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Metal Gear Solid 4 |OT| No Place to Hide, No Time for a Legend to FoxDie

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Not sure if this has been said before, but damn, the details in this game are amazing. Every time I'm about to turn off the game I just go on a killing spree and I was using a customized gun with a flash light this time around. I ran into a group of enemies which I didn't get to see until we were face to face, so I pulled out my gun with the flash light right in their face and they got blinded by it :lol I love this game.


-COOLIO- said:
personally, im mature enough to know my favorites when i experience them. I don't need time for it to sink in.

I know a great game/a favorite when I play it too, but where is the chance to step back and evaluate it later on after you get some time to reflect on the game if you're labelling it best thing ever straight away? I think an important test for games, just like for movies and books, is the test of time. How will it hold up in 5 years?


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
After my experiences with the buggy A.I., I decided to take a new approach to the game... kill everything that moves. Unfortunately, it seems that the militia guys have literally unlimited respawns.
I went on a Rambo-style rampage in a clearing, buying fucktons of bullets with Drebin Points. I killed over 2,000 people (all militia except 20 or so) before I got bored. I got that "You like killing, don't you?" (or whatever it says... it's fucking raspy) message many times, lol.
Maybe I won't stick with this one after all... /sigh


TAJ said:
After my experiences with the buggy A.I., I decided to take a new approach to the game... kill everything that moves. Unfortunately, it seems that the militia guys have literally unlimited respawns.
I went on a Rambo-style rampage in a clearing, buying fucktons of bullets with Drebin Points. I killed over 2,000 people (all militia except 20 or so) before I got bored. I got that "You like killing, don't you?" (or whatever it says... it's fucking raspy) message many times, lol.
Maybe I won't stick with this one after all... /sigh
They'll keep on coming until you move up to a certain spot in some of the pitched battles. Otherwise sometimes you can get away with killing all the PMC's to progress the game forward.
One thing i'm curious about Meryl and her squad after watching an old trailer, but
did they ever call the team Foxhound? The old trailer had her saying "we're the new foxhound", but I don't recall that after playing the game.


TAJ said:
After my experiences with the buggy A.I., I decided to take a new approach to the game... kill everything that moves. Unfortunately, it seems that the militia guys have literally unlimited respawns.
I went on a Rambo-style rampage in a clearing, buying fucktons of bullets with Drebin Points. I killed over 2,000 people (all militia except 20 or so) before I got bored. I got that "You like killing, don't you?" (or whatever it says... it's fucking raspy) message many times, lol.
Maybe I won't stick with this one after all... /sigh
Buggy AI? Whats buggy about it? You kill a few PMCs in front of rebel/militia forces and they befriend you. Either that or help create an environmental advantage by blowing up/deactivating something. All the enemies or others seem to have decent behavior.


Solo said:
Are you on your deathbed? Because if not, games are a medium that are getting progressively better all the time, so Id be hard pressed to believe that most of you who are already proclaiming this the best game EVAR after being out less than a week wont be calling something else the new best game ever in 2 years or so.

Just my own personal reaction. Not only was the game phenominal, but it was the culmination of a decades worth of anticipation. It's really the video game equivalent of the Star Wars Prequel Trilogy. Only where the Prequel Trilogy dissappointed, Metal Gear Solid 4 continuosly surprised and exceeded my hopes and expectations. I sincerely doubt any game will be in a position to elicit this kind of reaction from me again.

Who knows though, Beyond Good & Evil 2 is coming...
Linkzg said:
One thing i'm curious about Meryl and her squad after watching an old trailer, but
did they ever call the team Foxhound? The old trailer had her saying "we're the new foxhound", but I don't recall that after playing the game.

Yeah I don't remember this also. I also don't remember that cutscene from E3 where Snake coughs and injects himself while looking UP right into the camera. Remember this scene from E3 where he uses the SolidEye and afterwords (while meeting up with Mk II) uses a nearby fire to light his cigarette?


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Teknoman said:
Buggy AI? Whats buggy about it? You kill a few PMCs in front of rebel/militia forces and they befriend you.

And then they randomly shoot you in the back later. They seem to do it about every fourth zone or so. I'd rather just kill them and eliminate that possibility, but w/e.


The Everyman
Solo said:
I know a great game/a favorite when I play it too, but where is the chance to step back and evaluate it later on after you get some time to reflect on the game if you're labelling it best thing ever straight away? I think an important test for games, just like for movies and books, is the test of time. How will it hold up in 5 years?
the chance comes later i guess? But whats wrong with calling it the best game ever both now and later?

