Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain |OT| The Man Who Sold The World

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Finished mission 20, that was awesome! This is the kind of stuff I want out of the main ops, not the boring shit like the 5 missions that preceded it.
Kind of annoying in free roam when you capture a whole base then take a mission and suddenly its fully repopulated

I love free roam otherwise but it makes it a huge hassle if you're just fucking around then decide you want to do a mission
I've had a Side Op that requires a vehicle for hours now but I can't capture vehicles. It looks like I need a Transportation Specialist in order to upgrade my Fulton. Is that scripted or am I missing something? I just beat Episode 14.

Also I've been turning off Online since everything is slow as shit. Should I turn it on to enable my first FOB or is that still later?

Also how do you just free roam? How do you land your chopper without first selecting a mission or side op?


I love this game, but it pisses me off when Boss dies from a 4 foot drop. I just restarted a mission because of that and the stupid checkpoints.


Can anyone tell me what missions you have to complete past 31 to get the true ending?

Finished mission 20, that was awesome! This is the kind of stuff I want out of the main ops, not the boring shit like the 5 missions that preceded it.
That's one of the main problems with this game I think. A lot of the main missions feel like side ops missions. Not the best comparison but in something like GTA V the main missions actually felt like main missions. It's actually a bigger shame because the main missions which are heavily story related are so bloody amazing.


I mean, if you wanted to make a list of appropriate songs and post it, you know, that would be like, awesome, man.

I definitely might when I get home!

You can technically go to '85 if you want since that's when the game takes place. There are songs already in the game like 'You Spin Me Round' that were released in '85.

Edit: Nvm, it is 84. Well the game isn't consistent then lol. Maybe that song was a single the year before.

Yeah, You Spin Me Round came out 6 months or so before the album in November of '84.

edit: Ughhh now I have this vision in my head of walking around an outpost full of dead soldiers while jamming Ghost Town by the Specials. I need to make this stuff happen.
So is there nothing I can do with my Mother Base troops?

Like, is all I can do is walk around and have them salute me?

You can beat them up, which for me is endlessly amusing.

"Can you train with me Bo--"

*slams head into metal railing*

There's your fucking training.

5 min later after recovering and probably severely concussed:

"Thank you Boss!"

You're welcome, Squatting Raven. You're welcome.
I used the Riot SMG for a while but at the end of the day I still prefer the tranq gun. SMG stun just wears off way too fast.

I have the earliest version of the Riot SMG and the Suppressor is so bad it basically makes it unusable. The suppresser is gone before I can empty a full clip.


In theory, if I bought a Playstation TV, and made an EU account (I live in Canada), I'd be able to play the Vita version of the MGS HD collection and the Vita Peace Walker on it, right? I haven't played Peace Walker, but I really want to, and this seems like the most cost efficient method.


In theory, if I bought a Playstation TV, and made an EU account (I live in Canada), I'd be able to play the Vita version of the MGS HD collection and the Vita Peace Walker on it, right? I haven't played Peace Walker, but I really want to, and this seems like the most cost efficient method.
I'm positive Peace Walker isn't included in the Vita collection.


31.5 hours play time... only just now beat mission 12. I'm working on upgrading every MB unit to its third platform.

I fultoned 57 people in that mission alone. I have some OCD compulsion where I can't just sneak past people, I have to methodically clear and capture every base or outpost I come across, and since motherbase is so 100% necessary for having the very few items I want, I end up fultoning anything with a B or higher.

This game makes MGS4 seem like dog shit. Act 1 and the first half of Act 2 was decent, but Afghanistan is 1000x the size of Act 1 and 2 put together.
Ōkami;177598328 said:
Man, fuck the opening credits before every mission.

I tend to aviod them, but just saw them now, now got spoiled.

Yeah, bad Idea of Kojima. I will not look at them from now an, got spoiled mission 16 that way :/


I just went back into the Phantom Limbs mission to complete the side objectives. Do I have to complete the whole mission again or can I just get back to the ACC and still get the bonus objectives?
Yeah, bad Idea of Kojima. I will not look at them from now an, got spoiled mission 16 that way :/

I don't know why people keep saying this, I'm on mission 8 and I never saw any preview for missions... I just start a new mission, see the credits while receiving the info and then I just start playing... :S


That's one of the main problems with this game I think. A lot of the main missions feel like side ops missions. Not the best comparison but in something like GTA V the main missions actually felt like main missions. It's actually a bigger shame because the main missions which are heavily story related are so bloody amazing.

Pretty much. There's been way too little story so far.

