I think I've far underestimated how many "Trapped in an MMO" series there are
The protaganist of The Rise of the Shield Hero. Its another series about people trapped in an MMO.
He's only allowed to use a shield, but its sort of useless and then he gets falsely accused of rape and then he's all broody and hates the mmo world a lot.
No matter what anyone else tells you its popular because he travels around with a furry waifu mouse girl thing.
I think I've far underestimated how many "Trapped in an MMO" series there are
tags: hentai, yaoi
I think I've far underestimated how many "Trapped in an MMO" series there are
The new frontier is monster idol girls trapped in an mmo... that's being played by their older brothers.
Monster girl... NPCs, falling for the PC who is a no life nerd.
The new frontier is monster idol girls trapped in an mmo... that's being played by their older brothers.
Any body read I"s or Gundam The Origin? Any good?
Monster girl... NPCs, falling for the PC who is a no life nerd.
The new frontier is monster idol girls trapped in an mmo... that's being played by their older brothers.
What type of older brothers are we talking about here? Sister-complex, Shouta, Step-siblings, Bishoujos, Dense MCs?
What type of older brothers are we talking about here? Sister-complex, Shouta, Step-siblings, Bishoujos, Dense MCs?
We're all evil assholes, at least judging by the tone shoujo beat uses
- uploaded illegally
- pirate site
- many people who read illegal scanlations
- people who steal manga by reading pirated scans
Their editor is such a great person:
Except ANN pulls the same crap with stealing magazine content early for profit. *sigh*
Saint Seiya Next Dimension 43-45
Why didn't Aioria had a lion pet? Kaiser>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Aioria because of that.
The pure maiden caring for the boy she's falling in love with.
My personal opinion? I think frustration at the situation is somewhat warranted. But channel that frustration into creating a great product. WSJ and CrunchyRoll distribution services are a great step. If you can't fight it (because it's certainly not a problem for just the manga/anime industry), then convince 'em. Adapt.
I'd like it better if he remained a boy and still liked Tota.
That'd be surprisingly progressive for a shounen manga.
The pure maiden caring for the boy she's falling in love with.
It's like half of the LNs fits the theme.
I can blame SAO for this, right?
Is this bearable ? Better/worse than Lost Canvas ? Might read it before the new anime hits.
*1. 422,688 422,688 Ansatsu Kyoushitsu Vol.13
*2. 413,291 413,291 Haikyuu!! Vol.15
*3. 196,446 196,446 Shokugeki no Souma Vol.11
*4. 156,001 156,001 World Trigger Vol.10
*5. 129,183 129,183 New Prince of Tennis Vol.14
*6. 125,178 379,928 Kyou wa Kaisha Yasumimasu. Vol.8
*7. 108,722 108,722 Haikyuu!! Vol.15 DVD Bundle
*8. 107,524 497,689 Saint☆Onii-san Vol.11
*9. *81,531 *81,531 Ookami-heika no Hanayome Vol.12
10. *75,768 138,752 Youkai Watch Vol.6
11. *72,613 659,433 Nanatsu no Taizai Vol.13
12. *72,016 455,958 Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun Vol.6
13. *71,210 *71,210 Kangoku Gakuen Vol.16
14. *70,324 349,243 Uchuu Kyoudai Vol.25
15. *66,321 *66,321 Ansatsu Kyoushitsu Official Character Book: Meibo no Jikan
16. *62,288 532,314 Terra Formars Vol.12
17. *58,911 103,668 Ten Count Vol.3
18. *58,786 259,675 Hoozuki no Reitetsu Vol.17
19. *57,133 *57,133 Let's! Haikyuu!? Vol.1
20. *56,825 *56,825 Amaama to Inazuma Vol.4
21. *43,723 241,513 Orange Vol.4
22. *42,447 *42,447 Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal Vol.8
23. *41,687 *41,687 Baki-Dou Vol.5
24. *40,534 *40,534 Kochira Katsushikaku Kameari Kouenmae Hashutsujo Vol.194
25. *39,533 358,070 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 8: Jojolion Vol.9
26. *38,103 143,541 Kidou Senshi Gundam: The Origin Vol.24 "Tokubetsu-hen"
27. *37,518 128,973 ReRe Hello Vol.6
28. *37,301 120,700 Marmalade Boy: little Vol.3
29. *36,340 117,252 Honey Vol.6
30. *35,567 *35,567 Mahou Shoujo of the End Vol.8
31. *33,896 *88,975 Hidamari Sketch Vol.8
32. *33,853 *33,853 Kono Oto Tomare! Vol.8
33. *33,332 *90,323 5-ji kara 9-ji made Vol.10
34. *32,376 *64,167 Yamikin Ushijima-kun Vol.33
35. *29,636 *65,593 Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt Vol.5
36. *28,518 111,370 Hirunaka no Ryuusei Vol.12
37. *28,407 *74,665 Himitsu no Ai-Chan Vol.15
38. *28,028 *28,596 Blood Lad Vol.13
39. *28,010 *28,256 Akagi Vol.29
40. *27,129 102,103 Inu Yashiki Vol.3
41. *26,500 *45,086 12-sai. Vol.6
42. *26,122 210,379 Tsubasa: WoRLD CHRoNiCLE - Nirai Kanai-hen Vol.1
43. *25,785 *66,486 Joou no Hana Vol.11
44. *25,476 *50,760 Dead Dead Demon's Dededededestruction Vol.2
45. *25,072 *25,072 GTO: Paradise Lost Vol.2
46. *25,015 754,831 Nanatsu no Taizai Vol.12
47. *23,759 *23,759 Shokugeki no Souma Vol.11 Drama CD Bundle
48. *22,752 *38,271 Dragon Jam Vol.12
49. *22,527 *22,527 Hajime no Shokutaku Vol.1
50. *22,137 *22,137 Mahouka Koukou no Yuutousei Vol.5
Shieldbro is pretty weird, and apparently it gets worse. Feels like that and Mushoku Tensei got hyped a while back and both are terrible. Light novels, web novels, all are cancer.
I think I've far underestimated how many "Trapped in an MMO" series there are
Well its hardly new, its just the age old 'trapped in a fantasy world' story with new trappings.
Sure, but the trapped/another world theme is getting absurdly popular these days.
Bland stuff like Kono Oto Tomare! sells that well?
Btw, is it just me, or did you just suddenly began to hate everything starting from a while ago? It's the impression I'm getting now. You don't wander into the VN thread lately, or even here, and when you do, you critice pretty harshely.
Japanese male power fantasy.
I don't know about the latter, never read it. Terra Formars is over 500k so I won't be too concerned with a manga's quality on that list.
Nah, I just haven't been reading anything VN wise, and for manga all I've kept up with is Prison School. Likely done with vns until the Harvest Festa translation is done.
I've talked about MT or Shieldbro here before, though; to summarize, I find the otaku self insertion stuff gross in MT and the false rape accusation plot in Shieldbro to be a lazy and risible way to build up validation for the protag's (and the reader's) persecution complex.
I actually got sick of High School DxD as I went further along. Think I said in an earlier thread how I couldn't get over how it felt like it was being written by a twelve year old kid.
Is it sad one of the best LN's out there is High School DxD. First four volumes are meh/okay, but from there on something clicks and it turns amazing....