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Metal Gear Solid 4 |OT| No Place to Hide, No Time for a Legend to FoxDie

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Neo Member
Duderz said:
Anyone with questions regarding the ending / general story of the game ought to read the last 10 or so pages of the MGS4 strategy guide. It's seriously helped me understand so much more of what went on in the last two hours of the game.

QFT. The story seems very fragmented when you're playing the game, but the strategy guide puts it all together from the chronological beginning to the end, from MGS3 to MGS4.

Warning, though: Do NOT look at the end of the strategy guide unless you're finished the game. Massive spoilers.


Beat the game an hour ago. It was awesome. Kojima tied everything together perfectly. The haters have no idea what they're talking about.
Bebpo said:
MGS3 had like 1 hour of mandatory codec and like 5-10 hours of optional ones.

The issue is the optional ones. Those of us who liked all the fun random tidbits go through MGS3 calling every member every 5 mins to hear their latest stories on every development.

Personally I just liked calling cute girls and flirting jokes with them in MGS1/3 (Mei Ling/Paramedic). It broke up the tension and made the game more 'fun'.

yeah, after I typed the post I thought thats what people may have been talking about.... I can agree with that. My favourite codec convos were in MGS2...especially when Roy was going on to Raiden about Rosemary...turned out he was the guy, the bugger
Thank God i avoided GAF when i started playing the game and finished it.
IMO. Every boss fight was self-explanatory and contacting Otacon helps. There is still alot of Codec in this game. Not more than that of previous MGS games because this time the entire story can be told by experiencing it rather than listening to it and creating a picture in your head of the situation.

Act 3 was definitely my favorite act. The boss was also fairly easy compared to all the complains i've seen here.
Seriously. I locked her down with M4, but then i tried RPG and it was a piece-of-cake. You shoot, she gets hit and then she covers herself. Load while she is covering herself. As soon as she opens the wings, shoot her again. It becomes a shoot and load process and i didn't had any problem with it
. That said, the final battle was pretty hefty for me. Took me 6 tires to finish it and
i was doing all the badass dodge and CQC and blocks, whereas i saw my friend who didn't even know the controls properly play through it by just tapping R1. Infact, When Liquid Ocelot becomes Ocelot, i decided to tell him to hold R1 to attempt CQC for i was feeling bad for ocelot facing and falling for the simple R1 tap and wanted to see a much more badass fight.

Same could also be said to the fight in Act 4
of Rex and Ray. I fought Ray by shooting him with missiles, coming close to it and attempting special moves. My friend: he finished it by simply shooting missiles. When he finished it, he said "huh? thats it?" and i said "well, if u decided to run and shoot missiles from far away and make it less fun then so be it. You actually have to go close to him and attempt special attacks.

Microwave sequence
in act 5 was probably the ultimate sequence in the game. I am glad to experience this game and I'm glad the series has come to an end and has answered all the questions.


Finished the game a couple of hours ago. Quite simply put I think this has been the best single player gaming experience I have ever had. Also this is the first MGS game I have managed to finish :lol . Now I am scrambling to get a hold of the previous games so I can fill the story in, a bit of a backwards way to do it but live and learn. IMO this game deserves all the praise it has been getting and then some, it's going to be hard to top it.


I shit you not, when the final credits started to roll my mouth was hanging open and my eyes were welling with tears.
Hal talking with Sunny at the end about Snake's "journey"
gave me a lump in my throat and when
Snake and BB shared a cigar
I just lost it.

Incredible. Just fucking incredible. It's going to be some time before I can think about playing another game.


Has anyone compiled a list of the hidden L1 moments? I'm a bit tired at the moment, so all I can think of right now is Snake trying to catche a glimpse up Naomi's skirt in Act 2. Was (Act 4 boss)
the Sorrow sighting after finishing off Mantis optional? I can't remember.

Bebpo said:
MGS3 had like 1 hour of mandatory codec and like 5-10 hours of optional ones.

The issue is the optional ones. Those of us who liked all the fun random tidbits go through MGS3 calling every member every 5 mins to hear their latest stories on every development.

Personally I just liked calling cute girls and flirting jokes with them in MGS1/3 (Mei Ling/Paramedic). It broke up the tension and made the game more 'fun'.

