I feel like I fucked myself by not listening to the tapes as they come in. Now it's been mounting up towards it being a goddamn mess. Wish I could load everything to my phone and listen to it on my commutes or something.
No kidding, I didn't really care to listen to them, before I knew it I had over 95 tapes to listen to. No thanks.
i just read them.I can muster to listen to them but I don't think there is ample moments to do it in the game. When I'm sneaking and have to take 18 things into account at the same time I don't want important story bits in my ears. And you can't listen to them during loading screens, lol.
Frankly I think the system is bad. Yes, codec calls needed to get replaced, but this doesn't feel better. It feels separated and clunky.
If you only click on the fast forward button, you switch to the next line.
just like you could with codec conversations in the old games.
unfortunatly, the tapes don't pause.
so I mute my PC and then read through them.