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Metal Gear Solid 4 |OT| No Place to Hide, No Time for a Legend to FoxDie

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Zeke said:
wow just beat the game what a crazy ending.
running into big boss at the very end my jaw hit the floor. I was about to shit a brick when the camera moved away from snake and all you heard was the gun shot thank you kojima for not letting it end like that.
I can't wait to start my second run. Kojima did an amazing job with this game


To me that moment just reminded me how I love the MGS series more than any other game out there.

I only finished it recently and it's the best game this generation by a mile. I loved every minute of it :)


Gold Member
Ferrio said:
If you're asking why ocelot fought snake in the end.

If I'm not mistaken Ocelot was dying from the foxdie, so he was a goner anyways. He initially fought because he was convinced he was liquid. As the fight went on he regained more of himself. He loves to fight, big boss was his rival in MGS3, and of course snake reminds him a lot of him. So before he died he had a nice brawl with Snake. Ending with the "You're kinda good" with his hand gesture

Fair enough, but all of this stuff really makes both Snake and Otacon seem not as smart as the rest of the characters, and also
de-villifies one of the greatest video game villains ever
. Coincidentally, doesn't this also make
Solidus a good guy?

All of these double and triple crosses and plot twists really make a lot of the events in MGS2 (heck, even 4) seem a little pointless. Perhaps I'm looking at it wrong, but it sort of destroys the epic desperation of some of the scenes.

I still feel a little disappointed with that aspect.
Okay I just finished that following mission in Act 3 and..

my god... big mama... that cutscene...omfg..

already my favorite game of ever now. just, wow.

Doc Evils





Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
Man, I don't know. I'm kinda dissapointed. I mean, going by mechanics it's easily the best game in the series. But some of the levels felt a bit too narrow and boring. And don't get me started on the story, they really dropped the ball there. Well, during some of the story parts you can feel that there's a great story underneath all the crappy slapstick and over the top Hollywoodesque style.

My favourite moments in the game was (do not read unless you've finished the game, obviously):
When reaching the helicopter pad in Act 3.
Introduction of Raiden.
The ending part with Big Boss, and to some extent the one with Raiden.

Worst (do not read unless you've finished the game, obviously):
EVERY FUCKING THING WITH AKIBA. He was fun as a little side character in the other games, but here he just functions like an annoying idiot.
The marriage thing at the end.
Nano-machines being the answer to everything.
Snakes constant coughing. It only took time. I mean, I get it, he's in bad shape and such. But I bet I've spent over one hour listening to him cough his way through the game.
The man cannon when boarding Outer Haven looked stupid.
Boring bosses, with Vamp and Screaming Mantis as the exceptions.

There. Just finished the game though. There is a possibility that I'll like it more the second time around, but hardly thanks to the story.


Chiggs said:
Fair enough, but all of this stuff really makes both Snake and Otacon seem not as smart as the rest of the characters, and also
de-villifies one of the greatest video game villains ever
. Coincidentally, doesn't this also make
Solidus a good guy?

I know a lot of people who never thought of Solidus as a typical "bad guy". His motives weren't evil per se, but he tried to achieve them in a shady manner. I thought the Ocelot reveal was amazing. After MGS3, it was clear that he was also not your typical cackling villain, which is why I was disappointed that Liquid seemingly assumed full control in MGS4. It was so nice to see the true Ocelot emerge in the end, and with another elaborate scheme in his baggage as usual.


shooting blanks
effingvic said:
Okay I just finished that following mission in Act 3 and..

my god... big mama... that cutscene...omfg..

already my favorite game of ever now. just, wow.

it was like the matrix having those cars go right above your head it was intense, or like that part in spider man 2 as well.....but indeed bad ass


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Seiken said:
Oh MY, nice little secret here:

Put these in instead of the
Otacon tells you to at
Shadow Moses.
You will get the Access Denied scene but afterwards you will get the bonus.

