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Metal Gear Solid 4 |OT| No Place to Hide, No Time for a Legend to FoxDie

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there is joy in sucking dick
Is a "No Alert" run possible? Considering the later acts? I'm trying to do this on Hard difficulty too. The first area, before getting MKII was painfull :lol I'm also trying to do "Low Kill".

Also, about one of the weapons
Does The Sorrow doll work? It would be awesome if it could knock enemies out (which I thought it did) instead of using the Psycho Mantis doll to kill them. The Psycho Mantis doll is the best weapon in all video games, I fucking love it.


just finished the game. I felt pretty emotional during the whole sequence. Its been a long time a game moved me like mgs4 has. I'm truly grateful Konami Productions.
BlueTsunami said:
Is a "No Alert" run possible? Considering the later acts? I'm trying to do this on Hard difficulty too. The first area, before getting MKII was painfull :lol I'm also trying to do "Low Kill".

Also, about one of the weapons
Does The Sorrow doll work? It would be awesome if it could knock enemies out (which I thought it did) instead of using the Psycho Mantis doll to kill them. The Psycho Mantis doll is the best weapon in all video games, I fucking love it.

The Sorrow doll works on Dead Bodies


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
I don't know if this is debatable, but...
is there anything more badass than Snake getting into Rex, it starting up and lifting up, with the music theme blaring? It's like literally watching a nuclear explosion of Sexxxiness on the screen.


there is joy in sucking dick
Ninja Kn1ght said:
The Sorrow doll works on Dead Bodies

omg, I have to try that later :D Thanks!

Lonestar said:
I don't know if this is debatable, but...
is there anything more badass than Snake getting into Rex, it starting up and lifting up, with the music theme blaring? It's like literally watching a nuclear explosion of Sexxxiness on the screen.

One of the more awesome moments in the whole freakin game. I love that the iPod is selectable during that sequence :lol


Game complete
- Solid Snake Normal difficulty
- 25 hours
- Eagle Rank

** I never re-play games once finishing them. However, I plan on beginning a new MGS4 campaign tonight, and playing through at least one more time. The game is just that good.


tha_con said:
I could have sworn that was explained in a codec...

The ring is your 'threat ring' and will show spikes when enemy soldiers (or anyone shooting a gun) get's near to you. VERY useful. basically gives you a 360 degree radius "view" of what's going on around you, without the need to rotate the camera.

Also, think of your stress like your stamina. Stress goes up, stamina goes down, and your performance degrades. Really it can only be recovered by item use, resting, or taking a break from the game.

You're right. Everything was explained through codec.


le.phat said:
just finished the game. I felt pretty emotional during the whole sequence. Its been a long time a game moved me like mgs4 has. I'm truly grateful Konami Productions.

It's comments like this, that make me think this is the best game ever.

Seriously, I have never read comments like " I am Grateful to Konami Productions"

Kagari said:
So I just beat the game.

Easily one of my most favorite games of all time.

Also, I don't think a video game has brought tears to my eyes so many times before...

Roko said:
After I finished it I just sat back and appreciated the story and characters that we've been treated to over the years thanks to this series. While I can see more Metal Gear games
(Raiden's story between MGS2 and MGS4, for example) I think we've seen the end of Snake. I was happy to for him to "retire". I don't think it could have been said any better:

"He's had a hard life."

What a journey it's been.

To Kojima and crew: thank you. It's been a blast

jaundicejuice said:
This isn't a game, it's an interactive movie.

This truly is the Greatest.Game.Ever.


sex vacation in Guam
Finally played the game over the weekend.

Wow this game blew me away. I didnt think games could be this good. The details are incredible. The sound.... OMG the sound... its so good, its flawless.

At first I felt a bit overwhelmed by the controls but once I got the grip of things I noticed how much freedom this game gives you. It definitely provides a plethora of options.

Everything about this game screams high production values. The bar has been raised so high that I feel sorry for the AAA games coming out this fall. Resistance2, gears2, Motorstorm 2, and Socom. Except for Little Big Planet, I cannot look at these games in the same way anymore.


JakOfTheShadows said:

Also here is a bit of advice for anyone doing a no kill run. In Act 2
when you're escaping on Drebin's APC the first area you go to has these enemies called "power armors" these do in fact count as kills unlike the regular and mini geckos. They will tell you that the APC can't move forward until you destroy the power armors, but this is a lie. Just knock the climbing soldiers off of the APC for a while and after some time passes you move to the next area without having to destroy the power armors. Also, watch that in the second area with the mix of geckos and soldiers that if a soldier climbs up the front of the APC you don't accidentally shoot him while firing at the geckos.

