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Metal Gear Solid 4 |OT| No Place to Hide, No Time for a Legend to FoxDie

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And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
So what happens if you die in


_leech_ said:
It's a dream so I guess it would just end.

You just continue from the beginning again until you beat it. I actually died.. since it confused the hell outta me and i just went rambo


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
revolverjgw said:
A time paradox, Snake fades away, game over in MGS4, and your save data is erased.
I must be tired, because I laughed reading that :lol
I still think Acts 1 and 2 are the best and playing through act 2 again only reinforced that idea. I went through an entirly different rounte past the power station that i didnt even realize were there. I only found them because 2 guards who werent there on solid normal, basicly forced me to go that way.


controls-wise, MGS4 is unbeaten in its own series, but in terms of the overall experience, I find it really hard to try to figure out which game I liked best.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Ferrio said:
You just continue from the beginning again until you beat it. I actually died.. since it confused the hell outta me and i just went rambo
Can you even go rambo in MGS1? :lol


Farnack said:
Did Mister Payton ever say how often the MGS4 integral podcast will release?
I don't believe he did. Though I would expect the next Podcast to show up on Thursday with some new info. We'll see.


wtf @ 2 hours of scheduled maintenance on a Monday evening. By the time its back up I'll be going to bed. Who's the douchebag who chose this time slot? >:O.

EDIT: Probably the wrong thread for this.
duckroll said:
There are 4 passwords that have been figured out so far afaik.
Use the first name of each of the names the Patriots AI systems are named after - abraham, george, theodore, thomas. Each unlocks a piece of iPod music.
Nice. Although when I entered them it said incorrect but then I hit back and got the music.


Reznor said:
Here you go.


Awesome. Do we know who did this, and didn't they also do one for the original? I'm assuming there's also one for MGS2, and hopefully soon, MGS4.


Gamer @ Heart said:
I think most of you will go back to thinking MGS3 your favorite after a little while.

What if 3 was never my favorite, and in fact is my least favorite in the series? Will I magically start loving it soon?


MGS3 is nice in that its ending was fairly neat and compact, with reasonable pacing, and a reasonable set-the-controller-down ending.

MGS4 tries to do a lot, and I swear, the game ends like... 5 times. Its the videogame equivalent to the LOTR extended edition w/ deleted scenes actually implemented into the game.

But as an MGS fan, how can I complain?

But yeah, I cried a lot :(

but seriously, where's this "voice of god"?


Ephemeris said:
According to my guide, no.

Just started Act 5. Act 4 was simply amazing from start to finish.

rofl. I guess I should have checked here, just got done retrying like 4 times before I finally got it...I guess I forgot how much you have to look around in MGS1 :lol


Gamer @ Heart said:
I think most of you will go back to thinking MGS3 your favorite after a little while. Your all on a high. I cried for the Boss at the end of snake eater. After i beat 4...i was taking notes.

Anyway, Is there an easy wasy to skip the first portion of act 3 or am i forced to follow the guy?
That's not possible due to the fact that MGS4 is the greatest game I have ever played. That's no hype induced answer either, it's a fact of my life.


Will drop pants for Sony.
Does anyone know where I can find some Yoji Shinkawa MGS4 artwork? If anyone has the July 2008 issue of GameInformer, on page 80 there is an awesome piece of art with Meryl, Snake and Raiden. Anyone know where I can Shinkawa's MGS4 sketches and artwork? Thanks


Finished the game,
I'm best described as a #14, Hawk - Soldiers who received much praise from fellow soldiers fighting PMC's.

Got a bunch of other ones too.

This is one of the best games I've ever played (easily the best MGS game), and quite honestly, I was expecting MGS4 to be overrated because of all the hype. However, I didn't say anything because I figured I'd make some people angry, but it also looks like I would have made a fool of myself :D But, really, it is one of the few games that will live up to excessive hype. Up there with FFVII and the various other gems we've had the pleasure of playing over the years. Games this awesome are rare.

The end of the story confused me a bit, just when I thought I had a grasp on everything that was going on... I'll have to read up on some stuff, perhaps some people here can explain it :p


Darkpen said:
MGS4 tries to do a lot, and I swear, the game ends like... 5 times. Its the videogame equivalent to the LOTR extended edition w/ deleted scenes actually implemented into the game.
Cool, because I watched LOTR extended as many times as there are audio commentaries. I believe that would be like 5 times and then you include the documentaries.


