If you look at the ability graphs, S-rank troops are so far beyond the other ranks that it's not even funny. One of them is worth like 20 D ranks.
If I can be half as accomplished as this guy in my life I'll be sated.
Its pretty much like that the whole way through. I liked it, but I can see how it can drag for others.I just finished the mission whereI'm finding that I'm having to force myself to play this game. 1 through 4 were all constantly engaging for me. I couldn't wait to see what happened next, and ride the crazy twists and turns the story have to eliminate or capture 3 commanders, after you fight the Skull Unit with the Honeybee.
The pacing in this one though is killing me. The drab and barren FPS-like "open world" fields are not helping either.
I'm really hoping some sort of a shift for the better will happen that'll recapture the quality and magic from the previous entries, but I'm not sure how much longer I could hold out. I already feel like I'm gonna bail on this one. It's seriously lacking the charm and charisma of Metal Gear Solid games.
I just finished the mission whereI'm finding that I'm having to force myself to play this game. 1 through 4 were all constantly engaging for me. I couldn't wait to see what happened next, and ride the crazy twists and turns the story have to eliminate or capture 3 commanders, after you fight the Skull Unit with the Honeybee.
The pacing in this one though is killing me. The drab and barren FPS-like "open world" fields are not helping either.
I'm really hoping some sort of a shift for the better will happen that'll recapture the quality and magic from the previous entries, but I'm not sure how much longer I could hold out. I already feel like I'm gonna bail on this one. It's seriously lacking the charm and charisma of Metal Gear games.
Can anybody help me with this mission? Honestly, the mission structure is pretty much bullshit I forget the number of the mission, but it is in the 50s (I think 43?) and it goes from a side-op mission to a main mission. Is the kind of mission that you start in the middle of the situation instead of dropping in.
This is the mission when you help to recover Quiet and a dozen tanks come and attack you. This mission is pure bullshit, IMO. It's simply not fun and the chance for failure is so immediate. Everything I try, the tank will eventually one-shot me. What also sucks is that I cannot redeploy with new gear. I literally can do absolutely nothing in this game until I beat this mission. So that means every time I fail, I have to supply drop the gear I want. Any tips?
What happens if I invade/defend and die as Snake?
it's definitely a very different MGS... it starts off so intense, almost like a survival horrorYea, it's not going to get any better for you. It's pretty much all gameplay oriented and lacking story throughout.
My favorite MGS though, for sure.
it's definitely a very different MGS... it starts off so intense, almost like a survival horror
but it hasn't really felt all that much like a metal gear game for me since (ummm mission 14 i guess, about 30 hours in)... linear area to area progression, constant story scenes and code conversations. every once and a while, i find myself wishing the game would just delve into a 5-hour linear factory mission or something haha
that said, I love the game.... almost 30 hours in tonight and still just free roaming in afghanistanthe world and combat are a blast. and it's a pretty awesome way to do a Big Boss game, it definitely fits IMO, and I'd rather have a Big Boss open world/management game than a Solid Snake linear/focused story game, just as personal preference being more of a fan of, say, XCOM than Final Fantasy or... Battlefield than Resident Evil ... haha maybe not the best examples, but I love the open world and base management stuff, fits Big Boss awesome...
i hesitate to put it above 1 or 3 so early but 5 has got all the stuff i wish i could have done in 3 after i finished the story and i just wanted to free roam around and destroy supply sheds, raid bases
but definitely doesn't remind me of the classic metal gear in any way, and i kinda miss the classic snake voice too
I just finished the mission whereI'm finding that I'm having to force myself to play this game. 1 through 4 were all constantly engaging for me. I couldn't wait to see what happened next, and ride the crazy twists and turns the story have to eliminate or capture 3 commanders, after you fight the Skull Unit with the Honeybee.
The pacing in this one though is killing me. The drab and barren FPS-like "open world" fields are not helping either.
I'm really hoping some sort of a shift for the better will happen that'll recapture the quality and magic from the previous entries, but I'm not sure how much longer I could hold out. I already feel like I'm gonna bail on this one. It's seriously lacking the charm and charisma of Metal Gear Solid games.
Quiet in the chopper made me feel awkward.
so it looks like the dispatch missions just become suicide missions at the mercy of a coin toss...great. Read that even people with all S rank teams have a significant chance of getting slaughtered on the higher ones. wtf
so it looks like the dispatch missions just become suicide missions at the mercy of a coin toss...great. Read that even people with all S rank teams have a significant chance of getting slaughtered on the higher ones. wtf
Don't use S rank soldiers. Better off using A++ and lower since it doesn't make enough of a difference really in percentage to risk losing any of your S ranks.
Don't use S rank soldiers. Better off using A++ and lower since it doesn't make enough of a difference really in percentage to risk losing any of your S ranks.
Don't use S rank soldiers. Better off using A++ and lower since it doesn't make enough of a difference really in percentage to risk losing any of your S ranks.
This is true. Use those S-ranks to reach level 50's in your departments, while the A+ fodder (which should become "fodder" when you reach 180K-200K-ish Heroism) are the ones sent to the combat front-lines.
Hold Square.
