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Metal Gear Solid 4 |OT| No Place to Hide, No Time for a Legend to FoxDie

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Kccitystar said:
The original pixelated Solid Snake face camo and the "nightmare" PSX Shadow Moses

To me the entire MGS4 game so far reminds me of a high school reunion with all of the cast returning one way or another in different ways. Best moment in the game for me is when
Raiden returns, gives Snake advice remiscient of "Deepthroat" from MGS, and in future cutscenes you can tell he no longer gave a shit about living anymore

I am still stuck in Act 5 with
these damn FROGS, it's impossible to kill or tranq them all! With Gekkos in the mix! AHHHHH

Fend off the frogs cuz they will keep coming, kill both of the gekkos with the rail gun. The gekkos don't respawn it seems.


you know what I don't get?

Zero orchestrated the creation of the Patriots in the name of The Boss and her ideals, then what's up with in MPO, where he was the one that apparently influenced Volgin to shoot that nuke? I don't understand D:


Lost all credibility.
Can some please answer this...

People keep saying Ocelot was never possessed by Liquid, when or how is this revealed? Cause I totally missed it.


sykoex said:
Can some please answer this...

People keep saying Ocelot was never possessed by Liquid, when or how is this revealed? Cause I totally missed it.

Post Credits endgame:
Big Boss talk at the very end of the game.


Gold Member
Act 2 Easter Egg Spoiler:
A big :lol at the crop circle.

Act 4 Otacon Moment Spoiler:
A big :lol at the Blu-ray comment.


sykoex said:
Can some please answer this...

People keep saying Ocelot was never possessed by Liquid, when or how is this revealed? Cause I totally missed it.
after the first fake credits


Proudly debt free. If you need a couple bucks, just ask.
So I guess Raiden just
lost his other arm while stopping the sub? I don't recall seeing this but I'm guessing here.
Question about Crying wolf

Tell me I'm stupid later but can I only damage her when her body is exposed? Or can I blast away at her armor. I have her within my sight at this moment and I'm deciding whether I should RPG her or not. Someone answer because I'm keeping it in pause until someone does ;)


Rice-Eater said:
Question about Crying wolf

Tell me I'm stupid later but can I only damage her when her body is exposed? Or can I blast away at her armor. I have her within my sight at this moment and I'm deciding whether I should RPG her or not. Someone answer because I'm keeping it in pause until someone does ;)

You can damage her in both. Explosive damage while she's armored knocks her over iirc. I typically shot her when she was exposed then knocked her down during the subsequent charge.


Gold Member
Linkzg said:
It is like 15 hours or so of gameplay.

Sure, if you just plow through everything. Lots of content here. When it's all said and done, I'll probably be around 28 hours or so.


Gold Member
Rice-Eater said:
Question about Crying wolf

Tell me I'm stupid later but can I only damage her when her body is exposed? Or can I blast away at her armor. I have her within my sight at this moment and I'm deciding whether I should RPG her or not. Someone answer because I'm keeping it in pause until someone does ;)

The grenade launcher is your friend.


possible plotholes/spoilers regarding raiden

I remember someone allegedly posted a pic of Raiden as a head and spine, this was prior to MGS4's release so I didn't want to see it(can anybody confirm or deny it's existence?). But after playing the game I don't recall hearing anything about a head and spine, at first I was thinking that maybe he was placed into a robotic body, but after seeing his scars it seems like he was flesh under that exoskeleton. I wish they would have expanded on exactly how/why he became the ninja in MGS4, I find it especially interesting that his system has dual solid eye system.

It really would have made sense for him to be a head and spine since Jack had information on the whereabouts inside his cerebral cortex, I figured this may have been a selfless sacrifice he may have endured to either track the patriots, or find Sunny. Perhaps he really wasn't flesh under that suit, and those scars where it appears his arms were grafted back onto his body, were mere coincidence, and can actually be attributed to whatever near death experience he had that was only alluded to in the game

Raiden is so much more bad ass in this game.

"I am Lightning, the rain transformed..."
sykoex said:
Can some please answer this...

People keep saying Ocelot was never possessed by Liquid, when or how is this revealed? Cause I totally missed it.

wait, what?

shit I KNEW I missed something. someone care to elaborate?