I didnt know this... Thanks for the advice :D


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
This isn't a game, it's an interactive movie.
To be fair, if you were to play through the game (first time) and skipped all of the cutscenes I believe there would still be more gameplay present than most other major games of late. It's certainly longer than stuff like Halo 3, CoD4, Gears of War, etc. even if you were to remove most of the cutscenes.
I just finished yesterday and I was blown away. 33 hours with a Bear ranking. I ended up with a bunch of emblems but the only ones I remember are Bear, Eagle, Puma, Inchworm and Pig. I tend to experiment a lot on my first playthrough so I ended up with a bunch of kills, alerts and continues.

The ending was brilliant.
I really can't believe Big Boss showed up! I was terrified it would happen and be really stupid but it was fucking awesome (although still a bit silly). I always find those kind of wrap-up conversations enjoyable, and this was a doozy. Bringing ArmsTech back into the story was a nice touch and Akiba was fantastic in Act 5, he really came alive. The scene where he and Meryl are fending off the Frogs was great.

I have to admit I was kind of worried MGS might have lost some of its soul (I don't know why) but thankfully I was way off base. Some nice little moments for me;
The crop circle in Act 2 sent a chill down my spine, just as it did in MGS2 when GW/the Colonel first told the story. I was scanning that sky furiously but I didn't see anything. Another little 'Kojima-ism' I liked in Act 2 was during Naomi's explanation of how the system works and it's effects on soldiers. I forget the exact quote but it was along the lines of "to them war is just a game" and while she's talking, thumbnails of all the Metal Gear games are flicking up exactly as in the XMB. Then, Snake mentions something about reality setting in just as it gets to the video thumbnail for MGS4. I laughed and laughed. Oh, and the fight scene with Liquid and Snake where they're injecting themselves and then finally each other; fan-fucking-tastic.

Oh, and the bosses, my God the bosses. I wasn't really feeling the Octopus fight until I popped into first person, after that it was pure bliss. The way she hid was fantastic as well but I had no idea what was going on with the explosives. The Vamp and Rex versus Ray fights were also incredible. I must have killed Vamp 10 times and his repeated phrase about the nanomachines streaming through his blood had me barking up the wrong tree completely. I was CQC-ing him and using a knife attack in the hopes of him bleeding out!:lol Just as I went to slash his neck for about the fifth time I had an epiphany and in a split second I clicked over to the syringe (I was using cycle mode and kept it in slot C for most of the game) and... well the rest you know. I felt good afterwards, let me tell you. Crying Wolf I liked, sort of a cross between the End and Sniper Wolf and the blizzard gave it such a great atmosphere. It wasn't up there with the End though, for two reasons that I could think of; Firstly, the area was much smaller, but still a good venue I thought. More importantly though, Wolf was just far easier to find than the End ever was. I have to say though, the Liquid battle was the crowning glory for me. The cutaways were amazing and still felt really visceral and interactive and the setting was almost exactly as I had imagined (fair enough it was atop the mast of Haven rather than a mountain but it pretty much was the end of the world, the one the Patriots had envisioned at least). The music was perfect too. I found the change up in mechanics welcome as well (happened in MGS1 too right?) as I always thought a one-on-one fist fight felt just a little weird in MGS. CQC against the Boss just played out in a strange fashion I always felt, two people running around each other like that looked very odd was all.

What else... Oh yeah, EVERYTHING!!! The Microwave corridor, the GEKKOs, Shadow Moses, the end of Act 3 (although the opening may have been the low point, I still thought it was great but the AI seemed a little off, at least with the resistance. I'm going to play around with it a bit more and see what's up), the tracking in Act 2, that very first section with the GEKKO was astonishing. I tried hiding upstairs in the first building on the left, skulking around I heard a strange crash, then another. That's when I noticed the feet gripping the broken floor on the exposed side of the building...

I'm should probably stop there, although I feel like I could write so much more. Was it the best Metal Gear Solid? I can't say, and I don't think I'll ever be able to. Graphically it was nothing short of breathtaking and cinematically it was a triumph but most importantly, it played like a dream (I thought the 'FPS mode' was incredibly well implemented, I keep shooting locked in first person pretty much all the time). Anyway, I'm going to start raving again so I'd better just post this.


traveler said:
Oh come on, man, the idea behind the two was very similar, even if the execution was on different levels. I don't know how anyone who had played both parts could NOT be reminded of that
CoD4 scene.

