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Metal Gear Solid 4 |OT| No Place to Hide, No Time for a Legend to FoxDie

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Solo said:
Also, screw David Hayter, I could REALLY go for another
Big Boss entry to the series with Richard Doyle. Big Boss was surprisingly awesome in this.

Yes, I was afraid of a BB comeback, but the way the scene played out, I'm actually glad they brought him back. There were a few awesome moments to this encounter: Like when BB holds Snake in his arms and tells him "to let it go". Or when he offs Zero. And of course, at the end of it all, when they share the cigar. Totally awesome.


TenshiOni said:
So I had never played a Metal Gear game until 9 days ago.

Ordered Twin Snakes off of Ebay and beat it in three days. Immediately bought Sons of Liberty and Subsistence the next day and I just finished the latter last night.

And now I can't play 4 because I don't own a PS3. I knew I wouldn't be able to play 4 when I was done but I still rushed through all 3 Solid games. :[

So depressing. :[

Don't worry about it dude. You just played 3 awesome games. That will enhance the experience when you get your ps3, and you're in for a hell of a ride. Part of me wishes I could roofie myself and replay the whole thing again.


Not Wario
Linkzg said:
The entire fight was for Ocelot and for the fans of the series. Snake fought Gray Fox using hand to hand combat. Snake fought Liquid using hand to hand combat. This final send off was him fighting Ocelot using hand to hand combat. In the speech Liquid made before the fight in MGS1, he explained how hand to hand was the basis of all combat. I thought it was a great send off for Snake. The shift from Liquid's persona/fighting style to Ocelot as the game went through each game soundtrack and hud was fantastic. It was an amazing sequence. The only thing more fitting would be Snake fist fighting Big Boss, but that would have been wrong. Other than Big Boss, Ocelot was Snake's greatest foe.

Absolutely, but everything you just said is a stylistic and narrative pro to the fight. The actual gameplay itself to it falls flat, especially given its lack of relevance to the gameplay of the series. Even if there are a lot of fist fights throughout its story, the encounters, with the exception of the Liquid duel at the end of 1 (which I wasn't a fan of either) have never been about them.
traveler said:
I'd have just preferred it to be a logical conclusion of the gameplay in either the game or the series.
It's the last fight we'll ever experience as Solid Snake and it doesn't use ANY of the skills we've developed throughout the franchise. No stealth, no shooting, no CQC- (well, I guess you could argue the new fighting moves were CQC of their own) it's a complete changeup that sends off the series with none of its hallmark elements.

I think that is the only way it could have ended.
I was thought that when this series comes to an end, it ends with Snake and Liquid in hand to hand combat to the death. It happend, plus it happend in a way that I could have never imagined, I swear those were some of the best graphics I have seen in my life.


I guess it ties in with using Morricone too, but that whole
scene was ripped pretty much directly from The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly, when Blondie does the same thing for a dying man he finds just before the final shootout of the film. Since three of my favorite things are TGTBATU, Morricone, and Metal Gear, I wasnt too upset, lolz.


I'm about to start a no kill, no alert playthrough on Big Boss hard. Any tips on how to actually complete this? I've never really tried for this before on any Metal Gear game, even though I own them all and have played them to death.


So, I decided to start my second playthrough this time around, and this time, I wanted to do a lot more killing. So I'm near the end of act 1, and
Snake hears a voice saying "You like the killing, don't you?", and he starts vomiting. What the hell, what just happened?
eLGee said:
So, I decided to start my second playthrough this time around, and this time, I wanted to do a lot more killing. So I'm near the end of act 1, and
Snake hears a voice saying "You like the killing, don't you?", and he starts vomiting. What the hell, what just happened?

I killed like 296 people in act 1 and I dont recall that. Was it the voice of god? :lol
dermannmitdemcolt said:
Yes, I was afraid of a BB comeback, but the way the scene played out, I'm actually glad they brought him back. There were a few awesome moments to this encounter: Like when BB holds Snake in his arms and tells him "to let it go". Or when he offs Zero.

Close Quarters Cuddle


Have a fun! Enjoy!
eLGee said:
So, I decided to start my second playthrough this time around, and this time, I wanted to do a lot more killing. So I'm near the end of act 1, and
Snake hears a voice saying "You like the killing, don't you?", and he starts vomiting. What the hell, what just happened?


Was that the voice of God/Kojima perhaps? Did he say "like" or "rike"?


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Ammo capacity limitations on Extreme are disappointing. You can still buy ammo whenever you want, but can only hold 10 25mm grenade launcher rounds, 20 shotgun shells, etc.. It made sense for previous games to limit your ammo on Extreme, but it doesn't make sense at all within the drebin point system. Constantly going to the weapon screen to buy more ammo sucks the fun out of the grenade launchers and shotguns. For some reason you can still hold a ton of rifle/smg/pistol ammo, too.