Imm0rt4l said:
possible plotholes/spoilers regarding raiden

I remember someone allegedly posted a pic of Raiden as a head and spine, this was prior to MGS4's release so I didn't want to see it(can anybody confirm or deny it's existence?). But after playing the game I don't recall hearing anything about a head and spine, at first I was thinking that maybe he was placed into a robotic body, but after seeing his scars it seems like he was flesh under that exoskeleton. I wish they would have expanded on exactly how/why he became the ninja in MGS4, I find it especially interesting that his system has dual solid eye system.

It really would have made sense for him to be a head and spine since Jack had information on the whereabouts inside his cerebral cortex, I figured this may have been a selfless sacrifice he may have endured to either track the patriots, or find Sunny. Perhaps he really wasn't flesh under that suit, and those scars where it appears his arms were grafted back onto his body, were mere coincidence, and can actually be attributed to whatever near death experience he had that was only alluded to in the game

Raiden is so much more bad ass in this game.

"I am Lightning, the rain transformed..."
:lol :lol :lol

He is so bad ass. But remember, he says that he's
all machine, and snake points out that he still has a fragile human heart


Narag said:
You can damage her in both. Explosive damage while she's armored knocks her over iirc. I typically shot her when she was exposed then knocked her down during the subsequent charge.
I just used the tranq sniper when she was exposed
Oh hellz yez, I finally beat Crying Wolf and this is how I did it

I got sick and tired of her and her cronies gaining up on me so I found a extremely cheap way to beat her. I hid under the tank(like a coward) next to the fallen tree where you start and stayed there. She would come back like every 3-5 minutes and I would get the easiest headshots known to man until I finally beat her. It took a lot of patience though, I think this battle lasted around 30 minutes or more. Camping for the motherfucking win.


Gold Member
I stink at CQC; I can't be alone, right?

Act 4 Spoilers (Boss Fight)

I sucked real hard against Vamp. Basically, the way I defeated him was by managing to get his Psyche down to zero, and then he was walking around all tired and retarded. He couldn't hit me with is projectiles and he started to get frustrated, which is when I grabbed him. But I accidentally gave him a Regain which took half of his life away. :lol Anyhow, I managed to finally beat him, but Jesus do I suck at CQC.


I just hammered out a fucking novel on b3d. I'll post it here to:


I got Metal Gear Solid 4 at a midnite launch and started playing a new game on Big Boss Hard. I am now almost done with the game. I've played over 30 hours. I am playing with a whole lot more restarts and deaths than the average player. I have been trying to make it thru the game by any means possible. It really is very difficult. Here follows my impressions of the AI.

I don't play any PC games, so I can't speak for the AI in those games. But among console games, MGS4 is the best.

I should mention this... during my ramblings, I won't spoil any specifics but I may hint at an overarching revelation about the game that was gradually revealed to me by the game itself... becoming obvious by the fourth act. It's vague.... but if you are interested in my take on the gameplay I have to share it with you. I'm trying to say that if you think that taking the game apart a bit would spoil some of the magic for you then you may not want to read on.

So every scene in the game is a self-contained setpiece. Maybe people playing thru on medium see them strung together, but I and dying and retrying even the easiest one 5 times. On many scenes, I lose count of how many times I die. Spending 3 or 4 hours to get a 20 minute suscessful run of a particular scene is not uncommon at all. There are hundreds of individual scenes, each different from the last. These scenes are appearing from my perspective, like linear levels of games back when they where balls hard. Each scene is devious.

Now what makes this gameplay so amazing is that the scenes are each self contained evironments, whi th AI units dropped in and patrolling, or fighting, or doing whatever. When a scene starts, the enemies are simply let loose into the environment, and completly run by their ai. This creates a little playground for you the player to excerscise your skill complete to your own satisfaction.

Not unlike Mario Galaxy.... A quantum leap in an established gameplay mechanic (the one it's predesessor invented) followed by brilliant level design that thouroughly explores every nook and crany of that novel new mechanic. In Mario Galaxy 3d platforming was spontaneously evolved into variable-dimensional platforming. Here in MGS4, stealth gameplay is evolved into a live and dynamic deception.