And since we're talking about that ss segment, I have to say I didn't really feel anything aside from a numb finger.
We'd seen all those characters survive the most ridiculous crap time and time again throughout the story that it had just lost all impact by that moment for me. I knew Raiden was going to survive- he'd lived through the most absurd battles, a base collapse, and survived being plowed into by a gigantic ship- how on earth was I supposed to feel any kind of suspense or worry for him? :lol Snake, too, had endured the most trying circumstances and we'd seen him, despite his sickness, survive all of them. I'm glad you guys enjoyed the sequence, but, man, I didn't get anything out of it.

I totally disagree with that
1, I played both COD4 and MGS4. It never reminded me of COD4. I think it is probably because the stuff in COD4 single player aren't very memorable outside of the sniper levels or the black and white bombing levels...

2, yes we saw many times where the characters were being beat up, tortured. However, we didn't see characters that are tortured to this degree and seeing they still have a job to do at the same time. We also never saw snake having this much burden and responsibility. He's got Foxdie (in theory, deadlier than cancer), dying, weak psychically, and what else? this is undeniably the biggest challenge and battle of his life. Stop playing it low.


Can someone give me a hint on act 4. I'm near the start in that first open room next to the open door outside and I'm not sure where I'm supposed to go as I don't see a way into the next room/area.

(hope that was written to not give away anything)



freethought said:
I have to admit I was kind of worried MGS might have lost some of its soul (I don't know why) but thankfully I was way off base. Some nice little moments for me;
Another little 'Kojima-ism' I liked in Act 2 was during Naomi's explanation of how the system works and it's effects on soldiers. I forget the exact quote but it was along the lines of "to them war is just a game" and while she's talking, thumbnails of all the Metal Gear games are flicking up exactly as in the XMB. Then, Snake mentions something about reality setting in just as it gets to the video thumbnail for MGS4. I laughed and laughed.

The two "under construction" thumbnails in there made me go "!". :D


Just finished the game last night. I can't even begin to comprehend the story right now. All I know is that this is now my favorite game of all time without any kind of doubt. I've never felt an emotional toll so hard from a game before. Also I don't think I've ever said "HOLY FUCKING SHIT" more times during a game.

A few things:
The only thing more unexpected that an actual fighting game with Liquid would have been a kart racer. I did not expect to actually be fist fighting him with a fighting game engine AT ALL. I wanted to fucking murder Naomi at the end of Act 3 but later on all my hate towards her evaporated. Jesus, I just fucking loved this game so much. I want a full MGS1 remake with the MGS4 engine after seeing Act 4. IT felt so good to go back to Shadow Moses.

Something I didn't understand
Who's body does Raiden have? I thought he was only a head and spine?

Also the Screaming Mantis boss battle made me laugh so much
The first thing I did when my aiming went wonky was change the controller number :lol . Then I get the call from Otacon that that won't work and then just all the other fanfare thrown into that battle was amazing. I loved it.


Hey i beat MGS4... best game I've ever played no doubt.
but i have a question..

I started a new game and dont have my stuff from the 1st playthrough.
So then i loaded up my save from the end of the game and started over and still didnt have my stuff..

Is there a point you get your stuff back? I thought you keep it all?


Suckin' dicks since '66
Acid08 said:
Just finished the game last night. I can't even begin to comprehend the story right now. All I know is that this is now my favorite game of all time without any kind of doubt. I've never felt an emotional toll so hard from a game before. Also I don't think I've ever said "HOLY FUCKING SHIT" more times during a game.

A few things:
The only thing more unexpected that an actual fighting game with Liquid would have been a kart racer. I did not expect to actually be fist fighting him with a fighting game engine AT ALL. I wanted to fucking murder Naomi at the end of Act 3 but later on all my hate towards her evaporated. Jesus, I just fucking loved this game so much. I want a full MGS1 remake with the MGS4 engine after seeing Act 4. IT felt so good to go back to Shadow Moses.

Something I didn't understand
Who's body does Raiden have? I thought he was only a head and spine?

