And there's nothing wrong with that. Character design preference is always incredibly subjective.
Correct you are.
And there's nothing wrong with that. Character design preference is always incredibly subjective.
R07 on Revengeance.
Question for final boss:
does anyone know how to get the "good" version of that unblockable QTE that knocks away your sword? It does a lot more damage if you block it then if get knocked away
Thanks for the advice, but it's all on my end! I make it nearly to 10% of his health and then I screw up. My biggest error are those damn smoke grenades. They do such a small amount of damage that I believe that they're more just to piss me off, lol.
So... did I screw up or do you have to get through Ch 00 without any upgrades even if you're playing a New Game+?
Just started up Very Hard mode and I don't like it.
So... did I screw up or do you have to get through Ch 00 without any upgrades even if you're playing a New Game+?
Just started up Very Hard mode and I don't like it.
JP, are you guys planning on doing anything more with the Platinum Online Store?
Good I want to buy stuffYes. We are.
are the other swords useful?
Snk Suckmore/PROPER IORI
You'll find out within the first five seconds of Chapter 03.
Holy shit :O i cant get over how ridiculous hype the endboss is in this game i dont even know if its just Stupid or freaking Genius.
Just what are they smoking at Platinum? :O
Beneath the blood stained saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand~
The fox blade is very usefulare the other swords useful?
Kamiya is so damn sexy. Too bad he isn't into guys.
Anyway I need open and play bayonetta. The 360 version not the ps3
are the other swords useful?
Hahah, truth.
The fact that you can carry it into the higher difficulties without penalty is pretty ridiculous. You only need to beat it on Normal, which means that a lot of people might not experience the Hard difficulties or above without that wig.
Muramasa is inherently better than the default HF Blade, the HF Machete swings significantly faster, the Stun Blade has a random chance to instakill, the Wooden Sword gives you mad bonus points, and the Armor Breaker does just that.
So yes, they are.
I can handle the dude no problem. Its the fucking Shit he throws at you. I can't ever seem to manage the cut for the 2nd one he can dodge everything using light attack + jump
You can dodge the area attacks if you time it right. Instead of running away from him when you see him preparing for it, dodge twice away from him
What about Grey Fox's blade?
It's broken. Kills everything but bosses in one regular swipe.What about Grey Fox's blade?
It's broken. Kills everything but bosses in one regular swipe.
From what I heard, the Fox Blade just breaks things
No higher damage on bosses?
It's so satisfying to slash everything.It's broken. Kills everything but bosses in one regular swipe.
I think it was determined that Mura outdamages it, but I don't know the specifics.No higher damage on bosses?
I can handle the dude no problem. Its the fucking Shit he throws at you. I can't ever seem to manage the cut for the 2nd one he throws.
Yes. We are.
This game/genre isn't for you. Figuring how to manipulate the combat system with cancels is the first thing you are supposed to try in action games. Trade the game in.
GRAD tips
What is this nonsense?
Never played an action game before? It's like saying, if you need to rely on stealth in a MGS game, something's wrong with it. The game is intended to be played this way.
When I can't do something that means it is wrong. Not me though. I'm not the one who is in the wrong!
Same damage the HF Blade/Muramasa do, but Muramasa is faster, so it's damage-per-second is higher
Out of curiosity, what skins do you guys mainly use? I was rocking the MGS4 skin in my initial playthrough, but ever since then it's been Suit all the way.
The fox blade is very useful
Look toward the right when Monsoon is having his monologue and you can see the kitty from the beach. I just found this out today. Are there any other easter eggs like this?
You can also see one of the cyborg soldiers petting the kitty
It's probably Bayonetta traveling the dimensions
I can handle the dude no problem. Its the fucking Shit he throws at you. I can't ever seem to manage the cut for the 2nd one he throws.
Say I want to slash left to right, I slowly move the right analog stick to the left and then I quickly move it to the opposite direction, in this case the right, and accurate slash achieved. Is that how you do it too?
You can also see one of the cyborg soldiers petting the kitty
It's probably Bayonetta traveling the dimensions
thx.Muramasa is inherently better than the default HF Blade, the HF Machete swings significantly faster, the Stun Blade has a random chance to instakill, the Wooden Sword gives you mad bonus points, and the Armor Breaker does just that.
So yes, they are.
I don't play them often but I've made my way through Ninja Gaiden and the DMC's (real Dante) on the 2nd highest difficulties. My patience for this type of stuff is decreasing each passing year, it seems.
Anyone have a photo of the long sword?thx.
have you tried the long sword?
Actually, if you just let go of the right stick after moving it to one side, the slash will occur. So just pull the righ stick to one side, move the stuck to line up the guide with the targets, adjust slightly with the left stick, then let go of the right stick and it should work.
Fox Blade was good in helping me get Left Hands, at least.