Pretty sure I've read that Tomokazu Fukushima wrote most of the optional codec dialogue before. For some reason, he didn't work on MGS4.

Perhaps they just didn't want to make the game 2 discs. :p
Just beat the game.

Just...wow. This was the absolute best way to end MGS, it definitely exceeded all of my expectations. Best game this generation, without a single doubt.


I almost cried during Act 4. That's right - I almost cried and I'm not afraid to admit it. The game is awesome and completely caught me off guard when that music kicked in :D
123rl said:
I almost cried during Act 4. That's right - I almost cried and I'm not afraid to admit it. The game is awesome and completely caught me off guard when that music kicked in :D
I almost cried at least ten times throughout the entire game. :lol

when Snake Eater kicked in at the final fight with Liquid. Just damn, that was too amazing. And the "torture" sequence? With the fucking splitscreen. Goddamn so fucking amazing!

Everyone else in the industry will be playing catch up for a long, long time!


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Killer said:
It is a crime if this game didn't sell past a 3 million mark.


BTW how much was the cost for this game?

Have any sales numbers come out?


Just completed it. Have to join the other guys in this thread in saying 'WOW'. I think i'll stop gaming for two weeks now. Any games that I play right now will seem pretty ordinary in comparison


anyone know whats the default menu color scheme in the options ?
I changed it by accident but now can't remember it was


Watching the doco's that come with the LE atm, awesome stuff. Gives great insight into the development process.

edit: Shane made it into the first doco (journalist's playtest), he was looking rather chuffed :lol


Ok, so I just completed the game on my 2nd play through..here's some things that I've been pondering and I think I've made sense of.

When you see Raiden during the ending sequence, he still has the marks in his back from the dialysis machine as well as the tattoo..so I'm pretty sure that while parts of his body was rebuilt, he still had a body underneath that gettup..it just wasn't complete.

With Big Boss being rebuilt by Eva and then her saying that the skeleton there in the pyx was Big Boss..I'm pretty sure, like Ocelot, she was playing her role to lead the patriots on. She obviously knew it wasn't Big Boss.


Just got past Act 3.

Holy fucking shit wow.

Boss in that level was really easy, though.

I really really don't want this game to end. Unfortunately, I feel the home stretch coming up.


Damn. I just beat it too. 46 hours. Big Boss Hard.

I don't even want to play any games for awhile. It's going to be a long time beofre anything can come close to this. This game is so far ahead of anything else out there....


Mifune said:
Just got past Act 3.

Holy fucking shit wow.

Exactly my thoughts when I finished Act 3 and watched the Act 4 briefing last night. I literally cannot wait to get back into the game, and my head was literally spinning when I went to bed last night due to the end of Act 3 being so amazing. I had a big grin on my face and everything.

Alas, I've got work to do now, but needless to say I'm eagerly anticipating picking up my controller again.


Durante said:
First of all, I'm a bigger graphics whore than you are. My Beyond3D forum join date is May 2002.

Durante said:
This is simply not true -- the game does drop below 30 fps at times, but very rarely.
Seemed to be happening quite a lot after about the halfway point in Act 1 for me.

Durante said:
I never once noticed any pop-in during the whole game. Unlike most other current-gen games, including every single one based on UE3 that does streaming. (I also didn't notice bodies disappearing, but that's most likely because I didn't kill much)

Seems pretty obvious to me, especially when there are lots of bodies around.

Oh, and this install system is the worst one yet. It's bad enough that you have forced installs at all, but now you have to install it for each act!? Patch in a full install option please.
I just began Act 4 and while I suppose it's nice all of the dots are being connected I just haven't been blown away as everyone else going through what little skimmed in this thread.

Aesthetically, technically, it's an amazing game. The shot selection and animation in the cutscenes seem to be on par with a well shot film but I've kind of been annoyed about the amount and length of cutscenes in the game. I get that the Metal Gear Solid's are story driven experiences but this is Xenosaga ridiculous, save points between custcenes and all. There's some scenes I simply didn't have the paitience to even finish.

Relatively speaking the play mechanics are more intuitive than previous iterations of the series but I still find some of the play mechanics wanting. Specifically the gunplay and lack of a cover system.

