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Metal Gear Solid 4 |OT| No Place to Hide, No Time for a Legend to FoxDie

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the johnny/merl relationship sucks, they should have done it better

there were alot of awkward scenes and cheesy dialogs, some of the dialogs just felt like it was said over and over again and some scene dragged out too damn long
the scene when the US military intervene at europe to take down ocelot's boat, the way they deploy too so damn long i almost fell asleep, also the big boss scene, he just wouldn't die, what the hell lol
, probably due to the length of the story and cutscenes
About the last fight..
Ocelot knew he was going to die, he just wanted to have a fight again with the man he admired (BB) as Snake is a clone he could relive being with BB again before his death, the fight doesnt kill Ocelot it was the new FoxDie.

That seems unlikely,
because you trade blows with Ocelot in Eastern Europe. Why would it wait until quite some time later?

womfalcs3 said:
Also, I just got a 1000 bonus Drebin points after
I approached a matted down grassy area resembling a circular shape
. What was this?

Every time you
hear background flashback voiceovers, if you wait out the entirety without pausing, you will get 1000 drebin points per. Why Drebin rewards you for nostalgia though...hrm...


To the guy who said "This game starts off on PS3 and ends up on PS4". I don't think truer words have been spoken on GAF.

Act 4 is mindblowing, the nostalgia is overwhelming.


El-Suave said:
One of the questions after I have after the credits rolled concern Naomi:

What is her relationship with vamp exactly? They're both being kept alive by nanomachines but that can't be the whole explanation of how close she seems to be to him, can it?

Ferrio said:
I'm guessing it's because of that, and that she "created" him. Who knows what other freaky shit went on though

I could think of some sick and twisted shit. Like, killing each other as they orgasm only to come back to life. Weiiiirdness.


The Everyman
MercuryLS said:
To the guy who said "This game starts off on PS3 and ends up on PS4". I don't think truer words have been spoken on GAF.

Act 4 is mindblowing, the nostalgia is overwhelming.
i was just thinking that as I read the comment above yours.

The absolute last game play segment isn't just gorgeous, it's cinematic as hell.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Omikaru said:
Holy shit, I was playing Act 3 on my third play through and
I lost track of the resistance guy, so I switched my NV on to see him. And there he was, crossing the road, but from the doorway where he came from, another figure was peeking around the corner. I couldn't make it out at first, but then I noticed the hat - it was the three Dwarf Gekkos/Scarabs in the longcoat and top hat that appear in the later cutscene, stalking me/the resistance guy!


It's the little touches that make the gameplay in this top notch.
Wow... !


-COOLIO- said:
1. MGS 4

2. MGS
3. MGS 3
4. MGS 2

for me
Hmm... for me it'd probably be:

1. MGS2
2. MGS
3. MGS4
4. MGS3

I'm a bigger fan of Metal Gear's plots, with gameplay taking a back seat for me. But on gameplay alone, MGS4 rules supreme.


Gold Member
NME said:
A major theme throughout the series is that there are no good guys and bad guys in battle, only your side versus their side. "Good" and "evil" are a matter of perspective, and soldiers aren't the ones to define it. To me,
Snake v. Ocelot is not so different from Snake v. Gray Fox, or Snake v. The Boss
in the end.

As for
, from that perspective, yes, he was "good."

I'm just going to play through it again and pay extra close attention to the storyline. I'll give it a few days and reflect on it, but geez, knocking down the fourth wall isn't always advisable, and in a lot of cases actually shows weakness on the storyteller's side of things.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Dunno, at the moment it feels like MGS4 = MGS2 >>> MGS3 > MGS1
Omikaru said:
Holy shit, I was playing Act 3 on my third play through and
I lost track of the resistance guy, so I switched my NV on to see him. And there he was, crossing the road, but from the doorway where he came from, another figure was peeking around the corner. I couldn't make it out at first, but then I noticed the hat - it was the three Dwarf Gekkos/Scarabs in the longcoat and top hat that appear in the later cutscene, stalking me/the resistance guy!

I accidentally caught a picture of that. I posted it earlier in the thread, but here it is again for anyone who's interested. Act 3 spoilers:
Omikaru said:
Holy shit, I was playing Act 3 on my third play through and
I lost track of the resistance guy, so I switched my NV on to see him. And there he was, crossing the road, but from the doorway where he came from, another figure was peeking around the corner. I couldn't make it out at first, but then I noticed the hat - it was the three Dwarf Gekkos/Scarabs in the longcoat and top hat that appear in the later cutscene, stalking me/the resistance guy!


