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Manga Discussion/News |OT7| This thread gets an F-; I quit; see you next week.

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I actually legitimately liked what I saw.
The plot needed time to unfold

Haikyuu!! 40

So much Haikyuu!! not that Im complaining, though not a good chapter. Why would I want to see losers remorse. And watching girl's volleyball is not something I signed up for. Though I did feel sad for Ikejie, losing so early into the tourney this summer, gah.
Fairy Tail
We all saw it coming o well on to next chapter .

Not a bad chapter .

Also Guilty Crown Story is trash .
I say the only good thing about it is the music .

Big One

You know one thing I've never understood about One Piece hate is the hate for haki. I'm going to go on a little rant here cause I have a friend of mine who pointed this out, "Haki is such bullshit just like everything else in shonen." but I find this very premise completely missing the point on what haki is supposed to be.

Haki at it's very core is meant to be a generic explanation to how shonen characters defy the odds. It's a term to describe how a hick like Luffy is able to legitimately challenge the World Government and become a hero to many. Luffy gets this of his own will, like most other shonen characters, and haki is just a term to describe that.

That's why throughout the series in One Piece you see characters eyes have a certain look to them, which is later in the series describe as being a focal point of when a character uses haki. When one has control over this they're able to defy any odds aka hitting people who are able to turn into fire/mud/smoke/whatever even though that's technically impossible logically.

The power ups in One Piece are just the Devil Fruits and shit, haki is just the control of one's own will and being able to overcome the odds no matter how much sense it doesn't make.

Haki isn't like power ups in other shonen like ki for example, though it does act like one. I think since Oda likes to pretty much give an explanation, haki is his reason why Luffy is so goddamn good at what he does. On paper Luffy should've lost to every opponent he's faced, but he doesn't, and there's never been quite a clear explanation for that (and most of the time in shonen manga, it isn't ever explained).

I don't know much people that hate Haki , the most i hear people say is they hope fights don't come down to just that which i agree with .
Still hate it or like it or just indifferent to it Oda need a equalize to broken DFs .
Haki just like all other power ups IMO.

Edit guess it's time to catch up on Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun since it seem to be ending soon .
Which i guess is good thing since the story did not look like it could have lasted to long without getting drag out .


It explains how Shanks and Rayleigh can kick so much ass without Devil Fruit powers.

And how Logia users dont rule the world. Personally, Im sort of down on One Piece because its just getting very repetitive and samey. Oda needs to change up the formula
Last Game 15

Though this, I suppose, can be considered the best of the Souma chapters, it still didn‘t come close to consistently reaching the really high quality of the chapters that are largely absent of the woefully dull Souma, as the first half of this chapter was great, but the second half was thoroughly mediocre, since it simply provided a repetitive focus on Souma’s unrequited feelings for Kujou, which has infused the story with a surprisingly tiresome monotony throughout several of the last five chapters, save for the twelfth.

If Souma’s past was legitimately tragic, then I might have felt that yet another chapter partially wasted on establishing his pain as the third wheel was worth it, but, somewhat due to my immense dislike of him as a character, I’m not sympathetic for him at all, considering all the pain he’s enduring is simply some glorious karma. After all, Yanagi has suffered through considerably more, so it just felt like a weak attempt to manufacture a sympathetic perception of him. Essentially, the second half of this chapter consisted of, for the most part, pointless filler, needlessly forcing Yanagi, once again, into the periphery, which has been occurring far too often lately. Of course, the last page was excellent for several reasons, primarily due to the noticeable foreshadowing that Souma might actually move on and exit the main portion of the story, or, at least, I hope that’s what it infers, so it certainly concluded in a satisfying manner.

As for Yanagi and Kujou, I loved their very methodical development in this chapter, as their wonderfully simplistic relationship has only gotten better as the story progresses. Of course, their subtly romantic and often amusing interactions were fantastic once again, so I’m really looking forward to the next chapter, as I expect it to be a complete return to a YanagixKujou focus.
Baby Steps 155
Eiichirou with the Prince of Tennis style Super Saiyan powerup. Also, this happened:


I think the author introduced the love rival, realized there was no way he could even pretend there was any doubt about the outcome, and just said fuck it, forget the rival.

Nozoki Ana 1-18

This peephole... it was made for me! (man this manga's pretty awful all the time)



best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Onikirisama no Hakoirimusume v1-4 (end)

Cute action comedy manga about a young demon girl who got released after being sealed for 300 years and is trying to find a place for herself in the unknown modern society. Not exactly the most original premise ever and the characters consist mostly of well-known tropes as well but I like them well enough. The ending seems a little rushed but that's better than it being unnecessarily dragged out I guess.

