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Metal Gear Solid 4 |OT| No Place to Hide, No Time for a Legend to FoxDie

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Phatcorns said:
So is it possible to download saves for this game? I definitely am not hardcore enough to get some of these unlockables apparently. I'm assuming some of the masks are really hard to get.
Yeah, that and the fact that I erased over my cleared game file makes me wonder if it allows you to copy saves.


[HP] said:
Wtf? 4 000 000 drebin points?

And how the fuck is it possible to finish the game in 3:45?!?

It's possible to beat it in under 5 hours on the boss extreme..so beating it in 3:45 isn't out there either. You just need to skip every cut scene and codec scene and run straight through the game. When you take out the fluff, there's really only 3 1/2 - 6 hours worth of actual gameplay. Obviously, you can make it a 30 hour game if you take your time and do everything though.


Dyno said:
I don't think Drebin is stereotypical and actually I think it's important to dissect the character for what it is and what it adds to the story rather then dismiss is as a racial issue and never get to the bottom of why he succeeds or fails depending on your opinion.

To put it simply I think Drebin is an overcooked character; there are too many attempts at personality. Contrary to most of the understated and subtle characters in the story he's not a believable character in the slightest. When a character isn't believable you stop caring about them, you refuse to invest any empathy in them.

He's your arm dealer, but he also works for the weapons manufactures, his name isn't real, and there are supposedly hundreds of them. Why such a dense tossed salad for a back story? This character would be fine if only half the above was used.

He's got a monkey, he drinks soda, he does magic tricks with a hanky. Coin tricks in front of Snake's face? C'mon! That is just tedious and douchey. Again there are too many personality traits going on here. Personally I would have kept the monkey because him trying to get a smoke is funny and the sound bite you get when you buy weapons is irreverant and whimsical. The soda drinking is dumb, the magic needs to be toned way down. Hanky waving should be for extreme situations only.

Finally is monologues are awful! Whether he's talking about the over the top conspiracies or the beyond melodramatic origins of a boss, these wind-sessions simply reinforces the clownish nature of the character.

Less is more. This wise adage should have been applied to Drebin.
You should finish the game.
I just finished my second game, this time on Naked Normal. Apparently I'm not very hardcore and I doubt I'll ever get through the higher difficulties.

Total play time:       5:33:24
Continues:             0
Alert Phases:          0
Kills:                 0
Recovery Items Used:   9
Weapon types Procured: 43
Flashbacks Watched:    182
Special Items Used:    Not Used
Confer the title of... "Octopus"
I also got the 1.000.000 D.P. rifle
(for half the price from Outer Haven
and there's a hint in the weapon description about a holy wind. Did anyone figure out what's that's about yet?

Seiken said:
Hey dude. Did you make an European NeoGAF MGO clan yet? You really should.


Brandon F said:
Having recently finished off MGS2 again, it is uncanny how amazing the opening Tanker bit is and how severely the game drops off up until Arsenal Gear. I like the wackiness that occurs once Raiden goes nekkid through all the big reveals to the conclusion(a very flat conclusion though). But Big Shell just plain sucked. I love the MGS2 gameplay and 60fps smoothness, but the narrative is just so amateurish and silly in comparison to the Tanker section.

Hmm...I disagree. Not that the Tanker wasn't bigger than Big Shell, but Big Shell was the way it was for a reason.

I mean, without the narrative being how it was, you really don't understand the
Solid Snake Simulation

Also, while I initially hated the frequent convo's about nothing with Jack and Rose, I appreciate them much more now that MGS4 has come along. Without that narrative, you really don't understand why Jack is so bitter, and you appreciate him less as a character because you don't really grasp personality.

Honestly, without MGS2 being exactly the way it is, MGS4 wouldn't be the work of art it is. Same goes for MGS3. Everything weaves together marvelously, and I wouldn't change a thing.