14893 100,000 DP
78925 iPod song
13462 iPod song
Just tried one, the 78925 song is called: Old L.A 2040


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
ItsInMyVeins said:
Snakes constant coughing. It only took time. I mean, I get it, he's in bad shape and such. But I bet I've spent over one hour listening to him cough his way through the game.
You have no fucking heart.


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
Seiken said:
You have no fucking heart.

All I'm saying is that they didn't have to make Snake cough so damn much. It felt like the game stood still at times, with him just coughing away. Sure, make him cough from time to time and all, but I thought it was just way too much at times.


ItsInMyVeins said:
And don't get me started on the story, they really dropped the ball there.

I agree, to a certain extent. It's TERRIBLY clear in this one Kojima had no roadmap or plan for this story. He was just making this up as he went along. Some stuff was pretty elegent in the way it tied together seperate loose ends that in their original incarnations were probably not meant to be related
like Dr. Clark being Para-medic
. Others felt contrived to a degree, even if they were cool, like
The MGS3 team being The Patriots. Outside of Zero, who I think was meant to be given his patriots and LALILULELO dialog.
. While others clearly were intended originally
Like SIGINT being Donald Anderson

Still, I think it was pretty good even considering it was make-shift and pulled from his butt at parts :).


fistfulofmetal said:
I just helped the rebels in South America take an enemy base and they destroyed a power generator inside.
What does this effect?

I think it lets you climb on the wires. Some items are only accessible by doing so.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
ItsInMyVeins said:
All I'm saying is that they didn't have to make Snake cough so damn much. It felt like the game stood still at times, with him just coughing away. Sure, make him cough from time to time and all, but I thought it was just way too much at times.
Yeah I understand what you're saying - I kinda liked the way it was shown though.


I'm late as hell but got the game one day later... this part i loved
the orginal psx 1 shadow moses heli-pad
I was lol'ing the whole time i was playing it.


Did anyone suck and die during
PSX Helipad?
? :p

I"m waiting for someone to be a tard and put MGS4 Big Boss as their icon before enough time has passed. Is there an official GAF statute of limitations on that kinda stuff?


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Torquill said:
Did anyone suck and die during
PSX Helipad?
? :p


Chiggs said:
Fair enough, but all of this stuff really makes both Snake and Otacon seem not as smart as the rest of the characters, and also
de-villifies one of the greatest video game villains ever
. Coincidentally, doesn't this also make
Solidus a good guy?

All of these double and triple crosses and plot twists really make a lot of the events in MGS2 (heck, even 4) seem a little pointless. Perhaps I'm looking at it wrong, but it sort of destroys the epic desperation of some of the scenes.

I still feel a little disappointed with that aspect.

A major theme throughout the series is that there are no good guys and bad guys in battle, only your side versus their side. "Good" and "evil" are a matter of perspective, and soldiers aren't the ones to define it. To me,
Snake v. Ocelot is not so different from Snake v. Gray Fox, or Snake v. The Boss
in the end.

As for
, from that perspective, yes, he was "good."


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
MiamiWesker said:
I don't like totally obscure codes, the code is not hidden in the game? What about people with no guide.
2008 - The Internet :)
ChrisGoldstein said:
it was like the matrix having those cars go right above your head it was intense, or like that part in spider man 2 as well.....but indeed bad ass

seriously man. just the revelations... sigint = darpa chief, para medic = woman who fixed up cyborg ninjas...god fucking damn! so goddamned amazing, that was one hell of a scene.

anything else i miss? i was too busy doing my :OOOO face to keep track of most of the things..


ItsInMyVeins said:
All I'm saying is that they didn't have to make Snake cough so damn much. It felt like the game stood still at times, with him just coughing away. Sure, make him cough from time to time and all, but I thought it was just way too much at times.

I know, right? I mean, the guy's only been through hell and back, I'd expect him to be able to keep his constant coughing down to a minimum. GOSH.