There was an ending to this?


Baby Steps 155 - Looks like I was right on it being the #11 seed that he goes up against next.

Also, poor other girl. Even poor Ide's Girl With Hat.

<3 Natsu. So good.
Fairy Tail

I have read this very great post about the state of FT. It describes my feelings very well, except stop reading it part.

*sigh* I know I said I wouldn't rant but some things must be done.

I think Fairy Tail is the manga equivalent of Twilight. Sure there is much less romance in FT but both are terribly written, the characters are incredibly selfish and the logic makes little to no sense and is practically made to favor the main characters and yet somehow they are both really popular. At least Twilight is equally hated as it is loved, I don't even know where the FT fans come from but they just seem to love it no matter what.

I mean it's amazing since if you just think about just a little bit, FT is a seriously uninspiring manga. It has absolutely nothing new or original to it and it uses the same formula over and over again. The development of the characters which torn the barrier between them has just made them more boring than ever, sucking anything that resembled likability in the characters, Erza is no longer bossy, Lucy is no longer greedy and Natsu and Gray don't even fight each other anymore, and I don't even sense a spark of rivalry between Natsu and Gajeel the supposedly "more edgier" rivalry and look at Laxus, you took the jerk from his character and nothing else remained. The villains aren't even interesting, all of them are either greedy assholes or sympathetic people who make a heel face turn, give Rave Master some credit at least the sympathetic villains there died. And Zeref is a crybaby, which could have been interesting but since his power is affected by how evil he is he will only be a threat if he turns into a one-dimensional bad guy and that so disappointed me but among the characters his character development is actually a lot less infuriating compared to the other character since he barely appears in the manga.

I don't even want to go into details what I think of Natsu but there are few fictional characters that are as annoying as he is and most of the annoyance comes from his attitude, he is always so confident he can kick anyone's butt and he loses it if someone speaks ill of Fairy Tail. And of course he always gets away with it. In fact what probably pissed me the most about FT is that the main characters never lose anything. I know Simon died but at this point I can almost bet that he is still alive. Don't ask me how, Mashima never gives us any foreshadowing to his asspulls. Besides, the way Mashima is dealing with the drama is so contrived and insipid. We were never given a hint Simon had a sister and Erza and Kagura came from the same village. And in 2 chapters Mashima just crammed it in just to finish Kagura's story arc. But since Jellal wasn't even near this incident I guess he can still be emo about it. I wished he just died so we could get his story over with but knowing Mashima I shouldn't even expect that much, Erza will probably save his ass. If a dead character can come back to life then all gloves are off.

Actually I think FT is one of the few manga where even satires would be more logical than the actual manga which is perhaps the worst form of story-telling I can think of. Even though there are much worse manga out there and FT isn't actually insulting anything except our intelligence. But it is just uninspiring and insipid and it slows any creative thinking and just makes the readers more stupid simply by reading it, making it a uninspiring garbage. There is nothing to gain by reading it and so I admit my defeat. I thought I could continue reading it but I've given up, I see absolutely no positive effects for the readers and in my opinion I think people should stop reading it. It is a shameful cash cow that is just damaging for the brain. It's lazy, repetitive, dull, predictable, uninspiring, insipid, annoying and boring and I've gained nothing positive from it. A complete waste of time.

Credit goes to DrugsRule on OMF.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Baby Steps 155 - Looks like I was right on it being the #11 seed that he goes up against next.

Also, poor other girl. Even poor Ide's Girl With Hat.

<3 Natsu. So good.

They even had Sasaki's name in this chapter!

Fairy Tail

I have read this very great post about the state of FT. It describes my feelings very well, except stop reading it part.

Credit goes to DrugsRule on OMF.

That guy gets no credit because it took him hundreds of words to say what could have been said in one sentence. Fairy Tail sucks because every single character is practically a shonen stock character and the plot slavishly relies on the same series of 5 or 6 tropes so nothing unexpected ever happens.

