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Metal Gear Solid 4 |OT| No Place to Hide, No Time for a Legend to FoxDie

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Volcynika said:
Beat the first boss! :D

One thing I noticed was that the whole rolling attack does a LOT more damage than I thought it would. It killed me once :(

Yah, on hard mode it takes about 55-60% of your life. :( so I had to make sure I was full health, but most of the time i would be able to dodge that, except if I find myself in that room with no other connections.


Y2Kev said:
For the Octopus battle, I just used the threat ring. Crouch and it will appear.

Nobody is using the threat ring. :D
I used the threat ring too. I also
listened for her laugh since it gets louder as you are closer to her, and I looked around for her arms since they're a pretty distinguishing feature. NV never even crossed my mind, lol.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Deepblue said:
Not to mention the whole
Ocelot faking being posessed by Liquid, which everyone inexplicably accepts.

What do you mean
"inexplicably accepts"?
It's a combination of
acting and psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, and nanomachines. It's accepted because the combination was enough to trick everyone.


Oh yeah, one question about the first boss:

What happens if you let the laughing beauty actually make contact with you? Do you die or something?


Y2Kev said:
What do you mean
"inexplicably accepts"?
It's a combination of
acting and psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, and nanomachines. It's accepted because the combination was enough to trick everyone.
I'm thinking more along the lines of
Liquids voice coming outta Ocelot in MGS2


mattiewheels said:
question about the LE:

the back of the box mentions ennio moriccone as one of the soundtrack artists, but my cd doesn't have him on any of the track artists. what do they mean? did they use an old song of his from one of his westerns?
Here's To You - Ennio Morricone (from the film Sacco e Vanzetti)
arranged by Harry Gregson-Williams
Performed by Lisbeth Scott

It's the song played when the credits are rolling.



Just got done playing for 24 hours and sleeping 12. Almost done (I think), but I was starting to pass out during cut scenes so I went to sleep. :lol

So much amazing crap I don't even know what to post about. :lol

I am killing ALLOT. like avg. 500 kills per chapter. I have so much ammo I don't care. I will do some true "stealth" runs latter :p

The ipod idea is fucking great but why can't you access songs on your HD? (maybe you can after you beat it)?

My GF walked in on the
naomi suicide
and laughed at me :lol Otacon was a bit over the top in that one.

I have found the bosses in general to be pretty easy (playing on normal) the hard part is figuring out what to do, after that they go down real fast. Hard mode is a must for next play through. Is there an extreme after you beat it?
How much deeper does the story get beyond act 3? Don't get me wrong, I'm loving it so far, just curious. Feels like act 3 explained everything pretty much.
Deepblue said:
I'm thinking more along the lines of
Liquids voice coming outta Ocelot in MGS2

can do crazy shit like
letting Vamp survive taking a bullet to the skull
, I'm willing to bet that
altering one's voice a bit
is well within the realms of achievability.

Not that I actually like this plot point. >_>

Considering that
he doesn't do it in MGS4, I'm thinking retcon.

I'm thinking a lot of stuff falls under this category, like
Sigint being the DARPA chief


Just finished Act 2; amazing.

Time to go to the gym and think about what I have seen. This game is incredible, I already know I will begin playing again as soon as I finish.

The seamless transition between cut-scenes and gameplay are like nothing I have ever seen. Just incredible.

If this doesn't move some serious hardware, I don't know what could.


Pureauthor said:
can do crazy shit like
letting Vamp survive taking a bullet to the skull
, I'm willing to bet that
altering one's voice a bit
is well within the realms of achievability.

Not that I actually like this plot point. >_>
Like I said, it's not continuous. Also the whole nanomachines argument it retarded. It's MGS4's magic fairy dust.


Damn. I haven't even played the game yet. -__-

Crazy amount of photos of the Midnight Launch in NYC incoming:

Ephemeris said:

Photo Of the Line *ahead* of me.

Gaffer Theta11 playing Mario Kart. He was eating opponents left and right, taking victories at the LAST POSSIBLE MOMENT. Screw that guy.

GQman2121 had probably the best spot in the line. He was behind me but sat right next to a pub. :lol

MickeyKnox sat close to GQ and ahead the kid that brought his mom to wait in line with him. To quote GQ "They're sitting there playing f*cking CANDYLAND! How hardcore is that!"

Photo of the line further head of me. I unknowningly took a photo of Strider2K99 :lol

No Place To Hide. (But wait, isn't he doing it wrong? :lol)

Oh.. then there's this :lol. Theta11 is attempting to take an on-the-spot GAF group photo. I'm the guy in brown; keep in mind that I never moved from my position It was almost like the traffic of people were conspiring against me <__<
Take #2

Take #3

Take #6 .. got it!

