lol, that's why I'll be playing the game till I finish the SP missions atleast and then i'll come on GAF to write my thoughts about everything as well as check all the other opinions on GAF. When MGS4 released, I didn't own a PS3 at the time, just the Xbox 360 so after a few months of the game releasing I visited my cousin and played the game from 9:30PM all the way to 5:00PM the next day and I had to stop after the Ocelot fist fight. My face was like this after playing through the whole game and that was not because of being tired.
after that I had to return home because tomorrow is school so I returned home and watched the rest of the ending on youtube and then went to bed feeling happy, sad and just overall bitter sweet.
MGS4 was such a cathartic experience for me the first time I played it. Maybe it's because I've been playing the series ever since 1999, I'll never forget the experience of playing MGS4 for the first time. It's my favorite MGS game but for very different and personal reasons. Technically, MGS3 is though.