Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain |OT| The Man Who Sold The World

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Does anyone have any tips for mission

As soon as I get close,
the guards take him away on the truck to another base


Yeah this is true but that pre set way of entering an enemy territory is almost always limited in some way. In games that give you the choice to "take the base as you want" there really is only like 3 or 4 ways to enter and it's a preset path, eveyone who wants to use the duct will experience the same infiltration as one another. It's scripted with options. This is totally wide open do whatever the hell you want. If you want to ride in on shores guns blazing, go ahead. Want to snipe everyone from a distance go ahead. Want to set some stuff to explode to create a diversion go ahead. Want to go in quiet like a ninja go ahead. It doesn't funnel you into a few choices.
First of all you are overselling the freedom of choice.

Regardless, what you said and what I said are two different things. because you can have all that you mentioned and still have those tunnels and ducts to enter, it's a choice within the choice of stealth. Because right now if I want to sneak in there is only one way to do it, i.e. just crouch around until I reach the building and enter through the only door it has, why can't I sneak to a point in the level and then take a tunnel inside the building? Or go around the area and try to get in by climbing a pipe. It's a matter of given choice after choice rather than just choice...if you know what I mean.

Beside these are for the outpost missions which make up for the majority of the missions, there are some missions where the game will funnel you in and take away all that freedom of being able to approach the location from any direction. But while it limits that aspect, it does not compensate for it by introducing more paths within that confined location. What this leaves you with is a mission with only one path and one point of entry. That is not good imo.


Oh yiss:
Shame I can't play it yet. :I


From what I've gathered from various impressions, seems like the game is 2 hours traditional MGS craziness and tension, 30 hours of GZ type invade the base, a 5 hour grind, then a final glorious hour.

Definitely not what I want out of a MGS, but I'll take it for what it is and judge it on it's own merits.

Wow, that sounds terrible. I really hope not...


From what I've gathered from various impressions, seems like the game is 2 hours traditional MGS craziness and tension, 30 hours of GZ type invade the base, a 5 hour grind, then a final glorious hour.

Definitely not what I want out of a MGS, but I'll take it for what it is and judge it on it's own merits.

It's nowhere near as black and white and reductionary as that.
Wow, that sounds terrible. I really hope not...

I mean, please don't take my thoughts as gospel. It's just what I've pieced together from what I've read. I haven't touched the game yet. But I also hope not!

Edit: See Bumhead's response. Maybe there are some surprises in there after all.


First of all you are overselling the freedom of choice.

And those are two different things. because you can still have all that you mentioned and have those tunnels and ducts to enter, it's a choice within the choice of stealth. Because right now if I want to sneak in there is only one way to do it, i.e. just crouch around until I reach the building and enter through the only door it has.

Beside these are for the outpost missions which make up for the majority of the missions, there are some missions where the game will funnel you in and take away all that freedom of being able to approach the location from any direction. But while it limits that aspect, it does not compensate for it by introducing more paths within that confined location. What this leaves you with is a mission with only one path and one point of entry. That is not good imo.

I had several missions where I could climb a hill and come from behind. The bases are built at a wall but you are still allowed to enter it the way you want as long as it's physical possible. And having tunnels tacked onto it for the sake of sneaking in would be unrealistic. I really like the way TPP handles it.
From what I've gathered from various impressions, seems like the game is 2 hours traditional MGS craziness and tension, 30 hours of GZ type invade the base, a 5 hour grind, then a final glorious hour.

Definitely not what I want out of a MGS, but I'll take it for what it is and judge it on it's own merits.
It's more like
Prologue - gameplay, bits of story, but mostly in tapes - climaxing story - cycles between grind and small story bits.
I actually like the story, but most the time it feels like your not actually playing the story, instead you just get told it,


From what I've gathered from various impressions, seems like the game is 2 hours traditional MGS craziness and tension, 30 hours of GZ type invade the base, a 5 hour grind, then a final glorious hour.

Definitely not what I want out of a MGS, but I'll take it for what it is and judge it on it's own merits.

More or less, though I'd say there's another distinction. I'd divide the 30 hours into
hours that advance the plot, and
that pretend to.
Was I not supposed to
Kill quiet with my sniper during that fight? I beat her, and never heard form her again.
Im already in Africa.


Has anyone changed their core loadout from when they started?

I must have stuck with the tranquiliser pistol, silenced rifle and a sniper all the way through.


The game is very repetitive. Enemy bases and outposts are heavily recycled in both "main" and "side" ops. You do a mission at a location and then come back to it a few missions later to do essentially the same thing all over again. Sometimes more than three times.

