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Metal Gear Solid 4 |OT| No Place to Hide, No Time for a Legend to FoxDie

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TheWolf said:
um, but
he talked about how the world would now tear itself apart now that the AI was gone. so that was Ocelot? because that was never Ocelot's agenda.

The way I see it
that fight starts off with Liquid, him telling Snake the world will be in ruin, all that stuff but ends with Ocelot. You can see the moment the switch happens, when Ocelot takes over.


Not Wario
MyEpitomeCliché said:
Alright, I'm at my wit's end.

I've been attempting to get through first part of Act 5 on Haven, with all the FROGS and Gekkos for the last two hours. I'm at a loss as to what is the best strategy. I know gunning your way through is nigh impossible, and I've tried the stealthy approach, but I always get caught. I've made it to the door as much as when the Gekko drops in front of it and the Missouri takes it out. Looks all clear, nothing on my radar, and as I run to the door, I get spotted by FROGS that apparently were hiding who-the-fuck knows where. I'm just really frustrated at this point. It's been a great experience so far, but this spike in difficulty really kills it for me. Any advice? Please?

That was one of my favorite sections of the game. Certainly the best part of Act 5. :lol

Anyway, here's what I found to be most effective-
gun your way down the sides keeping away from the center. Only worry about taking out the Frogs. Once you can get down to one of the far ends on either the left or the right side and get the Alert meter to go down, wait it out. Then, get in position to head to the door. Finally, send the MKII back through the center and, once its far enough back, get the Gekko's attention with it. Wait for the them to come towards it, then immediately unequip it and run for the door. If you do it properly, the Gekkos won't even see you opening it.


MiamiWesker said:
The way I see it
that fight starts off with Liquid, him telling Snake the world will be in ruin, all that stuff but ends with Ocelot. You can see the moment the switch happens, when Ocelot takes over.

so why would
Ocelot want to fight/try to kil Snake...?
Here is where I think a lot of people are getting messed up from my understanding.

People are thinking that Ocelot was just "acting" like liquid like how someone would go undercover, but this isn't right. What he did to himself was so extreme to take on the persona of Liquid was akin to something like having multiple personalities only having one of them be dominant (Liquid). He would have killed Snake (Act 4 end) if he could have even if it would having ruined his original intentions, because that is what Liquid would have done. He was that far gone to take on the role. Only through the beating you give him and the end and near death does his original personality start to surface again.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
TheWolf said:
so why would
Ocelot want to fight/try to kil Snake...?

To test his mettle against his idol, the image of Big Boss.

Plus even his life bar name changes throughout the fight. Goes from Liquid, to Liquid Ocelot, to Ocelot. And he does the gesture and CQC.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
MyEpitomeCliché said:
Alright, I'm at my wit's end.

I've been attempting to get through first part of Act 5 on Haven, with all the FROGS and Gekkos for the last two hours. I'm at a loss as to what is the best strategy. I know gunning your way through is nigh impossible, and I've tried the stealthy approach, but I always get caught. I've made it to the door as much as when the Gekko drops in front of it and the Missouri takes it out. Looks all clear, nothing on my radar, and as I run to the door, I get spotted by FROGS that apparently were hiding who-the-fuck knows where. I'm just really frustrated at this point. It's been a great experience so far, but this spike in difficulty really kills it for me. Any advice? Please?

Go stealth from the right side. It's the easiest approach. The right side contains a bunch of boxes you can use for cover if you do get caught. If you get caught, duck behind them, use your rail gun to knock the GEKKOs on their ass, and then shoot off the Frogs in the vicinity. After you killed them off, you should have enough time until they respawn to get through the door.

When you go stealth through the ride side of the ship, tranq the first guard, the second will come up to wake her, then tranq the second Frog. The third will be waiting somewhere on the other side before the entrance to the ship, so knock her out.