I'm probably missing something obvious, but what's the significance of the numbers Sunny is singing during the beginning of the early briefings?
NME said:
So, basically,
John, Jack and Rose's child, parallels Sunny in MGS2, except that measures were taken to ensure his safety.

there are a lot of questions about how Rose can pull this off. We have to assume Campbell helped out, knowing that John would be the ultimate trump card against Raiden, but let's be honest, how does Rose get away with faking a failed pregnancy but still give birth to a kid who looks just like Jack but nothing like Campbell? Was the kid hiding in a cellar or something for the last few years?

I think it would actually be more plausible if they set it up so the kid was living with some other family.

I'm not really convinced that she shouldn't have told Raiden though. History tells us Campbell is not exactly the most trustworthy guy. He would have sold out Rose in a second to save Meryl. All this did was make Raiden a compelling sob story emo ninja.

NME said:
Now where did (end game spoiler)
get that
new arm
from? Not that I expect an answer...until the next game (please), but I hope to find out at some point. Actually, it looked like he had lost
both arms
in his last battle, but I only recall him
cutting off his right arm to escape the rubble at Shadow Moses

vaguely makes sense; obviously his whole body (or most of it) either got resubbed back in (this is assuming his ninja body is almost entirely synthetic, but you can see the barcode presumably from his original skin on the new body, as in MGS2). Yeah, it's shocking they can really do that, but the technology advancements with RAY and Ocelot make it vaguely plausible.


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
Oh, by the way, a codec question for you guys who've completed the game and all.
You only contact two people through the entire game? Rose and Otacon? With Drebin as the exception though, since he only calls you. I was hoping to talk to a bunch of characters and getting info and useless chatter :(

Duderz said:
I know, right? I mean, the guy's only been through hell and back, I'd expect him to be able to keep his constant coughing down to a minimum. GOSH.

I'm not saying that, though.


Here is what I don't get:

ok, so Drebin gives snake the new foxdie to kill the patriots. But doesn't Drebin work for them? So did he do that on his own? Also, why are the patriots helping snake in the 1st place? They want Ocelot dead, but don't they realize he will destroy A.I.? Also correct me if I am wrong but snake only destroys part of it? There is still 3 other levels on the satellite? So why does everyone act like its all gone at the end if they never shot down the satellite?


MiamiWesker said:
Is there any explination as to why
Eva does not burn when she jumps in the fire.

made her flame retardant
. Or maybe they just didn't care since
she died anyhow.
It bugged me at the time, but I had sort of forgotten about it until you brought it up.


Durante said:
I'm probably missing something obvious, but what's the significance of the numbers Sunny is singing during the beginning of the early briefings?

Prime numbers? Didn't pay attention at the part.


there is joy in sucking dick
A weapons question
Whats the point of the bullets that illicet different emotions? Besides making PMC Soldiers freak out.

Also, I love that you can buy the Bandana and Stealth Suit from Dreben :lol :D


ItsInMyVeins said:
Oh, by the way, a codec question for you guys who've completed the game and all.
You only contact two people through the entire game? Rose and Otacon? With Drebin as the exception though, since he only calls you. I was hoping to talk to a bunch of characters and getting info and useless chatter :(

Yeah, I was majorily disappointed with the lack of codec action. I'm guessing it was a cost thing. I mean, they even had art for Colonel, but the VA costs money too. Space was also an issue I guess. Maybe there was planned for more but they had to trim some stuff.


Very small act 3 question:
Anyone know the artist whose stuff is on the wall when you meet Big Mama? I've seen it posted around here before, but I couldn't find it. It definitely isn't Shinkawa, and it looks like whoever it is, they did a piece for MGS3, and I've only seen the first.


