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Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain |OT2| A Franchise Robbed Of Its Future


I think I'm starting to burn out on this now. How many missions are there in total?

Sometimes this game is stupid as fuck. I just finished the mission where
you rescue the old man Code Talker or whatever and after getting in the chopper, you get a cutscene where the helicopter is attacked then "To Be Continued" appears and Snake is back in the ACC. You choose the next mission and the cutscene resumes. What is the point.

The point is that you can do other stuff, side ops and what not and not be forced to play trough a huge part of the missions because of some cinematic.


The point is obvious:

The next mission is going to be a huge fight, and since you just did an infiltration mission you are probably not equipped to take on such a fight. The game cuts to a "to be continued" and puts you back in the ACC so you can properly prepare for the upcoming fight.

Peace Walker did this all the time.

That wouldn't be a problem if they let you have a MGS3-style backpack.
Thoughts, complaints about everything up to Episode 41 (i.e. Chapter 2 spoilers):
So I'm sitting here rescuing child soldiers, listening to Code Talker drone on and on about vocal chord parasites and resonating chambers, and all I can think is where the fuck was all this story when I needed it in Chapter 1? The fuck was Kojima thinking? After the first two missions, nothing of consequence happens for the next thirty hours until you hit the parasitic outbreak on Mother Base. I was dying for new tapes to listen to during the stretch of nothingness between missions 3 and 28, and now I'm getting like an hour's worth of tapes after every single mission.

Why on Earth did they think the game needed to be split into two chapters and a 'true' ending? Imagine if all these plot threads - the metallic archaea, the Mother Base epidemic, Cipher and Skull Face's split, the increasing paranoia and authoritarian regime at Mother Base, Eli's skulduggery - had unfolded naturally over the course of the 31 main story missions, instead of being crammed in at the very end. The game's story isn't lacking, it's just that KojiPro has completely botched the method of storytelling. In Chapter 2, the game seems desperate to keep me engaged by constantly reminding me that Cipher's still out there; like it's scared I'm going to realise none of this shit matters now that I've already stopped Skull Face's evil plan. "No, really, there's more game, I swear! Don't be fooled just because the credits rolled!"

This game's structure baffles me.


Gold Member
That wouldn't be a problem if they let you have a MGS3-style backpack.

Eh, yes. A backpack with 75 weapons, 10000 weapon modifications, 10 outfits, 4 buddies and their buddy gear and outfits, vehicles, placeable items, throwable items and other such stuff. All of that while the game is running since accessing your inventory or iDroid doesn't pause the game.

Or you could just re-equip back at the ACC, load the next mission and be back in action within 60 seconds. It's only a problem if you make it a problem.


They could have achieved that in a number of ways that aren't as stupid as placing you back in the ACC
that was under attack seconds before
Thoughts, complaints about everything up to Episode 41 (i.e. Chapter 2 spoilers):
So I'm sitting here rescuing child soldiers, listening to Code Talker drone on and on about vocal chord parasites and resonating chambers, and all I can think is where the fuck was all this story when I needed it in Chapter 1? The fuck was Kojima thinking? After the first two missions, nothing of consequence happens for the next thirty hours until you hit the parasitic outbreak on Mother Base. I was dying for new tapes to listen to during the stretch of nothingness between missions 3 and 28, and now I'm getting like an hour's worth of tapes after every single mission.

Why on Earth did they think the game needed to be split into two chapters and a 'true' ending? Imagine if all these plot threads - the metallic archaea, the Mother Base epidemic, Cipher and Skull Face's split, the increasing paranoia and authoritarian regime at Mother Base, Eli's skulduggery - had unfolded naturally over the course of the 31 main story missions, instead of being crammed in at the very end. The game's story isn't lacking, it's just that KojiPro has completely botched the method of storytelling. In Chapter 2, the game seems desperate to keep me engaged by constantly reminding me that Cipher's still out there; like it's scared I'm going to realise none of this shit matters now that I've already stopped Skull Face's evil plan. "No, really, there's more game, I swear! Don't be fooled just because the credits rolled!"

This game's structure baffles me.

I guess there was way more that needed to be cut due Konami not wanting to spent more money and start make money.