It seems impossible, and trust me, I've tried oh-so-hard so many times, but I managed to do it once I calmed myself and kept my cool. Don't rush. USE YOUR RADAR. It will tell you if anything other than the Gekkos are in vicinity. Don't rush, be patient.
methos75 said:
According to gamerankings, OOT is the highest rated game ever.

and with all respect for mgs4... OoT has about a billion times more gameplay.. and was revolutionairy in its time.
MGS4 is great, and impressive as hell, but i don't think it should be ranked higher than OoT.


Finished it last night. It was awesome, and probably my favorite next gen game so far, but..

I wanted more GAME from it. Another act similar to act 2 would have been perfect, or at least a few more set pieces for me to mess around with.

Also, when I watch a cutscene where there's a closeup of a hand reaching out, I think "wow, look at the fuckin' texture and lighting on that glove. awesome." But then I wonder what I would think of that scene if it were live action. "lol, what kind of loser still wears fingerless gloves?"

If I weren't so into games, marveling at the technical achievements of what's being shown, I don't think I could stand MGS cutscenes. They are just way too meandering and self involved. For as much as they try to make the cutscenes like a movie, none of the non action stuff would work in a movie because people would either walk out or fall asleep. Apparently, everyone around kojima thinks every second he dreams up is worth putting into the game. Or maybe there's no appropriate translation for "editing" in Japanese. I would have LOVED if they focused the cutscenes into half as much time and spent the freed up resources on MORE GAME.


Ashhong said:
how the fuck do i peek and shoot?! sometimes he does it, sometimes he doesnt. makes it so much harder.
there are two ways

1) while taking cover via triangle on a wall, simply try to move to the edge of it, and press L1 to poke out.

2) while in first person view, press and hold the left or right directional buttons to lean to the side. Its like how you used to do it in with L2 and R2.
TheWolf said:
so why would
Ocelot want to fight/try to kil Snake...?

Well at that point he knew
his body had to die, and Snakes as well but Snake was going to die in a few months anyway so it wasnt that big a deal. Also its probably not a clean switch, just who takes main control.

In the end I have no clue, Kojima needs to make MGS5 to explain. :p
Finished the Game. 17.5 Hours with Frog ranking. Overall I would say:

Gameplay: 4>3>2>1

Story: 3>4>1>2

Characters: 4>1>3>2

Bosses: 4=3>2>1

9.5. One of the best gaming experiences I have ever have. I swear, there were several times when I congratulated myself for having followed this series till the very end. I would also like to say that, while mostly and evolution from previous MGS games, MGS4 had some innovations I sure other developers will borrow
The perfect transition between cutscene and gameplay. The interactive mission briefings. The option to decide your side in war.

and a side note:
Do you guys think Kojima Pro's next game is ZOE3? I mean, Otacon's Laptop/PC wallpaper, the posters at Shadow Mosses... What a TEASE.

Oh and before I forget: Can you get Snake Eater for the iPod? If so, where/how?
JakOfTheShadows said:
Here is where I think a lot of people are getting messed up from my understanding.

People are thinking that Ocelot was just "acting" like liquid like how someone would go undercover, but this isn't right. What he did to himself was so extreme to take on the persona of Liquid was akin to something like having multiple personalities only having one of them be dominant (Liquid). He would have killed Snake (Act 4 end) if he could have even if it would having ruined his original intentions, because that is what Liquid would have done. He was that far gone to take on the role. Only through the beating you give him and the end and near death does his original personality start to surface again.

Well said.


I just finished. I have to admit, I've been excited about this game for years...Maybe since right after I finished MGS2. But I never expected it to be nearly this good.

The only complaint I have is the difficulty I have (everyone has?) understanding the storyline.
(not sure if this needs to be tagged or not..)I kept hoping Kojima would throw us fans a bone and explain it all coherently...

Still, maybe the best game I've ever played. Not sure yet. I can't help but laugh at the people who gave it 8/10.