Concerning the ending:
Did anyone else feel that snake killing himself would have been a really bold (albeit tragic) way of ending the series? I felt very sad, but I was really impressed by it at the same time. Then Kojima fakes us out. I wonder if at some point that was the ending? In a (TGS 06??) trailer snake is about to kill himself in a middle east looking location too. I wonder if Kojima originally had that as the ending...


eLGee said:
So, I decided to start my second playthrough this time around, and this time, I wanted to do a lot more killing. So I'm near the end of act 1, and
Snake hears a voice saying "You like the killing, don't you?", and he starts vomiting. What the hell, what just happened?

i think thats one of the things mantis would say while reading your memory card back in mgs1, its been a long time though
MCermak said:
Concerning the ending:
Did anyone else feel that snake killing himself would have been a really bold (albeit tragic) way of ending the series? I felt very sad, but I was really impressed by it at the same time. Then Kojima fakes us out. I wonder if at some point that was the ending? In a (TGS 06??) trailer snake is about to kill himself in a middle east looking location too. I wonder if Kojima originally had that as the ending...

That was there to purely "WHAT THE SHIT???" the fans.
traveler said:
Absolutely, but everything you just said is a stylistic and narrative pro to the fight. The actual gameplay itself to it falls flat, especially given its lack of relevance to the gameplay of the series. Even if there are a lot of fist fights throughout its story, the encounters, with the exception of the Liquid duel at the end of 1 (which I wasn't a fan of either) have never been about them.

It is true that the fight doesn't really match up with the rest of the gameplay, even less than it did in MGS1 and 2 since it uses a new control interface, but I still think it was the perfect way to end it. The final battle in MGS3 did make use of all your skills you learned while playing and while that was really fantastic, I don't think something like that would have worked for this Old Snake in that setting. The only other way I could see it working would be if Kojima was really grim and made the last battle impossible to win and basically you had to wait until Snake dies in the game for the story to continue. No continue screen or anything, he died because you weren't good enough or something like that.
eLGee said:
So, I decided to start my second playthrough this time around, and this time, I wanted to do a lot more killing. So I'm near the end of act 1, and
Snake hears a voice saying "You like the killing, don't you?", and he starts vomiting. What the hell, what just happened?

Yeah, that happened to me. It is Liquid saying "You enjoy all that killing, thats why!" from MGS1. It happens when you kill 50 people in one conflict.


MiamiWesker said:
Speaking of
Mantis, anyone really disappointed that there was not a seperate Psycho Mantis fight after the Screaming Mantis battle.

I would have settled for just being able to hear a single word he said


I'm with you all on how awesome the final battle was in every sense....except the control scheme.

I couldn't stand how bulky and imprecise it felt. I'd be standing outside the range where Liquid's punches should hit me and still got nailed. CQC moves would take off practically no health and it was nearly impossible to get in for hits without taking the occasional hit from Liquid too.

Flew through most of the as far as difficulty went, but that fight took me a good six tries, lol.


Suckin' dicks since '66
MiamiWesker said:
Speaking of
Mantis, anyone really disappointed that there was not a seperate Psycho Mantis fight after the Screaming Mantis battle.

Not really, that segment did all it had to do.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
-Rogue5- said:
So is the next metal gear game going to be
Raiden's mission helping Big Mama get Big Boss's remains?

I'd think so,
as well as Sunny liberation from the Patriots I guess.
Btw, do you guys remember the first MGS4 art with all the charatcers in there? Raiden was carrying a baby. Which was probably Sunny. I wonder if they had something in mind at the time that didn't cut at the end.

I wouldn't be surprised if
the next MG is all about Raiden. I expect it to be like a mix between Tenchu stealth gameplay and Ninja Gaiden/DMC action/stylish one.

Directed by Murata.


bish gets all the credit :)
MiamiWesker said:
Speaking of
Mantis, anyone really disappointed that there was not a seperate Psycho Mantis fight after the Screaming Mantis battle.

does he read anything from your save games ala MGS1? I didn't have any other saves on my hard drive, so I couldn't tell. And if you don't have a DS3, does he still attempt to "move" it?
I'm in act 4, and it's rare that a game makes you speechless, y'know?