I'm really hoping some sort of a shift for the better will happen that'll recapture the quality and magic from the previous entries, but I'm not sure how much longer I could hold out. I already feel like I'm gonna bail on this one. It's seriously lacking the charm and charisma of Metal Gear Solid games.
yeah i was thinking the same thing last night when it first dawned on me that I missed codecs... not quite the same though because I miss the banter and I sort of miss (don't miss lol) spamming codec calls to everyone after every event, area, capture an animal, find a new item, etc just to see if they say anything new hahaIf you listen to the cassettes after missions it starts to resemble metal gear a bit, since they sound like the classic codec conversations. But yeah, the pacing is not very metal gear like. Gameplay is the best its ever been though
Yeah, but if S-ranks get medals their morale will go up, which will hugely increase their capability.
Nothing. You lose, but you don't lose a soldier.
yeah i was thinking the same thing last night when it first dawned on me that I missed codecs... not quite the same though because I miss the banter and I sort of miss (don't miss lol) spamming codec calls to everyone after every event, area, capture an animal, find a new item, etc just to see if they say anything new hahaor the funny innuendo or arguing (stop calling me!, or, snake are your wearing an alligator hat?! yes... why?! ......) that sometimes would happen in codec haha
but I've been making a habit of at least listening to 1 every time I return to the ACC to try get more of that general 'audio lore' for lack of a better term... general item, event, etc backstory and 'flavour'
Any where you extract targets and want people to be distracted while you run past.
If you don't really use/abuse her:Do what you want. You can still finish the game/mission 46 if you plan to delay her leave.
I have no more side-ops, I have no more main-missions. I have 2 more platforms to 4/4. I still haven't unlocked that. I'm wondering if it'sortapes needing to be heard, which oh god 99 tapesThough according to Konami's update, that shouldn't have effected my save filebugged out because I used Quiet with her anti-material rifle to help me speed through mission 49 Extreme in literally five minutes or so with both of us using the anti-material rifles on the uh... I dunno.and even if it did, it would've wiped my save
Okay I change my mind mission 48 on extreme is the hardest mission in the game.
Anyone? Using a 360 pad.On PC is there a way to adjust gamepad aiming sensitivity? It feels really stiff.
Yea I miss the irreverent codec calls and humour from the older games. Codec calls were always exposition dumps but I prefer the (to be fair, one sided) dialogues vs the often dry historical fact dumps in the TPP. Though there is at least one set of tapes that harkens back to the dumb codec calls.
You can cheese itwith a tank to skip by the Skulls at the beginning so at the end they turn all the soldiers in dumb puppets.
Without spoiling anything!
I am post mission 35+ and I want to know
Someone told me to play mission 46 before 45. Can you unlock 46 before 45?
They also recommended I keep using butterfly emblem until i am done with 46.
So please keep spoilers light!
You can cheese itwith a tank to skip by the Skulls at the beginning so at the end they turn all the soldiers in dumb puppets.
Oh cool, I finally got some PF points. Apparently I won my bracket or whatever. 7570 points which is enough to buy about 10k fuel... woohoo...
I thought you were suggesting a tank in order to kill them lol. What's the benefit of using a tank to skip them? You can just sneak around the right and avoid them fairly easily on foot.
Wait like ask for them to drop me a tank? That's genius!
Yea just ride it through the forest for the most part, I don't think the skulls can actually destroy it.
Wow... This sucks.
Mid 20s Mission storyline stuff...
This Kikongo outbreak has devastated my MB. I have close to 300 people in the quarantine. I mean... Damn.
I guess I'll just keep extracting people and hope they don't speak Kikongo.
Yes you can unlock 46 before 45 since 45 requires you doing a side op involving a certain character. However, mission 45's side op pre-requisite will not unlock until you take off the butterfly emblem, which starts the chain of events. Honestly it doesn't matter since mission 45 doesn't influence anything in 46 (I'd personally recommend 45 before 46). Mission 45 has some significant events that I can't mention without spoiling so I won't go into much detail.
But for a very minor spoiler about mission 45.
I'd recommend doing everything you want to with the game first before talking off that emblem and starting the side op, but it really doesn't matter much in the long run.
Wow... This sucks.
Mid 20s Mission storyline stuff...
This Kikongo outbreak has devastated my MB. I have close to 300 people in the quarantine. I mean... Damn.
I guess I'll just keep extracting people and hope they don't speak Kikongo.
Question about unlocking mission 46
ok here's the deal. MB is upgraded, lvl 4 for all. Quiet has left, mission 45 complete. All the yellow side ops are done and Huey has been given the boot. But still no Mission 46. The hell?
Yea just ride it through the forest for the most part, I don't think the skulls can actually destroy it.
Question about unlocking mission 46
ok here's the deal. MB is upgraded, lvl 4 for all. Quiet has left, mission 45 complete. All the yellow side ops are done and Huey has been given the boot. But still no Mission 46. The hell?
Question about unlocking mission 46
ok here's the deal. MB is upgraded, lvl 4 for all. Quiet has left, mission 45 complete. All the yellow side ops are done and Huey has been given the boot. But still no Mission 46. The hell?
Is it possible to Fulton choppers?