Duane Cunningham
Hey I like the aesthetic changes in the update.
I am at work but I am off and on the board most of the day. How can I help?
Likewise in regards to gaf-kanda
Oooh lookit the pretty new animations and menu layouts. I feel special having been there for them all.
BTW I'm goin in as hard as i can on any and all events with Falcon. I wants me some Birdman so if anyone wants yellow covers "to inspire others to be cooler than you are" feel free to party down on the Doom stuff and the last few days of PVE. I have a strong feeling Birdman will be one helluva utility. I've seen what his shield ability can do and its fucking ridiculous. If we properly level his yellow he can cover any team with tile placers and make them absolutely stupid with their defense and damage.
just imagine what he would be doing if he was using his original numbers
Those original numbers were ridiculous. Didn't he max at like 75% or some shit?
just need someone to temp leave and come back... of course gaf was down for most of the day so I only saw these posts now :/
if you are cool with that let me know so we can get you another member in your alliance
Do you still need someone to drop GAF-kanda? I'll be online for a few hours, so I can assist as needed (or I could just buy a slot, since I've never been hit-up for it).
Sorry guys. GAF was down for most the day for me. I just sent a request for the alliance and will buy a slot as soon as I'm approved
I just got about as bad a 10-pack Heroic as I could get.
** Wolverine - Green
Ares - Green
Bag-Man Spider-Man - Purple
Classic Storm - Yellow
** Cap. America - Yellow
** Magneto - Purple
** Thor - Red
Bullseye - Purple
** Thor - Red
Moonstone - Purple
Only Ares, Bullseye, and Magneto were of any use to me.
All I can say is thank the Gods I put Linux on my laptop or I would be Alt-Tabbing this game all day at work lol. I now have two accounts, mobile and Steam. Sigh.
Also my buddy and I were talking and we wish this game would set up some sort of card trading mechanic. He has covers I want and he doesn't need and vice versa. I know the publishers want to make money, but really that would help everyone out a ton and they could still make money
Alright GAF-Vengers, we're pretty much locked in on a Blue Falcon on Simulation that ends tonight. Let's make sure we get the Yellow one tomorrow morning on Doctor's Orders, too!
I really don't understand how you guys do it when it comes to PVP. I've been playing the Doom event for the last couple of hours. I started at 500 and I wanted to shield up at 800 points.
I. Can't. Get. There.
Bouncing around from top 15 to top 9. I'm just attacked over and over again. I go into a match and win 25 points to come back and lose 27. I go into a match and win to come back to 50 points lost. I'm back to 749 and 11th place right now. It's all I can do to just maintain.
If I play early I run out of people to play and get attacked because I'm number one. If I play at the last minute I get to 500 and start to wash with people attacking me. So thing time I tried with about a day left and I still can't break 800.
I understand part of this is my Doom is only level 41 and sucks and people aren't "afraid" of my team. When should I be playing these? I want to do better but nothing seems to be right in terms of a top 5 finish. Hell I would like to consistently finish top 10 but I keep barely missing out.
Zulux, are you in BOTH alliances?
You're MMR is prob. higher then mine or Shadowwebbs. What is your team again?
I have a low Doom also like lvl 40.
All I've been using is 85 OBW, 85 Ares or Thor, and then my 41 Doom. I have a 141 IM40, 110 Punisher, but I haven't used them in the tourney.
I don't like the idea of MMR tanking but if it's what I have to so then so be it.
the idea of tanking is stupid, but it's something you have to do at least a little.... I typically just tank the lightning round stuff (I take a level 50 team to 100 points or so facing the seeder teams so I can get some rewards and then get attacked a lot) and that works out alright for me...
I am also currently running a 141 patch and level 80 mags which seems to do a decent job of scaring people away.
If you have iso to burn at the very least I would level up your lazy thor as he would be more scary than the normal thor... also personally I think punisher gets along a lot better with OBW then thor or ares as his green move puts strike tiles which does double effect for widow matches, and his black move is really solid for pvp in general... his red isn't amazing but it's not bad either.