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
Flo_Evans said:
Here is what I don't get:

ok, so Drebin gives snake the new foxdie to kill the patriots. But doesn't Drebin work for them? So did he do that on his own? Also, why are the patriots helping snake in the 1st place? They want Ocelot dead, but don't they realize he will destroy A.I.? Also correct me if I am wrong but snake only destroys part of it? There is still 3 other levels on the satellite? So why does everyone act like its all gone at the end if they never shot down the satellite?

Drebin works for them, yepp. The Patriots wanted to help Snake stop Liquid. They didn't think he'd succeed destroying all the AI's, which he does thanks to Naomis and Sunnys code.

That's how I understood it, anyways.

BlueTsunami said:
A weapons question
Whats the point of the bullets that illicet different emotions? Besides making PMC Soldiers freak out.

Also, I love that you can buy the Bandana and Stealth Suit from Dreben :lol :D

You can? Never saw any items at all at sale in his shop, only weapons and ammo :O


it's 4th of July in my asshole
Duderz said:
Very small act 3 question:
Anyone know the artist whose stuff is on the wall when you meet Big Mama? I've seen it posted around here before, but I couldn't find it. It definitely isn't Shinkawa, and it looks like whoever it is, they did a piece for MGS3, and I've only seen the first.

Yur i wouldnt mind knowing either, getting some prints of that would be F'n sweet.


Flo_Evans said:
Here is what I don't get:

ok, so Drebin gives snake the new foxdie to kill the patriots. But doesn't Drebin work for them? So did he do that on his own? Also, why are the patriots helping snake in the 1st place? They want Ocelot dead, but don't they realize he will destroy A.I.? Also correct me if I am wrong but snake only destroys part of it? There is still 3 other levels on the satellite? So why does everyone act like its all gone at the end if they never shot down the satellite?

Drebin works for Zero/The proxy AIs. So yes, The Patriots. BB, EVA, and Ocelot are essentially renegate Patriots at this point. The proxy AI wants them disposed of.

As for your second part. The ultimate victory really comes down to something kinda retarded. Sunny is hte most l33t haXXorz in the world. The Patriots (proxy AI) intend for only GW to be destroyed, since that's the one Ocelot has control of. They don't intend it to take out JD, AL, TJ, and TR as well, but FOXALIVE is too uber and kills them all.

AND just so everything us supermegahappy, Sunny is so fucking leet she can destroy the bad parts of the AI while still leaving the primary systems needed for utilities, communications, etc... so that modern civilization doesn't collapse :p
Torquill said:
Yeah, I was majorily disappointed with the lack of codec action. I'm guessing it was a cost thing. I mean, they even had art for Colonel, but the VA costs money too. Space was also an issue I guess. Maybe there was planned for more but they had to trim some stuff.

Same here. My only real gripe with the game.


Torquill said:
I agree, to a certain extent. It's TERRIBLY clear in this one Kojima had no roadmap or plan for this story. He was just making this up as he went along. Some stuff was pretty elegent in the way it tied together seperate loose ends that in their original incarnations were probably not meant to be related
like Dr. Clark being Para-medic
. Others felt contrived to a degree, even if they were cool, like
The MGS3 team being The Patriots. Outside of Zero, who I think was meant to be given his patriots and LALILULELO dialog.
. While others clearly were intended originally
Like SIGINT being Donald Anderson

of course it was a bit contrived, but I have to cut Kojima a little slack given the length of time spent on a single game and the amount of time in between games. It would be hard to map out the entire series when so much time is spent on a single game.

But I felt he did a good job in making every game in the series feel relevant and connected. Before there was always this big gap in between Metal Gears 1 and 2 and Metal Gear Solid, as well as MGS3 and the rest of the series.

But yeah the codec was my biggest disappointment. It was pretty much worthless.


there is joy in sucking dick
ItsInMyVeins said:
You can? Never saw any items at all at sale in his shop, only weapons and ammo :O

When you play through the game again, you can buy them for the two guns that normally use Tranqs. Basically alternate bullets.