A stealth-pic taken by a friend. Theta to the right, I'm sitting on the chair-arm and GAF "lurker" (alias: Zangi) playing PSP against me

The guys directly behind us. There were three kids sitting above the couple behind them. We played a MGS trivia game for about an hour or so. Don't be fooled, those little brats knew ALOT. :lol

I give you: The Solid Condom. Those guys were walking around having people sign it. My signature said: COLONEL?!

GQ Signs it

Theta Signs it

Kojima Productions are on hand.

The Kojima guys stop to let me photograph 'em.

The front of this guy's shirt says "METAL GEAR SOLID 4" And the back? :lol

This guy was showing me something his CQC moves.

Octacon's VA. Very nice guy. Signed three items of mine and NEARLY took a photo with me until Virgin told me to move along. -_____-

This guy got his gunmetal Signed; his girlfriend made him do it :lol

Took this upon exiting the store.


Notice I have no pics of Kojima or me with Kojima. Camera issues at the WORST POSSIBLE TIME. But it worked again after I left the area. All in all, a great night. Met with a couple gaffers - Shagg, Strider, 'of the past, Mikey, GQ - the names all escape me, but it was awesome meeting you all. Didn't take as many pics at the second signing, but those will go up soon.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Pureauthor said:
I'm thinking a lot of stuff falls under this category, like
Sigint being the DARPA chief

Why do you think this?
Sigint's backstory has him joining DARPA in 1965, which lines up well. The only real problem I would see is age, but you can't really make out how old he is with MGS1's limited character detail. Unless you just think it works out too neatly so it has to be a retcon.
Y2Kev said:
Why do you think this?
Sigint's backstory has him joining DARPA in 1965, which lines up well. The only real problem I would see is age, but you can't really make out how old he is with MGS1's limited character detail. Unless you just think it works out too neatly so it has to be a retcon.

Well, in TTS
Anderson doesn't have any of Sigint's facial features. Like at all. Aside from the fact that they're both black and part of DARPA, there really wasn't much that tied the two of them together.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Pureauthor said:
Well, in TTS
Anderson doesn't have any of Sigint's facial features. Like at all. Aside from the fact that they're both black and part of DARPA, there really wasn't much that tied the two of them together.

TTS :\


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
Beat this at some point last night. Was too tired to post then.

It was the most incredible thing I have ever experienced in any form of media ever.

Start to finish it was an insane ride of surprise after surprise. Kojima & Company not only threaded a story that completely covers every base, it's filled with massive megaton moment after massive megaton moment, both story and gameplay wise.

On top of that, there needs to be HUGE credit served to Kojima not only for being so talented, but for staying so true to the fans. Like it or not, this game holds nothing back in serving fans well. Fan service, tidbits, the little things.

Looking back it's funny. MGS1, 2, and 3 were all pinnacles of cinematic gaming, and yet MGS4 makes all of those look almost amateurish by comparison.


Near END
Microwave Hallway, and Liquid fight are the most astounding things I have ever seen, I felt physically tired after the Microwave Hallway and was very passionate when beating the crap out of liquid.


Finished Act 1 last night at a bit past 1:30am. So worth it. :lol :lol :lol :lol at
Akiba shitting his pants in the middle of the battle with the Frogs
. Can't say I blame him b/c
I probably would've shit my pants if I had to face flying ninja ladies


I'm noticing alot of people are beating the game, what is the general completion time for people?

I'm seeing Dabookerman beating it within 6 hours on his 3rd play through :(


MGs4 is so clean and polished, that I thought my set-top-box was broken, because it was SD:lol

About 20 hours completion time for me. But then again, I'm not the best.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
g35twinturbo said:
I'm noticing alot of people are beating the game, what is the general completion time for people?

I'm seeing Dabookerman beating it within 6 hours on his 3rd play through :(
I have an impression that just about every action game can be completed in 2-3 hours tops. I have yet to see a speedrun for anything that takes more than that.
g35twinturbo said:
I'm noticing alot of people are beating the game, what is the general completion time for people?

I'm seeing Dabookerman beating it within 6 hours on his 3rd play through :(

Yeah but.. I rushed through it, consider it a speed run. Not the fastest of speed runs, but every cutscene skipped, and I just ran through.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Finished Act 1 a few mins ago.

My god this game is great.