As far for Kojima's next project
, I'm hoping for a Policenauts remake. But, I think that the possibility of SNATCHER is there as well. Anyone notice how Snake looks exactly like Gillian from SNATCHER in Act 3?


kairu said:
wtf. I killed laughing octopus non lethally (both beauty and beast) and i didnt get the statue? where is it?
It's on one of the beds in the room during the beauty phase. You can only pick it up there.


Just finished the game - just under 24 hours (took it slow) - got Eagle rank.

One question though:-

Kojima was credited as the voice of God. Was that a joke? because I don't remember any scene with God talking to Snake - and I even kept it on after the final credits with that conversation between Snake and Otacon. So was there a scene I just missed? or a joke?
ScissorHands said:
Finished the Game. 17.5 Hours with Frog ranking. Overall I would say:

Gameplay: 4>3>2>1

Story: 3>4>1>2

Characters: 4>1>3>2

Bosses: 4=3>2>1

9.5. One of the best gaming experiences I have ever have. I swear, there were several times when I congratulated myself for having followed this series till the very end. I would also like to say that, while mostly and evolution from previous MGS games, MGS4 had some innovations I sure other developers will borrow
The perfect transition between cutscene and gameplay. The interactive mission briefings. The option to decide your side in war.

and a side note:
Do you guys think Kojima Pro's next game is ZOE3? I mean, Otacon's Laptop/PC wallpaper, the posters at Shadow Mosses... What a TEASE.

First my act rankings for this game:

Act 4>Act 3>Act 2>Act 1>Act 5

My final series rankings:

Gameplay: 4>3>2>1

Story: 4>3>1>2

Characters: 4>1>3>2

Boss fights: 3>1>4>2

Overall game: 4>3>1>2

I give the game a 10, its a remarkable achievement in gaming, one of the best games I ever played.


kairu said:
wtf. I killed laughing octopus non lethally (both beauty and beast) and i didnt get the statue? where is it?

Its inside one of the rooms somewhere, it isnt that far, the statues glow if you use nightvision.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Kaytwo said:
Just finished the game - just under 24 hours (took it slow) - got Eagle rank.

One question though:-

Kojima was credited as the voice of God. Was that a joke? because I don't remember any scene with God talking to Snake - and I even kept it on after the final credits with that conversation between Snake and Otacon. So was there a scene I just missed? or a joke?

Probably just paying tribute to his


I just finished the scene with
Big Mama's motorcyle chase through the city
and it was by far one of the greatest action sequence's I've ever played. Simply epic, especially the slo-mo parts.
JakOfTheShadows said:
Here is where I think a lot of people are getting messed up from my understanding.

People are thinking that Ocelot was just "acting" like liquid like how someone would go undercover, but this isn't right. What he did to himself was so extreme to take on the persona of Liquid was akin to something like having multiple personalities only having one of them be dominant (Liquid). He would have killed Snake (Act 4 end) if he could have even if it would having ruined his original intentions, because that is what Liquid would have done. He was that far gone to take on the role. Only through the beating you give him and the end and near death does his original personality start to surface again.

Basically, Yeah. You can make a direct comparison to The Boss
She sent out her Cobra Unit to kill Naked Snake. Even though her mission was to have HIM kill HER. So there is that similarity between The Boss and Ocelot, Hey like Mother.. like Son ;p


Anyone help with avoiding an Alert (looks at dabookerman)on the final Act. Every time I get near the door I'm spotted by a spawning frog, it's only when I move past a certain point >.<


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
jonhuz said:
Anyone help with avoiding an Alert on the final Act. Every time I get near the door I'm spotted by a spawning frog, it's only when I move past a certain point >.<

Use Mk. III for distraction.


the crazy thing is, because of metal gear solid 4
the other games will never be the same again (in terms of story etc). and i love that.


ScissorHands said:
300 Pages !

The last 50 of which has just been the same bloody argument going around in circles.

