Loving a few of these looks, particularly the 1st one.Some more hairspiration.
How often do you guys get your hair cut?
How often do you guys get your hair cut?
I go about once every three weeks, but usually by then my hair is a complete mess in the back and on the sides.
How often do you guys get your hair cut?
I go about once every three weeks, but usually by then my hair is a complete mess in the back and on the sides.
How short do you cut the sides when you get it trimmed?http://i.minus.com/jKjmMXFGv8Xiz.jpg[]
That style is about how mine looks these days.
How short do you cut the sides when you get it trimmed?
Imo, murrays hold makes fiber look like nothing. Hahawhat product would you guys recommend that would hold through a long work out? like it wont break down with sweat? i've tried the american fiber and just regular gel my hair always ends up sweating it out.... i was going to try murray's but i figured i'd see if anyone recommends anything better.
Imo, murrays hold makes fiber look like nothing. Haha
Agreed!It's like having motor oil in your hair. I don't know how people do it. I need my scalp to breathe and be free!
Yeah it really sucks, I have to get a haircut pretty often to not have it look like a helmet. I have been searching for a solution for years but nothing works.
Some pics that could help.
Still need to decide if I'm going to get something extravagant/different when I get my hair cut this weekend.
The problem is, I feel like a lot of the looks posted in this thread might not end up looking anywhere as good in real life as they do in the photos. Also, I'll need to step my hair styling game up if indeed I'm going to get something new. I don't want a fancy cut that I can't style appropriately.
I hate this thread, lol. My hair is soooooo soft that I can barely style anything. I can't even do a buzzcut. I always get told by women that they wish they had my hair - that should tell you how shiny and soft it is.
Normally I wouldn't care much but my hair seems to define whether I look good or not as good on a given day. No point in using any product because wind just screws me over. I have to get it cut really short for anything, except my hairline has a dumb shape so it doesn't look ideal. The only look I can do is messy. Sucks.
Any pics for shorter stuff?
The combination of people thinking I got my hair style from and awful awfuuul tv show Ive never even watched The only way is essex, think of it like being compared to the main guy from jersey shore or something and just being abit tired of the undercut.
Maybe something like Gosling? going to be odd not having hair past my nose when I get out of the shower thats for sure.
Short up the sides, bit of length up top? I dunno Im pretty open mined as my hair grows like crazy and is like dog hair, so damn thick.
What about this?
Is this Brandon Flowers?
Love this hair. I currently get my hair cut about every 3 weeks.
Curious to know though.. Is it even possible for an Asian guy to achieve this hair? I'm half korean/half white..
the sides and back of my head the hair sticks straight out even when short. Anyway of being able to counteract this?
Cheers. Might have to go for this. Half tempted to walk out of work and get it fine today, hair is pissing me off big time today!Doubt it, but the cut is similar.
MiDNiGHTS said:
Yeah...Only way I could think of would be weighing it down with a pomade.
This has potential, though I am not so gaunt as that.
I might try to pull this off.
I had a major hair meltdown the other day and it totally ruined my mood. Just one of those days where it would not cooperate no matter what. Whenever I tried to brush it back there would be a few stray hairs that just wouldn't go and instead, they'd hover right above my forehead. Not cool.
I need it to be Saturday. Still need to decide exactly what I'm going to go in and get but at this point, anything will be better.