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Manga Discussion/News |OT7| This thread gets an F-; I quit; see you next week.

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I didn't expect that so many Finalis actually got taken out by the lightning attack but those who remain are pretty capable or so to speak. I'm very hyped for the next chapter, the Ugo trio should be able to wreck some shit.


Hayate 395

This was a boring chapter. I did like the last panel of Hop-chan but that's about it.

Minami-ke 121-122

Fujioka wants Kana's valentine chocolate. Kana gives him one but had, of course, forgotten that it was even valentines day. I do like the little hints that Kana likes Fujioka, like when she gets told it's valentines day and gets defensive about the chocolate not being a valentines chocolate.

Hataraku Maou-sama! 4

Oh noes an earthquake. What's that, Maou saves all the humans and might not be such a bad guy after all, why I never would have guessed. In another shocking twist the hero is slowly starting to like Maou but of course has she seemingly has a tragic past that is probably the reason she hates Maou in the first place. I like the characters and the art but the story is so very predictable. I like that the characters are all adults and not highschool aged but it doesn't really matter, it might as well be set in a school it wouldn't be any different.
Pretty early on, think it was after failing on the first girl.

At first I only couldn't be bothered with it because of the wait and short page count. But impression made it even harder to care.
You quit too early it gets way better from there plus chapters are so short you could catch up in less then an hour


Ask me which Shakespeare novel is best
So rereading Jojo and wondering what your guy's top 3 parts are. I know part 2 is more or less unanimously loved, but what about the others?
Mine would be -
1. Part 5
2. Part 6
3. Part 2


Those two Dark Souls doujin

Man, I really need to play some more Dark Souls. Shame replaying it on PC has proven my scrub status and I clearly fluked my way to Sen's on the PS3.

So rereading Jojo and wondering what your guy's top 3 parts are. I know part 2 is more or less unanimously loved, but what about the others?
Mine would be -
1. Part 5
2. Part 6
3. Part 2


maybe when 4 has been completely redone I'll reread it and that could push it up to my top 3.
Green Blood 19-20


You don't fuck with Brad. He's the one they call Grim Reaper and dead set to destroy the gangs, so what is a silly war to him? Seeing Kip shitting his pants is just a wonderful sight. This little man had no idea what he unleashed by threatening him.

The intentions of Brad's father are still unclear, but seeing how he gave his "little new toy" to Kip, it's highly doubtful he's playing for any side at the moment.


Pretty standard Green Blood chapters. Fantastic art, big amount of violence and a story that makes you care about the characters. I'm thinking about letting the chapters pile on for a little while, because as good as this manga is, the chapters are just too short and they're released too infrequently.




Did Ugo also grow bigger in addition to multiplying? I don't remember his arm being the size of a building!

Anyway oh man, this chapter. That Djinn is just so tailor made for Fanalists. Seeing all those magicians basically be flying ducks shot down. The broken borgs make it look really painful, haha.
I wonder if Aladdin can use that fancy strength magic stuff himself. Or while we're at it, any other magician in the academy.. the only thing they really can't replicate about this is Mu's Djinn Equip (if he ever decides to use it).

Currently pending The Baba.
Tegami Bachi v12 (45 - 49)

Didnt know there was an artbook to Tegami Bachi (shine). Would consider getting if I ever somehow stumbled upon it, the cover sketch in this volume did look good. Really emotional and intense chapters and favorite cry baby Lag Seeing moment with the ever intriguing Lloyd Largo. Carbenet yielded some good moments and then surprisingly laughing at the end, is it really that type of living creature and worst, why Lag Akabari not work? That was most shocking of all.

Favorite minor moment was Zazie and Jiggy Pepper on the bike and Zazie not understanding but was like, he sounds so cool. Jiggy Pepper is truly one of the best.



Wait, we're seriously not including trauma girl at all? That doesn't seem right...


I'd read that manga, haha. It would be interesting to see what kind of manga every character in Hayate will write if given the chance.

Also yay, seems like this involves Hinagiku now!


Hoooly crap at that last punch. Still not sure why Tsubame Gaeshi is such a miracle punch (seems simple enough in theory), but that was pretty special.