Here's how: Each individual unit in the game has an ai. The types of behavior units exhibit in this game are staggering in their variety. Most of them are very complex. By complex I mean that they have a very large number of possible actions, are able to communicate to one another (some via network. try beating back 20 frogs on Hard!) and as individuals, are largely unpredictable. Now take two big handfuls of ai soldiers and throw them into an exquisitly designed 3d antfarm not unlike something out of Mario Galaxy and see them crawl around and patrol the place of as they see fit. Or set them to fight against each other. Or swarm in on the player in coordinated waves. There are so many eniemies, all behaving so intelligently and richly interacting with each other and the player... On the large scale that the game regularly achieves, a pattern emerges, and the behaviour of the game world is actually predictable.

It's a testement to the game design that almos every time I've been hung up on a point-to-topoint scenario, the solution that ended up working for me was total stealth. Even at this stage in the game, where I can afford every nasty weapon on offer, none of them has been enough to blaze thru most of these scenarios. After dozens of attempts trying to shoot my way thru a real funhouse in act 5, I took a break, then sat back down and did a slow, quiet sneak. Getting this far on Hard has forced me to get to know the behavior of Frogs. And how that is different than Elite PMCs. Did anyone else notice that Frogs communicate really well with each other but not with any other units? I've had to keep that in mind along with every other bit of knowledge because this game is really hard! This is way at the forfront of stealth and action gaming.

In fact, I thkn this is actually the unification of stealth and action. It's really just and action game now. It's just one that takes into account the enemie's level of awarness to such an awesome level. The fact that I can just jump into these amazing set piece levels and do whatever I please to meet the objective. It's jsut a matter of getting to know how these little bastards think ;D ...

What got me thinking about this was reading comments about some of you simply blasting thru scenes having failed the steal route. Try playing on hard mode where enemy reactions outpace your own. Can't just shoot your way out of everything.


I know, huh?


Distinguished Air Superiority
Wooooow. Not sure if this is a spoiler, but ill tag it anyways. It's from the LE Blu-ray.

Ueda saying that MGS2 Tanker/RAY scene inspired 'Shadow'... of the Colossus?


well not really...yet
Beat it, 19 hours total first play through.

Amazing fucking game. Ending was great. Final battle was incredible. The way the game blurs the line between actual gameplay and cutscenes is incredible as well.

I love how the game REALLY lets you play however you want. You can play it straight up as a stealth game, or go all out Rambo if you want. The liberty given in the game is amazing.

My only negatives on the game:

- Needed a few more hours of gameplay sequences. Particularly in Act 3 and Act 5 IMO.
- NOT ENOUGH CODEC! What happened to all the optional calls and various people to talk to?

Overall, I think MGS3 is still the best in the series, but I think MGS3 is probably the best game ever, so MGS4 is right behind it.

Can't wait to start playing it again, as well as MGO...

There's one thing I still don't understand,
what the fuck was the point of all the TV channels at the beginning?


Darkpen said:
:lol :lol :lol

He is so bad ass. But remember, he says that he's
all machine, and snake points out that he still has a fragile human heart

yea that came to mind, which lent itself to believe that he was flesh under there, accept he said he's all machine....
but why would this whole 'head and spine thing be blown out of porportion, and why was raiden missing the lower half of his jaw?, it just made so much sense that he was just a head and spine. When I first saw Raidens portion of the ending, what I thought was maybe Raiden's head and spine was taken out off of his original body and transplanted temporarily into a robotic body along with artificial blood.

I must have really morbid sense of whats cool in a character, it would just make his character seem so much more traumatic.

The coolest heroes imo are ones who give something up and remind you of their own mortality, ala naked snakes eye, or Guts right eye and left arm.


Crayon said:
I just hammered out a fucking novel on b3d. I'll post it here to:


I got Metal Gear Solid 4 at a midnite launch and started playing a new game on Big Boss Hard. I am now almost done with the game. I've played over 30 hours. I am playing with a whole lot more restarts and deaths than the average player. I have been trying to make it thru the game by any means possible. It really is very difficult. Here follows my impressions of the AI.

I don't play any PC games, so I can't speak for the AI in those games. But among console games, MGS4 is the best.

I should mention this... during my ramblings, I won't spoil any specifics but I may hint at an overarching revelation about the game that was gradually revealed to me by the game itself... becoming obvious by the fourth act. It's vague.... but if you are interested in my take on the gameplay I have to share it with you. I'm trying to say that if you think that taking the game apart a bit would spoil some of the magic for you then you may not want to read on.

