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Longest you went without a game system?


I don't mean like an old NES or Game Boy or something you don't play. I got an NES, I rarely play. But I got a streak of like 10 months dating back to like last December without this generation of consoles .. or any other recent generation ... and nothing I played a lot besides the odd game of Tecmo Super Bowl once in a blue moon.

Well my streaks going to be fucking broke soon, I preordered a new PS2 just for GTA. Thank you Rockstar. Damnit.



Hmm does playing no console games at all count? Had eq addiction back in early days for over year.
But I came back to one heck of rpg streak, it was nice.
Couple of years after the end of the 16-bit generation (or the Megadrive at least). Didn't pick up the 32-bit gen until quite a ways into it. Did play on friend's PC and another friend's brothers PS occasionally but didn't actually own a system myself.
Honestly before I got mk dec and now gta sa (and then hl2 and sd vs raw) i hadnt really played a game in 2 months.

gaming is just boring now.


I skipped the Playstation / N64 generation, but I did play a lot of PC games, if that counts.
The graphics were much easier on the eyes than the 3D graphics of the consoles at that time - at least to me.


Completely lost interest in games after I finished Breath of Fire II.
Picked up WA and a PS1 a couple of months before FFVII came out. So, less than 2 years...


About 2 weeks. I had just sold my old Xbox and PS2 to get new versions (first re-buy) 'cuz they were getting mighty old and the chips I had in them were outdated. Hehe, fooled some suckers back then. PS2 had a crummy Magic chip and Xbox had a no switch screw on chip. Got myself a new PS2 with a DMS3, a LE transparent green Xbox with an X-ecuter 2.something (switch, all I needed) and still got some money over. :D

Mostly watched anime and movies during those 2 weeks. :(


When my PS2 and GC got stolen 2 years ago. It was like 4 months before I picked up my next PS2 and around six before I got another GC. I didn't really feel like going back to my old consoles, because it pissed me off thinking about some dickhead with my PS2 and Cube.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I was pretty much out of the system from 1995 until 1998. Stopped with the SNES, picked up a N64 in 1998. Got a Playstation later on down the road in 1998. I had sooooooooo many rpgs to catch up on. :lol


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
First year of college, my parents wouldn't let me take my PSX up to school cuz they were worried I'd spend all my time playing that... so what did I do? Blow all the money I got (for food and supplies, mind you) on a used PSX and a copy of FF8, starving for a few days till I got shipped more money :D

Oh yeah and I think a couple of times in elementary school I got grounded, 1 week without Nintendo... That sucked, too, since I think that was right after SMB3 came out :p

El Papa

I've had a GC since near launch, but I haven't played it for more than 2 weeks in the last 9 months because I don't haven't had a TV. That's going to change soon, hopefully.


'94-98. Skipped that whole generation of consoles until the near perfect port of X-Men vs Street Fighter pushed me into buying a Saturn. And then MAME came along.. now I don't play my Saturn much anymore.


5+ years
Born early 1988, got my own Genesis Christmas '93.

I kinda played the NES and Master System before that, and the same christmas my bro got a SNES.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
XS+ said:
And then MAME came along.. now I don't play my Saturn much anymore.

Same here. :) I can't bring myself to get rid of my Saturn, but the majority of the titles I own for it are all games that were in the arcade and now are emulated better or have sequels on other platforms.


About 5 years.

From the time of my birth till my dad brought home a Sears Telearcade pong console. Haven't been game-less since.
I didn't own a video game console from 1988 through 2000. I used my PC to game with in the 90's.

I owned just about every console prior to 1988 though.
For about almost all of 1995 I survived almost on PC shareware alone. I did manage to rent a game here and there for the SNES. I didn't get a Saturn until late 1996.
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