Yep the game is the shiznait!
The Snake vs Liquid Ocelot fight is freaking awesome as well.


there is joy in sucking dick
dark10x said:
To be fair, if you were to play through the game (first time) and skipped all of the cutscenes I believe there would still be more gameplay present than most other major games of late. It's certainly longer than stuff like Halo 3, CoD4, Gears of War, etc. even if you were to remove most of the cutscenes.

About cutscenes in general. I really wish the second playthrough would have a setting that completely elimintates cutscenes, so its all just gameplay.


Suckin' dicks since '66
Bajan32 said:
Hey i beat MGS4... best game I've ever played no doubt.
but i have a question..

I started a new game and dont have my stuff from the 1st playthrough.
So then i loaded up my save from the end of the game and started over and still didnt have my stuff..

Is there a point you get your stuff back? I thought you keep it all?
Once you reload the save game and start a new game you have to get to the MK II to get all you stuff back.
BlueTsunami said:
About cutscenes in general. I really wish the second playthrough would have a setting that completely elimintates cutscenes, so its all just gameplay.

You just press start and select skip cutscene. Only thing you have to deal with is the loading for them, but that is usually short.


there is joy in sucking dick
Linkzg said:
You just press start and select skip cutscene. Only thing you have to deal with is the loading for them, but that is usually short.

Oh thats what I've been doing, I just wish it would have been more streamlined (like an actual Option that turns cutscenes off). Its small issue though.


Bajan32 said:
Hey i beat MGS4... best game I've ever played no doubt.
but i have a question..

I started a new game and dont have my stuff from the 1st playthrough.
So then i loaded up my save from the end of the game and started over and still didnt have my stuff..

Is there a point you get your stuff back? I thought you keep it all?

You get it all when you get the mk 2 and stuff like that.


lawblob said:
If this doesn't sell a shit-ton of copies, there is something wrong with the world.

Even as crazy as Shane Bettenhausen is, I totally agree with him that for games like the Bourne Conspiracy to be receiving comparable review scores to MGS4; that is offensive.

Link to that, I like to read it.:D
tha_con said:
Well, I wholeheartedly disagree.

In CoD, nothing that happens is voluntary, you're just a victim of circumstance. It was bland and not entertaining in the slightest, just an interactive scene.

In MGS4,
goes in voluntarily, even when the opportunity to duck out was prestented to him. It has far more impact than the crapfest in CoD4.

QFT, I like the scene in COD4 but thats all it was, a scene.

Diseased Yak

Gold Member
So I got up to what I think is the end of Act 4 last night, taking my time.

As brilliant as this game is, there's one thing that just cannot be underscored, bolded, and shouted from the rooftops of the world enough: THE SOUND. If you don't have a killer surround sound set-up, I feel really, really sorry for you if you are playing this game. It is THE definition of surround sound in gaming, and puts to shame 90% of the movies I've watched as well.

Not just in bass, but in every aspect. The sound field is amazing. For example, I shot a single bullet at a claymore, had the bullet ricochet back at me at an angle that took it from front-right to back-left. Not only did the sound traverse this entire distance accurately, through my living room, but the *thwack* sound it made when hitting a tree on the other end echo'd over the entire left of my room.

The best and most jaw-dropping moment so far, though, has to be in Act 4
when you are driving Rex out of the building and all those Gekko's are blowing up in and around you.
The sheer amount of surround effects, coupled with crushing bass, was just jaw-dropping. I'm simply agog at what Kojima and the sound engineers for this game have accomplished.

Every other developer out there is going to look at what they are doing and set a torch to their own work after hearing this game.
There are only two things I wanted after playing through this game.

1) Another Metal Gear. It shouldn't be about Snake, unless it's an alternate universe like in AC!D, but I just don't want to see this system of game play and story telling to die off.

2) a remake of MGS1 with the MGS4 system. MGS1 is still my favorite story of the series, and I'd love to see it with this system, even if it lacks the octocamo suit.


Acid08 said:
He also called the people who complained about the cutscenes peasants. And after playing through MGS4 I kind of agree actually :lol

The 'peasants' line was hilarious. I need to see a .gif rendition of that!

Shane is awesome, he can be a pretentious crybaby on some podcasts, but he also has his amazing moments. His Scientology blasts are incredible.
crowphoenix said:
Going through a no kill, no alert run and am getting close to
Crying Wolf
. Any tips on this one?