Farnack said:
Cool, because I watched LOTR extended as many times as there are audio commentaries. I believe that would be like 5 times and then you include the documentaries.

Me too. Those audio commentaries were amazing. To me if you are going to end a series. Give me all the answer. We have stayed for this long why end it early?


Cool little side note from act 4:

When in the Nuke storage area B2 (where you fight Gray Fox) you can use the MK II to shock the living shit out of the Gekko by turning on the electric floor. Awesome!


Gamer @ Heart said:
I keep askin but no one seems to answer :p

Is tailing the resistance member mandatory or could i simply run to the headquarters?

It's mandatory. Though if you use your signal interceptor you can start tailing him later in the level.


Gamer @ Heart said:
I keep askin but no one seems to answer :p

Is tailing the resistance member mandatory or could i simply run to the headquarters?

Mandatory. I tried just running to HQ. He has to show up to unlock the door.
OK so I beat this game yesterday. I must say this is the best MGS ever and pretty much the best game I've ever played.

I was hoping someone can sort of explain why
last fight with liquid/ocelot his right arm is all metal? I didn't really understand that part of the story

Also I'm a little miffed about the ambiguity of the last part of Snake's
story, meaning they don't really say if he will cause the epidemic or not, and they don't say how long he has to live. It really reminds me of the ending in Metal Gear Solid


Wow. Just finished first playthrough. It's going to take a little time to digest it all. Amazing experience is all I can come up with for now.

tha_con said:
Cool little side note from act 4:

When in the Nuke storage area B2 (where you fight Gray Fox) you can use the MK II to shock the living shit out of the Gekko by turning on the electric floor. Awesome!
Yeah, I thought that was pretty cool.


Solideliquid said:
OK so I beat this game yesterday. I must say this is the best MGS ever and pretty much the best game I've ever played.

I was hoping someone can sort of explain why
last fight with liquid/ocelot his right arm is all metal? I didn't really understand that part of the story

I'm assuming it was because he initially grafted Liquids arm onto himself to trick the Patriots and everyone into believing that Liquid had taken over and since that phase of the plan was over he replaced it with something better.

Solideliquid said:
Also I'm a little miffed about the ambiguity of the last part of Snake's
story, meaning they don't really say if he will cause the epidemic or not, and they don't say how long he has to live. It really reminds me of the ending in Metal Gear Solid

The new foxdie that Drebin injected into Snake killed the old foxdie virus correct? So I think he's no longer infected. He still has a couple months or maybe a year to live though as he was made that way. Natural life cycle of a clone.
Cartman86 said:
The new foxdie that Drebin injected into Snake killed the old foxdie virus correct? So I think he's no longer infected. He still has a couple months or maybe a year to live though as he was made that way. Natural life cycle of a clone.

You mean the Patriots decided to erase the old FoxDie virus so that Snake could live a little longer and finish his mission? If that is so... is this what kills Big Boss in the end?


Cartman86 said:
I'm assuming it was because he initially grafted Liquids arm onto himself to trick the Patriots and everyone into believing that Liquid had taken over and since that phase of the plan was over he replaced it with something better.

The new foxdie that Drebin injected into Snake killed the old foxdie virus correct? So I think he's no longer infected. He still has a couple months or maybe a year to live though as he was made that way. Natural life cycle of a clone.

I thought they say Drebin wasn't responsible for the new foxdie virus?


regarding Vamp:
so are we to believe that the nanomachines that heal him are also resposible for his awesome agility, ability to smell blood, run on water, etc? the cyborg ninjas are going through a lot of trouble if all it takes is a simple nanomachine injection...


Snaku said:
Finished it about an hour ago. Probably the best video game I'll play in my lifetime.

Are you on your deathbed? Because if not, games are a medium that are getting progressively better all the time, so Id be hard pressed to believe that most of you who are already proclaiming this the best game EVAR after being out less than a week wont be calling something else the new best game ever in 2 years or so.


The Everyman
Snaku said:
Finished it about an hour ago. Probably the best video game I'll play in my lifetime.
same here, its amazing how so many can unanimously agree on this being the best game ever.

it was a truly amazing, and inspiring experience for me.
You know.... people across the internet have been arguing over MGS's appeal being: A - Story, B - Gameplay, or C - Art (and of course any combination...). Frankly, I think they're all wrong.