The series would actually improve if it was literally just Juvia wandering around stalking Gray and getting into sticky situations.
Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind Volume 1
I haven't read many classic series and wanted to rectify that, and Nausicaa seemed like a good place to start. I pretty quickly realized that this Miyazaki guy is pretty good at art. The attention to lighting stood out to me, and how a scene lit by firelight had a different quality to it than a scene lit by the sun or those weird fungus things. There's such a wonderfully strong "sense" of each location we see--I personally don't see as much attention to texture in the more modern manga I read. I felt like I could choose a panel at random, and count on it to look amazing. And not only did they look amazing, but there were A LOT of them. Way more than I'm used to seeing squeezed onto one page. I had to read a lot more closely than I do usually. It made me wish that I had a physical copy of the manga, so I would spend more time just studying each and every panel. There's something about reading digitally that just makes you want to get through each page. The characters and story so far are a notch above as well--there's something about how Miyazaki treats his characters, where even the villains are treated...non-judgmentally? Humanely? I'm not sure how to phrase it, exactly.

I've seen the film, but it was a long time ago, and I don't really remember the differences between this version and that one. It seems like things are being fleshed out a lot more in the manga, with more attention paid to world-building.


Onikirisama no Hakoirimusume v1-4 (end)

Cute action comedy manga about a young demon girl who got released after being sealed for 300 years and is trying to find a place for herself in the unknown modern society. Not exactly the most original premise ever and the characters consist mostly of well-known tropes as well but I like them well enough. The ending seems a little rushed but that's better than it being unnecessarily dragged out I guess.

this sounds like something i should read


That Evangelion Chronicle cover is compelling me to buy it, but I need to be strong and resist for at least a month or two...
I'm somewhat disappointed with the book, the first half with illustrations from the main designers is pretty good as I haven't see most of them but the latter half is filled with amateurish CG shots. Not quite worth the 40$ official price tag but no one has to that much anyway.


The Breaker New Waves

You know, I'm pretty amazed they were able to make this last more than 100 chapters (disregarding the prequel) where the protagonist wasn't really that competent. Yeah he had a few good skirmishes but it's finally cool to see his berserker moment (a necessary trope of any action shonen lol).
K ~ Memory of Red 8

Aria always has the best covers even got No.6. For the chapter it was really good and makes me wish we got a K anime prequel set in highschool or such, Mikoto, Totuska, and Kusanagi looked like they had tons of fun in and Mikoto seemed pretty awesome and funny back then. I wonder how Reisi was.

Kusanagi is alright too and had the best scene, though awkward trying to make Kusanagi x Sawa-chan canon.
Those Who Chase the Ageha 1-18 (END)

This Bud's for you, Female Sniping Medic.

A (framed) criminal who is a Master of Disguise does her Carmen Sandiego impression while being chased by a collection of morons. Entertaining and humerous, if unexceptional read that started promisingly, trailed away in the middle but largely righted itself at the end. The exposition surrounding the main plot point (i.e. who the actual criminal was) was generally awful, but the series was just as much about Ageha's deceptions so it didn't detract that much from the overall experience.

Incidentally, MAL says this was the 500th thing I've read.

Centaur's Worries 21

Those dastardly Antarcticans and their dastardly UFOs.


I've never said that seriously. That was more of a tongue-in-cheek way of saying Kubo never really draws backgrounds, and he doesn't. He isn't incapable of doing it as he does draw backgrounds sometimes.

But most of the time in Bleach it's just characters with white surroundings, which is just pure incompetent.

its not incompetence it's an art style which emphasizes Kubo's characters and or certain objects/area.

IE. Rukia's execution the entire focus was between rukia and the halberd it gives off an ominous feeling

or yamamoto's death scene where the entire focus was on yamamoto not his environment not other characters just him


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
FMA is still the best shonen manga ever. No insane power ups, awesome characters, great plot, well drawn fights, amazing art etc... I could go on.

manga also never drags or has a shitty arc, pacing was just spot on.
FMA is still the best shonen manga ever. No insane power ups, awesome characters, great plot, well drawn fights, amazing art etc... I could go on.

manga also never drags or has a shitty arc, pacing was just spot on.

Unfortunately the mangaka of FMA has a lot to learn in order to be author of best shonen manga, in fact, the queen of shonen manga herself, Katekyo Hitman Reborn's Akira Amano, wrote the best shonen action manga (KHR), it actually has good power ups, loveable and awesome characters, deep and enriched plot, well drawn characters and actions, and amazing portrait shots of characters and accessories.


Neo Member
Unfortunately the mangakaga of FMA has a lot to learn in order to be author of best shonen manga, in fact, the queen of shonen manga herself, Katekyo Hitman Reborn's Akira Amano, wrote the best shonen action manga (KHR), it actually has good power ups, loveable and awesome characters, deep and enriched plot, well drawn characters and actions, and amazing portrait shots of characters and accessories.

Your logic baffles me. But I suppose that's nothing new.
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