Duel! ch1 by Aoi Akira
Our protagonist is a girl whose motto is to always smile, but since she's pretty weak-willed she ends up being perpetually bullied by her peers, until one day she crosses the path of a beautiful fencer.
Not a bad first chapter, though most of the setup is pretty typical for a sports series. The art is nice enough, and the relationship between the two girls could be interesting. Too bad there doesn't seem to be enough interest for a translation of the following chapters.
Yamada and the Seven Witches 164
Entire 2nd half completely worth it to learn that Ushio gets cucked like 5 times this series.
What in the world did I just read?Read Keijo next~
The funniest part is that he didn't just get rejected; Odagiri rejected him in favor of herself getting cucked by Yamada (she's not even the backup option, that other girl is).
Glad that you thoroughly enjoyed Part 4. The cast was indeed one of the strongest of the series, and Kira Yoshikage is a fascinating and entertaining villain, though I personally did find the pacing to be a little odd at times (probably due to the slice of life-ish atmosphere). Pearl Jam is one of my favorite stands~
As for Part 5. Well, how far are you in?
Just finished reading the first four volumes of Pluto the past few days.
Very interesting. I'm liking it more than expected. Those Astro Boy references are so blatant, though. Gotta admit that I was surprised whenAtom was killed so unceremonially, especially after hyping him as the ultimate robot a few chapters before.
Gonna give a more in depth review after I order the other volumes and reread it all.
Edit: One of the things I'm most interested in is this guy. I feel like it's an overdone trope but I can't help but be curious about him.
The manga is actually a reinterpretation/reimagination of two Astro Boy episodes that ran in the 80's, "The Greatest Robot in the World" (be way of SPOILERS), thus the obvious Astroy Boy references.
Might be interesting to give a look into them after you're done with Pluto.
Hope you're enjoying it, it's probably my favourite Urasawa work from the ones I read.
My one true calling, writing hentai dialouge.
Does that pay well?
Kannagi 10
You're surprised there's little interest in cleaning, translating and typesetting generic yuri?
What in the world did I just read?
Didn't notice any pacing issues, but that might be cause I just couldn't stop reading.
I'm up to a fight between Boss and the assassin.
Part 5 premise sounds so amazing.
Dio son, Italy, GANGSTER STAR. How can you screw that up?
Giorno starts off as someone that's going between the line of good and bad, but then as soon as he joins the gang he becomes generic good guy with no personality that's always right. He's blander than Jonathan or Jotaro, at least Jonathan had this ridiculous gentleman thing going with him and Jotaro had the "stoic cool guy", Giorno has nothing.
His ability also went through a similar downgrade, at the start he could create life and also if you hit any of the things he created you'd get hit back, I'm pretty sure Araki forgot this last one cause it never happens again, and as far as creating life goes, it basically became a glorified Crazy Diamond where it's used for healing, even though there's so much more that his ability could theoretically do.
I think the only person of the cast I care about at this point is Narancia, and mostly because she's written as someone with such low IQ that I can't help but want to see her beat the odds.
Everyone else I'm just secretly hoping will get killed.
Honestly at this point I'm just reading it because I'm afraid that if I slow down I'll start procrastinating reading it and eventually drop it for weeks and thus delay catching up with the rest of the series.
I want to buy that but it's under that stupid Ebook embargo so sod that noise.Got Isolator today, was surprised its hardcover, dont have any other hardcover LNs.
Also good character design from Kawahara.
Man, that comic refused to get much better after the author cashed his chips in byFuuka 67
I'm guessing this person has a crush on either characters and that's why he's doing this
Were getting close to a new thread!
What, really?
Manga News/Discussion |OT|The only way out is a threesome
Were getting close to a new thread!
I'll pitch inThis thread seems to move slower than usual.
This thread seems to move slower than usual.
We need another molester man to liven up MangaGAF
This thread seems to move slower than usual.
MangaGAF is just transitioning towards a smut-driving economy!
This thread seems to move slower than usual.
I see. I thought at first that it was considered one of the better robot series since Astro Boy, not that it was a retelling. It only became somewhat clear later to me, and after taking a better look at the line under the title.
And you're right about JoJo part 5 being terrible. Just stomach it until you reach part 6.
I want to buy that but it's under that stupid Ebook embargo so sod that noise.
Man, that comic refused to get much better after the author cashed his chips in byI was hoping it'd get somewhere but nope.Offing Fuuka
It's always a gamble when you do that and he lost pretty damn hard.
So today, while in the store to buy Umaru manga, I found out that shindoL did a Yotsuba doujins series called "Four Leaf Lover", if the covers are anything to go by they're extremely NSFW and potentially life scarring (RIP lele).
I wouldn't think that shindoL and Yotsuba would ever overlap... But here we are.
UQ Holder! 84
Wow I love the look of the sign on the ground as Tota-nii was able to strike back. Then the panel with him having part black and part white too in that stance. How is he only kuromaru and co level, doesnt make sense.
dani pls
We don't talk about this one.
Most of us knew, even Lele I think. On the other hand, today I discovered that he made some BL HunterxHunter fanfics as a guest artist from his Patreon.
Not talking about it doesn't change the fact that it exists even though it shouldn't!
Some of us would like to make sure that as few people as possible know about the existence of this one, you know!
Some of you are terrible people. Everyone should read it and bask in its glory.
What's next, you're gonna tell people not to read the real end of K-ON as told in THAT IS IT? You... monster!
Yotsuba porn-doujins are a new level of despicable. Posting it is an actual bannable offense on 4chan. Really. That's the level you're at.
So today, while in the store to buy Umaru manga, I found out that shindoL did a Yotsuba doujins series called "Four Leaf Lover", if the covers are anything to go by they're extremely NSFW and potentially life scarring (RIP lele).
I wouldn't think that shindoL and Yotsuba would ever overlap... But here we are.