Sneaking's easier than ever now thanks to the new camera, I love the Ocatcamo, I like the game, but....I just, I don't know. It's four in the morning and I'm pretty tired. Maybe I should've waited until I finish the game before posting this. Or at least waited until I wasn't so damn tired.
andrewfee said:

Seemed to be happening quite a lot after about the halfway point in Act 1 for me.


Seems pretty obvious to me, especially when there are lots of bodies around.

Oh, and this install system is the worst one yet. It's bad enough that you have forced installs at all, but now you have to install it for each act!? Patch in a full install option please.
What is the image even supposed to prove?


Played through Act 1 yesterday. Amazing shit. The gameplay is sooo good. And the game really looks amazing. I had some framerate problems during a few cutscenes actually (especially the ones with liquid at the end of the act), and almost never during gameplay. I'm quite surprised since I don't remember people mentionning it.

Took my time, completed it in ~4h. Didn't explore a lot tho, I'll keep that for my 2nd play through.

The cutscenes are simply incredible and so well directed. Kojima wins.

Aaaand that's about it.


*watches andrewfee's gif*

Oh well, I think I'm going to trade it in after all.

Neo 007

So whats the go with the iPod guys?
If I have my iPod music on my PS3HDD can I put that music in game as well or just the tracks you come across in game?


Just finished it. That was one long ass ending.

One of the best games I've ever played. Going to go through again using the guide to get stuff now.



Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Seems pretty obvious to me, especially when there are lots of bodies around.
Wait, people were talking about texture pop-in (ala most UE3 games), but your shot shows nothing of the sort. That particular shot seems to show some LOD issues or perhaps the wind is simply blowing the clothes of that soldier (as the model doesn't seem to change in complexity). That's hardly a big deal.

For your own sake, I hope you aren't playing this game intending to find all of its faults. Why not just enjoy it?

Gibbo said:
Just completed it. Have to join the other guys in this thread in saying 'WOW'. I think i'll stop gaming for two weeks now. Any games that I play right now will seem pretty ordinary in comparison
I hear Haze is on sale for $39.99! :D


Neo 007 said:
So whats the go with the iPod guys?
If I have my iPod music on my PS3HDD can I put that music in game as well or just the tracks you come across in game?

Just the music you pick up in game at this stage, and I noticed from the "extras" menu you can download a track from there, not sure if it can be used in game or not though.
Dead said:
Yeah, I love how this game actually made some of the more crazy stuff in
make more sense.
Liquid "taking over" Ocelot. Vamp being immortal, etc

What really impressed me is just how well all the games stories interconnected and got resolved.

Its as if Kojima had this entire story mapped out ever since Metal Gear Solid 1

Yeah, it's beautiful how it all came full circle.
the ai proxies can only repeat patterns - snake used to carry foxdie again, MGS1 and 2 were their failed attempts to rid the patriots


dark10x said:
Wait, people were talking about texture pop-in (ala most UE3 games), but your shot shows nothing of the sort. That particular shot seems to show some LOD issues or perhaps the wind is simply blowing the clothes of that soldier (as the model doesn't seem to change in complexity). That's hardly a big deal.
Her's the one that mentioned UE3, I was talking about LoD pop-in being very close: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=11583950&postcount=14228

It's definitely not the wind.
Nikorasu said:
I shit you not, when the final credits started to roll my mouth was hanging open and my eyes were welling with tears.
Hal talking with Sunny at the end about Snake's "journey"

Me too.
I'm glad there was more after that. I was thinking - what? Snake is just going to die alone?


I just finished it in about 18 1/2 hours. Really amazing what Kojima Productions did with the product.

too tired to type though.


CosmicGroinPull said:
Me too.
I'm glad there was more after that. I was thinking - what? Snake is just going to die alone?

I really, really liked the ending as it was, but I would love to see an alternate ending where
Snake kills himself, Raiden, Meryl and Johnny don't make it and where Big Boss doesn't show up. Although that would've robbed us of the powerful scene with Zero. If I was in charge, I think I would've done some kinda hokey afterlife bit with Snake being saluted by all his dead friends instead and finally by Big Boss, Eva and The Boss. :D
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