It's the little touches that make the gameplay in this top notch.

Holy shit! I had no freakin idea :lol They reminded me of those guys from Howl's Moving Castle. So Miyazaki-like~


Omikaru said:
Holy shit, I was playing Act 3 on my third play through and
I lost track of the resistance guy, so I switched my NV on to see him. And there he was, crossing the road, but from the doorway where he came from, another figure was peeking around the corner. I couldn't make it out at first, but then I noticed the hat - it was the three Dwarf Gekkos/Scarabs in the longcoat and top hat that appear in the later cutscene, stalking me/the resistance guy!


It's the little touches that make the gameplay in this top notch.

I also found that, right before he goes into the park, there's a ladder over to the side you can go up..I went up and they were peeking around the corner. Snapped a pic of em. It's in the MG4 pics thread.

Edit: Seems I wasn't the only one.


Crystal Bearer
Omikaru said:
Holy shit, I was playing Act 3 on my third play through and
I lost track of the resistance guy, so I switched my NV on to see him. And there he was, crossing the road, but from the doorway where he came from, another figure was peeking around the corner. I couldn't make it out at first, but then I noticed the hat - it was the three Dwarf Gekkos/Scarabs in the longcoat and top hat that appear in the later cutscene, stalking me/the resistance guy!


It's the little touches that make the gameplay in this top notch.

Wow, I never noticed that... kind of scary :X
Omikaru said:
Nice! When I saw it initially on my play through, it totally creeped me out. Sent a shiver down my spine.:D

I thought it was a glitch or something and forgot about it until after I beat the game and looked at my pictures. When I realized what it was I chuckled.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Lion Heart said:
You sure its not point specific? Only changes when you enter point "X"

I sat around in the area where you first get the Mk. II and the room got really dark and then a few min later got bright again. Could be something overhead or something, but I noticed it.


IamMattFox said:
I thought it was a glitch or something and forgot about it until after I beat the game and looked at my pictures. When I realized what it was I chuckled.
My first thought was a glitch until I noticed the hat. I should've known better from KojiPro that those sort of glitches would be spotted.


mr stroke said:
to anyone thats finished the game-

Do you think there will be a part 5? I thought Kojima said this would be the last Metal Gear, but I cant imagine Sony wouldn't moneyhat him to death for a part 5.
Snake is still alive, does this leave the door open for something else?

As a few other folks have said, if there was a part five anytime soon
I'd expect it to be a prequel.

That said, one thing that immediately peaked my interest as far as a possible story to expand on
was in Act 3 when Big Mama/Eva explained how Big Boss, and later the other founding Patriots members, split from Zero when their interpretations of The Boss' ideals changed and Zero's obsession with power began. It'd be cool to see that play out and watch Outer Heaven form.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
IamMattFox said:
I accidentally caught a picture of that. I posted it earlier in the thread, but here it is again for anyone who's interested. Act 3 spoilers:

Q, is that you?!


So if I'm trying to do a no alert run, does it count if a guy goes into alert, but I take him down with CQC before he can radio anyone?


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Y2Kev said:
Anyone notice the game has a sun cycle a la Assassin's Creed?
Lion Heart said:
You sure its not point specific? Only changes when you enter point "X"
No, he's right. You can stay in the same map for quite some time in act 2 and in the end the sun will show up :)

Dartastic said:
So if I'm trying to do a no alert run, does it count if a guy goes into alert, but I take him down with CQC before he can radio anyone?
Yes, even a split-second alert counts as one. Caution is fully acceptable though.
I think most of you will go back to thinking MGS3 your favorite after a little while. Your all on a high. I cried for the Boss at the end of snake eater. After i beat 4...i was taking notes.

Anyway, Is there an easy wasy to skip the first portion of act 3 or am i forced to follow the guy?


Y2Kev said:
I sat around in the area where you first get the Mk. II and the room got really dark and then a few min later got bright again. Could be something overhead or something, but I noticed it.

I actually wanted to ask about this

I noticed that where you meet Rat Patrol, in some corners and stairs, if you move your camera around, the screen darkens or brightens depending on where your camera is....it is very weird...I thought it was uncomfortable to see it happen when I moved around but then I got used to it again


Dartastic said:
So if I'm trying to do a no alert run, does it count if a guy goes into alert, but I take him down with CQC before he can radio anyone?
Yes. You can only have caution. As soon as the little box at the top says "Alert", you've blown it.