Playing this, I really get the feeling that even though act 4 was part of Kojima's vision, he really broke away from what he was doing with 1-3 and it's like his love-letter to all of us fans. Having stayed away from things that could've spoiled the game for me before I started playing it, I had absolutely no idea I would end up here, and it's unbelievable. I am LOVING this game, and with saying that I am making one of the biggest understatements ever.
MCermak said:
Concerning the ending:
Did anyone else feel that snake killing himself would have been a really bold (albeit tragic) way of ending the series? I felt very sad, but I was really impressed by it at the same time. Then Kojima fakes us out. I wonder if at some point that was the ending? In a (TGS 06??) trailer snake is about to kill himself in a middle east looking location too. I wonder if Kojima originally had that as the ending...

In the old trailers, Snake also had a burn on his face, so I think a lot of aspects were planned out far in advance. I am guessing that he wanted people to think the entire game was in the middle eat in the initial trailers.

I am glad Snake didn't kill himself. While it would have been bold, it would have been too sad of an end to the character. As Otacon said, Snake had a hard life. Having him kill himself to save everyone else would be an honorable way to go, but I'm glad Kojima decided it was better to let him live and give him some peace at the end of his story. He gets to live out the rest of his year, see this new world while hanging out with Otacon and die of old age at a young age.


when is my burrito
So, it's been a week since I've been logged into GAF and 2 and a half months since I've been in an MGS 4 thread. The last trailer I watched was the April Fools trailer.

I went to the midnight launch and got to play a couple hours before I went to bed. It took me
33 hours
total to beat it. There were about 30 people in the Gamestop I went to in small town Iowa. I was the 3rd person in the store to get the game.

I wrote down some of my thoughts because I really wanted to experience MGS4 without depending on any game faqs or hearing about potential awards or features on the internet. So, without further ado, here's my notes (in the order that they popped in my head during my play through):

-Longest 8 minutes of my life. :)
-The music is fucking amazing. So many tunes that I just love. I wish I had the soundtrack now. I missed the MGS theme from 3. :'(
-Favorite Songs: All the classic MGS songs coming back, Old Snake, the song that plays whenever the Geckos around (maybe my favorite) and the one that plays on the XMB screen.
-Holy fuck! The animation in this game is amazing. The Geckos seriously creep me the fuck out with how awesomely "real" they move.
-The bullet sounds and sound effects! The whizzing and ricochets are just outstandingly crisp and clear.
-Best sound I've ever heard in a game and the audio and voice acting is amazingly well balanced. I never had to touch the volume on my receiver once to hear a conversation. I could always hear what I needed to hear.
-I screamed out loud: "WTF!!!" when I saw that Laughing Octopus had Snake's face. I laughed at myself a bit later in that scene when I realized what was going on.
-Laughing Octopus just scared the shit out of me when I was talking with Naomi. I was really intimidated by the beauties up until I fought them. Always wondered how they would play out. By the end, Drebin's little dialogue about every Beauty kind of had me rolling my eyes. At this point, that may be my one of only a very small number of complaints with the game.
-I have to admit that it took a lot of tries and frustration to beat the bosses. I was going for the psyche kills (I don't even know if it would get me anything special but I wanted to do it) on all the bosses. Since I've never tried to do it another way and I've been off the internet, I still don't know. Trying to figure out how to beat them was just amazingly fun though.
-This game can be really difficult at some points but the gameplay is just so amazingly satisfying!
-Side note: Can you get a psyche kill on Vamp?
-On Laughing Octopus it took me about 5 deaths to realize that you had to shoot her with the regular guns until her armor falls off, THEN you can get the psyche kill.
-I LOVED ALL OF THE BOSS FIGHTS! The only one I had a lot of trouble with was Vamp and that's because Otacon wouldn't give me any fucking hints. After over 1 and a half hours of trying multiple combinations of things and dieing and attempting to get something out of Otacon, Otacon FINALLY fucking tells me. GRRRRR(&#!&#^%)(!^*#% I refused to go to Gamefaqs but I was this "||" close. That should not have happened like that.
-Then I had trouble with the suicide geckos until I accidentally realized (when switching to first person) that the rail gun had to charge up and then it was a one hit kill. Died many times there.
-The weapon and camo system is EXTREMELY intuitive. I didn't even pick up the manual to browse through it until I was about 10 hours into the game. It just worked brilliantly and smoothly. It just made sense. Light-years of improvement over MGS3.
-Controls were also great and responsive. After playing MGO, I was really concerned because it just didn't feel right. I had absolutely no issues playing in the final game though. Worked brilliantly!

Raddest parts of the game: :D:D:D:D :lol
Raiden swinging two geckos by his feet is probably the absolute coolest non-gameplay part of the game.
Chapter 4. All of it.
The last half of Chapter 3. Chase scene and Raging Raven, :O:O:O:O
The fight with Liquid.
Any gameplay with the Geckos.

