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Marvel Puzzle Quest: Dark Reign |OT| Welcome To Marvel [5m23s]!


Had 4 level 1 chars maxed ( iron man, storm, black widow, jugg)
We should try to get top 50 to get a yellow hood

I'll do what I can, but I need a purple m.mags a hell of a lot more than a black hood (and I don't feel like the slog that a blue hood would take)
Looks like my level 70-something Dr. Doom is finally gonna get some use. He's super-buffed and his Demon tiles do ~240 damage each for me. Kind of ridiculous if I can get them down...


I maxed my Doom's black but still need far more Blue to really turn him into a reliable threat.

I will say this...Bullseye+Ares is amazing. Its how I finally got through that Magneto, Daken, Thor match. Bullseye kept them throwing spitballs and ares would use his green to just one shot.
Don't upgrade your iOS to 7.1.

MPQ will stop working. Apparently D3 has had a fix in with Apple for a while but it's been weeks and iPhone 4 users are still out in the cold.

I upgraded last night without reading about the bug and cannot launch the game either.


I just requested membership to GAF-vengers.

I only realized yesterday that instead of waiting for an injured character to recover or using a health pack, I could go into the Prologue and fight a low-level Venom using OBW's heal power to recover my health points faster. That means less down time for me to rock these events.


so those that are worried about original black widow being nerfed any time soon, you don't need to worry.

IceIX wrote:
The funbalancing queue still exists. It's still on a burner (not the back one), but we don't have much heat on it at the moment. Getting stronger Alliance controls and features are higher up on the list at the moment and taking up more of the designer time. We still intend to get back to these at some point.
It's pretty well the same as it was. Hawkeye (Modern), Wolverine (X-Force), Magneto (Classic), Spider-Man (Classic) are all on the list. We've also got a bunch of internal discussion on some other changes for other characters, but nothing has shaken out definitively yet.


Cool. I was LTTP and only recently accepted OBW as my Lord and Savior.

She probably needs a nerf, but you actually have to work at getting her heals and AP denial going. Unlike Spidey's "Aaand you're webbed. Aaand we're fully healed. Aaand you're webbed." all game long.


Cool. I was LTTP and only recently accepted OBW as my Lord and Savior.

She probably needs a nerf, but you actually have to work at getting her heals and AP denial going. Unlike Spidey's "Aaand you're webbed. Aaand we're fully healed. Aaand you're webbed." all game long.

Honestly, I've had more games spiral out of control from OBW getting in 2 purple matches and then stealing all my AP than spidy getting a chain stun off


Honestly, I've had more games spiral out of control from OBW getting in 2 purple matches and then stealing all my AP than spidy getting a chain stun off

It's always about if you can kill her first before she gets started, which usually isn't too hard unless they get a lucky 5 blue or purple drop. But she's vulnerable. A high level Spider-man seems almost unkillable to me most of the time.


Cool. I was LTTP and only recently accepted OBW as my Lord and Savior.


Welcome brother,

OBW is my bottom widow if you catch my drift. Like if she dies before my other two, I will just forfeit sometimes.

It's patch, widow and some who can walk and chew bubblegum (don't matter). Prepare to use her ALL the time.

Say gotch, what does a guy have to do to become a member on Gaf?
Man. This shit has gotten so hard. The Juggernaut battle in hard mode is ridiculous. My Thor/cStorm/OBw team just gets mowed down immediately. Juggs, Iron Man and Lieutenant are all 121. That's 10k health for Juggs. Basically, I just spend health packs, blow through them all and try again in a couple hours when they regenerate. I did my part for the alliance and finished in the 20s on the last subs, but unless all this losing creates some adjustment, I'm going to be lucky to come in under 50 this time.


Man. This shit has gotten so hard. The Juggernaut battle in hard mode is ridiculous. My Thor/cStorm/OBw team just gets mowed down immediately. Juggs, Iron Man and Lieutenant are all 121. That's 10k health for Juggs. Basically, I just spend health packs, blow through them all and try again in a couple hours when they regenerate. I did my part for the alliance and finished in the 20s on the last subs, but unless all this losing creates some adjustment, I'm going to be lucky to come in under 50 this time.

if you have a 1 star storm with 5 green covers and a couple red covers try replacing the two star storm... she is vastly superior to two star storm for taking out stuff in PVE without letting the enemy having a ton of turns (1 star storm has a better AP used vs tiles destroyed to give you AP in general than 2 star, and 1 star storm removes the event tiles so you are getting pretty much all ap from her green move instead of some ap and some event tiles which leads to way way way more consistent chains) especially on maps where the event tiles give you AP.

edit: I got to the match.. mine are level 125
and see it's not bad at all
my screen shot software doesn't seem to be working right now :p
basically the picture is my team near full health with a bunch of mana with the lieutenant already mostly dead.
since it's a jungle stage 1 star storm's red move makes her vastly superior to two star storm in general.
I need to unsubscribe from this thread until they fix the game. Not being able to launch the game with an X Force Wolvie on the horizon is immensely frustrating.


