omg the rain scene
ps4 looks like garbage. really feel bad for ps4 fans because it looks like shit. i know people knock me for spending over 2000 pounds on my pc, but games like mgsv really prove that its worth it
This is the only place that I saw this song mentioned is in the game. But so far everyone who played the game told me it is not in the game. I would give a million dollars if I could hear it directly in the game.
You can use Lethal weapons and get S ranks. It's ok to kill people in this game. Believe me there is nothing more satisfying to me than getting through a mission undetected and not killing anyone but when needed I still killed people if I ran out of tranqs or something and still got S ranks. The game is open enough for those play styles to mesh perfectly well. And it's great you don't have to do that for S ranks. It lets you experiment with the weapons you develop.
One of my girlfriend's coworkers told her that he jerks off to Quiet...
Knew that guy was creepy.
I would assume it is in the game, but it just hasn't been unlocked may be? I'll start just today the game, so I don't really know
Anyone have tips for Mission 40?I can't seem to get more than a few hits on her without getting one shot. I tried hiding in smoke but she's killed me through that too.
You spend an insane amount of money on a PC and are surprised that the console that costs less than a quarter of that doesn't look as good?
Barrage of images from my playthrough so far. I don't think its 6x better. But its significantly better. Specially playing this on a large nice tv. It looks super nice.Show me a screenshot of MGSV on PC.
I'm sure it isn't 6x better looking.
Some nice ones but spoilery ones.
Barrage of images from my playthrough so far. I don't think its 6x better. But its significantly better. Specially playing this on a large nice tv. It looks super nice.
Anyone have tips for Mission 40?I can't seem to get more than a few hits on her without getting one shot. I tried hiding in smoke but she's killed me through that too.
Anyone have tips for Mission 40?I can't seem to get more than a few hits on her without getting one shot. I tried hiding in smoke but she's killed me through that too.
None of those look remarkably better than the PS4 version.
Show me a screenshot of MGSV on PC.
I'm sure it isn't 6x better looking.
Even the lowest setting on pc shows more detail than ps4.
None of those look remarkably better than the PS4 version.
ps4 looks like garbage. really feel bad for ps4 fans because it looks like shit. i know people knock me for spending over 2000 pounds on my pc, but games like mgsv really prove that its worth it
Is PC Default the lowest? It's marginally more detailed, yes.
But the High settings do show a significant bump in the detail to which distant objects are drawn. Maybe it all adds up when playing it, but I don't see it so much in the images.
Anyway, there's a PC thread so I won't go on any longer.
Regardless I think we can all agree that most of The Phantom Pain's Africa region looks terrible.
Regardless I think we can all agree that most of The Phantom Pain's Africa region looks terrible.
Some nice ones but spoilery ones
ps4 looks like garbage. really feel bad for ps4 fans because it looks like shit. i know people knock me for spending over 2000 pounds on my pc, but games like mgsv really prove that its worth it
Regardless I think we can all agree that most of The Phantom Pain's Africa region looks terrible.
Trust us, it looks terrible. Don't think for yourself.I have peon eyes apparently, but I think TPP looks great on the Xbox One.
I have a 60" TV and I sit maybe 8-10 feet away.
Plot holes do not make a game "unfinished". And truthfully, this particular thing that's being talked about isn't one really.
Quiet is a prisoner. She is permanently listed as being in the brig, so interrogating her isn't exactly a surprise. Kaz never trusts her and has been pushing BB to execute her from day #1, whilst Ocelot is only cool about it as he trusts BB to take care of business like he promised when she first came aboard. That she's "infected" is kind of a no-brainer given obvious connections made between the Skulls'/Skullface's abilities and their connection to Code Talker's research. Doubly so after Skullface monologued about his ultimate plan being unleashing the English strain of the language virus, and Kaz's continuing slide into paranoia.
Do you really need every detail spelling for you?
He wouldn't admit it anyway. I refuse to be played like 10th century instrument used to play folk music.
Some of you have no excuse for not recognizing a Chinner post by now.
Some of you have no excuse for not recognizing a Chinner post by now.
Anyone have tips for Mission 40?I can't seem to get more than a few hits on her without getting one shot. I tried hiding in smoke but she's killed me through that too.
What mission does Quiet appear? I got a warningthat a sniper is around and to be careful. He mentioned it was Quiet.
Currently on Mission 7.
Anyone have tips for Mission 40?I can't seem to get more than a few hits on her without getting one shot. I tried hiding in smoke but she's killed me through that too.
What mission does Quiet appear? I got a warningthat a sniper is around and to be careful. He mentioned it was Quiet.
Currently on Mission 7.
"I'll post them anyway lol"
What mission does Quiet appear? I got a warningthat a sniper is around and to be careful. He mentioned it was Quiet.
Currently on Mission 7.
What mission does Quiet appear? I got a warningthat a sniper is around and to be careful. He mentioned it was Quiet.
Currently on Mission 7.