So every scene in the game is a self-contained setpiece. Maybe people playing thru on medium see them strung together, but I and dying and retrying even the easiest one 5 times. On many scenes, I lose count of how many times I die. Spending 3 or 4 hours to get a 20 minute suscessful run of a particular scene is not uncommon at all. There are hundreds of individual scenes, each different from the last. These scenes are appearing from my perspective, like linear levels of games back when they where balls hard. Each scene is devious.

Now what makes this gameplay so amazing is that the scenes are each self contained evironments, whi th AI units dropped in and patrolling, or fighting, or doing whatever. When a scene starts, the enemies are simply let loose into the environment, and completly run by their ai. This creates a little playground for you the player to excerscise your skill complete to your own satisfaction.

Not unlike Mario Galaxy.... A quantum leap in an established gameplay mechanic (the one it's predesessor invented) followed by brilliant level design that thouroughly explores every nook and crany of that novel new mechanic. In Mario Galaxy 3d platforming was spontaneously evolved into variable-dimensional platforming. Here in MGS4, stealth gameplay is evolved into a live and dynamic deception.

Here's how: Each individual unit in the game has an ai. The types of behavior units exhibit in this game are staggering in their variety. Most of them are very complex. By complex I mean that they have a very large number of possible actions, are able to communicate to one another (some via network. try beating back 20 frogs on Hard!) and as individuals, are largely unpredictable. Now take two big handfuls of ai soldiers and throw them into an exquisitly designed 3d antfarm not unlike something out of Mario Galaxy and see them crawl around and patrol the place of as they see fit. Or set them to fight against each other. Or swarm in on the player in coordinated waves. There are so many eniemies, all behaving so intelligently and richly interacting with each other and the player... On the large scale that the game regularly achieves, a pattern emerges, and the behaviour of the game world is actually predictable.

It's a testement to the game design that almos every time I've been hung up on a point-to-topoint scenario, the solution that ended up working for me was total stealth. Even at this stage in the game, where I can afford every nasty weapon on offer, none of them has been enough to blaze thru most of these scenarios. After dozens of attempts trying to shoot my way thru a real funhouse in act 5, I took a break, then sat back down and did a slow, quiet sneak. Getting this far on Hard has forced me to get to know the behavior of Frogs. And how that is different than Elite PMCs. Did anyone else notice that Frogs communicate really well with each other but not with any other units? I've had to keep that in mind along with every other bit of knowledge because this game is really hard! This is way at the forfront of stealth and action gaming.

In fact, I thkn this is actually the unification of stealth and action. It's really just and action game now. It's just one that takes into account the enemie's level of awarness to such an awesome level. The fact that I can just jump into these amazing set piece levels and do whatever I please to meet the objective. It's jsut a matter of getting to know how these little bastards think ;D ...

What got me thinking about this was reading comments about some of you simply blasting thru scenes having failed the steal route. Try playing on hard mode where enemy reactions outpace your own. Can't just shoot your way out of everything.


I know, huh?
lol, interesting. I definitely want to do the stealth route for when I play through it again on Big boss hard. Having beaten the game in 17 hours on Normal, I have to say, I'm very pleased with the controls, but the stealth didn't really shine for me, especially when I got caught in act 5 and the gekkos sprang out of nowhere. I make it a point to not kill Frogs, but I couldn't help the splash damage of trying to kill the gekkos so I could get on the damn elevator :(


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Dude, what the fuck?

Act 5 Help:
What's with the COD level design? Do these fuckers ever stop respawning or do I just have to get lucky somehow to get through that damn door? Some help!


Chiggs said:
Sure, if you just plow through everything. Lots of content here. When it's all said and done, I'll probably be around 28 hours or so.
I just beat it with no kills on my second playthrough in 7 hours flat. I believe some of the emblems require you to beat it in under 5 flat.


Gold Member
comrade said:
I just beat it with no kills on my second playthrough in 7 hours flat. I believe some of the emblems require you to beat it in under 5 flat.

Strictly talking about first time through. You wanna see all the sights and hear the sounds, then the average gamer is looking at 20+, IMO.
reilo said:
Dude, what the fuck?

Act 5 Help:
What's with the COD level design? Do these fuckers ever stop respawning or do I just have to get lucky somehow to get through that damn door? Some help!