There's a 33% chance that the 1 mill dp rifle will
cause a tornado when you shoot someone with it and it'll wipe out everyone around it + drop a shit ton of loot. It's pretty crazy.


shooting blanks
Raist said:
No, most of the time I'm like 5cm behind them :lol
Then I aim at them and nothing happens :/

make sure you dont move the left stick when you press r1 to hold them, trust me i had the exact same problem till someone told me....and make sure you just have the knife or a pistol, and that you're not crouching.

btw that avatar kicks total ass it's awesome.
Just saw that game saves are copyable, there any chance that any Gaffers can be kind enough to upload a save with the game completed? (Don't care about any unlocks I just need to replace my cleared game save :( )
supercake said:
I finished the game yesterday, 22 hours and around 600 kills. I had way too much fun gunning my way through the game.

Anyone bummed now that MGS is over? I don't see a game series with this kind of scope coming out anytime soon, MGS4 blew me away.

Same for me, finished the game yesterday and I was floored! My favorite PS3 game by far! I'm now playing for the title of Big Boss and when I'm done with that I'll hunt for secret items and easter eggs! I also really like the BluRay disc that came with the LE, awesome insight on how Kojima Productions works!

Oni Jazar

Lakitu said:
1. MGS 4
2. MGS 3
3. MGS
4. MGS 2

is how i feel.

I haven't finished MGS4 yet but the biggest problem I had with MGS3 is, as kick ass as the gameplay was, I hated how menu heavy it became. Having to pause the game to select different camo (face & body), having to pause the game to perform medical procedures, these things really added unecesssary tedium. If Naked Snake had the octocamo and didn't need to heal his wounds by menu options it would have easilly been the best game of the generation. Still however I find it VERY hard to rate the Metal Gear games. I really want to say: MGS3 = MGS2 = MGS1 because they all are so awesome in their own way.


methos75 said:
Barret in FF7 is the worst, he is borderline offensive IMO.

That was over ten years ago with the Stallone/Schwarzenegger/Willis era (which Barret's personality tried to capture as the muscle of the group with not that sophisticated of a brain that's more of a stereotypical type of person across the board rather than a stereotypical black person) keep crying trying.
Alright. I just finished Metal Gear Solid 3.

I like MGS3 and 4 about the same. But if I really had to pick right now, I think I'd choose 4 - because of its extreme replayability. I still love MGS3 too much, though. So, yeah. My preference goes like this:



Just finished it up last night. Not the greatest game ever or for this gen, but one of the finest out their this gen. Kind of wondering what the original ending Kojima had wanted to do is now. I got 24 hours of gameplay in my first playthrough on default. The length is welcomed. MGS2 versus MGS4 is a hard call still for me.


i still want to know why
Naomi was feeling up Vamp before the boss fight (it seemed like she was really evil during the part and on the other side)
why Johnny's body isn't breaking down from gene therapy since I'm pretty sure he was a genome solider.


Finished it yesterday.

A few nagging questions though..
- The Boss / Eva must have been like 90 years old. And did Big Boss / Naked Snake never find out that she was alive, even after he had woken up?

- She says she gave birth to Solid and Liquid, but what about Solidus?

- When did the romance between Otacon and Naomi start? I don't remember anything like that from previous games. In 4 it seemed like they had some kinda connection.

- Why was Raiden / Jack turned into a cyborg? Did they ever explain that?


Steroyd said:
That was over ten years ago with the Stallone/Schwarzenegger/Willis era (which Barret's personality tried to capture as the muscle of the group with not that sophisticated of a brain that's more of a stereotypical type of person across the board rather than a stereotypical black person) keep crying trying.