There's no way the champ will be alright with this so I'm not worried. It is ridiculous though.
6000, ch 2

The awkward 4 hour elevator ride, a little tour, the introduction of the female engineer and the first alarm. The pacing is good so far. The engineer seemed to have a strong personality, but kinda blushed the moment Kadokura introduced himself, which doesn't make any sense, because he's definitely not a looker. But it has probably more to do with the fact that he's the coworker of Danzai, who just had an "accident". While it was obvious from the beginning and Kadokura started to get suspicious as well, we got confirmation from the other engineers down there, that it wasn't a simple "accident", like the new evil chinese boss said.


Magi - Chapter 173-174

Maybe it's just me, but this is getting a bit boring. It'll probably be better to read this entire arc at one go, but the weekly chapters are really feeling thin right now. Nothing happening other than action which goes on and on week after week. Zzzzz. Hopefully it gets somewhere fast. This sort of pacing would be much better suited for monthly chapters than weekly chapters imo. 40-50 pages of action can be fun to read, but 18 pages per week just feels zzzzzzz.
6000, ch 3

Crazy start into the chapter, which made me think I skipped something. But as it turns out, it was just a nightmare. For now.

Things start to get interesting. I didn't expect Kadokura to talk back to bis new boss and sure as hell didn't expect him to brush the programmer lady off like that. The comment about him being a lone fighter who dies early on was probably just a general statement, but considering the circumstances ...


Now this is when it gets really interesting and everyone starts to see things or has similar dreams.

The art doesn't make it seem like that claustrophobic, but I guess it's because it's simply not necessary yet. The nightmares have a completely different tone and make you feel the narrow corridors much more.


Ubel Blatt

Finally some Koinzell on Hero action soon! The best type of action.

I'm sort of lost with the whole plot thing right now to be honest. I'm just going with the flow and look at the cool fight scenes until this will explain itself.


Omg Enzai as your first VN. Poor you :O

I finally got around to watching the OVA last year. & nope. Couldn't do it. :'O

I question anyone that says they love Enzai.

Should tell you something about my headspace at the time that I actually enjoyed it- but I don't think anyone else on the planet would. Don't think I could ever watch the anime of it though without feeling like a total creep.

Aunt Tits

6000, ch 4


If this isn't a great setting for a horror manga, then I don't now.

I can't say the events are predictable per se, but they don't surprise me at all. It's still interesting enough to see how it all plays out.
Sairuiu 1

Dont think I really like the art style that much, but I think it was a nice chapter. Would have liked to see the story taken a bit further to see how the friend -> relationship barrier is broken though. I guess a mutual love of games and Dynasty Warriors would be the conduit for it. Poor girl, shes missing out.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
WSJ US is out. Here's the TOC.

World Trigger
One Piece
One-Punch Man
Dragon Ball
Cross Manage

I know it's not as important as the Japanese TOC, but I thought it would be a good idea to archive it too.

World Trigger

It was okay I guess. The final scene does hook the reader pretty well. I'll see where it goes.


WSJ US is out. Here's the TOC.

World Trigger
One Piece
One-Punch Man
Dragon Ball
Cross Manage

I know it's not as important as the Japanese TOC, but I thought it would be a good idea to archive it too.

Does it work like the Japanese one?
WSJ US is out. Here's the TOC.

World Trigger
One Piece
One-Punch Man
Dragon Ball
Cross Manage

I know it's not as important as the Japanese TOC, but I thought it would be a good idea to archive it too.

World Trigger

It was okay I guess. The final scene does hook the reader pretty well. I'll see where it goes.

No Bleach?
So even though WSJ US is now caught up with the Japanese version, the fact that scanlators get English version up days before they go on sale in japan means that we shouldn't expect scanlations for WSJ to end anytime soon.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
So even though WSJ US is now caught up with the Japanese version, the fact that scanlators get English version up days before they go on sale in japan means that we shouldn't expect scanlations for WSJ to end anytime soon.

It does suck when assholes on Twitter tell them "Dur I already read it, it not simultaneous" not realizing that telling them that is a bad idea.
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