Episode 18...
That got very intense at the end as I was extracting the kids. Motherfucker's kept on trying to snipe my little cubs.

Miller's kind of a dick in this game.


Mission 16 is the worst fucking mission in this game so far and I hate it. Fuck the fucking truck, fuck the fucking Skull Unit, fuck everything, it's the opposite of fun.
Mission 16 is the worst fucking mission in this game so far and I hate it. Fuck the fucking truck, fuck the fucking Skull Unit, fuck everything, it's the opposite of fun.

Man, the game gives you so much options on how to solve missions, use them ! If you're not doing great with your set up, try another !


Mission 16 is the worst fucking mission in this game so far and I hate it. Fuck the fucking truck, fuck the fucking Skull Unit, fuck everything, it's the opposite of fun.

1) get the cargo Fulton
2) run around back of the airport to where the truck is parked
3) Fulton the truck
4) hook around to the right of where the truck was, look for a shipping container
5) hop on top of the container, Fulton it, then hold on tight!
6) S-rank, baby


1) get the cargo Fulton
2) run around back of the airport to where the truck is parked
3) Fulton the truck
4) hook around to the right of where the truck was, look for a shipping container
5) hop on top of the container, Fulton it, then hold on tight!
6) S-rank, baby

The cargo container fulton never works for me. I always fall off.


Holy shit the side ops are one of the dumbest grinds i have ever encountered in a game.
And the repeated dialogue like that´s an enemy gunship and an enemy sniper didn´t make them any better.


Ok, DD, I love ya pal, but stop running right into my sleeping gas grenades and don't be made at ME because you passed out as a result. >:I
Holy shit the side ops are one of the dumbest grinds i have ever encountered in a game.
And the repeated dialogue like that´s an enemy gunship and an enemy sniper didn´t make them any better.

Eh, the enemy warnings can be useful if you're distracred by something else. By virtue of how choppers and snipers are, you may not notice them until you're already in their crosshares (potentially dealing with something else).


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
This lack of Fuel resources in a row with 7500 each.

This pain... I feel it.

(I still have like 3-4 platforms to upgrade and they want 48,000 each. Ugh.)


Alright, here's a video of me fighting a certain
boss. Don't watch if you are pre-mission 28.
It's the Extreme version of the sniper duel in the Code Talker mission.
This is one of my favourite fights in MGSV, and proof that the game does have some stellar encounters in it! In particular the way the terrain is set up purely for this fight is a match for even
The End's
area design.

wow I just realized I snuck completely by this encounter.


This lack of Fuel resources in a row with 7500 each.

This pain... I feel it.

(I still have like 3-4 platforms to upgrade and they want 48,000 each. Ugh.)
Yeah. It would be okay to have Fuel as many times in the world as any other ressoruce if it was needed the same way, but almost all facilities cost fuel and it basically is the bottleneck for further development. There should be generally be more of it around, since all the vehicles need it.
Do I really have to buy another FOB to get faster resources?
It helps.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I even upgraded that mining department first thinking it'd give me more than 7,500 fuel. Nope. :|

So about getting 100%, do I use the butterfly emblem or not?

No. Because you won't get two missions if you use it.

That said, you're able to get past those two missions if you keep it.
Ugh. All the terrain around outpost 22 in Africa is bugged to all hell. Heaven help you when trying to do the Legendary Jackal Side op..


Oh, yeah, some misaligned grass, nothing too bad..


Oh dear.

I don't think the game really cares anymore.
wow I just realized I snuck completely by this encounter.

I did as well, on my first go! Go back and do it, it's super scary and tense, and crucially scratches a bit of itch with a game that's rather sparse on boss encounters. Prefer this to
, personally.


Eh, the enemy warnings can be useful if you're distracred by something else. By virtue of how choppers and snipers are, you may not notice them until you're already in their crosshares (potentially dealing with something else).

Not really, choppers are somehow marked 500m away and the dog finds snipers way before they find you.
Also the setup from these missions gets kinda the same. 1-2 tanks, 1 gunship, 3man patrol, 2 x 2 sniperspot.


Ugh. All the terrain around outpost 22 in Africa is bugged to all hell. Heaven help you when trying to do the Legendary Jackal Side op..