Kill off as many frogs as you can, then Rail Gun lvl 3 the two Gekko. That should give you ample time to openthe door.

Chiggs said:
Sure, if you just plow through everything. Lots of content here. When it's all said and done, I'll probably be around 28 hours or so.

I expect my stealth only run to be 20+ hours, but even playing casually it can be done in 15 hours easily. It is still the longest Metal Gear game by a large margin. MGS1, MGS2, and MGS3 are all pretty short games.


Could someone summarize the codec conversation
in Act 2 when Snake chats with Rosemary about Jack please? I accidentally skipped it trying to see if I could pause it when she starts to say "Jack.... he..." or something along those lines :( I think it comes up just after you leave the power station area.


there is joy in sucking dick
hirokazu said:
Could someone summarize the codec conversation
in Act 2 when Snake chats with Rosemary about Jack please? I accidentally skipped it trying to see if I could pause it when she starts to say "Jack.... he..." or something along those lines :(

If I remember correctly, she states that Jack was different after coming back from the New York incident. He would go out for long periods and come back drunk and then he just dissapeared. This is when Roy Cambell started to get close with Rose and eventually hooked up. She also stated that shes afraid of Jack and that she doesn't want Snake to let Raiden know that shes part of the mission.

Also, about Codecs in general, the lack of various support characters you can talk to via codec was very dissapointing. It almost felt like a throw back to past Metal Gears but nothing really beyond that.


hirokazu said:
Could someone summarize the codec conversation
in Act 2 when Snake chats with Rosemary about Jack please? I accidentally skipped it trying to see if I could pause it when she starts to say "Jack.... he..." or something along those lines :( I think it comes up just after you leave the power station area.

basically she says he was a changed person, and i think a drunk. he basically left, nothing major. colonel was there for her, etc, etc
hirokazu said:
Could someone summarize the codec conversation
in Act 2 when Snake chats with Rosemary about Jack please? I accidentally skipped it trying to see if I could pause it when she starts to say "Jack.... he..." or something along those lines :(

Raiden kept recalling repressed memories of his child soldier days and eventually became a drunk and an asshole. Rose was afraid and Raiden stopped showing up.


Ok, this is annoying the shit out of me. Act 5 (I think?):
First, when you land on the battleship. Is there a way to sneak in undetected? Every single time one guard spots me and the alert is never lifted, and then all hell breaks loose. And the metal gear juniors keep respawning? What?.
After opening the locked door from trial and error and a whole bunch of noodles and rations,
I get to the boss...and I can't hit her. I tried for an hour and still nothing.

A little help would be appreciated. I'm starting to hate this game, all I want to do is sneak around. :(


aka Ryder
reilo said:
Dude, what the fuck?

Act 5 Help:
What's with the COD level design? Do these fuckers ever stop respawning or do I just have to get lucky somehow to get through that damn door? Some help!

Holy crap, was I the only person who here who was actually able to stealth that part? There's a lot of ways around, I didn't even touch the Gekkos, just slept some Frogs.


Pojo said:
Ok, this is annoying the shit out of me. Act 5 (I think?):
First, when you land on the battleship. Is there a way to sneak in undetected? Every single time one guard spots me and the alert is never lifted, and then all hell breaks loose. And the metal gear juniors keep respawning? What?.
After opening the locked door from trial and error and a whole bunch of noodles and rations,
I get to the boss...and I can't hit her. I tried for an hour and still nothing.

A little help would be appreciated. I'm starting to hate this game, all I want to do is sneak around. :(
inject yourself with the syringe to get out f mantis's control, you can takeout some of the frogs, and then shoot the the marionettes, I continually shot the mantis puppet until it fell, I retrieved it, equipped it, and then you have to use it on her
Is there a way to get some extra items? Like others I'm having a lot of difficulty at the start of Act 5. I could use some rations, but Drebin only sells weapons correct?


there is joy in sucking dick
Phaethon0017 said:
Is there a way to get some extra items? Like others I'm having a lot of difficulty at the start of Act 5. I could use some rations, but Drebin only sells weapons correct?

I'm not on Act 5 yet but you could either shake down enemies by using CQC or knocking them out, lifting them up and them dropping them again. Sometimes they'll drop ammo but some should drop rations.