Are you talking about the other items? If your doing a replaythrough (with Cleared Data) their in the Items section
their 5,000,000 Points though :lol . Its easier to just play on Liquid Easy and go No Alert, No Kill

Also, I'm reading up on the Cheats on Gamefaqs and :lol at the choice of ingame iPod music and some of the effects they can have on the PMC Soldiers.


On my second playthrough, and I think this is a wonderful game.

Did anyone else get tingles down their spine after
Snake got burnt and bashed at the end of Act 3 and basically screamed out 'OOTTACCCOOONNN!!!!' in desperation as the little Mk. II came whizzing through the flames. I thought that was just amazing, and really made me feel for snake.

I actually think that is the game's greatest achievement - Snake is a full on CHARACTER in MGS4, and he feels like a real person and not just a Snake Plisskin doppelganger. The way he coughs, laughs, talks to Sunny, gets injured, seeing him sleep/rest in the Nomad, etc, by the end of the game I just believed in Snake, unlike at the end of past Metal Gear games where he remained a cool archetype.


ItsInMyVeins said:
Drebin works for them, yepp. The Patriots wanted to help Snake stop Liquid. They didn't think he'd succeed destroying all the AI's, which he does thanks to Naomis and Sunnys code.

That's how I understood it, anyways.

You can? Never saw any items at all at sale in his shop, only weapons and ammo :O

OK yeah that makes sense. I was getting sleepy when all that shit went down so I got kind of confused. :lol

Torquill, yeah that makes sense that the
A.I. is basically trying to kill the remaining patriots that have "gone off the reservation" like BB and EVA.

As for codec calls, can't you call Drebin for info on weapons and items? Cambel and Raiden also have a frequency but I don't know if you can call them at random points I never tried.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Sidzed2 said:
On my second playthrough, and I think this is a wonderful game.

Did anyone else get tingles down their spine after Snake got burnt and bashed at the end of Act 3 and basically screamed out 'OOTTACCCOOONNN!!!!' in desperation as the little Mk. II came whizzing through the flames. I thought that was just amazing, and really made me feel for snake.
Uh, spoiler?


MiamiWesker said:
I don't like totally obscure codes, the code is not hidden in the game? What about people with no guide.
One of those codes was
drebin's codec frequency.
Very obscure but the data is there in the game.


I should stop playing now...

Whenever something bad happens (like spilling juice on my bed), I start talking to myself with a pissed off Old Snake voice, calling Otacon on codec.

I think my tv is degrading at a rapid pace, does the radar show up this crisp on everyones tv:

I gots a rear pro CRT so its pretty blurry, I cant see the pixels at all, only when there is a lot of activity on it, than i can slightly see it.


So here's a random funny story. I made a $100 bet with my room mate that Big Boss would be alive. I didn't know if he'd play a major part or a cameo or what, but since no modern MGS player who never played the old ones had EVER met old Big Boss, I just knew they'd find a way to bring him back and put him end.

When the pyx thing started up my room mate was like "okay, that shit doesn't count he's like...a corpse. But I told him, dude, there's no way they're gonna treat BB like that. THat's probably fucking Solidus or some shit. (called that shit!)

Well when the credits started rolling I was like, well shit. I'm out $100. I lose, gdit.

Then the Big Boss comes up, and i'm like. Wait a sec! Holy crap, did I miss something really aweesome in the game? Wait...it's seperate...it's freezing on the middle of the screen, holy shit it's fading on it They're about to show him!!! WOOOOO!!!!
Does anybody have a picture of

ending spoiler

Big Boss at the end? A good screenshot or capture or whatever. Just for my own personal use, I'm not cruel enough to make an avatar of him or anything
Seiken said:
Oh MY, nice little secret here:

Put these in instead of the
Otacon tells you to at
Shadow Moses.
You will get the Access Denied scene but afterwards you will get the bonus.

14893 100,000 DP
78925 iPod song
13462 iPod song

Thanks or the tip.
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