Perhaps 2 threads one of discussing things in the actual game and another for all the speculation nonsense.


jonhuz said:
Anyone help with avoiding an Alert (looks at dabookerman)on the final Act. Every time I get near the door I'm spotted by a spawning frog, it's only when I move past a certain point >.<

Here is how i did it
If you mean when you first get on the ship, get your octo camo face mask on and go into prone, then slowly take out the frogs using your p90 with a silencer. Go for headshots. If you want you can also use the tranq gun to take out the frogs too. When you get them all killed take out the gekkou with the rail gun then crawl to the door to be safe and go through :)
MiamiWesker said:
First my act rankings for this game:

Hey, this is fun. My take:

Act 3>Act 4>Act 5>Act 2>Act 1


Gameplay: 4>3>2>1>PO

Story: 4=2>1=PO>3

Characters: 4>2>1>PO>3

Boss fights: 3>1>4>2

Overall game: 4>2>1>3>PO

Awesome experience.


for the beginning of act 5..

After about 20 tries, I figured the best approach would be to kill all the frogs with a silenced sniper rifle. Their "spawn" points are pretty easy to figure out, so I just got in a good position and sniped one after the other until the beginning section was clear. Then I slowly moved up on the right and sniped whoever appeared on my radar. There's a ladder that leads to a vent you can crawl on top of which it gives you a nice view of the gekko area, where I cleared out the last few frogs. Then I crawled up, avoided the gekko, and opened the door. No alerts, just a "?" or two
Well, I finished the game today. It was good, with the new control and gameplay set-up, it was really fun but the game's like 20% gameplay and the rest are long, tedious and boring cinematics.

I liked the nods to past games and especially
going back to Shadow Moses
but the whole thing felt really flat for me. For once they had good game mechanics but once again, Kojima tries to make us believe he can write and direct movies. Also, he seems to have the same problem as George Lucas where
he ties up everything so that everyone knows everyone
which sucks ass and makes the universe really small.

Anyway, good game but for me, the farthest thing from "TEH OF THE 4EVER" as most people would like to put it.
TheWolf said:
did we find out what
La-Li-Liu-Le-Lo means?

Yes it was basically
a spoiler filter for the Patriots. People with nanomachines where not allowed to say "The Patriots", their words will automatically turn into "La-Li-Le-Lo-Lu".


MiamiWesker said:
Yes it was basically
a spoiler filter for the Patriots. People with nanomachines where not allowed to say "The Patriots", their words will automatically turn into "La-Li-Le-Lo-Lu".

Seriously? I thought it was just a code name, not a literal nanomachine. Don't plenty of characters with nanos (and really, who doesn't have them in the nanomachine fairy tale world of MGS) utter the actual group name?
TheWolf said:
did we find out what
La-Li-Liu-Le-Lo means?

It is
just the response when talking about The Patriots. Basically, anyone under SOP can't talk about hte Patriots, when asked about it, they respond with it. Snake 'knew' Drebin was safe when he was able to say The Patriots without any problems. It stems from the codeword Naked Snake/Big Boss used back in Snake Eater. He was to ask ADAM "Who are The Patriots" to which ADAM would respond with that. EVA showed up instead, but when Snake asked her the question, she couldn't respond because of her accent and found another way to buy his trust.

Magnus said:
Seriously? I thought it was just a code name, not a literal nanomachine. Don't plenty of characters with nanos (and really, who doesn't have them in the nanomachine fairy tale world of MGS) utter the actual group name?


Only Drebin does, but if you beat the game, you know that Drebin works for them and was given the OK to talk about them. Meryl was unable to say it either when Snake brought it up.
Magnus said:
Seriously? I thought it was just a code name, not a literal nanomachine. Don't plenty of characters with nanos (and really, who doesn't have them in the nanomachine fairy tale world of MGS) utter the actual group name?

Thats how I interpreted it, though I forget where that is said.