No he was borderline racist, I had a roomate at the time who despised that game and thought it racist as hell. I'll take a person of color opinion on hom, and he found him racist.


shooting blanks
Captain Glanton said:
I really really would have sworn I tried that, but it didn't work. But I'll try again tomorrow.

what you do is equip the syringe that naomi gave you, the one that inhibits the nanomachines....it's an item not weapon, and dont equip any weapon,knife or anything on the right menu....then grab that little bastard with r1, and stick the syringe in him, then the nanomachines that make him 'immortal' will not work and he'll be killable, i wish i'd a known this before cuz i wasted SO much ammo and ratiions and revives


dk_ said:
One question concerning the no kill run. Amirite that bosses are not included? :D

Can someone clarify this? I'm trying for a No Kills run and I already flubbed up by not tranqing the first boss. I wasn't thinking.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
JCtheMC said:
Dude that's just insane. How the hell... ?
Stealth camouflage and a huge, huge rush probably.
Seiken said:
Stealth camouflage and a huge, huge rush probably.

Stealth camo and a flat run to each exit. The boss battles would be a pain alone, what with having to tranq them. The flashbacks are interesting because you'd have to watch some cut scenes, no?


Majik said:
I'd appreciate it if you didn't repost images from my Photobucket account in a thread separate to the Solid Eye one. It'll kill the monthly allowed bandwidth.

Saving and rehosting them with Tinypic would be a better option if you're only posting a handful.

Sure thing man, will do.


Oni Jazar said:
Still however I find it VERY hard to rate the Metal Gear games. I really want to say: MGS3 = MGS2 = MGS1 because they all are so awesome in their own way.

You and I are the same on this. A friend had asked me to rank MGS4 amongst the rest of the series, and I started to qualify how I feel about each game, put them into the proper context. By the time I finished, it just made it more difficult for me to say one game was any better than the other. I think each game is very unique, and trying to say one is better than another sort of ignores how each game comes together for the overall experience.

I love all of the games. I think that says enough.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
dollartaco said:
Stealth camo and a flat run to each exit. The boss battles would be a pain alone, what with having to tranq them. The flashbacks are interesting because you'd have to watch some cut scenes, no?
You can use the Race Gun (you get it by completing the game once) on the bosses. It's a very nice stamina-kill gun with unlimited ammo. I've got no idea about the flashback part, I mean, the clock ticks during cut scenes, right?


Returners said:
What does the
emotion bullets

There are 4 different bullets to choose from & the name says it all.

1. Rage - This will make the person very furious
2. Laugh - Laughing his ass off & shoots to any nearby characters
3. Scream - Screaming in agony
4. Cry - Crying like there's no tomorrow


xenix said:
There are 4 different bullets to choose from & the name says it all.

1. Rage - This will make the person very furious
2. Laugh - Laughing his ass off & shoots to any nearby characters
3. Scream - Screaming in agony
4. Cry - Crying like there's no tomorrow

Which one works best (for a big boss run or something)? Does it still make them fall asleep?
Seiken said:
You can use the Race Gun (you get it by completing the game once) on the bosses. It's a very nice stamina-kill gun with unlimited ammo. I've got no idea about the flashback part, I mean, the clock ticks during cut scenes, right?

Go look at one of my previous posts where I posted my 2nd playthrough stats, granted that wasn't a true speed run so i could have probably shaved almost 30 minutes off of the time. I did it on easy though just to get the bonus items and the dolls. The way the flashbacks work is it is the total you viewed from all your playthroughs on that save (not just the current one). I’m going to start my extreme run tomorrow to get he big boss rank. I don't expect it to be that hard actually now that I have each act down really well, and I got all the dolls last run so I can kill the first form of beauties.


methos75 said:
No he was borderline racist, I had a roomate at the time who despised that game and thought it racist as hell. I'll take a person of color opinion on hom, and he found him racist.

So, you're talking about racism in video games, and are referring to someone as colored.



TheWolf said:
why Johnny's body isn't breaking down from gene therapy since I'm pretty sure he was a genome solider.

he probably skipped out on the gene therapy sessions...
Jack Scofield said:
Wow. Just...wow. What an amazing game. THAT'S the way to end a series. I'm so giddy right now. A few questions/observations that I would like to have clarified:

The microwave scene was heart-wrenching. Such a great part of the game.

Hell yes.
Painful for the fingers too


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
TheWolf said:
he probably skipped out on the gene therapy sessions...
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