As for games standing the test of time, they dont really do that as well as books, movies and music. technology doesnt rock those 3 like it does games. The best we can do for games is compare the experience we felt when we first played through the game to the experiences we feel when we play through the cutting edge games of today.

I figure thats how we do it since OoT has been a lot of peoples favorite game even up to today despite the fact that it is outdated technically and if it were released today on the wii at $60, it probably score lets say... a 1.4 on ign?

So i'm saying mgs4 is the best experience/most fun I've had playing a game and that will probably be true for a long time even if the game is outdated in 5 or so years.


The Everyman
TAJ said:
And then they randomly shoot you in the back later. They seem to do it about every fourth zone or so. I'd rather just kill them and eliminate that possibility, but w/e.
what? maybe you made the same mistake as me and accidentally shot some allies


there is joy in sucking dick
Y2Kev said:
I'm willing to bet money on it.

But with Kojima out of the picture, I'm not sure it will be a stealth game. I really see Ninja Gaidenish action. :D

With Itagaki leaving Tecmo, this needs to fucking happen


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
-COOLIO- said:
what? maybe you made the same mistake as me and accidentally shot some allies

Never. Did you read my post on the last page? I gave a more detailed example. In that instance, when they turned on me I hadn't used a weapon in over a minute.
The first time it happened was in their hideout in Act 1. They were cool at first while I walked through, but about halfway in they went apeshit for no apparent reason.


snack said:
Some notes about The Patriots:
Ocelot realized that this loophole in The System would allow him to gain access to The System and give him a chance to destroy it. Acting under the guise of trying to take control of The Patriots, Ocelot began the preparations required to hijack The System. In order to do this he needed to procure the remains of Big Boss. After securing the remains, he was able to access The System and put GW inside JD, allowing him control of The System. Now that he was in The System, Big Boss was not needed anymore. That is why he seemingly destroys the remains of Big Boss. Ocelot had now created the entry point into The System that Solid Snake needed to get in and destroy it. Ocelot's part was now complete, and all that was left for him to do was to continue to hide his true intentions from The Patriot's, and hope that Naomi could create the virus that would destroy The System and hope that Solid Snake could deliver it into the heart of Outer Haven in which GW was located.

I thought the remains that Ocelot threw into the flames were those of Solidus, since Solidus was a perfect clone of Big Boss and using his genetic code to bypass The System? Doesn't Big Boss say this in the Debriefing, or am I confusing something?
How long did it take you guys to beat this game on the first run through? On normal it took me 21hr 50min

oh yeah,
greatest game I have ever played


snack said:
Some notes about The Patriots:[lots of spoilers]

That is about the nicest summary I've read on the tangled matter! It is exactly what I thought, too, but worded with more clarity than I think I could muster. Bravo.



Id. said:
I thought the remains that Ocelot threw into the flames were those of Solidus, since Solidus was a perfect clone of Big Boss and using his genetic code to bypass The System? Doesn't Big Boss say this in the Debriefing, or am I confusing something?

Nah, he did say Liquid had 'seemingly' burnt Big Boss.


The Everyman
TAJ said:
Never. Did you read my post on the last page? I gave a more detailed example. In that instance, when they turned on me I hadn't used a weapon in over a minute.
alright but i kind of doubt they put some code in that said:

if (snake does nothing){

make militia hate snake



Someone else has probably already pointed this tune out, but i just found 'Flowing Destiny' the ZOE main theme for the iPod.

Soo good. :D


Have a fun! Enjoy!
-COOLIO- said:
what? maybe you made the same mistake as me and accidentally shot some allies

Nono, I noticed that as well. They do totally ignore u if you are on their line of fire. They keep shooting no matter what.
what was the song that was playing when you arrive at the shadow moses hanger, it gave me chills it was so beautiful

how long is taking people to beat the game on the first run through?


Ken Masters said:
what was the song that was playing when you arrive at the shadow moses hanger, it gave me chills it was so beautiful

how long is taking people to beat the game on the first run through?

The Best Is Yet To Come?

For my first playthrough, it took me 18hrs21m to complete the game. I spent a lot of time wandering around in the first two acts, looking for items and iPod songs.


The Everyman
Ken Masters said:
what was the song that was playing when you arrive at the shadow moses hanger, it gave me chills it was so beautiful

how long is taking people to beat the game on the first run through?
i think its called
"the best is yet to come"

i think ._.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
*playing flute*

Doot do dooooooooo.....

