I'd love to hear your impressions on translation/overall quality of the books. Since there's no english version in sight, I'd settle for the german one if it's decent enough. Need Punpun in my bookshelf.
I wanted a different ending too. But then, I also like it if authors betray your expectations, as long as they put effort into it. The final chapters were anticlimatic and at times even dull, but I think that's the intention. It doesn't hit you full force, it's creeps up on you slowly. I don't know how to describe it, it's not something that makes you shout, or cry, or fistpump the air, it's more a hollow, fading sizzle or something, I guess?
I did. I don't know if I'll ever really find the words to describe it, or if I even want to, but Punpun definitely left an impression on me and that alone is reason enough for me to count it among my personal favourites.
And it made me want to reread No Longer Human for the x-th time. But I think I'm gonna go for something lighthearted first. Any good smutty harem romcom out there?