I just finished act 1 without killing anyone. :D

Going to see if I can keep it up.


I just hit Act 2 and I was wondering if they ever explain (spoilers on the premise of the game - nothing major)
why the world has gone so completely insane between MGS2 and MGS4. They've explained it a little bit, but it seems like a pretty drastic shift from what seemed to be a pretty present day-ish society (MGS2) to all the PMC insanity in 4, which from what I gather is only supposed to be about five years later.
g35twinturbo said:
I'm noticing alot of people are beating the game, what is the general completion time for people?

I'm seeing Dabookerman beating it within 6 hours on his 3rd play through :(
I did it non stop in 18 hours for my first playthrough.


Just met the BB corps:

Yay they kept in the Laughing Octopus
scene. I thought they removed it because of that trailer with the impale missing...unless its different for other versions.


So, is this one of those games that will forever be remembered?

Like Ocarina of Time?

Also, how much justice did this sequel do to MGS1 in terms of innovation and O__O moments ?

Doc Evils

Just finished the game. Took me 20 hours and got a hawk rating.

But Damn.

Kojima has single handily raised the bar for any game to come, with cutscenes that put most hollywood shit to shame. The split screen on Act 5 is what video games as a media should be trying to aim for, and honestly shows other developers stuck in a circle of thought that is being rehashed for 20 years.

Kojima, I salute.
Like Big Boss did to the Boss' grave at the end of the game with Snake

You make me proud to be a gamer, show the world it's not just a niche fetish of low standards.



Undeux said:
I just hit Act 2 and I was wondering if they ever explain (spoilers on the premise of the game - nothing major)
why the world has gone so completely insane between MGS2 and MGS4. They've explained it a little bit, but it seems like a pretty drastic shift from what seemed to be a pretty present day-ish society (MGS2) to all the PMC insanity in 4, which from what I gather is only supposed to be about five years later.

On the main menu, go to Mission Briefing. Click your save and watch Mission Briefing 1. It's prior to Act 1. Should hopefully help out! :D


Cronen said:
On the main menu, go to Mission Briefing. Click your save and watch Mission Briefing 1. It's prior to Act 1. Should hopefully help ouy! :D

I'll check that out. Is it just the "war has changed" intro, or does it have more plot details?


Just finished act 2 and watching the briefing of act 3. It's amazing how great the story is so far.

And the graphics, my God, the graphics!
The whole part when Drebin escaped with you at the end of Act 2, that was the most beautiful thing so far.

Just used the Mark 2 to... Take a closer look at Naomi duing the briefing. Super!

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
I've enjoyed the gameplay so much in Act 1 and what I've played of Act 2 that I do wish there were a few more zones to creep through as pure filler. It does feel a bit punctuated, even compared to slogging through the jungle sections of MGS3.

Doc Evils

AmMortal said:
So, is this one of those games that will forever be remembered?

Like Ocarina of Time?

Also, how much justice did this sequel do to MGS1 in terms of innovation and O__O moments ?

MGS4 is an instant classic. it will be remembered for the amount of polish it has and megatons dropped.
Wow at Act 2! action segments are alreaady better than those in MGS3!

Also, about the boss fight
Do you get anything special when you drain their Psyche bar? I ended Laughing Octopus by draining her Psyche bar and got 2 face camos, but I'm not sure if the second FaceCamo was part of the whole "package" for just winning the fight.


there is joy in sucking dick
chespace said:
I just finished act 1 without killing anyone. :D.


I'm going to try and do this on my second playthrough. Right now, I just want to get through the game and resolve the story.


ScissorHands said:
Wow at Act 2! action segments are alreaady better than those in MGS3!

Also, about the boss fight
Do you get anything special when you drain their Psyche bar? I ended Laughing Octopus by draining her Psyche bar and got 2 face camos, but I'm not sure if the second FaceCamo was part of the whole "package" for just winning the fight.

I beive if you tranq kill her you get her face as a option for facecamo otherwise you only get the facecamo itself.


MickeyKnox said:
I did it non stop in 18 hours for my first playthrough.

Well thats good to know :D

dabookerman said:
Yeah but.. I rushed through it, consider it a speed run. Not the fastest of speed runs, but every cutscene skipped, and I just ran through.

yeah okay that makes alot more sense then :)
Right, I unlocked
Stealth Camo
and I also bought that 1,000,000 DP gun.
So I made a video showing off the two.

The only spoilers are the items being used. It's in Act 1.
Pics of Laughing Octey and Raging Ravey in thir beauty form coming up!
Plenty of Ass :3
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