Doooo do do do dooo-ooooh

Dooo do do doo doo Dooo do do dooo dooo da doooo....

Is this in the game? I don't remember it...
Id. said:
I thought the remains that Ocelot threw into the flames were those of Solidus, since Solidus was a perfect clone of Big Boss and using his genetic code to bypass The System? Doesn't Big Boss say this in the Debriefing, or am I confusing something?
No, you're right. That is why I said "seemingly". It looked as though he
burned Big Boss's remains.
Id. said:
I thought the remains that Ocelot threw into the flames were those of Solidus, since Solidus was a perfect clone of Big Boss and using his genetic code to bypass The System? Doesn't Big Boss say this in the Debriefing, or am I confusing something?

I had assumed this was somewhat of a ruse and that Big Boss was complicit in the whole thing from the beginning. In which case the remains of Solidus wouldn't be necessary at all. Did it explain how exactly the biometric data needed to be accessed in order for it to work? Why was Ocelot able to do that from the ship he was on?
Ken Masters said:
what was the song that was playing when you arrive at the shadow moses hanger, it gave me chills it was so beautiful

how long is taking people to beat the game on the first run through?

Speaking of this, is anyone going to replay as
Id. said:
The Best Is Yet To Come?

For my first playthrough, it took me 18hrs21m to complete the game. I spent a lot of time wandering around in the first two acts, looking for items and iPod songs.

21hrs 50min, for me. Really should have been 22.5 really, some times I didn't save and turned off the PS3

I spent MUCH time just observing the beauty and looking for stuff


Just finished the game. It's one of the best games I've ever played, but I think it falls at little short next to MGS3.
I was disappointed that there was no boss battle that was crazy as Psycho Mantis or as enduring as The End. Also, the final fight against Ocelot/Liquid was not satisfying.
But the gameplay and overall presentation is definitely the best in the series. Well time to go kick some ass online.
Ken Masters said:
how long is taking people to beat the game on the first run through?

16 hours for me, watching every cut scene and exploring quite a bit, although I played through with a lot of brute force (nearly 400 kills). I plan on going through more stealthy my 2nd time around.


WHOAguitarninja said:
I had assumed this was somewhat of a ruse and that Big Boss was complicit in the whole thing from the beginning. In which case the remains of Solidus wouldn't be necessary at all. Did it explain how exactly the biometric data needed to be accessed in order for it to work? Why was Ocelot able to do that from the ship he was on?
snack's post pretty much explains your second question. In order for Ocelot and EVA to gain access to The System to save what was left of the real Big Boss and "reconstruct him" (I say that loosely since, well, he still dies) they had to have something equal to Big Boss' biometrics and genetics to gain access to the system. Since Solidus was considered to be Big Boss' perfect clone, he was a perfect candidate to fool the system into believing it was Big Boss accessing it. The rest is pretty much history.

I think that's about right.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
-COOLIO- said:

Yeah. I think the "combat AI" is pretty similar to how it used to be in MGS2 and MGS3, which didn't look bad at the time, but it does now as Snake is much more efficient during firefights. KP didn't "update" that aspect of the AI accordingly, me thinks.

But still, COD4 has almost NO AI AT ALL. So I wouldn't complain.


Solideliquid said:
You mean the Patriots decided to erase the old FoxDie virus so that Snake could live a little longer and finish his mission? If that is so... is this what kills Big Boss in the end?

I'm not 100% sure on the first part, but i'm 100% sure Foxdie is what kills Big Boss at the end. I'll need to play again to make sure what "version" of Foxdie did it. Maybe i'm wrong on Drebin being the one that injected the new Foxdie.


there is joy in sucking dick
jaydogg691 said:
Also, the final fight against Ocelot/Liquid was not satisfying.

I disagree with that, I think that fight was one of the better parts of the whole game. It felt so grandiose. I loved the f' out of it.


BlueTsunami said:
I disagree with that, I think that fight was one of the better parts of the whole game. It felt so grandoise. I loved the f' out of it.

You should edit your quote in your post.


Cartman86 said:
I'm not 100% sure on the first part, but i'm 100% sure Foxdie is what kills Big Boss at the end. I'll need to play again to make sure what "version" of Foxdie did it. Maybe i'm wrong on Drebin being the one that injected the new Foxdie.

Big Boss said that the new Foxdie was erasing the old Foxdie but it wasn't entirely gone yet. I'm guessing the remaining bit of the old Foxdie killed him.
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