It was the Spider-Man one that gave me the most trouble. Hitman feeds blue to Spider-Man who can actually get a stunlock going when he doesn't have to worry about matching tiles, and X-Force Wolverine sits there and denies Patch. So I had to tackle it with something like Magneto/Doom/OBW and one or two of them were constantly stunned. It doesn't help that my Magneto is only level 83 (I don't want him taking blues from OBW) and my Doom is only 138 buffed.

Say gotch, what does a guy have to do to become a member on Gaf?

300 posts and 3 months.


It was the Spider-Man one that gave me the most trouble. Hitman feeds blue to Spider-Man who can actually get a stunlock going when he doesn't have to worry about matching tiles, and X-Force Wolverine sits there and denies Patch. So I had to tackle it with something like Magneto/Doom/OBW and one or two of them were constantly stunned. It doesn't help that my Magneto is only level 83 (I don't want him taking blues from OBW) and my Doom is only 138 buffed.

300 posts and 3 months.

Doesn't that incentivate spam posting?


Doesn't that incentivate spam posting?

I'd say no, because half the point of junior status is that you get permanently banned for things that would get regular members a temp ban, such as spam posting. I'm very nervous now when I check recent bans because I'm sure that one of the juniors in the alliance is going to have gone on a racist rant in the OT.
Man. This shit has gotten so hard. The Juggernaut battle in hard mode is ridiculous. My Thor/cStorm/OBw team just gets mowed down immediately. Juggs, Iron Man and Lieutenant are all 121. That's 10k health for Juggs. Basically, I just spend health packs, blow through them all and try again in a couple hours when they regenerate. I did my part for the alliance and finished in the 20s on the last subs, but unless all this losing creates some adjustment, I'm going to be lucky to come in under 50 this time.

I got you. I haven't fallen out of the top 20 yet. I was sitting on first in hard mode and second in normal for several hours. My Doom is buffed to like 145 and having him with a buffed Modern Hawkeye is making the fights a lot easier. I honestly just keep those 2 as staples and bounce through characters for a third. I got something like 25k pts from the two events alone today.

I was getting really annoyed with the Modern Thor fight, didn't realize some of the NPC's randomly generated him Green AP. I was about to throw my phone when he hit me with Call of the Storm like 4 turns in a row and I almost lost. I did actually lose one of the Hard Mode matches against him for that reason. He managed to get CotS off on me pretty much every single turn and I went into it with my heroes at half hp.


That patch one completely destroys me. An NPC feeding him greens means that unless you get really lucky he's almost always getting one green off.

EDIT: whew got through. The ISO rewards are only 1k this time? Lame


I wish my hood was better off, I am kind of digging my patch, obw, hood team when forced to use a 5/5/3 hood in this event.
I'm done with the hard mode, can't earn enough points

I assume you don't have a decently high level Doctor Doom? It makes the event a joke to be honest. I doubt I'll finish outside the top 10 for hard and top 5 for normal. You get like 3x as many points for each Doom-required event as even the highest value normal events. If I had a 5/5 Doom even not maxed out I could easily take top place in both I reckon.

I wish my hood was better off, I am kind of digging my patch, obw, hood team when forced to use a 5/5/3 hood in this event.

I think if I had his blue ability maxed out I would use him pretty regularly, but I have a fairly even spread of covers for him 3/3/2 and it's somewhat difficult to get more. He's an interesting hero, but kind of weird to find a place for.


I've been using Doom/Classic Magneto/Ares for this event. It doesn't even seem fair to be spamming Magneto's red ability until Ares or Doom have enough AP to decimate the opposing team.

Looking at another top two finish in my bracket.


I've been using Doom/Classic Magneto/Ares for this event. It doesn't even seem fair to be spamming Magneto's red ability until Ares or Doom have enough AP to decimate the opposing team.

Looking at another top two finish in my bracket.

i've been using my normal thor/1 star storm/ 2 star widow on the events I can and my patch/obw/some other character because I still haven't found a great pair I can use as neither my hood nor black panther are high enough to work right with them. for everything that has thor or storm blocked. and subbing in my patch or dr doom when my widow is blocked and it's been going fine for me... I am not sure where I am going to end up... darn work getting in the way a lot.
Oh you son of a --

Gold Thor keeps STEALING the free Assassin/Demo green AP and spamming Call The Storm at me!!!! DEVIOUS ASGARDIAN BASTARD.


Loving my 133 level Doom in this. His Blacktack is just amazing. Four attack tiles doing like 250 damage each. Like the clown says, "I'M LOVIN IT."


Doom is pretty nifty yes. Though, I'm bummed out that Psylocke isn't powered up anymore. During the first two days she absolutely kicked butt with my Wolverine and Bullseye. I don't know if I'll make a top 50 finish this time around.

Positive note, got a two star recruitment token and got my second Invisible Woman out of it.


I'd say no, because half the point of junior status is that you get permanently banned for things that would get regular members a temp ban, such as spam posting. I'm very nervous now when I check recent bans because I'm sure that one of the juniors in the alliance is going to have gone on a racist rant in the OT.

ROFL... that won't be me.

