Had 4 level 1 chars maxed ( iron man, storm, black widow, jugg)
We should try to get top 50 to get a yellow hood
Had 4 level 1 chars maxed ( iron man, storm, black widow, jugg)
We should try to get top 50 to get a yellow hood
Without a doom I'm doomed in this event
I take it you have been playing less than 44 days?
I sold that doom. LOL. Just realized how important the 3* are...
IceIX wrote:
The funbalancing queue still exists. It's still on a burner (not the back one), but we don't have much heat on it at the moment. Getting stronger Alliance controls and features are higher up on the list at the moment and taking up more of the designer time. We still intend to get back to these at some point.
It's pretty well the same as it was. Hawkeye (Modern), Wolverine (X-Force), Magneto (Classic), Spider-Man (Classic) are all on the list. We've also got a bunch of internal discussion on some other changes for other characters, but nothing has shaken out definitively yet.
Cool. I was LTTP and only recently accepted OBW as my Lord and Savior.
She probably needs a nerf, but you actually have to work at getting her heals and AP denial going. Unlike Spidey's "Aaand you're webbed. Aaand we're fully healed. Aaand you're webbed." all game long.
Honestly, I've had more games spiral out of control from OBW getting in 2 purple matches and then stealing all my AP than spidy getting a chain stun off
Cool. I was LTTP and only recently accepted OBW as my Lord and Savior.
Man. This shit has gotten so hard. The Juggernaut battle in hard mode is ridiculous. My Thor/cStorm/OBw team just gets mowed down immediately. Juggs, Iron Man and Lieutenant are all 121. That's 10k health for Juggs. Basically, I just spend health packs, blow through them all and try again in a couple hours when they regenerate. I did my part for the alliance and finished in the 20s on the last subs, but unless all this losing creates some adjustment, I'm going to be lucky to come in under 50 this time.
my screen shot software doesn't seem to be working right now
Say gotch, what does a guy have to do to become a member on Gaf?
It was the Spider-Man one that gave me the most trouble. Hitman feeds blue to Spider-Man who can actually get a stunlock going when he doesn't have to worry about matching tiles, and X-Force Wolverine sits there and denies Patch. So I had to tackle it with something like Magneto/Doom/OBW and one or two of them were constantly stunned. It doesn't help that my Magneto is only level 83 (I don't want him taking blues from OBW) and my Doom is only 138 buffed.
300 posts and 3 months.
Doesn't that incentivate spam posting?
Man. This shit has gotten so hard. The Juggernaut battle in hard mode is ridiculous. My Thor/cStorm/OBw team just gets mowed down immediately. Juggs, Iron Man and Lieutenant are all 121. That's 10k health for Juggs. Basically, I just spend health packs, blow through them all and try again in a couple hours when they regenerate. I did my part for the alliance and finished in the 20s on the last subs, but unless all this losing creates some adjustment, I'm going to be lucky to come in under 50 this time.
I wish my hood was better off, I am kind of digging my patch, obw, hood team when forced to use a 5/5/3 hood in this event.
I'm done with the hard mode, can't earn enough points
I wish my hood was better off, I am kind of digging my patch, obw, hood team when forced to use a 5/5/3 hood in this event.
I've been using Doom/Classic Magneto/Ares for this event. It doesn't even seem fair to be spamming Magneto's red ability until Ares or Doom have enough AP to decimate the opposing team.
Looking at another top two finish in my bracket.
I'd say no, because half the point of junior status is that you get permanently banned for things that would get regular members a temp ban, such as spam posting. I'm very nervous now when I check recent bans because I'm sure that one of the juniors in the alliance is going to have gone on a racist rant in the OT.
Oh you son of a --
Gold Thor keeps STEALING the free Assassin/Demo green AP and spamming Call The Storm at me!!!! DEVIOUS ASGARDIAN BASTARD.
Loving my 133 level Doom in this. His Blacktack is just amazing. Four attack tiles doing like 250 damage each. Like the clown says, "I'M LOVIN IT."
Been over three weeks now and I still can't even open the app.
Turbo, can't you uninstall it and then reload your backup using Facebook?
Wow we are not even top 200 in the 1* tournament.
one if the one you are describing. Call the storm every 3 turns. The other hard fight is the JUGG fight and the third is the patch fight where he is using Beserker rage every 2 turns.
Yeah, but in that OBW/Mags fight, you also have to worry about the third opponent: Panther. If (when) he gets his black filled, it's lights out.