Imm0rt4l said:
yea that came to mind, which lent itself to believe that he was flesh under there, accept he said he's all machine....
but why would this whole 'head and spine thing be blown out of porportion, and why was raiden missing the lower half of his jaw?, it just made so much sense that he was just a head and spine. When I first saw Raidens portion of the ending, what I thought was maybe Raiden's head and spine was taken out off of his original body and transplanted temporarily into a robotic body along with artificial blood.

I must have really morbid sense of whats cool in a character, it would just make his character seem so much more traumatic.

The coolest heroes imo are ones who give something up and remind you of their own mortality, ala naked snakes eye, or Guts right eye and left arm.
Alright, I'm convinced he didn't cut of his own arms, and his body was indeed all machine, aside from his jaw on up, and his spine


Ryder said:
Holy crap, was I the only person who here who was actually able to stealth that part? There's a lot of ways around, I didn't even touch the Gekkos, just slept some Frogs.
I swear to God this part is impossible without an Alert. I'm trying to do a no Alert run right now and I am afraid I'll never get past that part. Any tips? Is there a specific side that is easier to sneak through?


bish gets all the credit :)
Just beat it.

Act 4 was unfuckingbelivably awesome. I spent a good 15 minutes just walking around the Heli-pad area. Totally surreal experience.


aka Ryder
Pojo said:
Ok, this is annoying the shit out of me. Act 5 (I think?):
First, when you land on the battleship. Is there a way to sneak in undetected? Every single time one guard spots me and the alert is never lifted, and then all hell breaks loose. And the metal gear juniors keep respawning? What?.
After opening the locked door from trial and error and a whole bunch of noodles and rations,
I get to the boss...and I can't hit her. I tried for an hour and still nothing.

A little help would be appreciated. I'm starting to hate this game, all I want to do is sneak around. :(

Most of the start of that sequence can be stealthed by going up that ladder in front of you when you start and climbing along the rails. After that point, just be patient and try to be smart about who you tranq. Don't get down about failing, I still strongly believe trial and error is a really important part of stealth in this game. I really doubt it would be possible to stealth ALL the areas perfectly without ever failing. For me, it's stealth/trial-and-error vs. don't-wanna-die/shoot-everyone-up.


Imm0rt4l said:
inject yourself with the syringe to get out f mantis's control, you can takeout some of the frogs, and then shoot the the marionettes, I continually shot the mantis puppet until it fell, I retrieved it, equipped it, and then you have to use it on her
Ok, thanks. I tried to do that but the description said hold someone in a CQC and press triangle, so I figured it was only used on enemies.

Now if someone can explain the other part of my question, I'll give them...nothing, really. I'm so frustrated with that scene that I'm hoping I'm doing something wrong and it isn't an awful design choice.

EDIT: I see, Ryder. It's just so hard to do without much trial and error, and one mistake blows the whole thing up. I think it's just the respawning enemies, I thought we were done with that crap. Ah well.
Linkzg said:
I disagree.

(MGS4 ending spoilers)
MGS4 let you play every fight that Snake was a part of. Even the crawl through the microwave room was being controlled by you. The next time Snake sees action, it is up fighting with Ocelot and the game gives you control of that. There aren't many sequences that are just Snake doing something cool while you sit there really to mash a button for DP. They basically let you do as much as you could in those sequences.
I disagree in one instance with you. Act 2 spoilers
When I was supporting Raiden with sniper fire the first time he fought Vamp, I thought that would be a mirror of the MGS2 Harrier battle (where now you can play Snake while he's in the chopper) but you couldn't.
That's the only thing that disappointed me.


MGS4 makes me appreciate MGS2 so much more. The game absolutely makes Raiden (MGS4) a much better character. The suffering and turmoil he was victim to in MGS2 really shine through in MGS4, and make his tragedy interesting, compelling, and heart felt.

Without Raiden as a main character in MGS2, all of that is lost, and IMO, a large chunk of MGS4's compelling narrative.


jvalioli said:
I swear to God this part is impossible without an Alert. I'm trying to do a no Alert run right now and I am afraid I'll never get past that part. Any tips? Is there a specific side that is easier to sneak through?
basically use ladders and ledges for hanging mode. Its very MGS2-esque.

The final sprint to the door requires stealth, but I only fucked up because I made the stupid mistake of not looking behind me D:
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