The difficulty level is also way too low. It's really, really easy. The lack of challenge combined with some of the grindy and repetitive aspects of the game are bad. The open world is pretty sparse, too.

It's a good game and I'll reserve my final judgement until I finish it (and until the full extent of the microtransaction stuff is clearly revealed) but the above issues I mentioned would already prevent me from considering it to be some sort of 10/10 masterpiece.

THAT SAID, like the first 30 minutes or so of TPP are off the charts good. Kojima throws everything at you and leaves you wide eyed, mouth hanging open, wondering what the hell you just saw and what the hell is actually happening.

The difficulty is a bit of a mixed bag for me, going full stealth with no reflex is pretty damn hard because enemy response time is quite and they have really long line of sight. But at the same time you can just camp in a corner and shoot everyone and maybe ask your buddy for help and you would do it in no time !
First of all you are overselling the freedom of choice.

Regardless, what you said and what I said are two different things. because you can have all that you mentioned and still have those tunnels and ducts to enter, it's a choice within the choice of stealth. Because right now if I want to sneak in there is only one way to do it, i.e. just crouch around until I reach the building and enter through the only door it has, why can't I sneak to a point in the level and then take a tunnel inside the building? Or go around the area and try to get in by climbing a pipe. It's a matter of given choice after choice rather than just choice...if you know what I mean.

Beside these are for the outpost missions which make up for the majority of the missions, there are some missions where the game will funnel you in and take away all that freedom of being able to approach the location from any direction. But while it limits that aspect, it does not compensate for it by introducing more paths within that confined location. What this leaves you with is a mission with only one path and one point of entry. That is not good imo.

Well the base itself is usually open from multiple sides. Yes usually the objective is held up in one building with two or three ways in. But I am saying more how you play is totally free, getting the building is just one thing to do. Depending on how you play the mission crawling may not even be necessary, you can just walk right in. You can replay a mission many times and never approach it the same way twice.

As for the limited moments, that's usually for the metal gear scripted moments you and I want more of. When they funnel you in is cause they want some specific thing to happen.
It's more like
Prologue - gameplay, bits of story, but mostly in tapes - climaxing story - cycles between grind and small story bits.
I actually like the story, but most the time it feels like your not actually playing the story, instead you just get told it,

And I can't figure out if Kojima did this out of spite, or because he really wanted it this way. This game is complete opposite of what I loved about MGS1 and 3 and 2 and 4 for that matter. Immersion. This game loves to pull me out of the game so many times. Its so strange. 19 hours in and its my least favorite so far. Im grinding, but not having an amazing time and the cut scenes are so few an far between.

Im going to finish it, out of love for the story, even though its lite.


could never
Unlocked the new area to play in
will not be going for a while though, too many fun side ops to do with DD to get his bond up.


THAT SAID, like the first 30 minutes or so of TPP are off the charts good. Kojima throws everything at you and leaves you wide eyed, mouth hanging open, wondering what the hell you just saw and what the hell is actually happening.

I think it's pretty telling that a lot of the more hardcore MGS fanbase seem to like the intro best and want more like that. The intro is quintessentially Kojima, for all the good and bad that entails. It's skilfully directed and put together but also overlong, self-indulgent, over the top and requiring only minimal interaction from the player to separate it from a 30 minute cut scene.

I suspect this is a game that newcomers to the series, or people previously indifferent to much of the franchise, will like more than series veterans. Personally I think it's a fantastic game, full of wonderful level design and emergent gameplay and possibilities that will ensure many players have vastly different experiences of certain missions. But I expect the vocal fanbase to be less approving of the direction because it's so much less of a scripted rollercoaster ride.

I look forward to the inevitable bickering about who is right ;)


Has anyone changed their core loadout from when they started?

I must have stuck with the tranquiliser pistol, silenced rifle and a sniper all the way through.

As soon as I had the chance, I developed the silenced tranq sniper and have been rolling with that, the tranq pistol, and a shotgun for when shit really goes sideways.


could never
Has anyone changed their core loadout from when they started?

I must have stuck with the tranquiliser pistol, silenced rifle and a sniper all the way through.

Used the base weapons like you for ages...

But I'm starting to become a bit of a psychopath as of late and yeah I just made a grenade launcher, equipped a shield and revolver. Going into some side ops loud is ludicrously fun. Looks great especially with battledress armor. I'm a tank.


So missions don't appear like they do in GTA, for example? You complete a certain amount of objectives and then a main story mission unlocks?