ENDING SPOILERS (train of thought):
Big Boss is Alive.
Oh, he's dead. :(
Snake just killed himself. I just about cried.
Credits roll.
Richard Doyle is Big Boss? Would I have heard his voice in the flashbacks? What? Hmmmmm.
BIG BOSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This conversation is reeeeeeeallllly drawn out. :(
WOW! What a fucking great game. I had such a good time.


GOMF! Game of my forever. Not a doubt in my mind at this point. Also, the most amazing graphics I've ever seen in a game. So damn polished. Every little bit. So much variety. I'll probably be able to lay some criticisms down as soon as I get more time to process but wow, what a ride.

However, I don't know if anybody else had this problem but at a couple points during the cinemas, there would be flashes of color in the geometry of the character models and environments. Either the game engine scenes have some technical issues or the GPU in my PS3 is getting taxed like a motherfucker.

Finally: If anybody cares, I live in NE Iowa and we just got killed by flooding. I posted about it here:

I'm fucking depressed as fuck right now. MGS4 has helped me keep my mind off of things.


Just beat the game, but man,
Fucking Snake killed himself when he visited the cemetary?

Of course, I knew that
the minute Otacon found a love interest, she was going to die

Game of the forever confirmed. This is how an action game should be.

It didn't drift too far from the "MGS Formula" so to speak, and tied up all of the loose ends.


Holy fuck. Just Holy. Fuck.


Linkzg said:
He gets to live out the rest of his year, see this new world while hanging out with Otacon and die of old age at a young age.

... and gets to live on for the inevitable MGS5.
I never believe HK with his "last game" stuff.


I have a question about doing a no alert run. If I cause an alert then die will it still count at the end of the act if I select continue?


Smokey Bones said:
I was wondering why the theme was absent.

I was anxiously awaiting for it's arrival, and it never showed.


Would've been too awesome I guess.

It's on the soundtrack - called Metal Gear Saga and I distinctly remember it during the credits and I'm not sure but at one point in the
ending or end of Act 5


The MGS main theme NEVER is used. I was listening for it the whole damn game, and I sure as hell havent forgotten what it sounds like! As I said, some of the cues from the MGS3 version are used, but the MGS3 version doesnt deliver the main theme until the end of the 6 minute tune. The stuff used in MGS4 is from the early parts of the song.


bish gets all the credit :)
so has anyone received the "
Big Boss
" emblem? I'm looking at the le strat guide (which is pretty awesome btw), and it seems impossible.

0 alerts
0 kills
0 continues
<5 hours playing time (with 17 minutes allotted to the ending credits)
0 rations/noodles/regains
no stealth camo
the boss extreme difficulty

:lol :lol


fistfulofmetal said:

that's the second person in here I've seen say that, what game are you guys playing?

^^I've done Big Boss/Foxhound runs for the other games, I'm still undecided if I'll do it for this one...I probably will :] :[


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
About twelve hours into the game and just fought the third boss.

What's the deal with all the bosses so far being kind of boring?

I'm not really impressed by the story either, yet.


EviLore said:
Ammo capacity limitations on Extreme are disappointing. You can still buy ammo whenever you want, but can only hold 10 25mm grenade launcher rounds, 20 shotgun shells, etc.. It made sense for previous games to limit your ammo on Extreme, but it doesn't make sense at all within the drebin point system. Constantly going to the weapon screen to buy more ammo sucks the fun out of the grenade launchers and shotguns. For some reason you can still hold a ton of rifle/smg/pistol ammo, too.
Drebin system is disappointing in that respect. I suppose one could run through without it though.


dralla said:
that's the second person in here I've seen say that, what game are you guys playing?

More like "when are you guys shutting off the game?" Watch the credits, people! Anyone who has ever played a MGS game knows its not over until you're back at the title screen.


Kccitystar said:
Just beat the game, but man,
Fucking Snake killed himself when he visited the cemetary?

Of course, I knew that
the minute Otacon found a love interest, she was going to die

Game of the forever confirmed. This is how an action game should be.

It didn't drift too far from the "MGS Formula" so to speak, and tied up all of the loose ends.


Holy fuck. Just Holy. Fuck.

I hope you saved not long before that dude. Or else it would suck to be ya!


ItsInMyVeins said:
About twelve hours into the game and just fought the third boss.

What's the deal with all the bosses so far being kind of boring?

I'm not really impressed by the story either, yet.

What's the deal with you being a Debbie Downer? :p

TTP said:
I'd think so,
as well as Sunny liberation from the Patriots I guess.
Btw, do you guys remember the first MGS4 art with all the charatcers in there? Raiden was carrying a baby. Which was probably Sunny. I wonder if they had something in mind at the time that didn't cut at the end.

I always figured that was
Raiden's own baby. You know, Lone Wolf and Cub style.
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