This is what I did and it works perfect, but just takes a little patience. When the battle starts run over to the truck on your right and then crawl under it to where the ration is. From there tranq snipe the 2 frogs in front of you and then the one in the back just to the left of them. After a couple of seconds two more frogs will appear off to the left of the truck by the boxes tranq snipe them too. Now depending on how long the rest of the battle takes you then may wake up. If they do just re-tranq them all again. Now you play the waiting game. Crying Wolf will walk around and every once in a while you will see her in the back right by the lttle snow mounds either she will stop there and expose herself or I shot her outside with the tranq sniper and then she would stop and expose herself. When she stops shoot her with the traq sniper in her exposed face. If you can't get a clear shot from under the truck crawl out (the frogs should still be asleep) and shoot her. After the shot crawl back under the truck for protection. now rinse and repeat this method for victory. It will take 3 tranq shots to her face on easy, 4 on normal, and not sure about anything higher than that. This will get you her doll for tranqing her first form and them you can tranq her second form for the no kill victory. Hope this helps.

EDIT: Had one of the locations of the frogs wrong :/
Jeff-DSA said:
I just finished Act 1. Due to the fact that my entire weekend was devoted to re-landscaping my yard, that's I'll I could manage.

+The sound is jaw-droppingly good...just...WOW!
+Graphics (duh)
+Buy/Sell system. So streamlined and accessible
+Action/stealth balance is mine to control

-Loading is very often
-The second install pissed me off (how many of these will there be?)
-A lot of stuff is there, but nothing to explain what they are (stress levels, weird shimmering ring around snake, etc.)
Enough with the diarrhea already!

Loading yeah its kinda annoying. I actually didnt mind the installs too much cause it gives a break and tells me to stop playing NOW.

Also RTFM.
fistfulofmetal said:
Mosin Nagant

Oh, I have that. It's a life saver and my favorite gun. I was more wondering about location.

JakOfTheShadows said:
This is what I did and it works perfect, but just takes a little patience. When the battle starts run over to the truck on your right and then crawl under it to where the ration is. From there tranq snipe the 2 frogs in front of you and then the one in the back just to the left of them. After a couple of seconds two more frogs will appear off to the right of the truck by the boxes tranq snipe them too. Now depending on how long the rest of the battle takes you then may wake up. If they do just re-tranq them all again. Now you play the waiting game. Crying Wolf will walk around and every once in a while you will see her in the back right by the lttle snow mounds either she will stop there and expose herself or I shot her outside with the tranq sniper and then she would stop and expose herself. When she stops shoot her with the traq sniper in her exposed face. If you can't get a clear shot from under the truck crawl out (the frogs should still be asleep) and shoot her. After the shot crawl back under the truck for protection. now rinse and repeat this method for victory. It will take 3 tranq shots to her face on easy, 4 on normal, and not sure about anything higher than that. This will get you her doll for tranqing her first form and them you can tranq her second form for the no kill victory. Hope this helps.

Much obliged. I can do the waiting game.


there is joy in sucking dick
I really hope they release the Substance version with VR mode. I LOVE MGS VR modes.

crowphoenix said:
Oh, I have that. It's a life saver and my favorite gun. I was more wondering about location.

I beat her on Normal with that weapon. You have to pay attention to the wind direction (try to go downwind). Also you can track her footprints with the Solid Eye. When you see her, she has to be prone and ready to snipe. Just sniper her body (or if you can, her head) and you'll take off a load of Stamina.


Months and months of anticipation DID lessen the game for me in one way, and it is about the ending.

Anybody else
kind of disappointed that Snake did not die? Of course, I was kind of "WOW HOLY SHIT... erm ok" at the scene when he shot himself. I figured nobody and nothing can kill him except himself.

The twist in the end left me saying HOLY SHIT for half an hour (reading his name in the credits was an amazing baffling moment), but I guess I had pictured in my mind this great image of Kojima killing off Solid Snake, just like Coppola managed to show brilliantly, the death of Michael Corleone in the Godfather trilogy.

I make fan tributes, and I had one planned around that one event. On top of that, no editing of the MGS4 cutscenes can EVER do the game justice. They are all epic by themselves.


I haven't been reading the thread, I was was scared of running into spoilers. I beat it yesterday, and it was an amazing experience. The game is so wholly satisifying and tied up the loose ends amazingly. Like one of those great vacations when you start to feel down the last day of vacation, I started to feel it during the last act. It was an amazing game I was totally engrossed and I'm feeling a slight pang of emptiness, the crash after the rush. The gamespot review was dead on, the big downside to MGS4 is that it ends.
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