Nope, you select missions from your idroid and then go to the place to commence it.
For side ops you don't have to select it, just be in the area and it will say commencing side ops or something.

You select the usual fetch missions, do them and then unlock the next fetch mission or set of these usual missions. One of them might start off as a usual mission but end up with a twist/encounter that progresses story in some way but you won't know it beforehand. However, sometimes you will have specific missions marked in gold coloured font and you would know that they are related to the plot from start to finish because of the way the levels are (the level progression in these mission is linear in the sense that you start at a point and you go to point B without much choice in the route you take) and because you know the name's in gold font.
Wow, I played some a few hours straight, not paying attention to the battery level of my DS4.

I was doing so well. Cleared a huge part of the area without alerting anyone. Stealthily choking them or slitting their throats. Just as I was holding someone up and dragging him to a dark corner of the area to interrogate him, my controller died.

No pause, just Big Boss releasing the prisoner, and getting shot by him. Alarming the whole area.

This game should just PAUSE if a player's controller gets disconnected. I wanted to jump out of my window.
Anyone else receive their game guide from Piggyback yet? It's really good. Features plenty of Shinkawa art at the back for all of the characters. And Shinkawa artwork of Big Boss on a large card. And it's beautiful. :)

I also like that Kojima himself comments on every location, mech/vehicles and characters at the back of the book too. Guide has also been providing great help with finding those valuable resources and completing the hidden sub-quests in each mission. It's great stuff.


Fuck -- while I'm sitting here for the next 4 hours until a store opens and I can go get the game I may as well just ask some more questions.

How have the visuals improved since Ground Zeroes? I know Xbox had a resolution bump, but I'm on PS4, so IQ in that regard is going to be the same, any major changes?
Oh god, just got an hour and 20 minute timer on developing a buddy weapon. I mean, once it's developed we're going to be unstoppable but thats the longest timer I've seen yet
It's Quiet's silenced tranq rifle. I already have one so we're going to be silently putting entire outposts to sleep from afar.
Can't wait!!


I kinda disagree, but because of how non-linear everything is I can understand it panning out that way depending on what way you've gone about stuff.

For example, some of the most significant "story" moments are found in side-ops, to the extent that the difference between a mission and a side-op is more than a little fuzzy.

I can understand why some MGS fans might be disappointed by the lack of a monolithic core mission thread, but there's still plenty of story stuff in there.

Starting the game tonight. I am expecting to enjoy this one quite differently than the traditional MGS games.

Without knowing the actual plot, to me the plot seems to revolve around rebuilding MB and going for Cipher. It kind of makes sense conceptually that there is a lot of "work" to do in terms of building MB and tracking new leads for Cipher. And I am thankfully the kind of guy that gladly listens to those tapes and thinks that my sneaking adventures also belong to the story, if that makes any sense (in a similar way I love games like Red Dead Redemption).

MGS 1-3 revolved around a single mission in one go, so it conceptually makes sense for the plot to unravel quickly in those. MGS4 is offcourse kind of the same but several missions. PW I didn't like too much, but that is because I found the menu and way MB was presented a bit too disconnecting with the world. And the bitesized missions prevented me from feeling any tension building up or getting "attached" to the environments.

I do hope there are frequent details on characters and such and there is a good variety in terms of actual gamedesign though.


Anyone else receive their game guide from Piggyback yet? It's really good. Features plenty of Shinkawa art at the back for all of the characters. And Shinkawa artwork of Big Boss on a large card. And it's beautiful. :)

I also like that Kojima himself comments on every location, mech/vehicles and characters at the back of the book too. Guide has also been providing great help with finding those valuable resources and completing the hidden sub-quests in each mission. It's great stuff.
Please tell me where the anaesthesiologist is


Anyone know how to disable multi player base raids with out going offline? Not building out the base is not an option.


Steam page for TPP now showing "Coming soon"

SteamDB now just showing Sept 1st as release date without any time set as well.

EDIT: aaaaaannnd we're back to Sept 1st, 24 hours :/


Anyone know how to disable multi player base raids with out going offline? Not building out the base is not an option.

...Why would you want to build an FOB but not do base raids? Base raids don't involve Mother Base, the main base for single player.


On a side note, I'm not a fan of music in this game, nothing I've heard so far has been memorable enough, compare this to stuff from previous games whose tunes I still distinctively remember to this day. Harry Gregson Williams is missed sorely here.
My game does not start anymore, it just loads forever after the title screen. I just installed the update, anyone else with this problem??

I already put 25 hours into this and REALLY dont want to start over. I hate my life...
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