I may be crazy, but I swear that enemies have a harder time detecting black people at night. I've been taking Finger from GZ out on some side ops and moments where I would have definitely been spotted by enemies as Boss, Finger cruises along by.
That Raiden suit is kickass.
Urggggggh the game really shits the bed around Mission 29. I'm really struggling to bother finishing it. Thesaelanthropus boss fight is awful
Git good. That mission is awesome!!
Git good. That mission is awesome!!
Just finished it - good not great as an overall package.
This game is going to plummet in price in terms of the 2nd hand market...its the first Metal Gear game since '98 I want to sell having just completed it.
Though this game has the deepest gameplay I don't see myself replaying it ever. I never sold MGS1-3 because they had so much personality and after a few years I would try a no k/d/a run in 2 or 3. Or murder everyone.
But MGSV? I don't see any reason to replay these dozens of disconnected and repetitive byte sized missions just for... a no kill/alert run?
Exactly. I had a good enough time playing it but the story is bullshit. Zero incentive to relive it or do speedruns, and I replayed MGS1/2 over and over to the point of absurdity.
Second hand copies are going to be abundant
Anyone else had the game completely crash their PS4?
I was driving along Mother Base listening to tapes when the game froze. The PS4 couldn't close the application, and the only way to turn the PS4 off was to remove the power source and let the console boot up into safe mode. Not fun. I had a similar situation happen with Arkham Knight once.
Not once in this or Arkham Knight. Any especially long sessions before they happened?
One other person in this thread had a single lock up too from what I recall, but nothing majorly widespread it seems.
What the fuck do speed runs have to do with story? Lol
My side ops list seems to glitch from time to time. Sometimes, there's a "new" dot next to a mission I already completed (the checkbox is ticked). The mission title is white, too, instead of transparent. And I can actually do those missions again, while I get a warning message for others ("You have already completed this side op").
Mission 28, for instance:
I completed it again, but nothing changed.
Will I need PS+ in order to do FOB or play MGO?
Mission 28, for instance:
I completed it again, but nothing changed.
Can you replay missions on harder difficulties whenever you want or does that feature only trigger after certain progress?
I am on episode 21, can't seem to find any difficulty option for previously completed missions.
Im still trying to find the place that tells me how long ive played.
Just unlocked the medical bay. [BIG SPOILERS]Came out of nowhere lol.Is this Paz shit for real? How is this hugely important shit just some random scene that you can totally miss here?
Got an S Rank on this first time around, was super easy with D Walker actually haha.I got an S rank on mission 29. I'm so fucking proud of myself lol
Got an S Rank on this first time around, was super easy with D Walker actually haha.
Ah k, thanksNope.In chapter 2 you will get some missions, that you have already played, that you have to play total stealth, subsistence or extreme)
She hums when she's trained on a target and awaiting your command to fire.I got a weird question - but does havingon your mission send you weird transmissions? I get this running loop of what sounds like a 30's song or something.Quiet
Early game side-op character spoiler on your base (the one that was spoiled in the giant bombcast):
How the fuck did I miss that Paz was on my base in the medical room?! Did Miller say this on the radio after the wandering soldier side-op and I missed this somehow?
Oh and that's a pretty insulting GZ retcon, Kojima.
Early game side-op character spoiler on your base (the one that was spoiled in the giant bombcast):
How the fuck did I miss that Paz was on my base in the medical room?! Did Miller say this on the radio after the wandering soldier side-op and I missed this somehow?
Oh and that's a pretty insulting GZ retcon, Kojima.
Is there any good way to farm fuel before ep 21 ?
Pretty sure this game is the result of Kojima being awestruck by GTAV's open world. I recall him praising it years back and now we have this massive open world Metal Gear that is just needlessly lifeless and mundane. A few days ago I was praising this as a pure Metal Gear game, but this was before the repetition started to settle in. I still stand by that statement to a degree as I do believe the stealth gameplay is the best it's ever been and the gameplay is just so damned fulfilling at times, but the utter lack of a concentrated narrative has me at this huge disconnect between gameplay and being invested in the gameplay.
When you're doing a million repetitive tasks because they're there and you have to and you have zero investment in any of it, you're just doing work instead of having fun and this is like the complete antithesis of a videogame and, IMO, Kojima himself. I'm still yet to finish it so who knows maybe stuff will happen that'll get me more invested in what I'm doing, but so far this game is the raging definition of why not everything needs to be open world.
Again it's just strange to me that Kojima made this. It isn't like him. I realize it's like Peace Walker but even that was a lot more story driven and interesting than this and that's just depressing considering my opinion of that game. Maybe he just doesn't know what he's doing anymore and tried to go down the modern game design checklist, or was forced to by Konami. At any rate I hope things change because as of right now this is possibly the most disappointed I've ever been in a game considering the long wait and especially its pedigree.
I tried to use the tank(s) mostly but they control horribly, impossible to drive and aim at the same time. Either way, i might give it a try tomorrow again.