Er, so the simulator is over but I didn't get any rewards...
wait 60-300 min from end of event to get rewards... usually 90-120... they are super slow anymore.
Falcon: Inspiration
Old ability:
Inspiration - Yellow Passive
Falcon spreads his wings, motivating his teammates as he swoops into the fight. When the team makes a yellow match, Falcon improves the strength of 3 friendly Protect, Strike, or Attack tiles by 10 percent.
Level Upgrades
Level 2: Improves friendly tiles by 15 percent.
Level 3: Improves friendly tiles by 20 percent.
Level 4: Improves friendly tiles by 25 percent.
Level 5: Improves friendly tiles by 30 percent.
New ability:
Inspiration - Yellow Passive
Falcon spreads his wings, motivating his teammates as he swoops into the fight. When the team makes a yellow match, Falcon improves the strength of 2 friendly Protect, Strike, or Attack tiles by 7.
Level Upgrades
Level 2: Improves friendly tiles by 8.
Level 3: Improves friendly tiles by 10.
Level 4: Improves friendly tiles by 13.
Level 5: Improves 3 friendly tiles by 13.
Max Level: Improves 3 friendly tiles by 79.
As announced earlier, this ability needs to go to a static increase instead of a percentage. The percentage works great for scaling but works horribly for the character himself since it means that keeping Falcon at lower levels so that he doesn't tank any of the tiles is advantageous. Percentages also have the disadvantage of being great for high powered Strike/Protect/Attack tiles but fairly useless on low powered ones such as Storm (Modern)'s Hailstorm. Making the increase static instead of a percentage fixes these issues by allowing the value to scale by Falcons level. This means that it's important to level Falcon up to get more advantage from this skill. It also creates a strong reason for players to use Falcon with other characters that use lower powered tile placements as opposed to having him be at his strongest when dealing only with characters like Doom or Magneto.
And a minor tweak to Storm (Modern)'s Level 5 Lightning Strike:
Old Ability:
Lightning Strike - Green 10 AP
Storm calls a blinding bolt of electricity from the heavens, shattering 8 tiles, doing damage and earning AP for each.
Level Upgrades
Level 2: Shatters 9 tiles.
Level 3: Shatters 10 tiles.
Level 4: Shatters 12 tiles.
Level 5: Shatters 16 tiles.
New Ability:
Lightning Strike - Green 10 AP
Storm calls a blinding bolt of electricity from the heavens, shattering 8 tiles, doing damage and earning AP for each.
Level Upgrades
Level 2: Shatters 9 tiles.
Level 3: Shatters 10 tiles.
Level 4: Shatters 12 tiles.
Level 5: Shatters 14 tiles.
Only 1 cover? save up your hp and buy that asap.
That's actually a buff for the falcon (at max level) and a ridiculously large one at that, you need like lazycap/IW/nick fury levels of base tile damage for it to boost anywhere near that much
Okay GAF-Vengers, we need to move up from 130 to 100 in the next 45 minutes and it'll be Yellow Falcons for all!
a 20th member could really help with that >.>
a 20th member could really help with that >.>
added you just try to get as many points as possible in the next 10 min in the doom event.I know absolutely nothing about how these groups work but I have over a page of heroes, and I wouldn't mind joining. Signed up just in case. If there's no room for me, that's okay, no harm done.
You know what chaps my ass?
That I can have a team of 3* characters in the 90-110 level range and they're still at a disadvantage against OBW and Thor. I use OBW all the time, and it's annoying that I'm losing or just skating by if I actually want to change up my team to a "stronger" roster.
Just noticed Toxicadam is in my season bracket with 8k points, 3rd place, and a great roster. Too bad he's not in a GAF alliance.
lol. The Commander in his Alliance has [high]15[high] level 141 covers. Jesus.