Not Wario
Finished it last night. While it's going to take a while to digest it all, here are my immediate thoughts on the game:

-Generally speaking, the controls and camera were much better this time around. Still not quite at SC level imo, but I would no longer consider them a negative or in need of criticism, which is a first for the series for me.
-The new devices (Octocamo, Solid Eye, Mk II, Barrel, etc.) are all either perfect refinements of old functions or useful new ones. They were great additions to the game and I didn't once feel that they were merely padding for the item menu.
-Best production values in any (console?) game to date. Graphical quality was outstanding, but it was the art design and sound that stole the show for me, even on a 27" SDTV with no sound system to speak of. The character models and animation were equally as amazing. I would even go so far as to say I didn't once experience that "uncanny valley" effect in the game.
-The L1 and X button functions, as well as the appearance of the lifebar and the ability to use the MK II during briefings, were nice little touches that kept the game feeling like, well, a game during cutscenes. They don't improve it to a point to where I'd prefer it over other storytelling means, but they do make it more bearable and, for this series, I was willing to see it through with cutscenes simply because of its heritage and those additions.
-The ratio and size, however, of cutscenes was a bit of a problem, especially later on in the game. I really wish Kojima had either broken them up more, cut out some scenes, or removed a lot of the redundancy in the narrative. (Several things are explained many times over by the same characters and it gets pretty annoying by the epilogue.) I also wish he'd found a better way to explain some information without having to resort to the abstact graphs/diagrams/etc. with voiceover.
-Acts 1-3 are the best Metal Gear game out there. Period. 10/10 material almost the whole way through there.
  • The best level design in any MG game.
  • Great encounters that truly took advantage of the "battlefield" mechanic that had been promised.
  • The best executed boss battle in the game.
    Laughing Octopus
  • The best on rails sequence in any game. (Not to mention one of the most visually impressive sequence in any game)
  • An awesome changeup that really demanded stealth in Act 3.
  • One of the best cutscenes in the entire series.
-Acts 4 and 5, however, are a different story.
  • The gameplay goes from varied and interesting to empty and dull fairly quick.
    I was excited at the initial sight of Shadow Moses, but once I realized there wasn't anything to most of the rooms and the few that did have anything were populated by the MGs, much less interesting foes than the soldiers, I was disappointed. The Crying Wolf battle was also fairly simplistic. And I don't even want to bring up Act 5- there was practically nothing there. The hallway was useless, the defense of Meryl wasn't fun, the splitscreen sequences (both in 4 and 5) made it impossible to watch the interesting bits because I was too busy doing tedious gameplay, and, finally, the fistfight with Ocelot, while a cool throwback to the end of MGS1, didn't really make sense as a conclusion. I think the last bit of gameplay in a game should be the logical culmination of gameplay in a game (See: Portal and HL2:Ep.2) and not some new/spinoff bit. (I.e. MGS4 and Bioshock) I will say that I thought the Vamp, Screaming Mantis, and Metal Gear Ray fights were at least interesting in concept, if not a bit on the weak side in execution, but that's always been a staple of the series.
  • -I lost interest in the story fairly quick as well following Act 3's finale. (the highpoint of the game for me) There were way too many "close calls" and "near deaths" throughout the ending acts, which made each subsequent one less impactful.
    (Raiden and Snake in particular)
    I also didn't really get the ending, but reading up on the discussions here has made it easier to process, so I won't knock it.
    I did think that Big Boss coming back from the dead for the whatever-th time was yet another stretch that took it too far and that Raiden's conclusion was way too tidy.
    In the end, Kojima answered all the questions, though, and I'm glad to see the series resolved, for better or worse.
-As such, I'd have to say my overall opinion of the game faltered quite a bit. Had it ended in or kept going at the same level as Act 3, I would consider the game a true masterpiece, but, as it stands now, I'm a bit disappointed. (But only by comparision) I'd still say it's an A/9 quality title; it just makes me a bit sad to see the series go out like it did after starting up with such a promising first half. It's definitely my favorite game so far this year, though, and I can't wait to start it back up again just so I can see those first 3 acts once more. From what you guys are saying, I understand there's a lot of easter eggs and unlockables to see.
Magnus said:
Seriously? I thought it was just a code name, not a literal nanomachine. Don't plenty of characters with nanos (and really, who doesn't have them in the nanomachine fairy tale world of MGS) utter the actual group name?