I've yet to finish the game, but I'm pretty confident in saying that TPP is easily my least favorite MGS - it has very little of what I want from a MGS game - but at the same time, it's pretty much the most fun stealth game I've ever played. Great game, bad MGS.

e: and the very next mission seems to be another generic "eliminate target" one :(


Guys, any tips for mission 16 ? I am struggling real hard :(

When the cutscene occurs everyone comes out of the vehicles, take that opportunity to run up to one and steal an ATB or a can take most of out with that. If the vehicle gets destroyed take them out with sniper or a shotgun.


I don't know why people keep saying this, I'm on mission 8 and I never saw any preview for missions... I just start a new mission, see the credits while receiving the info and then I just start playing... :S
But that's what people are talking about. The credits wherein it is revealed which characters will turn up in the mission.


I don't know why people keep saying this, I'm on mission 8 and I never saw any preview for missions... I just start a new mission, see the credits while receiving the info and then I just start playing... :S

The opening credits tell you who you're up against and you can probably guess where the story might be headed or who'll show up where and takes away the surprise completely.
I don't know why people keep saying this, I'm on mission 8 and I never saw any preview for missiona... I just start a new mission, see the credits while receiving the info and then I just start playing... :S

When it's a plain mission and it just tells you who you're extracting or rescuing, and the random NPC names, that's fine. But when it tells you that skull face, and the skull unit and others are in the mission then it spoils it for you.

I just look away or don't focus on the credits as your being dropped off.


So funny thing happened on mission 12.
I got Emmerich out and hit the part where you must run from Metal Gear. I tried desperately to get back into the walker gear, dodged it's attack, then hopped in the truck right next to it. It went toward the base, I drove the other way and didn't see it again until I had to minigun it in the helicopter. Whoops.
I don't know why people keep saying this, I'm on mission 8 and I never saw any preview for missions... I just start a new mission, see the credits while receiving the info and then I just start playing... :S

They spoil the machines and persons being in this mission.

When the cutscene occurs everyone comes out of the vehicles, take that opportunity to run up to one and steal an ATB or a can take most of out with that. If the vehicle gets destroyed take them out with sniper or a shotgun.

I think I am going to the
direclty, fulton that bitch and run away on D-Horse.


Well, I don't have a mission point calculator in front of me but that amount of time for a non-story heavy main mission nets me next to no points for time.

Yeah, it's been netting a B pretty much every time for me. No big, deal I'm not playing for rankings, but I don't feel like I'm going particularly slow or anything. I'll have to check out some videos of quick stealthy runs to see what others are doing.


Put more soldiers in your combat unit?
I did, the game still shows 4 of them. "4/5, not enough units!" no shit, I've put in the combat unit like 10 people and it doesn't let me pick more than 4 of them.

the fuck is wrong with combat deployment missions?

I can't do a single one. "not enough units" which seems bullshit, I have more than enough units but when I try to assemble a squad for the mission the game doesn't let me select all the units I have, just 2 - 4 of them, and I need 5.

But that's what people are talking about. The credits wherein it is revealed which characters will turn up in the mission.

not to mention that seeing the credits every single fucking mission is very annoying by itself. no idea how someone (kojima?) thought that this was a good idea.


This game is bullshit sometimes

episode 28
spent like 30 minutes in a sniper contest only for one of these bitches to run up, stab me in the back, drop a nade and leave


You can beat them up, which for me is endlessly amusing.

"Can you train with me Bo--"

*slams head into metal railing*

There's your fucking training.

5 min later after recovering and probably severely concussed:

"Thank you Boss!"

You're welcome, Squatting Raven. You're welcome.

I normally kick them to wake them up if I stun anyone. No lounging on guard duty!


What the... What causes staff members to just die? I have no troublemakers and such in my staff and one specialist just died because "Fatally wounded". Best part is game auto saved right after that little event.


How do I get the (optional cutscenes)
med-bay cutscene
y'all keep talking about? I did the two wandering Mother Base Soldier side-ops and ran around the place. Nothing happened.
What the... What causes staff members to just die? I have no troublemakers and such in my staff and one specialist just died because "Fatally wounded". Best part is game auto saved right after that little event.

Sickness and fighting with trouble makers are usually the culprits.
What the... What causes staff members to just die? I have no troublemakers and such in my staff and one specialist just died because "Fatally wounded". Best part is game auto saved right after that little event.

I think when you send them on missions.

Also, how do I get rid of troublemakers?


This game is bullshit sometimes

episode 28
spent like 30 minutes in a sniper contest only for one of these bitches to run up, stab me in the back, drop a nade and leave
I ended up just
using the stealth camo and sprinting past them.
How do I get the (optional cutscenes)
med-bay cutscene
y'all keep talking about? I did the two wandering Mother Base Soldier side-ops and ran around the place. Nothing happened.

It's somewhere on the second floor in the med bay platform. Run up stairs and try to find a door you can open. I just wandered into it.
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