The Metal Gear Solid series is all about the relationship between we, the players, and the game itself. Sure, the characters have amazing depth and personality and interact so believably to create an amazing story for us all to enjoy. And sure, Kojima continues to amaze with the many inventive ways of getting through missions whether using fancy weaponry or stealthy tactics that put most games to shame. And while Kojima under estimates the definition of "art", I truly believe the art in question is that connection to the game we all share.

Think about it, all the fourth wall hijinks aren't just there to be there. They include us in the game. Messing with our controllers. Reading our memory cards. The constant mentioning of war being like a videogame. Simulations of Snake. Ghosts of soldiers you yourself had killed appear and haunt you. And in MGS4
flashing us back to MGS1 using the OG Playstation's graphics and filling us with nostalgia by including older theme songs. Also, the final battle with the changing health bars and music based on which game it represents.
What other game can compare? What other medium can have this sort of grasp on us, the audience?

This is why I think we all love MGS so much. This is also why I feel a movie adaption would not work. What, will Psycho Mantis look at the camera and guess that people are eating popcorn and candy. Will he make some kind of witty remark about the exit signs in the front and rear of the auditorium? Not the same haha.
Why is it that in most reviews of this game, nobody really spends time talking about MGO? I mean, it's not exactly a quick diversion like Snake Vs. Monkey, but a full fledged multiplayer option. I hate how it gets overlooked, since it adds significantly to the lifespan of the game.

I don't even think most people even know about it. A friend of mine came over, and he was like "there's multiplayer in MGS!?! WTF?"



The Everyman
Solo said:
Are you on your deathbed? Because if not, games are a medium that are getting progressively better all the time, so Id be hard pressed to believe that most of you who are already proclaiming this the best game EVAR after being out less than a week wont be calling something else the new best game ever in 2 years or so.
personally, im mature enough to know my favorites when i experience them. I don't need time for it to sink in.

I agree that games get better over time but due to the artistry, it might survive as my favorite game for a long time despite rising budgets and technical advances.
Some notes about The Patriots:
After I had re-watched the Act 3 cut-scenes, I did some thinking about how The System works and what Big Boss' role is within the system. Big Boss was the biggest asset to the Patriots, and more importantly to Zero, he was his best friend. After Big Boss had left the Patriots, Zero was disheartened with humanity and felt their would never be anyone that he could pass on the Patriot's too. Feeling this way, he decided to create the AIs using the data he collected in order to run the Patriots' in his vision beyond his death. He then creates The System, but before he is done with the Patriots, he puts Big Boss in the center of The System. After all, he was the symbol of the Patriot's and Zero wanted to cement his role as the symbol of the Patriot's. In order for anyone from the outside to access the System they had to go through Big Boss by having his genetics and his biometrics(Big Boss had to be alive). Zero felt that if their was no Big Boss, the Patriot's meant nothing: that is why the System was built around Big Boss.

When GW was destroyed during the events of MGS2, JD added him to the blacklist so that GW, if recreated, could not access The System from the outside due to it being compromised. However, if GW were to ever get back into the network, he would still resume his position with The System. This created a loophole in the system. If someone could find a way to get GW back inside The System, then that person could gain control of The System itself by destroying JD, because GW was second in command.

Ocelot realized that this loophole in The System would allow him to gain access to The System and give him a chance to destroy it. Acting under the guise of trying to take control of The Patriots, Ocelot began the preparations required to hijack The System. In order to do this he needed to procure the remains of Big Boss. After securing the remains, he was able to access The System and put GW inside JD, allowing him control of The System. Now that he was in The System, Big Boss was not needed anymore. That is why he seemingly destroys the remains of Big Boss. Ocelot had now created the entry point into The System that Solid Snake needed to get in and destroy it. Ocelot's part was now complete, and all that was left for him to do was to continue to hide his true intentions from The Patriot's, and hope that Naomi could create the virus that would destroy The System and hope that Solid Snake could deliver it into the heart of Outer Haven in which GW was located.

The stage for the greatest deception against The Patriots was set. The Patriots even managed to help in their own demise. The Patriot's never expected Sunny to create a virus that could destroy the whole system, they thought that they were only going to destroy GW, which would have been an acceptable loss in order to insure the integrity of the system. That's why they assigned Drebin to provide Solid Snake with weapons, and Rat Pt 01 to provide him with backup. They needed Solid Snake's help to destroy GW and stop Liquid's insurrection in order to protect themselves. They never expected Sunny to make FOXALIVE so robust that it took down the whole network.
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