Early in the game Snake asks Meryl something about the Patriots and Meryl responds with "La-Li-Liu-Le-Lo? What?"

Basically showing that she heard La-Li-Liu-Le-Lo and not Patriots


Linkzg said:
It is
just the response when talking about The Patriots. Basically, anyone under SOP can't talk about hte Patriots, when asked about it, they respond with it. Snake 'knew' Drebin was safe when he was able to say The Patriots without any problems. It stems from the codeword Naked Snake/Big Boss used back in Snake Eater. He was to ask ADAM "Who are The Patriots" to which ADAM would respond with that. EVA showed up instead, but when Snake asked her the question, she couldn't respond because of her accent and found another way to buy his trust.

ah, ok. well,
Eva didn't know the password, did she? i don't think she had an accent just because she was Chinese. i assumed her and Snake were speaking English during Snake Eater, and only Russian was used with the Russian characters.

we need a list of all the secret L1 spots. only one i found was when
Snake "accidentally" drops his cig so he can look up Naomi's skirt.
jonhuz said:
Anyone help with avoiding an Alert (looks at dabookerman)on the final Act. Every time I get near the door I'm spotted by a spawning frog, it's only when I move past a certain point >.<

Well, I always go to the right.. From then on there are two frogs, sleep them, go further a bit, stop, walk a tiny bit, you should see another one.. well my point is, I sort of figured out their spawn points and where they appear etc. It's a bit trial and error I guess. But after that, getting through without getting spotted is easy. If you can take out the Gekko, go right to the end, another will appear.. Wait a bit and the bombardment will destroy that 2nd gekko.


I take it the MGS theme lawsuit was legit then, as the theme was no where to be found? HGW (and Morricone) used some cues from his MGS3 version of the theme, but not the actual theme itself. I was actually pretty disappointed by that. Several times the music would crescendo and felt like it might be building up to the MGS4 version of the theme, but it never happened. Sure, the "Old Snake" tune from the start menu is good and all, but its not the same thing.


Solo said:
I take it the MGS theme lawsuit was legit then, as the theme was no where to be found? HGW (and Morricone) used some cues from his MGS3 version of the theme, but not the actual theme itself. I was actually pretty disappointed by that. Several times the music would crescendo and felt like it might be building up to the MGS4 version of the theme, but it never happened. Sure, the "Old Snake" tune from the start menu is good and all, but its not the same thing.


MGS theme really was plagarised?



I thought it was a tvshow prank, like Punk'd.

Or, maybe the composers had the same thing on their mind...


Suckin' dicks since '66
Can't stress how awesome
Snake vs Liquid Ocelot is, the whole fight I was just saying holy fucking shit! Especially once Ocelot takes for for the 3rd part of the fight.
TheWolf said:
ah, ok. well,
Eva didn't know the password, did she? i don't think she had an accent just because she was Chinese. i assumed her and Snake were speaking English during Snake Eater, and only Russian was used with the Russian characters.

Since it wasn't known what languages they were speaking in the entire time (they made a joke early in the game with Sokolov complimenting Snake on his Russian), it is hard to tell what they were speaking in. I think she could have had the password since she must have dealt with the real EVE somehow (both ADAM and EVE were male. ADAM was Ocelot. I don't think the real EVE was ever mentioned). I just remember reading at one point that it couldn't be pronounced so she couldn't say the code. Most talking in Snake Eater would have to be Russian anyway.
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