But when I become a member... I'm going on a crazy rant explaining why Dragon Age 2 was superior to Skyrim


Oh you son of a --

Gold Thor keeps STEALING the free Assassin/Demo green AP and spamming Call The Storm at me!!!! DEVIOUS ASGARDIAN BASTARD.


Loving my 133 level Doom in this. His Blacktack is just amazing. Four attack tiles doing like 250 damage each. Like the clown says, "I'M LOVIN IT."

Ok lets talk about the three crazy matches they setup.

one if the one you are describing. Call the storm every 3 turns. The other hard fight is the JUGG fight and the third is the patch fight where he is using Beserker rage every 2 turns.

MY advice is to ignore these matches if you can.


Wow we are not even top 200 in the 1* tournament.

it shouldn't be that surprising... most of us are the type that won't really touch it until the last 8 hours as anything before that is pointless to do as you will just be attacked and lose all your points unless you piss away HP shielding.
one if the one you are describing. Call the storm every 3 turns. The other hard fight is the JUGG fight and the third is the patch fight where he is using Beserker rage every 2 turns.

The Thor one is the easiest of the 3 hands down, and I have been doing it a lot because it tends to have the highest point value attached to it--I assume because people are ignoring it. Yes the Call of the Storm is annoying, but I've been rolling Modern Hawkeye/Doom/Wolverine against it--with liberal use of boosts--and it has been pretty successful. I switch my heroes around here and there, but as long as you can hold Thor to 1 maybe 2 Calls it should be easy. Once he goes down I think the AI forgets what to do because I have barely ever seen those henchmen actually create any countdown tiles.

I did the Jugg/IM one one time on Normal and haven't even touched it on Hard. It's a stupid matchup. Jugg spamming his Green and Protect Tiles everywhere. It blows my mind how I never get moves like Freon Blast off but when I play against those heroes they get them like Clockwork. It's hard mostly because even if you get Doom's Demon Tiles down, Jugg can just take them all out within 1-2 turns anyway, so you're severely restricted.

The Patch fight is hit or miss for me. Yes, he gets a lot of strike tiles down, but he also gives you a bunch of them which means you can beat him down pretty quick after the first Berserkers. I haven't really had any close calls with this fight, I just don't really bother doing it unless its value is higher than the three Doom missions (usually only happens when I make my way back into 1st place).

I actually almost lost a fight in the most random way imaginable. I was doing the Daredevil/IM40/Wolverine fight and somehow one of his traps one-shot my level 85 Captain America that I was using as fodder, which meant by the time I got IM40 down my Doom was on his last leg, and I had to 1v1 Wolverine with only Hawkeye. Luckily I had some AP for countdown tiles but it was damn close--he had enough AP for a winning Adamantium Slash but for some reason went for an Environment tiles instead.


Doom/Ares/MN Magneto
Stay free everything. I swap in Bullseye or Thor on various matchups that outlaws my team mates or potentially involves longwinded battles vs heavy hitting mofos.

#1 and #2 and its freeeeeeeeeeeee.

I didn't start at the same time as everyone else though so I locked the lazy tier brackets down. Sadly I wont get home in time to maintain tomorrow. College and engineering work back to back. Still, should net some decent covers and exp though. My doom and ares are looking sweet. That Thor match where he keeps getting green isn't much of a threat most times for me. This team seems to sorta stack the board for its colors.

Grab ALLLLLLL the green possible in 3 turns. It usually ends up enough with Ares to straight kill Thor with all the extra damage he gets on that ability for every green AP over 6. Plus I'm healthy enough to give no shits anyhow with how hard it leveled these guys with the red iso.

Gotta say the 3 star Thor fueled with green looks like its got potential to kill folks though. Not a longterm fight. You either stun them to stop the battery or you use Ares and drop his ass out the gate. Harder team is that Magneto OBW match though. Drop EVERYTHING and kill mags and nab reds. Gimp him and pray he dies before OBW gets her first aggressive recon because once she starts its all over. You'll never gain enough to win in time and she'll keep Magneto doing tons of attacks non stop.
Yeah, but in that OBW/Mags fight, you also have to worry about the third opponent: Panther. If (when) he gets his black filled, it's lights out.

I had very few problems with that fight, dropped OBW as fast as possible and went after Mag's next. I haven't had a reason to do that fight though because the 3 exclusives are so good at hoarding points it's silly. I keep checking when I go on break and within 1 game I'm back in the top 10 (usually either the Thor or Daredevil mission).
...aaaaand still no word on a fix for iPhone 4 users.

I spent real money on this game, but $5 for several months of enjoyment is worth it.

I'm out!


Took a break from D3 to burn through some health packs and get my score up to 92k. Hopefully that helps.

The new tournament's prizes are also useless to me. Patch is fantastic, though, for those who don't have him.


Ugh...and now a Thor tournament. There should never be three events that end all at the same time. Now we get it twice in a row and it will probably continue. It's either poorly planned, or well planned by D3 if people are dropping real dollars for HP/Healthpacks.

I think I finished Top 10 in these last rounds. I'm 22 overall. I was hoping for better but I haven't been playing the non "big payout" missions as much as I should and I'm probably losing points there.
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