Oh, yeah, some misaligned grass, nothing too bad..


Oh dear.

I don't think the game really cares anymore.

whaaaat. I didn't have this happen at all. crazy!
Ugh. All the terrain around outpost 22 in Africa is bugged to all hell. Heaven help you when trying to do the Legendary Jackal Side op..

Oh, yeah, some misaligned grass, nothing too bad..


Oh dear.

I don't think the game really cares anymore.
I never had those issues. Maybe I engaged them in a different spot, but it was a really straightforward snipe & swipe. This was during the night with NVG on, though.
Not really, choppers are somehow marked 500m away and the dog finds snipers way before they find you.
Also the setup from these missions gets kinda the same. 1-2 tanks, 1 gunship, 3man patrol, 2 x 2 sniperspot.

Helicopters are loud, yeah. But you're only warned about them when you're actually in their view, with them about to detect you; the snipers are the same. Generally you'd only get spotted while distracted, so it's really the game trying to give you a hand and help to stop you from panicking.
I guess there was way more that needed to be cut due Konami not wanting to spent more money and start make money.

My problem with that idea is that
I don't think adding more content would make this a better game. If Kojima honestly planned this game to be thirty hours of very little story as a prelude to another thirty hours when the story starts getting interesting, the game would be exhausting. The game doesn't need more story, it just needs the story to be told better. Take this massive exposition dump at the very end and spread it out.

For example, if the Mother Base epidemic and Code Talker intro had happened in the middle of the game, it'd fill a giant expanse of nothingness as far as the story goes, ease you into the concept of the parasites over the back half of the game, and basically give you a chance to understand what's going on before being rushed into the final two levels. As it stands, the game expects you to listen to the hours of Cassette Tapes that explain Skull Face's plan, while telling you it's time to go and get Skull Face once and for all. Cramming the entire story into the last two hours or so leads to this ridiculous situation where you basically meet the villain properly for the first time, listen to his evil plan, then watch him just anticlimactically die within a stretch of about fifteen minutes.

Ah, whatever, I should get to the real ending before I start properly judging.
Im having REALLY long load time on iDroid and general loading....anyone know what might be up? Playing disc version

Long iDroid loading is due to the online connection. It should vanish entirely if you play offline. (This is on PC. I'm assuming it's the same for consoles.)

Konami's servers are made of suffering.
Play it before you rage. That said it takes a loooong time to finish that mission chain.

Finish her wandering soldier sidequest...

I was going to though I don't have another side-op for that currently.
I'm intrigued to see how it will change my initial reception or why the game seemingly doesn't tell you about it. (compared to all the other mission's relevance you would think Miller would fulton Snake for an emergency meeting :p )

edit: there are hackers on PC in FOB? That makes it being forced even worse, so glad this won't be a problem on PS4.
Long iDroid loading is due to the online connection. It should vanish entirely if you play offline. (This is on PC. I'm assuming it's the same for consoles.)

Konami's servers are made of suffering.

MGS5 is seriously the one game where being offline seems strictly superior unless you participate in FOB stuff.
Any tips for beating Mission 29? I'm getting beat like crazy.

The Brennan sniper rifle destroys them. D-Walkers minigun is useful and you can speed-strafe around them for the win. Otherwise a good heavy machine gun or something explosive will work, but they'll take longer. Some people like to get on the edge of the map where they can't get you and chip away at them. Keep your vehicles and walker the hell away from the red mist. Be sure to extract their bodies for a reward.
I'm really looking forward to trying (Chapter 2 mission)
the harder version of the Quiet fight. I was really disappointed in the normal one. It's such a cool boss arena, and I was all set for a redux of The End's fight, but Quiet was just trivially easy. Her scope reflect the sun constantly, so she's pretty hard to miss, and when she changes positions you can just follow the dust cloud she leaves behind. I shot her in the head five times with the rifle and she died; she never spotted me once. Bumping up the difficulty should make her fight an awful lot more engaging.

Don't get too excited. It's only slightly more difficult.
Basically one hit kill on you without battle dress, but everything else is the same I think. Well she also maybe shoots a bit quicker. But still, the same strategies you used before will still work.
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