCSE's. The issue I have with that being an excuse is that these people failed theyre GCSE's because they had no interest in working. A lot of these people have gone to the exact same schools as successful people and so for the majority failings Education wise are something they should be personally accountable for. Not blame the govt for.

Sure you can say that theres injustice that the really rich get a much better education than the poor and thats a valid argument. But blaming a lack of GCSE's on that is going too far when other people with the same level of education did a lot better.


neutralgamer02 said:
I see, but didn't these riots start in Tottenham? Why is it that such a place is still so rundown compared to other places in London? My mother said she avoided that place due to little job opportunities. Reading this thread, it doesn't seem it has changed with people calling it the anus of London.
There are areas with a higher proportion of "poverty" (I say it with quotation marks as very few people in the UK are actually in poverty, as I said, the benefits system always gives enough to keep you with food on the table and healthcare etc.), that's natural. Tottenham is one of these areas. With a city the size of London, investment is skewed to certain areas and some get less. Does that make Tottenham bad? No, what makes it bad is generations of terrible discipline, an influx of migrants who for various reasons have genuine issues settling in, the drug trade and gang culture.


Furret said:
Yep, nailed it.

(But where is he from? He's used the US spelling for spectre.)
He's from Zimbabwe, moved here in his teens. Good guy, very smart. We both studied Creative Writing at Uni.


It's today's society that caused this mess! Kids are no good today, I tells ya! Hey, cloud, get BACK HERE I'M TALKING TO YOU!!
Minor nitpick about that Guardian article, but I'm pretty sure 3 RIFLES are based in Edinburgh (along with 1 SCOTS). Surely there are units based further south that aren't currently on deployment?

Funky Papa

Better education and more investment could help to reduce the situation, but lets not ignore that chavs are chavs because chavvism has become a likeable lifestyle.
Dabookerman said:
That's what it is. They don't know what it feels like to be deprived.
Half my school, which was in Wood Green, a top 10 shit hole, didn't want to get taught. They did not give a shit about an education, yet there it was, given to them for free. Most people fight for an education in any other country. If they had worked hard, they would have a job.

Fuck them.

Personally I would work them in a labour camp sorting rubbish and doing other jobs that people don't want to do, if they don't like it they can always dig holes and fill them back up until they learn.

All under armed guards, try to escape? Shoot to kill.
Meus Renaissance said:
Good bloody question mate. Good question

He explained if they're complaining about being deprived, then why do societies that are far less privileged than they are behave without resorting to thuggery and looting of local towns? There are people with far less than these kids who behave with far more dignity
I think there was a post earlier about the UK having one of the highest differences in wealth in the world. In another place they might have worse conditions, but everyone has it worse so their may not be that big of a disparity.

Omikaru said:
If they were able to look past their impoverished attire and blood stained hands the crooked politicians, bankers and businessmen who hold dominion over this land would no doubt see kindred spirits in these thugs and thuggish children. A crude, less presentable version, of the ‘greed is good’ mantra which has elevated our leaders to power and forms the core of our economic and social philosophy.
Dead on.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Dabookerman said:
That's what it is. They don't know what it feels like to be deprived.
Half my school, which was in Wood Green, a top 10 shit hole, didn't want to get taught. They did not give a shit about an education, yet there it was, given to them for free. Most people fight for an education in any other country. If they had worked hard, they would have a job.

Fuck them.

This is it. I knew lots of people like that growing up in the States. Not particularly impoverished, but just lazy, self-entitled, angry, and looking for trouble. Being frustrated with your lot doesn't mean you get to wreak havoc on your fellow citizens. These types are scum and will look for every opportunity to blame anyone but their own self.


radioheadrule83 said:
Hi dude! What's the latest there?
This was never in any danger of reaching Bath, but Bristol had it quite a bit last night. Do you know where that jcb thing has happened? And have you heard anything about that shooting on wango ln last night?

Just seems to be chaos everywhere. The police and fire services are stretched far veyond capacity

JCB smashed in a post office in bootle but I'm not sure where exactly

I heard about the shooting in wango lane but no major details out yet. Don't think it was related to any of this though


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
unomas said:
I couldn't agree more, this is what society has become, a me first morally bankrupt shell of what humanity is supposed to be. Good luck the world ;)

People talking like this doesn't make it much better. The whole "The world is fucked" mentality doesn't sound too different than what a lot of these kids out on the street are probably thinking.


radioheadrule83 said:
This touchy feely, sociological naval gazing is the reason we have these problems. We look at criminals and go out of our way to see victims and sad stories. These kids are cycling around in £60 hoodies, £100 trainers and organising their mayhem with £200 smartphones. Later tonight they'll go home to their playstations. They deflect all criticism and any encouragement to reflect on what they do because bleeding heart hippies keep dreaming up these hard-life narratives to excuse and exhonorate them. They have first world problems. Their parents generation and the generation before them had it much worse, they didn't live in this wonderful technological age of plenty, they lived through deeper, harder recessions and wars and national disasters and they never resorted to this scale of anarchism.

Don't give them the benefit and comfort of your liberally minded defenses. They ARE just scum, and rejection and isolation on a social level is exactly what they need and deserve!

What it is is nihilistic, pathologically egocentric greed. A trait also exhibited by crooked newspaper editors, expense fiddling MPs and an cut-throat corporate and financial sector - they all want the same thing and will use the means at their disposal to get it. Blue collar and white collar criminality, with no regard for anyone else, destroying society and the economy from both ends. The modus operandi may be different, the symptoms may be different, but the mentality of profiteering combined with a sociopathic apathy towards others is one that's been ingrained into people since at least the 80s.

We no longer live in a society with a regard for others, and I think this has been clear for a while, should we really be surprised that the consequence of this has been widespread corruption by the upper classes and looting by the underclasses? It's the logical outcome to to a widely held mindset of self-interest without a social conscience.


zomgbbqftw said:
Personally I would work them in a labour camp sorting rubbish and doing other jobs that people don't want to do, if they don't like it they can always dig holes and fill them back up until they learn.

All under armed guards, try to escape? Shoot to kill.

literally arguing for gulags.
Funky Papa said:
Better education and more investment could help to reduce the situation, but lets not ignore that chavs are chavs because chavvism has become a likeable lifestyle.

Not only likeable, but possible via unemployment and child benefits.

The whole benefits system needs to be ripped up so having children is only incentivised for people who have jobs.
zomgbbqftw said:
Personally I would work them in a labour camp sorting rubbish and doing other jobs that people don't want to do, if they don't like it they can always dig holes and fill them back up until they learn.

All under armed guards, try to escape? Shoot to kill.
If they actually work some 7-6 jobs for a few weeks, they would feel better about themselves. By just sitting around you get more and more negative about yourself and the world. Also, when you come home, you are too tired to cause trouble.


Omikaru said:
He's from Zimbabwe, moved here in his teens. Good guy, very smart. We both studied Creative Writing at Uni.

He done good. I'd submit that article to a newspaper or something if I was him.
Empty said:
literally arguing for gulags.

Rather have them in there than out on the streets looting.

Don't get me wrong, there should be opportunity to better themselves by education and sports, but for those absolutely unwilling - hole digging.
zomgbbqftw said:
Not only likeable, but possible via unemployment and child benefits.

The whole benefits system needs to be ripped up so having children is only incentivised for people who have jobs.

You should require a license (and a job) to have kids.
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