My advice, save a lot so you don't have to roll back your game too much.


The Everyman
Gamer @ Heart said:
I think most of you will go back to thinking MGS3 your favorite after a little while. Your all on a high. I cried for the Boss at the end of snake eater. After i beat 4...i was taking notes.

Anyway, Is there an easy wasy to skip the first portion of act 3 or am i forced to follow the guy?

and i balled my eyes out at the end of mgs4.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Gamer @ Heart said:
I think most of you will go back to thinking MGS3 your favorite after a little while. Your all on a high. I cried for the Boss at the end of snake eater. After i beat 4...i was taking notes.
Nah, that's definitely not the case when it comes to MGS4.


Omikaru said:
Holy shit, I was playing Act 3 on my third play through and
I lost track of the resistance guy, so I switched my NV on to see him. And there he was, crossing the road, but from the doorway where he came from, another figure was peeking around the corner. I couldn't make it out at first, but then I noticed the hat - it was the three Dwarf Gekkos/Scarabs in the longcoat and top hat that appear in the later cutscene, stalking me/the resistance guy!


It's the little touches that make the gameplay in this top notch.


what the hell, I thought I was trippoing for a second when I saw that but I just wrote it off :lol

I <3 Kojima

Gamer @ Heart said:
I think most of you will go back to thinking MGS3 your favorite after a little while. Your all on a high. I cried for the Boss at the end of snake eater. After i beat 4...i was taking notes.

Anyway, Is there an easy wasy to skip the first portion of act 3 or am i forced to follow the guy?

Nope, I haven't even beat the game and I am on Act 4 and I have to say this is one of the best games I ever played in life. IMO.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
This game oozes cool and is greatly improved over the previous 3D installments, but it's really starting to piss me off.

First, the A.I is just retarded. For example, I was in South America and I capped what had to be at least 60 PMC soldiers in their heads with an M4 in the space of a few minutes. The militia guys were cheering and complimenting me the whole time. Anyway, I finished off the last wave of reinforcements with a gun emplacement. After the PMC guys stopped coming, I waited a minute to see if more would come. During this time, the militia guys were just milling around next to me. The instant I let go of the gun emplacement with the triangle button, one of them said something like, "What? Who's that?", then another said, "Enemy!", and they started shooting at me. I just threw my controller down in disgust and let them kill me.

Second, during this same fight, I noticed that a lot of PMC soldiers were coming out of a hole in the ground, and I thought they had some sort of Vietcong-style tunnel network. After many spawns from this hole, I decided to just rush their position. What did I find? The guys were coming out of a hole about six feet long, four feet wide, and one foot deep.
At least fifteen fucking guys came out of this hole, and it was big enough for two people to fight in, and big enough for about four people to squeeze into, but not be able to move.
It reminded me of a clown car in a circus. Such bullshit.
I was just messing around experimenting with the weapons, and I must have killed about a million guys in act 2. And I was sneaking around a shed, suddenly Snake keels over starts vomiting while an audio clip says ''you enjoy all the killing, that's why!''. I think it was Liquid's voice.

It's little details like this that make me love this series.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Gamer @ Heart said:
So following the resistence memeber is mandatory?

Also, any tips for going non lethal on the chase? I can imagine its going to be hard.

Use the colored grenades you can buy from Drebin on your second playthrough to quickly dispose of the guards on the streets.


Linkzg said:
Does anyone have a picture of (act 4 spoilers)
the faces on Outer Haven?
Courtesy of poster ShimSham from the Something Awful forums:

Act IV spoiler



And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
tha_con said:
Do the
parts count against your No alerts
Wow, never thought of that :lol


Gamer @ Heart said:
I think most of you will go back to thinking MGS3 your favorite after a little while. Your all on a high. I cried for the Boss at the end of snake eater. After i beat 4...i was taking notes.
Hmm, MGS3 was never my favourite MGS (and MGS4 isn't either), but I'd have to go out and say that 4 is better than 3 in general. MGS3's gameplay was broken in so many ways. All the other games served their purposes gameplay wise except 3. But story-wise, I think 3 has MGS4's number.

tha_con said:
Do the
parts count against your No alerts
Nope. I was worried about that, but I finished that bit today, looked at my stats at the end of Act 4 and I still had 0 alerts after
getting caught in the MGS1 part


I'm on my 2nd playthrough so I'm exploring more,
anybody else decide not to follow the correct set of footprints during the Naomi tracking section of Act II? The bra and the cassette player were awesome touches :D
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